Mohataz Hossain

Dr Mohataz Hossain BArch MArch PhD SFHEA

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Architecture & Technology


Mohataz is an architect, educator, sustainability expert and researcher in the field of integrated environmental design with a special focus on users’ comfort, health and well-being.

He joined Sheffield Hallam University in January 2020 as a Lecturer in Environmental Architecture and Technology and became a Senior Lecturer in January 2023. He leads and teaches modules for both undergraduate and postgraduate students and apprentices. He is also the Postgraduate Research Tutor (akin to Course Leader) of the PhD programme in Architecture.

His research interests include Environmental Design, Thermal Comfort, Daylighting, Workspace Design, Ventilation, Air Quality, Users’ Adaptive behaviour and well-being, Smart Technologies and Energy Simulations.


Mohataz is an architect, educator, sustainability expert and researcher in the field of integrated environmental design, architecture, technology and efficient built environment with a special focus on users’ comfort, health and well-being for a net-zero carbon future. As a Commonwealth Scholar, his PhD research focused on improving the indoor working environment of existing ready-made garment factories to ensure thermal comfort and optimum ventilation at workplaces for clothing workers.

He is a senior lecturer in 'Environmental Architecture and Technology' at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) and a visiting lecturer at the University of Westminster and the University of Nottingham in the UK. He is the Postgraduate Research Tutor (akin to Course Leader) of the PhD programme in Architecture. He was also an Early Career Research & Innovation Fellow (2022/23) and Academic Adviser Lead (Architecture Subject Group) at SHU. He has a range of interpersonal skills to design academic lectures and lead modules for both undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG) students and degree apprentices, which he has developed through his teaching experience (since 2008) in addition to research and practice. Mohataz completed a doctoral supervision development programme and is currently supervising PhD students. 

He is a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) - Advance HE. He is an affiliate member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), and an associate member of The Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) and UK Advising and Tutoring (UKAT). He is an Advance HE certified educator and is eligible to be an External Examiner in Higher Educational Institutions.

Mohataz is a member of the jury board (Sustainability Expert) for the RIBA Regional Building Award 2023 and 2025. His extended PhD research received Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB) Award and has been shortlisted for the prestigious RIBA President's Award for Research 2020. He has also received ‘The Martin Gough Student Award 2018 – IES Ltd’ and ‘Tri-Campus Postgraduate Awards 2016’ for his excellence in thermal and CFD simulation studies and contribution to the postgraduate community as a tutor at the University of Nottingham respectively. Recently, he was nominated for the 'Inspirational Teaching Award' and Outstanding Academic Advising Award' in 2023 and 2021 at SHU. He achieved various research funds from the UK, Germany and Bangladesh and has been working as Principal Investigator (PI) for more than three research projects. He has already published over 25 journal and conference articles, and book chapters.

Mohataz's key career aspiration is to make a significant contribution to academia through collaborative research among Architecture, Engineering and aligned research fields with a special focus on users’ comfort, well-being and efficiency for a collaborative workspace environment and community with a net-zero future.


School of Engineering and Built Environment

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Architecture Subject Group

Courses taught: 

Mohataz has been involved in BSc (Hons.) Architecture, BArch (Hons.) Architecture (RIBA Part 1), BSc (Hons.) Architecture Technology (CIAT) and MSc in Technical Architecture (TA) courses at Sheffield Hallam University. He was also a module and year leader for a new Degree Apprentice Course - Design and Construction Manager Degree Apprenticeship.

Modules taught: 

He has been involved as a module Leader of the following modules:

- Environment & Technology 1 (Course: BSc Architecture and BSc Architecture Technology)
- Technical and Digital Design Practice 1 (Course: Design and Construction Manager Degree Apprenticeship)
- Contemporary Digital Practice in Architecture (Course: MSc Technical Architecture)
- Reflective Practice for EPA Preparation (Course: Design and Construction Manager Degree Apprenticeship)
- Residential Environmental Design (Digital) (Course: Barratt Degree Apprentices Course)

Mohataz has also been supervising MSc TA and PhD students. He is also mentoring a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA).

The modules Mohataz has been involved in and is currently teaching are as below:

Undergraduate level 4, 5 and 6 Modules (Courses: BSc Architecture, BSc Architectural Technology, and Design and Construction Manager Degree Apprenticeship courses):
- Environment and Technology 1
- Communication
- Architectural Design Studio 1
- Technical and Digital Design Practice 1 (Design Studio)
- Environment and Technology 2
- Environment and Technology 3
- Introduction to Architecture
- Environmental Architecture Design Project 1: People, Space and Place
- Environmental Architecture Design Project 2: Dwelling and Climate
- Environmental Architecture Design Project 3: Community and Place
- Reflective Practice for EPA Preparation 

Postgraduate Modules:
– Contemporary Digital Practice in Architecture
– Applied Research Methods
– Major Research: Applied Research Methods

All the above teaching includes lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials related to environmental design and technical and IT skill developments including Construction drawings, technical knowledge of environmental architectures, solar design, thermal comfort, ventilation, daylight, acoustics and IT tools - AutoCAD, Revit plugins, IESVE, Optivent and other web-based simulation tools.


Current research projects: 

Mohataz's current and previous funded research and activities with the approximate amounts in pounds (£) are listed below:

2024, Principal Investigator, Accelerated Knowledge Transfer (AKT) fund from Innovate UK (£34.3K) in Collaboration with VELUX Ltd ( Project title: An Optimised Solution to Improve Daylight Performance and Reduce Overheating Hours within A Typical Semi-Detached House in The Uk
2024, Co-Investigator – Department Research Support Fund 2023-24, (£5600), Project title: ‘Image Processing for City Information Modelling (IPCIM)’, Department of Natural and Built Environment (NBE), Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
2023, Principal Investigator, Sheffield Innovation Programme (SIP) Fund (£7750+), Conduct applied research to support local business. 
2022, Early Career Research & Innovation Fellowship (ECRIF) 2022-23, (0.4 EFT), 'Digital and Collaborative Workspace Environment for a Healthy and Zero-Carbon Future’, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
2022, Principal Investigator – Department Research Support Fund 2022, (£5600), Project title: ‘Role of the Positions of Environmental Sensors for An Effective Building Energy Management System (BEMS) within an Educational Building’, Department of Natural and Built Environment (NBE), Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
2021, Principal Investigator – Department Research Support Fund 2021, (£4000), Project title: ‘Biophilic workspace design for home teaching and home learning in architectural education during Covid19 era’, Department of Natural and Built Environment (NBE), Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
2020, Principal Investigator - Staff-Student Research Project (SSRP) Fund 2020 (£1500), Project title: ‘Understanding the advantages and limitations of using Augmented Reality (AR) to perceive a 3D architectural model during online communication’, Department of NBE, SHU, UK.
2020, Shortlisted research - RIBA Presidents' medal for Research 2020, This is Mohataz's extended PhD research and this research has been featured in RIBA journal (
2018, Best research paper award ( The Martin Gough Student Award – First ever global winner, (£1000 and IESVE software worth £3000), Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES) Ltd, Glasgow, UK.
2018, International Research Training Grant (£500), TU140 Adaptive Façade Network, COST Association, Belgium and University of Belgrade, Serbia.
2016, Tri-Campus Postgraduate Awards 2015/2016: Andrew Hendry Postgraduate Scholarship (£250), The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
2014, Jeffrey Cook Student Award – Research paper publication (£700), Conference: International PLEA Conference, 16-18 Dec 2014, Ahmedabad, India, Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE), USA.
2013-1016, PhD Research Grant - Fully funded, Commonwealth PhD Scholarship in the UK (£85,000), Project title:
2012, International Research Training Fellowship (£1200), Project title: Training on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, WaterAid’, Bangladesh and CSE, India.
2010, Research Grant for MArch Research (£500), Project title: Study of illumination condition of production spaces with reference to the ready-made garments sector of Dhaka region, Bangladesh Committee for Advanced Studies and Research (CASR), BUET, Bangladesh and GIZ, Germany.
2009, BUET-GIZ Research grant for M.Arch Research (£800), Research project: “Promoting green architecture concept in textile and garment factories in Bangladesh”, GIZ, Germany.

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Collaborations and sponsors: 

List of Sponsors for the above research activities are as below:
- VELUX Ltd.
- Innovate UK
- Sheffield Innovation Programme (SIP) Fund, UK
- Sheffield Hallam University, UK
- Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES) Ltd, Glasgow, UK
- TU140 Adaptive Façade Network, COST Association, Belgium
- The University of Nottingham, UK
- Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), UK
- Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE), USA
- GIZ, Germany.
- Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Bangladesh
- Advanced Studies and Research (CASR), BUET, Bangladesh
- WaterAid’, Bangladesh and CSE, India


Journal articles

Omrany, H., Al-Obaidi, K., Hossain, M., Alduais, N.A.M., Al-Duais, H.S., & Ghaffarianhoseini, A. (2024). IoT-enabled smart cities: a hybrid systematic analysis of key research areas, challenges, and recommendations for future direction. Discover Cities, 1.

Ibe, C., Serbescu, A., & Hossain, M. (2024). Advancements in Building Deconstruction: Examining the Role of Drone Technology and Building Information Modelling. European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 6 (2), 14-32.

Al-Obaidi, K.M., Hossain, M., Alduais, N.A.M., Al-Duais, H.S., Omrany, H., & Ghaffarianhoseini, A. (2022). A review of using IoT for energy efficient buildings and cities: a built environment perspective. Energies, 15 (16).

Hossain, M., Weng, Z., Schiano-Phan, R., Scott, D., & Lau, B. (2020). Application of IoT and BEMS to Visualise the Environmental Performance of an Educational Building. Energies, 13 (15), 4009.

Hossain, M.M., Wilson, R., Lau, B., & Ford, B. (2019). Thermal comfort guidelines for production spaces within multi-storey garment factories located in Bangladesh. Building and Environment, 157, 319-345.

Hossain, M., Lau, B., Wilson, R., & Ford, B. (2017). Effect of changing window type and ventilation strategy on indoor thermal environment of existing garment factories in Bangladesh. Architectural Science Review, 60 (4), 299-315.

Haque, A.N., Dodman, D., & Hossain, M.M. (2014). Individual, communal and institutional responses to climate change by low-income households in Khulna, Bangladesh. Environment and Urbanization, 26 (1), 112-129.

Hossain, M.M. (2010). To Conserve a Sacred Place: An Investigation on Moha Tirtha Langalbandh. Protibesh - Journal of the Department of architecture, 14 (1), 51-65.

Mohataz Hossain, M., & Shabbir Ahmed, K. (n.d.). Illumination Conditions and Visual Comfort in Production Spaces of Ready-Made Garments Factories in Dhaka. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 587-592.

Conference papers

Al-Obaidi, K., Wang, J., & Hossain, M. (2024). Data-driven Urbanism: Image Processing Techniques for Urban Analytics. In He, B.-.J., Prasad, D., Yan, L., Cheshmehzangi, A., & Pignatta, G. (Eds.) International Conference on Urban Climate, Sustainability and Urban Design, (pp. 709-720). Singapore: Springer:

Al Mahrooqi, Y., & Hossain, M.M. (2023). Courtyard with ventilation as climate resilient solution: Evaluating the new houses against traditional sultanate of Oman. In Bustamante, W., Andrade, M., & Ortiz E., P. (Eds.) 36th PLEA 2022 Conference: Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design, Santiago, Chile, 23 November 2022 - 25 November 2022 (pp. 260-265). PLEA:

Hossain, M., Lau, B., Wilson, R., & Ford, B. (2019). Air Temperature vs Energy Efficiency of Workspaces: A field investigation in garment factories during cool-dry season. In Riffat, S., & Yuehong, S. (Eds.) 15th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies: SET 2016, Singapore, 19 July 2016 - 22 July 2016 (pp. 231-241). Nottingham: University of Nottingham:

Hossain, M.M., Lau, B., Wilson, R., & Brian, F. (2015). Evaluating Ventilation Performance of Work-Spaces in Ready-made Garment Factories: Three case studies in Bangladesh. In 31st International PLEA conference 2015, Bologna, Italy.

Hossain, M.M., Ford, B., & Lau, B. (2014). Improving Ventilation Condition of Labour-intensive Garment Factories in Bangladesh. In 30th International PLEA conference, Ahmedabad, India.

Kushol, S.A.S., Ahmed, K.S., Hossain, M.M., & Rahman, I. (2013). Effect of Street Morphology on Microclimate in Residential Areas Following FAR Rule in Dhaka City. In PLEA2013 – 29th Conference: Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future, Munich, Germany.

Hossain, M.M., & Ahmed, K.S. (2012). Illumination Condition and Work Efficiency in the Tropics: Study on production spaces of Ready-made garments factories in Dhaka. In The 28th International PLEA Conference, Lima, Peru.

Hossain, M.M., & Afsoon, N. (2012). Modernism and City Heritage: An Account of Architectural Features of the Building Facades at Old Dhaka, Bangladesh. In 5th Asian Congress of Architects: Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA) Congress, Bali, Indonesia.

Hossain, M.M., & Ahmed, K.S. (2012). Towards Performance-Based Design: Scope of Using Computer-Based Lighting Simulation Tool for Designing Efficient Luminaire Layout of a Production Space in Context of Dhaka Region, Bangladesh. In The 26th International Conference “European Simulation and Modelling Conference”, Essen, Germany.

Mojumder, S.A.U., Hossain, M.M., Haider, M.T., & Monsur, M. (2012). Towards Formalizing New Objectivity in First Year Design Education in Architecture. In The International Seminar on ‘Architecture: Education, Practice and Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Hossain, M.M., & Haque, A.N. (2011). Informal Sector Water Utility Management: Potential Urban-Slum Upgradation Policies in Bangladesh. In CERIE 2011, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Hossain, M.M., & Afsoon, N. (2011). Learning from Islamic Heritage: An Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Mughal Buildings in Dhaka. In Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2011 (CERIE 2011).

Hossain, M.M. (2010). Sustainable Approaches to Ensure Construction Safety: An Assessment on the Scopes of Health and Environmental Safety (HES) Management in Context of Dhaka City. In 2nd International Conference on ‘Construction in Developing Countries: Advancing and Integrating Construction Education, Research and Practice 2010’ (ICCIDC-II 2010), Cairo, Egypt.

Hossain, M.M. (2010). Towards Sustainable Urban Environment: An Investigation on the Relationship between Electrical Energy Consumption and Urban Morphology in Context of Dhaka. In 2nd International Conference on ‘Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 2010’ (SAUD 2010), Amman, Jordan.

Hossain, M.M. (2010). Effects of Green Roof Concept on Residential Apartment Buildings in Context of Dhaka City. In Conference on ‘Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2010’, (CERIE 2010), Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Hossain, M.M. (2010). Daylight Inclusion to Save Energy: An Observation on Luminous Environment of Residential Apartment Building in Context of Dhaka. In Conference on ‘Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2010’, (CERIE 2010), Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Hossain, M.M., & Fatemi, N. (2009). Promoting ‘Off the Grid’ School: Application of RET to Develop Educational Infrastructure in Bangladesh. In 1st International Conference on the Development in Renewable Energy Technology: ICDRET 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Hossain, M.M., Lau, B., Wilson, R., & Ford, B. (2016). Improving Thermal Performance of Workspaces: Ventilation design strategies for existing garment factories in Bangladesh. In 32nd International PLEA Conference, Los Angeles, USA, 11 July 2016 - 13 July 2016.

Book chapters

Vulic, M., Dzombic, N., Spanodimitriou, Y., & Hossain, M.M. (2018). Retrofitting Office Building: Beogradjanka. In Dissemination, Future Research and Education: Adaptive Facade Network. TU Delft Open:

Haque, A.N., Dorman, D., & Hossain, M.M. (2018). Case study 6.4: Individual, communal and institutional responses to climate change by low-income households in Khulna, Bangladesh. In Climate Change and Cities Second Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network. Cambridge University Press

Internet Publications

Hossain, M.M. (2021). Improving Workspace Environment for Garment Factories in Bangladesh: Design Guidelines for Clothing Workers’ Thermal Comfort. [Book of Abstract].

Hossain, M.M. (2021). No sweat: easy ways to cool Bangladesh garment factories.


Hossain, M.M., Wilson, R., Lau, B., & Ford, B. (2019). Improving Workspace Environment Through Changing Design Strategies in Clothing Factories. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Hossain, M.M. (2016). Getting over overheating: regaining comfort for our clothing workers. Presented at: Research Showcase, Nottingham, UK

Hossain, M.M. (2015). Passive Design in workspace: is it all just hot air? Presented at: Research Showcase, Nottingham. UK

Other publications

Hossain, M.M. (2018). Application of the IES-VE simulation tool in quantifying the indoor environmental benefits of retrofitting a garment factory: A case study in the tropical climate.

Other activities

External responsibilities: 

Mohataz has been also involved in the following external scholarly activities since 2017:

2025, Jury member (Sustainability Expert), RIBA Regional Building Award 2025, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).
2024-present, Editorial Board Member - Journal of Architecture, BUET.
2023, Jury member (Sustainability Expert), RIBA Regional Building Award 2023, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).
2024-present, Voting Member - CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group
2023- present, Co-author and Reviewer, CIBSE Knowledge Project: Building Physics.
2023-present, Scientific Committee Member, Masters Conference: People and Buildings, London, UK
2023-24, Scientific Committee Member, The 2nd International Conference - NEXTBUILT 2024
2021-present, Technical Reviewer: CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 
2021, Keynote speaker and panellist: NET ZERO Virtual Conference, 10-11 March 2021. Presentation Title: The Role of Academia Embracing the Impacts and Action Towards Climate Change and Net Zero Development. Organisation: The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), UAE.
2020- present, Manuscript and Journal article reviewer - MDPI.
Journals titles:
2019-2020, Technical Reviewer: CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2020
2017-2018, Organising committee member - NEP II Symposium 2017, The University of Westminster.

Postgraduate supervision

PhD Supervisions:

2024-present, Student name: Ikram Sadiq, PhD project title: ‘Exploring Agritecture for Urban Cooling and Minimising Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) in Abuja, Nigeria’
Team: Dr Karam Al-Obaidi (Director of Studies) and Dr Mohataz Hossain
2022- present, Student name: Chukwumaobi Ndukwe Ibe, PhD project title: From Demolition and Recycling To Deconstruction and Reuse: BIM-Integrated Framework’
Team: Dr Andreea Serbescu (Director of Studies), Co-supervisors Dr Mohataz Hossain and Elizabeth A Laycock.
2021- 2023, Student name: Veronica Rochas, PhD project title: 'Urban Ecosystems and Sustainable Social Housing in Chile'
Team: Dr Cristina Cerulli, (Director of Studies), Co-supervisors Dr Karam Al-Obaidi and Dr Mohataz Hossain

Title of the Major Research Projects (MSc TA Course) supervised by Mohataz:
01. The Impact and Benefits of Introducing Indoor Plants in The Workplace to Improve Thermal Comfort during the Covid-19 era in the UK.
02. The Effect of Courtyard Design on Thermal Performance of Houses in an Extremely Hot Climate of Sultanate of Oman.
03. The Design of a Structural and Self-Irrigating Green Wall Module for Use in Biophilic Building Construction.

External HE MSc Research Projects supervised by Mohataz:
01. Embodied Carbon Associated with Overheating Strategies
02. Understanding the Correlation between Overheating and Lux Levels in High-rise Buildings.

Staff-Student Research Project (SSRP):
This is collaborative research completed with an MSc TA student (Ms Stera Ahmad) funded by the Department of Natural and Built Environment. The title of the project is:
'Understanding the advantages and limitations of using Augmented Reality (AR) to perceive a 3D architectural model during online communication'


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