Monika Kekelikova

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  4. Monika Kekelikova

Monika Kekelikova Cert T, MA, BSc, PgCert in Higher Education

Senior Lecturer in Banking and Finance


I have a professional qualification in Corporate Treasury, and my Bachelors and Masters degrees are in Banking and Finance. I am a senior lecturer responsible for leading a range of modules such as Financial Risk Management. I have an operational role in work planning and timetabling within the Finance and Economics division.

Additionally, I teach on various finance related modules. I am an experienced supervisor of a wide range of real business consultancy projects completed by our Level 6 students which clients ranging from start up businesses to well established companies. In the past, I was a Postgraduate course leader for Finance and Banking courses.

I was a visiting lecturer at one of Europe's top 10 Business Schools ranked in the top 3 for Masters in Finance worldwide (by the Financial Times).

I enjoy incorporating my past finance industry work experience into the classrooms and I am passionate about teaching, mentoring, self-development, creative thinking, sports, and psychology related subjects.


Department of Finance, Accounting and Business Systems

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Subject area

Finance and Banking

Courses taught

Various banking and finance related courses 

Modules taught

Corporate Treasury Management, Mergers and Acquisitions, International Financial Risk Management, Corporate Finance, Employability modules, Business Analysis, Managing Finance, and other finance related modules.

Supervising L6 Consultancy projects for clients such as:
Costa Coffee/Coca Cola
Yorkshire Bank
DB Cargo
Stoney Middleton 



Journal articles

Kekelikova, M. (2013). Credit culture report and analysis 2013. .

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