Muhammad Anindita

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Dr Muhammad Anindita MBA, FHEA

Lecturer in Business, Management, and People


I am a Lecturer in Business, Management, and People at Sheffield Business School. I am passionate about teaching and conducting research in strategic management and entrepreneurship to make a real impact in society, especially for small businesses, through engaging research activities matched to the business owner's needs. Excellent behavioural management skills gained through vast experience working in diverse industries, including building my own businesses. Previously, I have over ten years of experience background in sales and marketing strategy development in the fast-moving consumer goods and petrochemicals industries. Successfully transferred sales and marketing theories into practices across companies in different cultures, markets and sizes based on market research.


I initially have over ten years of experience background in sales and marketing strategy development in the fast-moving consumer goods and petrochemicals industries. Before joining Sheffield Hallam University, I was a Senior Business Analyst for the biggest energy company in South-East Asia. I was responsible for analysing business strategy and decisions for the Board of Directors. I have a doctorate in Entrepreneurship studies (PhD) from Sheffield University Management School, a master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Leeds University Business School, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

I am the Level Lead of the MBA Programme at Sheffield Business School. I have a wide range of teaching experience, but my current teaching activity mainly centres on the areas of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. My research is primarily concerned with the institutions of small and medium enterprises with a particular focus on internationalisation strategy, resiliency, and entrepreneurship. I specialise in multi or mixed methodologies, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. I am a member of the Association of MBAs (AMBA), the British Academy of Management (BAM), and the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE). 

I welcome receiving a doctoral (PhD or DBA) research proposal with a supporting resumé from enthusiastic and capable students interested in my research areas within the strategic management and entrepreneurship fields, including SME internationalisation strategy, entrepreneurship in small business, institutional impact within the national and subnational level of environment, and internationalisation policy and its impact on SMEs.


Sheffield Business School

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Subject area

Business, Management, and People

Courses taught:

Global MBA
Executive MBA
BA (Honours) Business Management and Enterprise
BA (Honours) Business Studies
BA (Honours) Business Management

Modules taught:

Developing Your Business Idea
Contemporary Business
Dissertation/Consultancy Project
MBA Applied Business Investigation
Strategic Management
Strategy in the Global and Digital Environment
Work Based Review (CMDA)


My research interests include small businesses' resilience, SME internationalisation strategy, entrepreneurship in small businesses, institutional impact within the national and subnational environment, and internationalisation policy and its impact on SMEs.

Mokhtar, A.R., Anindita, M., & Suhaimi, Z.S. (2023). Leveraging Supply Chain Leadership for Dynamic Capabilities and Organisational Resilience. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 10 (6.2), 54-66.

Visita, L., Almahendra, R., Tsalits, A.H., & Anindita, M.S. (2022). Do Psychic Distance, International Experience and Risk-Taking Ability Matter for Indonesian SMEs in the Distant Market? Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective.

Conference Papers:
• Anindita, M.S. (2024). How Institutional Asymmetry Affect Entrepreneurial Resilience in Emerging Market Country, ISBE Conference, Sheffield, 6-7th November.

• Anindita, M.S. & Mayasari, D.E. (2024). How Institutional Asymmetry Trigger SMEs' Transformational Resilience to Overcome the Internationalisation Barriers in Emerging Market Context, BAM Conference, Nottingham, 2-6th September.

• Anindita, M.S. & Couper, C.C. (2021). Informal internationalisation: Resilient strategy amidst the informal and formal institutions in the national and sub-national level, ISBE Conference, Cardiff, 28-29th October.

• Anindita, M.S., & Farransahat, M. (2020). Building community resilience after a natural disaster: Insight from the Jeep lava tour in Indonesia, ISIRC Conference, Sheffield, 1-3rd September.

• Mayasari, D.E. & Anindita, M.S. (2020). Taking advantage of the demographic dividend in Indonesia: The university as an entrepreneurship ecosystem, ISIRC Conference, Sheffield, 1-3rd September.

• Anindita, M.S. (2018). Formal and Informal Institutional Affect to Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Internationalisation in Emerging Market Context, SUMS 2nd Annual Doctoral Conference, Sheffield, 12nd September.

• Anindita, M.S. (2018). Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Internationalisation Contribution to National Economy in an Emerging Market Country, SIID 9th Annual Postgraduate Conference, Sheffield, 8-9th May.

• Anindita, M.S. (2017). Assessing Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Internationalisation in Emerging Market Context. A Case Study of Indonesia, SUMS Annual Doctoral Conference, Sheffield, 12nd September.


Journal articles

Mokhtar, A.R., Anindita, M., & Suhaimi, Z.S. (2023). Leveraging Supply Chain Leadership for Dynamic Capabilities and Organisational Resilience. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 10 (6.2), 54-66.

Visita, L., Almahendra, R., Tsalits, A.H., & Anindita, M.S. (2022). Do Psychic Distance, International Experience and Risk-Taking Ability Matter for Indonesian SMEs in the Distant Market? Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective.

Theses / Dissertations

Anindita, M. (2021). The Institutional Context of SME Internationalisation in an Emerging-Market Economy: Insight from Indonesia. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Vorley, T., Kedir, A., & Couper, C.


Anindita, M. (2024). How Institutional Asymmetry Trigger SMEs' Transformational Resilience to Overcome the Internationalisation Barriers in Emerging Market Context. Presented at: BAM Conference 2024, Nottingham Trent University, 2024

Other activities

I am a reviewer for the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
I collaborate with academics and practitioners in Southeast Asia and the UK.

Postgraduate supervision

I currently supervise a DBA Student, Nayla Shamas.

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