Nantia Koulidou

Nantia Koulidou PhD, MSc, DipArchEng

Course Leader in Jewellery, Materials and Design


I have always had an intense passion for jewellery and digital technologies.  As a design researcher and lecturer in BA Jewellery, Materials and Design at SHU since 2020 I have turned my passion into my career.  My teaching aims to introduce students to expressive and artistic ways of using digital skills in their practices from 3D design and digital fabrication techniques to interactive products and connected devices.  Personal website: 




I have always had an intense passion for jewellery.

As a design researcher and lecturer in BA Jewellery, Materials and Design at SHU since 2020 I have turned my passion into my career.

Previously, I worked as a research associate in Design at Northumbria University in Newcastle for two years (2018-19). In this project, I explored how digital media and services could support people's relationships and sense of self at end of life and in bereavement. In 2019, I awarded my PhD for my thesis “A practice-led inquiry into the nature of digital jewellery: Craft Explorations and Dialogical Engagements with People ”. During my studies, I investigated through practice the role of digital jewellery to connect self between two countries of home. For clarity, Digital Jewellery is broadly understood as referring to physical personal adornments and body-related items that incorporate electronics, including sensor and GPS technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). Prior to my doctoral studies, I completed a MSc degree in IT Product Design (SDU, Denmark) with a focus on participatory design practices, a diploma in architecture engineering (AUTH, Greece) and two years training in silversmithing (MOKUME).

My teaching aims to introduce students to expressive and artistic ways of using digital skills in their practices from 3D design and digital fabrication techniques to interactive products and connected devices.

I draw inspiration from people, places and my lived experience. I enjoy sketching and travelling.

Personal Website:




Jewellery Materials and Design


Department of Art and Design

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Product, Interior and Jewellery Design.


BA(Hons) Jewellery Materials and Design 



Module Leader: Advanced Making and Design Strategies and Academic Advisor for L5 Students





Journal articles

Wallace, J., Duncan, T., Lawson, S., Trueman, J., Montague, K., Carvalho, L., ... Koulidou, K. (2020). Design research to support ongoingness. Bereavement Care, 39 (2), 88-92.

Koulidou, K. (2018). Why Should Jewellers Care About The “Digital” ? Journal of Jewellery Research, 1.

Wallace, J., Rogers, J., Foster, J., Kingsley, S., Koulidou, N., Shorter, E., ... Trotman, N. (2017). Scribing as Seen from the Inside: The Ethos of the Studio. Design Issues, 33 (3), 93-103.

Conference papers

Koulidou, N., P. Carvalho, L., & Petrelli, D. (2024). Art Digital Jewellery as Atmospheres: An autobiographical RtD exploration into IoT for poetic contexts. Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 2374-2387.

Núñez-Pacheco, C., Beuthel, J.M., Garrett, R., Tsaknaki, V., & Koulidou, N. (2024). Designing [Im]Material Inventories of Nomadic Belongings. Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 401-404.

Hay, K., Pschetz, L., Koulidou, N., Claisse, C., Dylan, T., Dixon, B., ... Nissen, B. (2022). Making Together Across Space & Time. Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2022 - Volume 2.

South, J., Wallace, J., Duncan, T., P. Carvalho, L., Iris Groot, L., Koulidou, N., & Montague, K. (2021). Clustering and Unclustering: Understanding dialogic potential in design for Ongoingness. Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021.

Sturdee, M., Lewis, M., Strohmayer, A., Spiel, K., Koulidou, N., Alaoui, S.F., & Urban Davis, J. (2021). A Plurality of Practices: Artistic Narratives in HCI Research. Creativity and Cognition.

Koulidou, K., & Mitchell, R. (2021). Art Digital Jewellery: Practitioners’ Perspectives. In Wimmer, R. (Ed.) Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI2021), Salzburg, Austria, 14 February 2021 - 19 February 2021 (pp. 1-11). ACM:

Koulidou, N., Wallace, J., Sturdee, M., & Durrant, A. (2020). Drawing on Experiences of Self. Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 255-267.

Wallace, J., Montague, K., Duncan, T., Carvalho, L., Koulidou, N., Mahoney, J., ... Fisher, H. (2020). ReFind: design, lived experience and ongoingness in bereavement. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’20). New York: Association for Computing Machinery:

Wallace, J., Odom, W., Montague, K., Koulidou, N., Sas, C., Morrissey, K., & Olivier, P. (2020). HCI at End of Life & Beyond. Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-8.

Koulidou, K., Wallace, J., & Dylan, T. (2019). The materiality of digital jewellery from a jeweller's perspective. In Research Through Design, (pp. 1-16). Research Through Design:

Koulidou, K., & Wallace, J. (2019). Staged Atmosphere: The Air[craft] Workshop. In Research Through Design, (pp. 372-388). Research Through Design:

Koulidou, K., & Wallace, J. (2017). Staged Atmosphere: The Aircraft Workshop. In Research Through Design.

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