Niall Gandy

Dr Niall Gandy BSc MSc PhD

Lecturer in GIS


Niall is a palaeo-glaciologist and GIS specialist, primarily lecturing in GIS at Sheffield Hallam University.


Niall joined Sheffield Hallam in 2022 as a Lecturer in GIS. Niall completed a PhD at the University of Leeds in 2020, using the BISICLES ice sheet models to simulations the British-Irish Ice Sheet, with a thesis titled “The Role of Ice Streams in the Demise of the British-Irish Ice Sheet”. Prior to the PhD, Niall completed at undergraduate degree at the University of Sheffield and remained for an MSc in Polar and Alpine Change.



School of Engineering and Built Environment

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Subject area

GIS and Spatial Programming
Glaciology and Ice Sheet Modelling
Palaeo Climate Change

Modules taught 

Level 4

Planet Earth

Level 5

Glaciers and Glaciation

Level 7

Introduction to GIS

GIS and Statistical Modelling

Applied Research Methods

Remote Sensing

Major Research Project


My publications include;

Gandy, N., Gregoire, L.J., Ely, J.C., Cornford, S.L., Clark, C.D. and Hodgson, D.M., 2021. Collapse of the last Eurasian Ice Sheet in the North Sea modulated by combined processes of ice flow, surface melt, and marine ice sheet instabilities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(4), p.e2020JF005755.

Gandy, N., Gregoire, L.J., Ely, J.C., Cornford, S.L., Clark, C.D. and Hodgson, D.M., 2019. Exploring the ingredients required to successfully model the placement, generation, and evolution of ice streams in the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 223, p.105915.

Gandy, N., Gregoire, L.J., Ely, J.C., Clark, C.D., Hodgson, D.M., Lee, V., Bradwell, T. and Ivanovic, R.F., 2018. Marine ice sheet instability and ice shelf buttressing of the Minch Ice Stream, northwest Scotland. The Cryosphere, 12(11), pp.3635-3651.

Ely, J.C., Clark, C.D., Hindmarsh, R.C., Hughes, A.L., Greenwood, S.L., Bradley, S.L., Gasson, E., Gregoire, L., Gandy, N., Stokes, C.R. and Small, D., 2021. Recent progress on combining geomorphological and geochronological data with ice sheet modelling, demonstrated using the last British–Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36(5), pp.946-960.

Sutherland, J.L., Carrivick, J.L., Gandy, N., Shulmeister, J., Quincey, D.J. and Cornford, S.L., 2020. Proglacial lakes control glacier geometry and behavior during recession. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(19), p.e2020GL088865.


Journal articles

Patterson, V., Gregoire, L., Ivanovic, R., Gandy, N., Owen, J., Smith, R., ... Astfalck, L. (2024). Contrasting the Penultimate Glacial Maximum and the Last Glacial Maximum (140 and 21 ka) using coupled climate–ice sheet modelling. Climate of the Past, 20 (10), 2191-2218.

Sherriff-Tadano, S., Ivanovic, R., Gregoire, L., Lang, C., Gandy, N., Gregory, J., ... Smith, R. (2024). Large ensemble simulations of the North American and Greenland ice sheets at the Last Glacial Maximum with a coupled atmospheric general circulation-ice sheet model. Climate of the Past, 20 (7), 1489-1512.

Ely, J., Clark, C., Bradley, S., Gregoire, L., Gandy, N., Gasson, E., ... Archer, R. (2024). Behavioural tendencies of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet revealed by data-model comparison. Journal of Quaternary Science.

Gandy, N., Astfalck, L.C., Ives, G.L., & Rivers, G. (2024). Ice Sheet Speed-dating: Using expert judgement to identify “good” simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum North American Ice Sheets. Quaternary Science Reviews: the international multidisciplinary research and review journal, 333.

Astfalck, L., Williamson, D., Gandy, N., Gregoire, L., & Ivanovic, R. (2024). Coexchangeable process modelling for uncertainty quantification in joint climate reconstruction. Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Gandy, N., Astfalck, L., Gregoire, L., Ivanovic, R., Patterson, V., Sherriff-Tadano, S., ... Rigby, R. (2023). De-tuning Albedo Parameters in a coupled Climate Ice Sheet Model to simulate the North American Ice Sheet at the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128 (8).

Stoker, B., Margold, M., Gosse, J., Hody, A., Monteath, A., Young, J., ... Fosese, D. (2022). The collapse of the Cordilleran-Laurentide ice saddle and early opening of the Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories, Canada, constrained by 10Be exposure dating. The Cryosphere, 16, 4865-4886.

Clark, C.D., Ely, J.C., Hindmarsh, R.C.A., Bradley, S., Ignéczi, A., Fabel, D., ... Wilson, P. (2022). Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction. Boreas.

Ely, J.C., Clark, C.D., Hindmarsh, R.C.A., Hughes, A.L.C., Greenwood, S.L., Bradley, S.L., ... Small, D. (2021). Recent progress on combining geomorphological and geochronological data with ice sheet modelling, demonstrated using the last British–Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36 (5), 946-960.

Gandy, N., Gregoire, L.J., Ely, J.C., Cornford, S.L., Clark, C.D., & Hodgson, D.M. (2021). Collapse of the Last Eurasian Ice Sheet in the North Sea Modulated by Combined Processes of Ice Flow, Surface Melt, and Marine Ice Sheet Instabilities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126 (4).

Sutherland, J.L., Carrivick, J.L., Gandy, N., Shulmeister, J., Quincey, D.J., & Cornford, S.L. (2020). Proglacial Lakes Control Glacier Geometry and Behavior During Recession. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (19).

Gandy, N., Gregoire, L.J., Ely, J.C., Cornford, S.L., Clark, C.D., & Hodgson, D.M. (2019). Exploring the ingredients required to successfully model the placement, generation, and evolution of ice streams in the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 223, 105915.

Gandy, N., Gregoire, L.J., Ely, J.C., Clark, C.D., Hodgson, D.M., Lee, V., ... Ivanovic, R.F. (n.d.). Marine ice sheet instability and ice shelf buttressing of the Minch Ice Stream, northwest Scotland. The Cryosphere, 12 (11), 3635-3651.

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