Dr Nick Pollard PhD, MSc (OT), MA, FHEA, DipCOT
Senior Lecturer
I joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2003. Previously I worked in severe and enduring mental health settings. My previous role was part time senior occupational therapist and part time research co-ordinator at Doncaster and South Humber NHS.
I obtained my diploma in occupational therapy in 1991, MA in psychiatry, philosophy and society in 1996, MSc in occupational therapy in 2001 and doctorate in 2014.
I have published and presented widely concerning socially transformative occupational therapy approaches, notably the Occupational Therapy without Borders books, with a new edition due in 2026.
Specialist areas of interest
Long term mental health and occupation; community approaches to health through occupational engagements; autobiographical narrative in the context of community publication and adult literacy as 'occupational narrative' and what this can tell us about meaningfulness; the relationship between this lived experience and a political understanding of occupation; and related to this, the exploration of aspects of 'doing, being, becoming and belonging' - exploring plastic modelling and the activities around this as an example
College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
Occupational Therapy
MSc pre-registration Occupational Therapy; BSc Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy leaders within changing contemporary practice; Leading Occupational Therapy Practice; dissertation modules; Evaluating Complexity in Professional Practice and other interprofessional modules
Pollard, N., Bruggen, H. v., Kantartzis, S. (eds) (2023) 'And a seed was planted...' Occupation based approaches for social inclusion, Volume 3: The context of inclusion: Participatory approaches and research beyond individual perspectives London, Whiting and Birch (ISBN 9781861776068)
Creek, J., Pollard, N., Allen, M. (eds) (2022) Theorising occupational therapy practice in diverse settings. London: Taylor and Francis
Costa, L.A., Pollard, N., Franklin dos Santos Miranda, E., da Rocha Campos, C. & Silva, H.R. (2023) Mapping intervention practices in social occupational therapy in Brazil, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/11038128.2023.2198332
Machaczek, K.K., Quirk, H., Firth, J., Carney, R., Copeland, R.J, Pollard, N., Peckham, E., Hampshaw, S., De-la Haye, S., Burton, H., Goyder, E. (2022) A whole systems approach to integrating physical activity to aid mental health recovery – translating theory into practice. Mental Health and Physical Activity https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mhpa.2022.100480
Schiller, S., van Bruggen, H., Kantartzis, S., Laliberte Rudman, D., Lavalley, R., & Pollard, N. (2022) “Making change by shared doing”: An examination of occupation in processes of social transformation in five case studies, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/11038128.2022.2046153
Tomlinson-Perez, S.; Machaczek, K.K.; Firth, J.; Pollard, N.; Meda, G.; Keddie, E.; Goyder, E. (2022) Evaluation of the Uptake, Retention and Effectiveness of Exercise Referral Schemes for the Management of Mental Health Conditions in Primary Care: A Systematic Review
BMC Public Health PUBH-D-21-00201R4
In progress:
Talero, P., Dos Santos, V., Pollard, N (eds) Occupational Therapy in Latin America: Transformative Approaches for Social Justice and Inclusive Practice. London: Jessica Kingsley
Ikiugu, M.N., Taff, S.D., Kantartzis, S., Pollard, N. (eds) Routledge Companion to Occupational Therapy: Theories, Concepts and Models. London: Routledge
Journal articles
Assis Costa, L., Pollard, N., Miranda, E.F.D.S., Campos, C.D.R., & Silva, H.R. (2023). Mapping intervention practices in social occupational therapy in Brazil. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30 (7), 970-991. http://doi.org/10.1080/11038128.2023.2198332
Machaczek, K., Quirk, H., Firth, J., Carney, R., Copeland, R., Pollard, N., ... Goyder, E. (2022). A whole systems approach to integrating physical activity to aid mental health recovery – translating theory into practice. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 23. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.mhpa.2022.100480
Balanta-Cobo, P., Fransen-Jaïbi, H., Gonzalez, M., Henny, E., Malfitano, A.P.S., & Pollard, N. (2022). Human and social rights and occupational therapy: the need for an intersectional perspective. Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30. http://doi.org/10.1590/2526-8910.ctoED302022032
Balanta-Cobo, P., Fransen-Jaïbi, H., Gonzalez, M., Henny, E., Malfitano, A.P.S., & Pollard, N. (2022). Direitos humanos e sociais e terapia ocupacional: a necessidade de uma perspectiva pela interseccionalidade. Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional (Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy), 30. http://doi.org/10.1590/2526-8910.ctoed302022031
Schiller, S., van Bruggen, H., Kantartzis, S., Laliberte Rudman, D., Lavalley, R., & Pollard, N. (2022). “Making change by shared doing”: An examination of occupation in processes of social transformation in five case studies. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. http://doi.org/10.1080/11038128.2022.2046153
Tomlinson-Perez, S., Machaczek, K.K., Firth, J., Pollard, N., Meda, G., Keddie, E., & Goyder, E. (2022). Evaluation of the uptake, retention and effectiveness of exercise referral schemes for the management of mental health conditions in primary care: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 22. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-12638-7
Grant, G., & Pollard, N. (2021). Health group walks: making sense of associations with the natural landscape. Leisure Studies. http://doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2021.1971284
Aldrich, R.M., Galvaan, R., Gerlach, A.J., Rudman, D.L., Magalhães, L., Pollard, N., & Farias, L. (2021). Promoting critically informed learning and knowing about occupation through conference engagements. Journal of Occupational Science. http://doi.org/10.1080/14427591.2021.1970617
Machaczek, K., Allmark, P., Pollard, N., Goyder, E., Shea, M., Horspool, M., ... Weich, S. (2021). Integrating physical activity into the treatment of depression in adults: a qualitative enquiry. Health and Social Care in the Community. http://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13283
Law, C.P., Masterson-Ng, S., & Pollard, N. (2021). Occupational therapy practice education: A perspective from international students in the UK. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1-13. http://doi.org/10.1080/11038128.2020.1866069
Cunningham, M., Warren, A., Pollard, N., & Abey, S. (2020). Enacting social transformation through occupation: A narrative literature review. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. http://doi.org/10.1080/11038128.2020.1841287
Pollard, N., Galvaan, R., Hudson, M., Kåhlin, I., Ikiugu, M., Roschnik, S., ... Whittaker, B. (2020). Sustainability in occupational therapy practice, education and scholarship. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 76 (1), 2-3. http://doi.org/10.1080/14473828.2020.1733756
Walsh, S., & Pollard, N. (2019). ‘Seeing the bigger picture’: a post-graduate online learning community facilitates political competence for occupational therapists. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 1-13. http://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2019.1629397
O’Donovan, K.L., Armitage, S., Featherstone, J., McQuillin, L., Longley, S., & Pollard, N. (2018). Group-Based Parent Training Interventions for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Literature Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 6 (1), 85-95. http://doi.org/10.1007/s40489-018-00155-6
Rudman, D., Pollard, N., Craig, C., Kantartzis, S., Piskur, B., Simo, S., ... Schiller, S. (2018). Contributing to social transformation through occupation : experiences from a Think Tank. Journal of Occupational Science. http://doi.org/10.1080/14427591.2018.1538898
Harding, J., Pauszek, J., Parks, S., & Pollard, N. (2018). Alliances, assemblages, and affects: Three moments of building collective working-class literacies. College Composition and Communication, 70 (1), 6-29. http://cccc.ncte.org/cccc/ccc
Pollard, N. (2018). The Dr Elizabeth Casson Memorial Lecture 2018: Occupational stories from a global city. British Journal of Occupational Therapy.
Mclean, S., Charlesworth, L., May, S., & Pollard, N. (2018). Healthcare students’ perceptions about their role, confidence and competence to deliver brief public health interventions and advice. BMC Medical Education, 18 (114). http://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-018-1224-0
Farias, L., Laliberte Rudman, D., Pollard, N., Schiller, S., Serrata Malfitano, A.P., Thomas, K., & van Bruggen, H. (2018). Critical dialogical approach: A methodological direction for occupation-based social transformative work. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1-11. http://doi.org/10.1080/11038128.2018.1469666
Yazdani, F., Rassafiani, M., Tune, K., Pollard, N., Sakellariou, D., Fani, M., ... Firuzi, S. (2018). Immigration, participation in health services and social occupations: a literature review. International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health, 6 (2), 36-47. http://doi.org/10.15171/ijtmgh.2018.09
Machaczek, K., Allmark, P., Goyder, E., Grant, G., Ricketts, T., Pollard, N., ... Green, G. (2018). A scoping study of interventions to increase the uptake of physical activity (PA) amongst individuals with mild-to-moderate depression (MMD). BMC Public Health, 18, 392. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5270-7
Pollard, N., Kantartzis, S., Ismail, M., Fransen-Jaïbi, H., & Viana-Moldes, I. (2018). The occupation of accessing healthcare and processes of (dis)citizenship in UK Somali migrants: Sheffield case study. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin. http://doi.org/10.1080/14473828.2018.1434989
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2017). Occupational therapy on the margins. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 17 (2), 71-75. http://doi.org/10.1080/14473828.2017.1361698
Grant, G., Pollard, N., Allmark, P., Machaczek, K., & Ramcharan, P. (2017). The social relations of a health walk group: an ethnographic study. Qualitative Health Research, 27 (11), 1701-1712. http://doi.org/10.1177/1049732317703633
Pollard, N., & Block, P. (2017). Who occupies disability? Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional. (Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therpy), 25 (2), 417-426. http://doi.editoracubo.com.br/10.4322/0104-4931.ctoEN18252
Grant, G., Machaczek, K., Pollard, N., & Allmark, P. (2017). Walking, sustainability and health: findings from a study of a Walking for Health group. Health and Social Care in the Community, 25 (3), 1218-1226. http://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.12424
Pollard, N. (2016). Post-colonial occupational therapy: perspectives from an old empire. Revista Ocupación Humana, 16 (1), 70-83. https://www.latinjournal.org/index.php/roh/article/view/12
Pollard, N. (2016). A narrative of cultural occupational performance. Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar, 24 (1), 191-203. http://doi.org/10.4322/0104-4931.ctoARF0649
Pollard, N., & Carver, N. (2016). Building model trains and planes : an autoethnographicinvestigation of a human occupation. Journal of Occupational Science, 23 (2), 168-180. http://doi.org/10.1080/14427591.2016.1153509
Pollard, N. (2015). Concepts of justice and the non-traditional placement. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 13 (2-3), 72-92. http://journals.whitingbirch.net/index.php/JPTS/article/view/817
Fransen, H., Pollard, N., Kantartzis, S., & Viana-Moldes, I. (2015). Participatory citizenship: critical perspectives on client-centred occupational therapy. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 22 (4), 260-266. http://doi.org/10.3109/11038128.2015.1020338
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2014). The occupational therapist as a political being. Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar, 22 (3), 643-652. http://doi.org/10.4322/cto.2014.087
Hamilton, M., Nugent, P., & Pollard, N. (2014). Learner voices at Pecket: past and present. Fine Print, 37 (1), 15-20.
Sakellariou, D., & Pollard, N. (2013). A commentary of the social responsibility of occupational therapy education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 37 (3), 416-430. http://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2011.645459
Sakellariou, D., Aoyama, M., Hudson, M., & Pollard, N. (2012). An occupational therapy international summer school on Minamata disease, occupational justice, and the natural environment. West Kyushu journal of rehabilitation sciences, 5, 43-48.
Ahmud Iqbal Peer, S., & Pollard, N. (2012). Towards a universal culture: knowledge and practice without borders. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 66 (1), 58-61. http://doi.org/10.1179/otb.2012.66.1.022
Ikiugu, M., Pollard, N., Cross, A., Willer, M., Everson, J., & Stockland, J. (2012). Meaning making through occupations and occupational roles: a heuristic study of worker-writer histories. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75 (6), 289-295. http://doi.org/10.4276/030802212X13383757345229
Pollard, N. (2011). Working in social enterprises. International journal of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, 1 (2), 30-37. https://ijptr.com/index.php/ijptr/article/view/152
Guajardo, A., & Pollard, N. (2010). Occupational therapy perspectives from the southern hemisphere. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73 (6), 241. http://doi.org/10.4276/030802210X12759925468826
Parks, S., & Pollard, N. (2010). Emergent strategies for an established field: the role of the worker writer groups in composition and rhetoric. College Composition and Communication, 61 (3), 476-509. http://www.ncte.org/cccc/ccc/issues/v61-3
Pollard, N. (2010). Occupational narratives, community publishing and worker writing groups: sustaining stories from the margins. Groupwork, 20 (1), 9-33. http://doi.org/10.1921/095182410X539715
Pollard, N., Sakellariou, D., & Lawson-Porter, A. (2010). Will occupational science facilitate or divide the practice of occupational therapy? International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17 (1), 648-654. http://www.ijtr.co.uk/cgi-bin/go.pl/library/contents.html?uid=2927;journal_uid=16
Pollard, N., Sakellariou, D., & Lawson-Porter, A. (2010). Will occupational science facilitate or divide the practice of occupational therapy? International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17 (1), 40-47. http://doi.org/10.12968/ijtr.2010.17.1.45992
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2009). Is doing 'good' good?: professional motives v. community needs. Asia Pacific Disability and Rehabilitation Journal, 20 (2). http://www.aifo.it/english/resources/online/apdrj/apdrj209/guest_ed_pollard_sakellariou.pdf
Parks, S., & Pollard, N. (2009). The extra-curricular of composition: a dialogue on community publishing. Community Literacy Journal, 3 (2), 53-77. http://www.communityliteracy.org/index.php/clj/article/view/85
Sakellariou, D., Pollard, N., & Kronenberg, F. (2008). Time to get political. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71 (9), 359.
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2007). Occupation, education and community-based rehabilitation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70 (4), 171-174. http://www.cot.org.uk/Homepage/Library_and_Publications/British_Journal_of_Occupational_Therapy_(BJOT)/
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2007). Operationalizing community participation in community-based rehabilitation: exploring the factors. Disability and Rehabilitation, 30 (1), 62-70. http://doi.org/10.1080/09638280701192980
Pollard, N. (2007). Voices talk, hands write: sustaining community publishing with people with learning difficulties. Groupwork, 17 (2), 36-56. http://doi.org/10.1921/196214
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2007). Sex and occupational therapy: contradictions or contraindications? British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70 (8), 361-365. http://www.cot.org.uk/Homepage/Library_and_Publications/British_Journal_of_Occupational_Therapy_(BJOT)/
Pollard, N. (2007). Recovering the Alliance. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70 (11), 459. http://doi.org/10.1177/030802260707001101
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2007). Sex and Occupational Therapy: Contradictions or Contraindications? British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70 (8), 362-365. http://doi.org/10.1177/030802260707000807
Sakellariou, D., & Pollard, N. (2006). Rehabilitation: in the community or with the community. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69 (12), 562-567. http://www.cot.co.uk/Homepage/Library_and_Publications/British_Journal_of_Occupational_Therapy_(BJOT)/
Sakellariou, D., Pollard, N., Fransen, H., Kronenberg, F., & Sinclair, K. (2006). Reporting on the WFOT-CBR master project plan: the data collection subproject. WFOT Bulletin, 54, 37-45.
Pollard, N. (2006). JOS Comment. Journal of Occupational Science, 13 (2-3), 149-152. http://doi.org/10.1080/14427591.2006.9726508
Pollard, N. (2006). The Baby Boom: Coming of Age? British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69 (6), 247. http://doi.org/10.1177/030802260606900601
Pollard, N., Alsop, A., & Kronenberg, F. (2005). Reconceptualising occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68 (11), 524-526. http://www.cot.co.uk/Homepage/Library_and_Publications/British_Journal_of_Occupational_Therapy_(BJOT)/
Kronenberg, F., Fransen, H., & Pollard, N. (2005). The WFOT position paper on community-based rehabilitation: a call upon the profession to engage with people affected by occupational apartheid. WFOT Bulletin, 51, 5-13.
Pollard, N., & Kronenberg, F. (2005). El marco conceptual de las Actividades políticas de la Vida Diaria, la Rehabilitación Basada en la Comunidad y la Terapia Ocupacional. Terapia Ocupacional, 38, 3-15. http://www.revistatog.com/
Pollard, N., & Creek, J. (2005). An Occupational Therapy Odyssey. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68 (4), 147. http://doi.org/10.1177/030802260506800401
Chaston, D., Pollard, N., & Jubb, D. (2004). Young onset of dementia: a case for real empowerment. Journal of Dementia Care, 12 (6), 24-26. http://www.careinfo.org/journal-of-dementia-care.php
Jubb, D., Pollard, N., & Chaston, D. (2003). Developing services for younger people with dementia. Nursing Times, 99 (22), 34-35. http://www.nursingtimes.net/nursing-practice-clinical-research/developing-services-for-younger-people-with-dementia/205422.article
Pollard, N. (2002). On the line: continuing professional development between research and practice. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65 (5), 242-243. http://www.cot.co.uk/bjot/
Pollard, N., & Walsh, S. (2000). Occupational therapy, gender and mental health: an inclusive perspective? British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63 (9), 425-431. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cot/bjot/2000/00000063/00000009/art00004
Balanta-Cobo, P., Fransen-Jaïbi, H., Gonzalez, M., Henny, E., Malfitano, A.P.S., & Pollard, N. (n.d.). Derechos humanos y sociales y la terapia ocupacional: la necesidad de una perspectiva interseccional. Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional, 30. http://doi.org/10.1590/2526-8910.ctoed302022033
Conference papers
Kronenberg, F., & Pollard, N. (2006). Political dimensions of occupation and the roles of occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60 (6), 617-625. http://www.aota.org/Pubs/AJOT_1.aspx
Book chapters
Creek, J., & Pollard, N. (2022). Preface. (pp. xvi-xvii).
Pollard, N. (2022). The current position of occupational therapy theory and practice. In Theorising Occupational Therapy Practice in Diverse Settings. (pp. 78-99). Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003016755-5
Pollard, N., & Creek, J. (2022). Where we want to be. In Theorising Occupational Therapy Practice in Diverse Settings. (pp. 165-182). Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003016755-9
De Mello, A.C., Marcolino, T.Q., Pollard, N., & Ekwan, F. (2022). Change in occupational therapy. In Theorising Occupational Therapy Practice in Diverse Settings. (pp. 143-164). Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003016755-8
Pollard, N., Viana-Moldes, I., Fransen-Jaibi, H., & Kantartzis, S. (2020). Occupational Therapy on the move: On contextualising citizenships and epistemicide. In Social Occupational Therapy Theoretical and Practical Designs. Elsevier
Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (2016). Science (Fiction), Hope and Love : Conclusions. In Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (Eds.) Occupying Disability : Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability. (pp. 369-375). Netherlands: Springer: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9984-3_26
Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (2016). Critical approaches to community, justice and decolonizing disability : editors’ summary. In Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (Eds.) Occupying disability: critical approaches to community, justice, and decolonizing disability. (pp. 359-368). Netherlands: Springer: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9984-3_25
Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (2016). Science (Fiction), Hope and Love : Conclusions. In Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (Eds.) Occupying Disability : Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability. (pp. 369-375). Netherlands: Springer: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9984-3_26
Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (2016). Critical approaches to community, justice and decolonizing disability : editors’ summary. In Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (Eds.) Occupying disability: critical approaches to community, justice, and decolonizing disability. (pp. 359-368). Netherlands: Springer: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9984-3_25
Pollard, N., Sakellariou, D., Pollard, L., & Harrison, C. (2015). Community-based models of practice to address late-life inequities: examples from the UK. In Barney, K., & Perkinson, M. (Eds.) Occupational therapy with aging adults : promoting quality of life through collaborative practice. (pp. 455-468). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier: http://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-06776-8.00038-4
Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (2015). Occupying disability : an introduction. In Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (Eds.) Occupying Disability : Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability. (pp. 3-14). Netherlands: Springer: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9984-3_1
Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (2015). Occupying disability : an introduction. In Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (Eds.) Occupying Disability : Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability. (pp. 3-14). Netherlands: Springer: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9984-3_1
Pollard, N. (2015). Seeking asylum in the UK. In Rushford, N., & Thomas, K. (Eds.) Disaster and development: an occupational perspective. (pp. 95-102). Sydney: Churchill Livingstone
Pollard, N. (2014). The little society: the personalisation agenda and sustaining older adults with enduring mental health needs in community care provision. In Tod, A.M., & Hirst, J. (Eds.) Health and inequality : applying public health research to policy and practice. (pp. 122-130). London: Routledge
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2012). A Grammar for a Language of Occupation. (pp. 51-60). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch4
Pollard, N. (2012). Communities of Writing. (pp. 146-161). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch11
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2012). Occupational Literacy. (pp. 42-50). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch3
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2012). Towards a Transformational Grammar of Occupation. (pp. 61-71). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch5
Sakellariou, D., & Pollard, N. (2012). Narratives and Truths. (pp. 81-91). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch7
Sakellariou, D., & Pollard, N. (2012). Narratives of Recognition. (pp. 72-80). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch6
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2012). A Society Founded on Occupation. (pp. 217-236). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch15
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2012). Introduction. (pp. 1-24). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch1
Pollard, N., & Carver, N. (2012). Model and Human Occupation. (pp. 180-196). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch13
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2012). The Language of Occupation. (pp. 25-41). Wiley: http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118702819.ch2
Pollard, N., & Smart, P. (2011). Making writing accessible to all : The Federation of Worker Writers and Community Publishers and The FED. In Mathieu, P., Parks, S.J., & Rousculp, T. (Eds.) Circulating communities : the tactics and strategies of community publishing. (pp. 21-34). Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books
Pollard, N., Sakellariou, D., & Kronenberg, F. (2009). Community development. In Molineux, M., Curtin, M., & Supyk, J. (Eds.) Occupational therapy and physical dysfunction : enabling occupation. 6th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
Pollard, N., & Voices Talk, Hands Write Writing Group, N.O.G. (2008). Voices talk, hands write. In Crepeau, E.B., Cohn, E.S., & Boyt Schell, B.A. (Eds.) Willard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy. 11th edition. (pp. 139-145). Philadelphia: Lipincott, Williams and Wilkins
Pollard, N., & Kronenberg, F. (2008). Working with people on the margins. In Creek, J., & Lougher, L. (Eds.) Occupational therapy and mental health. 4th ed. (pp. 557-577). Oxford: Churchill Livingstone
Pollard, N. (2004). Notes towards an approach for the therapeutic use of creative writing in occupational therapy. In Sampson, F. (Ed.) Creative writing in health and social care. (pp. 189-206). London: Jessica Kingsley
Pollard, N., Bruggen, H.V., & Kantartzis, S. (Eds.). (2023). And a seed was plantedVolume three: The context of inclusion Participatory approaches and research beyond individual perspectives. (1). Whiting and Birch. http://www.whitingbirch.net/cgi-bin/indexer?product=9781861776068
Kantartzis, S., Pollard, N., & Bruggen, H.V. (Eds.). (2021). And a seed was planted...' Volume 2: Inclusion Projects and Learning Experiences. (1). Whiting and Birch. http://www.whitingbirch.net/cgi-bin/indexer?product=9781861776051
Fransen-Jaibi, H., Kantartzis, S., Pollard, N., & Viana-Moldes, I. (2021). Educational materials on citizenship from an occupational perspective. Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións. https://ruc.udc.es/dspace/handle/2183/28461
Bruggen, H.V., Kantartzis, S., & Pollard, N. (Eds.). (2020). And a Seed was Planted ...' Occupation Based Approaches for Social Inclusion Volume 1: Theoretical Views and Shifting Perspectives. Whiting & Birch Ltd. http://www.whitingbirch.net/cgi-bin/indexer?product=9781861776044
Bruggen, H.V., Kantartzis, S., & Pollard, N. (Eds.). (2020). And a Seed was Planted ...' Occupation Based Approaches for Social Inclusion Volume 1: Theoretical Views and Shifting Perspectives. Whiting & Birch Ltd. http://www.whitingbirch.net/cgi-bin/indexer?product=9781861776044
Sakellariou, D., & Pollard, N. (Eds.). (2016). Occupational therapies without borders: integrating justice with practice. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Elsevier. http://store.elsevier.com/Occupational-Therapies-Without-Borders/Dikaios-Sakellariou/isbn-9780702059209/
Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (Eds.). (2015). Occupying disability: critical approaches to community, justice and decolonizing disability. New York: Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9984-3
Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., & Pollard, N. (Eds.). (2015). Occupying disability: critical approaches to community, justice and decolonizing disability. New York: Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9984-3
Ikiugu, M.N., & Pollard, N. (2015). Meaningful living through occupation : occupation-based intervention strategies for occupational therapists and scientists. London: Whiting & Birch.
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (Eds.). (2012). Politics of occupation-centred practice : reflections on occupational engagement across cultures. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (Eds.). (2012). Politics of occupation-centred practice : reflections on occupational engagement across cultures. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Kronenberg, F., Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (Eds.). (2010). Occupational therapies without borders. Volume 2. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Pollard, N., Sakellariou, D., & Kronenberg, F. (Eds.). (2008). A political practice of occupational therapy. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Kronenberg, F., Algado, S.S., & Pollard, N. (Eds.). (2004). Occupational therapy without borders : learning from the spirit of survivors. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Creek, J., Pollard, N., & Allen, M. (n.d.). Theorising Occupational Therapy Practice in Diverse Settings. Routledge. http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003016755
Scholarly editions
Stephen, P., & Pollard, N. (Eds.). (2009). Morley D, Worpole K (2009) Republic of Letters (2nd) edition). Syracuse New City Communities Press/Syracuse University Press. https://www.amazon.com.au/Republic-Letters-Working-writing-publishing-ebook/dp/B005LRXOKA
Machaczek, K., Peckham, E., Firth, J., Pollard, N., Mitchell, C., Quirk, H., ... Goyder, E. (2023). Broadening the inclusion in physical activity research and interventions for people with severe mental illness. Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-reports-22001
Pollard, N., Kelly, S., Harrop, D., Flower, E., Dearns, M., Chan, M., ... Woodward, A. (2020). A report on the contemporary assessment of occupational therapy research in the UK. London/Sheffield: RCOT/SHU.
Kelly, S., Davies, L., Harrop, D., Mcclimens, A., Peplow, D., & Pollard, N. (2015). Reviewing art therapy research : a constructive critique. Sheffield Hallam University.
Theses / Dissertations
Fegan, C.M. (2014). Emerging as a worker: Mental health service users' transformation through volunteering. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Cook, S., Pollard, N., Gordon, F., & Bramley, S.
Pollard, N. (2013). Occupation in occupational therapy, a political perspective. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Doel, M.
Bower, S. (2011). Taking risks with dementia : Exploring practitioner accounts of risks and decision-making. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Hill, C., Parker, J., & Pollard, N.
Pollard, N. (2020). Occupation in communities; making cultural and political sense of occupation. Presented at: MSc Pre Registration Occupational Therapy, University of Plymouth, UK
Pollard, N., Fransen-Jaibi, H., Kantartzis, S., & Viana-Moldes, I. (2019). Citizenship in Transition: A Critical Occupational Perspective. Presented at: Occupational Science Europe Conference, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam
Farias, L., Aldrich, R., Rudman, D.L., Galvaan, R., & Pollard, N. (2019). Grounding Societal and Disciplinary Transitions In Critical Perspectives: An Introduction. Presented at: Occupational Science Europe Conference, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Viana-Moldes, I., Fransen-Jaibi, H., Kantartzis, S., & Pollard, N. (2019). “Participatory citizenship and occupations + Thinking and exchanging together about Human rights at the occupational therapy curriculum.”. Presented at: Social changes and community challenges for occupational therapy. Therapy for all persons in all situations (TAPAS) conference, Odisee University College, Brussels
Pollard, N. (2019). Bringing it all back home (led discussion on using learning from the global south to address community based health needs in UK context of policy). Presented at: OT Frontiers local event, Nottingham City Hospital
Pollard, N. (2018). Localising the global and globalising the local. Presented at: World Occupational Therapy Day, Attica, Greece, 2020
Bruggen, H.V., Kantartzis, S., Craig, C., Piskur, B., Pollard, N., Rudman, D.L., & Simo Algado, S. (2018). Developing competences for social transformation through occupation. Presented at: 24th Annula meeting of European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education conference, Escola Superior de Saude do Alcoitao, Cascais, Portugal
Viana-Moldes, I., Kantartzis, S., Pollard, N., & Fransen-Jaibi, H. (2018). Teaching and learning on citizenship in educational programmes. Presented at: 24th Annual Meeting of European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education conference, Escola Superior de Saude do Alcoitao, Cascais, Portugal
Mcnulty, C., Coleman, M., & Pollard, N. (2018). Learning in a Human Library: don't judge a book by its cover! Presented at: Royal College of Occupational Therapy Annual Conference, Belfast
Pollard, N., Viana-Moldes, I., Fransen-Jaïbi, H., Kantartzis, S., & Ismail, M. (2018). Occupation, citizenship and participation. Presented at: Institute of Health and Community, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK
Craig, C., Pollard, N., Kantartzis, S., Piskur, B., Rudman, D.L., Schiller, S., ... Bruggen, H.V. (2017). Social transformation through occupation: recent steps and future directions. Presented at: 23rd Annual Meeting of European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education, Zagreb, Croatia
Viana-Moldes, I., Fransen-Jaibi, H., Kantartzis, S., & Pollard, N. (2017). Discussing experiences and understandings of citizenship through a focus group. Presented at: 23rd Annual Meeting of European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education, Zagreb, Croatia
Viana-Moldes, I., Fransen-Jaibi, H., Kantartzis, S., & Pollard, N. (2017). Understanding citizenship models, a strategic reasoning to develop occupational therapy/science. Presented at: 23rd Annual Meeting of European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education, Zagreb, Croatia
Pollard, N. (2017). Occupation, the political, and therapy. Presented at: MSc Occupational Therapy programme, Faculty of Health, The University of Canberra, Australia
Kantartzis, S., Fransen-Jaïbi, H., Viana-Moldes, I., & Pollard, N. (2017). Should Occupational Science Address Participatory Citizenship? Presented at: 4th Occupational Science Europe conference: Meeting In Diversity — Occupation As A Common Ground. Hildesheim, Germany, Hildesheim, Germany
Rudman, D.L., Farias, L., Galvaan, R., Aldrich, R., Gerlach, A., Magalhaes, L., & Pollard, N. (2017). Mobilizing Critical Theoretical Perspectives to Enact Occupation-Based Social Transformative Work. Presented at: 4th Occupational Science Europe conference: Meeting In Diversity — Occupation As A Common Ground, Hildesheim, Germany
Craig, C., Kantartzis, S., Piskur, B., Pollard, N., Rudman, D.L., Schiller, S., ... Bruggen, H.V. (2017). Building an International Network for Social Transformation through Occupation: Recent Steps and Future Directions. Presented at: . 4th Occupational Science Europe conference: Meeting In Diversity — Occupation As A Common Ground, Hildesheim, Germany
Bruggen, H.V., Craig, C., Kantartzis, S., Piskur, B., Pollard, N., Rudman, D.L., ... Simo, S. (2017). Occupation-Based Social Transformation Think Tank 2. Pre-Conference Workshop. Presented at: 4th Occupational Science Europe conference: Meeting In Diversity — Occupation As A Common Ground, Hildesheim, Germany
Heath, L., Mitchell, J., & Pollard, N. (2017). An exploration into how occupational therapists in community mental health services work with peoples’ strengths and resources. Presented at: Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Birmingham
Viana-Moldes, I., Fransen-Jaïbi, H., Kantartzis, S., & Pollard, N. (2017). ENOTHE Proyecto Ciudadanía: trayectoria y reflexiones sobre la ocupaciones en la transformación de la ciudadanía participativa. Presented at: Congreso Internacional de Terapia Ocupacional, Palacios de Congresos, Alicante
Viana-Moldes, I., Kantartzis, S., Fransen-Jaibi, H., & Pollard, N. (2017). Ciudadanía participativa: alternativas a la práctica centrada en la persona, repensando teoría y práctica. Presented at: Congreso Internacional de Terapia Ocupacional, Palacios de Congresos, Alicante
Pollard, N. (2016). Reflections on occupation, culture and social transformation. Presented at: Dia de Terapia Ocucpacional, Bogota, Colombia
Pollard, N. (2016). Occupational Therapy without Borders. Enhancing your academic impact. Presented at: Library Research Team conference, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Hallam University
Pollard, N. (2016). The added value of narrative. Presented at: The first national one-day conference for occupational therapists working in diverse practice, Brighton, UK
Fransen-Jaibi, H., Viana-Moldes, I., Kantartzis, S., & Pollard, N. (2016). Living experiences of doing citizenship. Presented at: COTEC-ENOTHE, Galway, Ireland
Kantartzis, S., Van Bruggen, H., Craig, C., Piskur, B., Schiller, S., Simo, S., & Pollard, N. (2016). Creating a think tank for occupation-based social transformation. Presented at: 1st COTEC-ENOTHE Congress, Galway, Ireland, 2016
Viana-Moldes, I., Kantartzis, S., Fransen-Jaibi, H., & Pollard, N. (2016). Participatory citizenship: alternative approaches to client-centred practice. Presented at: COTEC-ENOTHE (Council of Occupational Therapists for the European Communities-European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education), Galway, Ireland
Pollard, N. (2016). Stories from an occupation without borders. Presented at: Broadening Horizons: Innovative and emerging practice in occupational therapy. 7th Annual BAOT Northern and Yorkshire Regional Student Conference, Leeds Beckett University
Pollard, N. (2016). Writing for a future profession: a rough guide. Presented at: Broadening Horizons: Innovative and emerging practice in occupational therapy. 7th Annual BAOT Northern and Yorkshire Regional Student Conference, Leeds Beckett University
Pollard, N. (2016). Narratives of Occupation. Presented at: XVI Congreso de Terapia Ocupacional, Medellin, Colombia
Pollard, N. (2016). The third sector, emergent roles and political reasoning in occupational therapy. Presented at: XVI Congreso de Terapia Ocucpacional, Medellin, Colombia
Pollard, N. (2016). Post colonial occupational therapy: Perspectives from an old empire. Presented at: XVI Congreso de Terapia Ocupacional, Medellin, Colombia
Pollard, N. (2016). Lecturas y Relatos históricos de la Terapia Ocupacional en la Región: Reino Unido. Presented at: XVI Congreso de Terapia Ocucpacional, Medellin, Colombia
Fransen-Jaibi, H., Pollard, N., Viana-Moldes, I., & Kantartzis, S. (2015). Education for citizenship: exploring the contribution of Occupational Therapy. Presented at: Congres International : Pratiques et Formations dans les Educations à - Hammamet, Hammamet, Tunisia
Pollard, N. (2015). Political reasoning for occupational therapists. Why is political reasoning needed and what are the challenges? Presented at: Keynote for 3rd year module BA.ER.61 / Society and future health provision, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Winterthür, Switzerland
Pollard, N., Witschi, T., & Mentrup, C. (2015). Political reasoning and enacted engagement of occupational therapists. Presented at: Panel discussion, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Winterthür, Switzerland
Fransen-Jaibi, H., Pollard, N., Kantartzis, S., & Viana-Moldes, I. (2014). ENOTHE project group on citizenship: Focusing on citizenship and the curriculum. Presented at: European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education conference, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Pollard, N. (2014). Occupation in occupational therapy, a political perspective. Presented at: Growing Collaborative Research Conference, Sheffield Hallam University
Aoyama, M., Galvaan, R., Hudson, M., Ikiugu, M., Kahlin, I., Pollard, N., ... Whittaker, B. (2014). Sustainable Practice within occupational therapy. Presented at: 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists/48th Japanese Occupational Congress and Expo, Yokohama, Japan
Pollard, N., Kantartzis, S., Fransen-Jaibi, H., & Viana-Moldes, I. (2014). Doing Citizenship and being a citizen. Presented at: 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists/48th Japanese Occupational Congress and Expo, Yokohama, Japan
Pollard, N. (2014). Concepts of justice in non traditional placements. Presented at: 10th International Practice Teaching Conference, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland
Pollard, N. (2013). Escritura y Narrativa: una comprensión hacia las ocupaciones cotidianas (Writing and narrative, understanding everyday occupation). Presented at: 10th Anniversary of the Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional de la U. Andrés Bello, Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional de la U. Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile
Pollard, N. (2013). Talking occupational and social justice with occupational therapy students. Presented at: Talking occupational and social justice with occupational therapy students, Occupational Therapy Academic Leaders Network Webinar (Australia/New Zealand) Webinar presentation
Fransen-Jaïbi, H., Kantartzis, S., Pollard, N., & Viana-Moldes, I. (2013). Citizenship : Exploring the contribution of Occupational Therapy. Presented at: European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education conference, York, UK
Kantartzis, S., Pollard, N., Viana Moldes, I., & Fransen-Jaibi, H. (2013). Fostering Participatory Citizenship with Occupational Therapy. Presented at: European Network of Occupational Therapists in Higher Education, York, UK
Pollard, N. (2013). La ocupación como agente de transformación social desde el diálogo intercultural (Occupation as an agent of social transformation and intercultural dialogue). Presented at: 10th Anniversary of the Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional de la U. Andrés Bello, Concepción, Chile
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2012). Citizenship – Be a Year Ahead – Relation to OT; What are the occupations of a model citizen? Presented at: European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education conference, Vilnius, Lithuania
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2011). Emergent roles: voluntary occupations, social entrepreneurs. Presented at: European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education conference, Ghent, Belgiium
Pollard, N., & Guajardo, A. (2010). Occupations in an age of austerity. Presented at: Student Occupational Therapy Links Scotland conference, Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh
Pollard, N. (2010). Occupational narratives, community publishing and worker writing groups: sustaining stories from the margins. Presented at: 16th European groupwork symposium, York
Pollard, N., Garth, A., Cook, S., Tottle, D., & Frost, A. (2010). Having somewhere to go on Monday: groupwork and social inclusion in a primary care- voluntary sector partnership. Presented at: 16th European groupwork symposium, York
Pollard, N. (2010). Communities, Occupations and Narratives. Presented at: World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress, Santiago, Chile
Sakellariou, D., Pollard, N., Frank, G., Kassnitz, D., Leech, S., & Bronson, K. (2009). Developing an online module on the political practice of occupational therapy based on a problem based learning approach. Presented at: European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education conference, A Coruna, Spain
Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2009). Survivorship issues: the right to engagement and occupation. Presented at: HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Palliative Care Annual Conference, Brighton
Lawson-Porter, A., Pollard, N., & Sakellariou, D. (2009). Will occupational science facilitate or divide the practice of occupational therapy? Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists 33rd Annual Conference and Exhibition, Brighton
Sakellariou, D., & Pollard, N. (2008). Exploring daily life in the context of a natural disaster. Presented at: Society for the Study of Occupation USA, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Pollard, N. (2008). Occupational Therapists - practical persuaders in emerging roles? Presented at: European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education conference, Berlin
Pollard, N. (2008). River of culture: narratives of occupation. Presented at: University of Liverpool graduation conference, University of Liverpool
Pollard, N. (2008). Gender, Class and Sexuality. Presented at: S.H.O.U.T. talk, Sheffield Hallam University
Pollard, N. (2008). Who’s opening up the workshop? Worker writing and community publishing in Britain. Presented at: Ray Smith Symposium, Syracuse University, NY
Pollard, N. (2007). Cultural competence: community publishing as a tool for health professionals. Presented at: ISG4CP Study day, Chartered Society of Physiotherapists, London
Sakellariou, D., Pollard, N., Fransen, H., Kronenberg, F., Sinclair, K., Pattison, M., & Haglund, L. (2006). The WFOT-CBR project team: Reporting on the data collection subproject. Presented at: World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress, Sydney, Australia
Kronenberg, F., & Pollard, N. (2006). Getting A Handle On The Political Dimension Of Occupational Therapy. Presented at: World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress, Sydney, Australia
Pollard, N. (2006). Groupwork without borders. Presented at: 12th European Groupwork symposium, York St John University
Pollard, N. (2006). Political awareness for occupational therapists. Presented at: Study day, Mile End Hospital
Pollard, N. (2006). Thinking Outside the Box. Presented at: BAOT Eastern Region Study Day, Stansted Hilton
Pollard, N. (2005). Occupational Apartheid, Occupational Justice - a rights based approach to occupation. Presented at: Guest lecture, University of Coventry
Lawson-Porter, A., Pollard, N., & Kronenberg, F. (2005). Occupational therapy - a case of occupational injustice. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Eastbourne
Pollard, N. (2005). Putting the 'P' in partnership and practice. Presented at: Association of Occupational Therapists in Mental Health Annual Conference, Stockport, April, Stockport
Kronenberg, F., Pollard, N., Simo Algado, S., & Urbanowski, R. (2004). Understanding and Facing up to the Political Nature of Occupational Therapy. Presented at: European Congress of Occupational Therapy, Athens
Simo Algado, S., Kronenberg, F., Pollard, N., & Thibeult, R. (2004). A Garden Where Education, Research and Social Justice Take Place. Presented at: European Congress of Occupational Therapy, Athens
Urbanowski, R., Kronenberg, F., Simo Algado, S., & Pollard, N. (2004). The Politics of Occupation. Presented at: 2nd Canadian Occupational Science Symposium, Toronto
Pollard, N. (1995). Community Publishing and Mental Health. Presented at: Democratic Psychiatry Forum, Ashbourne in the Water
Nield, L., & Pollard, N. (2023). Embedding climate knowledge and understanding in the new healthcare workforce through Climate Fresk. Presented at: Delivering greener care for a healthier future, London, UK, 2023
Pollard, N., & Creek, J. (2022). Theorising occupational therapy practice in diverse settings. Presented at: 6th National Conference Occupational Therapy in Diverse Settings, University of Brighton
Haughton, S., Pollard, N., & Sidaway, E. (2019). Peer support volunteering in inpatient adult mental health: Multiple perspectives. Presented at: Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Birmingham
Shann, S., Ikiugu, M., Whittaker, B., Pollard, N., Kahlin, I., Hudson, M., ... Aoyama, M. (2018). Sustainability Matters: Guiding Principles for Sustainability in Occupational Therapy Practice, Education and Scholarship. Presented at: WFOT congress 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, 2018
Kantartzis, S., Bruggen, H.V., Rudman, D.L., Malfitano, A.S., Galvaan, R., Pollard, N., ... Craig, C. (2018). Social Transformation through Occupation: Building an International Network. Presented at: World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Cape Town, South Africa
Fransen-Jaibi, H., Pollard, N., Viana Moldes, I., Stadler-Grillmaier, J., Alvarez, L., & Ismail, M. (2018). Meaningful occupation as a fundamental principle of health and citizenship. Presented at: 17th Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Cape Town, South Africa, 2018
Lambert, N., & Pollard, N. (2017). Challenging health inequalities: 'community profiling' as a valuable tool for occupational therapists, educators and students. Presented at: Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Birmingham, Birmingham
Ikiugu, M., Whittaker, B., Aoyama, M., Galvaan, R., Hudson, M., Kahlin, I., ... Shann, S. (2016). Sustainability Matters: Exploring WFOT’s Guiding Principles on Sustainability. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists 40th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate International Centre
Nepveux, D., Block, P., & Pollard, N. (2015). Questioning Terms: Implications of “Occupation” and “Productive Ageing” to a Political Practice of Occupational Therapy. Presented at: Occupational Science Europe conference, Bournemouth
Pollard, N. (2014). Occupational injustice in modern society. Presented at: 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists/48th Japanese Occupational Congress and Expo, Yokohama, Japan
Collins, J., & Pollard, N. (2014). Harnessing dance as an occupational therapy tool: an occupational science explanation. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Brighton
Sakellariou, D., Pollard, N., Leech, S., Frank, G., & Kasnitz, D. (2010). Online module on a political practice of occupational therapy. Presented at: World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress, Santiago, Chile, Santiago, Chile
Pollard, N., Murray, B., & Johnson, H. (2008). Broadening Horizons. Presented at: COTEC, Hamburg
Pollard, N., Sakellariou, D., & Kronenberg, F. (2008). Occupational literacy: needs, rights, participation. Presented at: COTEC, Hamburg
Pollard, N., Sakellariou, D., & Kronenberg, F. (2008). Community publishing: occupations and narratives. Presented at: COTEC, Hamburg
Sakellariou, D., Pollard, N., & Kronenberg, F. (2008). Introduction to a political practice of occupational therapy. Presented at: COTEC, Hamburg
Sakellariou, D., Pollard, N., & Kronenberg, F. (2008). Taking a new look at holism; heteroglossia and professional discourse. Presented at: COTEC, Hamburg
Pollard, N., Smart, P., & Diggles, T. (2004). Occupational Benefits of Community Publication. Presented at: European Congress of Occupational Therapy, Athens
Other publications
Shann, S., Ikiugu, M., Whittaker, B., Pollard, N., Kahlin, I., Hudson, M., ... Aoyama, M. (2018). Sustainability matters: Guiding principles for sustainability in occupational therapy practice, education and scholarship.Shann, S., Ikiugu, M. N., Whittaker, B., Pollard, N., Kahlin, I….Aoyama, M. (2018). World Federation of Occupational Therapists: http://www.wfot.org/ResourceCentre.aspx
Fransen, H., Kantartzis, S., Pollard, N., & Viana Moldes, I. (2013). Citizenship: exploring the contribution of Occupational Therapy. European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education: http://www.enothe.eu/activities/meet/ac13/CITIZENSHIP_STATEMENT_ENGLISH.pdf
Lawson-Porter, A., & Pollard, N. (2006). Think, consider and convey…part II. British Association of Occupational Therapists
Lawson-Porter, A., & Pollard, N. (2006). Think, consider and convey. British Association of Occupational Therapists
Pollard, N. (1993). On Doing the Write Thing.
Other activities
Editorial board memberships:
Groupwork since 2006, Co-editor from 2023
University of São Paulo Journal of Occupational Therapy (Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da USP - https://www.revistas.usp.br/rto) from 2023.
I review articles for a number of peer reviewed journals
Postgraduate supervision
I completed the university Research Supervisor Development Programme in July 2012.
Nick Pollard teaches occupational therapy students at undergraduate and post graduate level. Most of his teaching concerns social contexts for occupational therapy and community based interventions; he also teaches research methods and is on the placement team. His MA explored internal migration and mental health; his MSc explored occupations in creative writing groups, and his PhD the political implied in occupational therapy. He has written and presented extensively on community based rehabilitation and on critical explorations of occupational therapy.
Nick joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2003. He worked in severe and enduring mental health settings and his previous role was part time senior occupational therapist and part time research co-ordinator at Doncaster and South Humber NHS. He obtained his diploma in occupational therapy in 1991, an MA in psychiatry, philosophy and society in 1996, his MSc in occupational therapy in 2001 and his doctorate in 2014.
Nick has coedited several landmark occupational therapy texts, notably the internationally renowned Occupational Therapy without Borders books, with a new edition planned for 2016/17.