Nick Dulake MA BSc
Senior Industrial Designer
I am a senior industrial designer at Design Futures and have extensive experience in production design for industry, taking many products through from concept design to production, from one-off and low volume products to mass produced goods. My consultancy experience includes designing and developing products and managing new product development (NPD) projects across consumer, medical, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and industrial sectors for diverse clients - from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to major multinationals, including brands such as Gripple, Unilever, Panasonic, Spear and Jackson and JCB.
I am research associate of Lab4Living.
Design Futures is an industrial design consultancy that integrates creative and technical disciplines to produce highly innovative products and packaging solutions, enabling companies to invigorate their products and packaging, achieve competitive advantage in new or existing markets. As a senior member of the design team I lead, manage and participate in every part of the design and planning process.
Whilst at design futures I have led and participated in numerous projects, working in collaboration with and independently for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SME’s) as well as national and international companies (e.g. Gripple, Loadhog Ltd, Kenwood, Adiddas, Trulife Ltd, Rexam and Unilever).
My work is varied and has directly impacted on clients success, for example in meeting R&D milestones, making technical recommendations, producing intellectual property and taking products to market.
Specialist areas of interest
Digital physical interfaces, industrial design, interaction design, heritage interaction, advanced manufacturing, HCI
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
Design, product and furniture
MA and BA product and furniture design
Data objects
Lead Industrial Designer
2013 - present
meSch is a 4-year EU funded project with the goal of co-designing novel platforms for the creation of tangible exhibits at heritage sites: curators will be able to offer visitors new interactive experiences by means of material interaction with smart objects.
Data objects
2012 - present
The data-objects project is a practice-based research project that asks the following question:
Can the creation of physical artefacts, based on data extracted from complex digital information systems, change the way we read, interpret and respond to digital information?
Christmas tangibles
2011 - 2013
We explore the design of technology specifically aimed at augmenting existing practices.
Visualising nanotechnology
2006 - 2008
In collaboration with designers and scientists as part of an EPSRC funded project: 'Images of nanotechnology in the media – moving from fantasy to reality'. Production of a series of four short films exploring 'everyday' nanotechnology.
Journal articles
El Kamali, M., Angelini, L., Caon, M., Dulake, N., Chamberlain, P., Craig, C., ... Mugellini, E. (2023). Co-designing an Embodied e-Coach With Older Adults: The Tangible Coach Journey. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction.
Dulake, N., Petrelli, D., & Hornecker, E. (2019). A conversation around the design and experience of artifacts. Interactions, 26 (5), 52-57.
van Dijk, D., Dulake, N., Petrelli, D., Marshall, M.T., Kockelkorn, H., Not, E., ... Venturini, A. (2019). Demo hour. Interactions, 26 (5), 8-11.
Marshall, M., Petrelli, D., Dulake, N., Not, E., Marchesoni, M., Trenti, E., & Pisetti, A. (2015). Audio-based narratives for the trenches of World War I : intertwining stories, places and interaction for an evocative experience. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 85, 27-39.
Ciolfi, L., Petrelli, D., Goldberg, R., Dulake, N., Willox, M., Marshall, M., & Caparrelli, F. (2013). Exploring historical, social and natural heritage: challenges for tangible interaction design at Sheffied General Cemetery. Proceedings of NODEM 2013.
Conference papers
Claisse, C., Petrelli, D., Ciolfi, L., Dulake, N., Marshall, M., & Durrant, A. (2020). Crafting Critical Heritage Discourses into Interactive Exhibition Design. In 2020 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'20), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 25 April 2020 - 30 April 2020. New York: ACM:
Petrelli, D., Dulake, N., Marshall, M., Roberts, A., McIntosh, F., & Savage, J. (2019). Exploring the potential of the internet of things at a heritage site through co-design practice. In Proceedings of the 2018 3rd Digital Heritage International Congress. San Francisco: IEEE:
Claisse, C., Petrelli, D., Dulake, N., Marshall, M., & Ciolfi, L. (2019). Multisensory interactive storytelling to augment the visit of a historical house museum. In Proceedings of the 2018 Digital Heritage International Congress. IEEE:
Claisse, C., Dulake, N., & Petrelli, D. (2019). Design synthesis: An act of Research through Design. In RTD 2019 CONFERENCE: DESIGN UNITED. Research Through Design
Chamberlain, P., Craig, C., & Dulake, N. (2019). 'Thinking through things' to support cooperative design in the development of technology to support health & wellbeing. Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2019 - Proceedings of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2019, Game and Entertainment Technologies 2019 and Computer Graphics, Visualization, Comp, 19-26.
Claisse, C., Petrelli, D., Dulake, N., Marshall, M.T., & Ciolfi, L. (2018). Multisensory Interactive Storytelling to Augment the Visit of a Historical House Museum. 2018 3RD DIGITAL HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS (DIGITALHERITAGE) HELD JOINTLY WITH 2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL SYSTEMS & MULTIMEDIA (VSMM 2018), 151-158.
Petrelli, D., Dulake, N., Marshall, M.T., Roberts, A., McIntosh, F., & Savage, J. (2018). Exploring the Potential of the Internet of Things at a Heritage Site through Co-Design Practice. 2018 3RD DIGITAL HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS (DIGITALHERITAGE) HELD JOINTLY WITH 2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL SYSTEMS & MULTIMEDIA (VSMM 2018), 120-127.
Angelini, L., Caon, M., Mugellini, E., Abou Khaled, O., Craig, C., & Chamberlain, P. (2018). The NESTORE Project: Co-Designing a Virtual Coach with Older Adults. In CHI 2018, Monteal, Canada, 21 April 2018 - 26 April 2018.
Dulake, N., & Gwilt, I. (2017). Flying with data: Openness, forms and understanding. The Design Journal, 20 (Sup 1), S3863-S3872.
Gwilt, I., & Dulake, N. (2017). Understanding the needs and desiresof service users in the design andcreation of meaningful physical datarepresentations. Pedagogy & Physicalization: Designing Learning Activities around Physical Data Representations.
Petrelli, D., Dulake, N., Marshall, M., Pisetti, A., & Not, E. (2016). Voices from the War: Design as a Means of Understanding the Experience of Visiting Heritage. Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI16, 1033-1044.
Petrelli, D., Dulake, N., Marshall, M., Kockelkorn, H., & Pisetti, A. (2016). Do it together : the effect of curators, designers, and technologists sharing the making of new interactive visitors’ experiences. In Museums and the Web 2016, Los Angeles, 6 April 2016 - 9 April 2016.
Ciolfi, L., Avram, G., Maye, L., Dulake, N., Marshall, M., van Dijk, D., & McDermott, F. (2016). Articulating co-design in museums: reflections on two participatory processes. In Gergle, D., Ringel Morris, M., Bjørn, P., & Konstan, J. (Eds.) CSCW '16 Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, (pp. 13-25). New York: ACM:
Marshall, M., Dulake, N., Ciolfi, L., Duranti, D., Kockelkorn, H., & Petrelli, D. (2016). Using tangible smart replicas as controls for an interactive museum exhibition. In Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 14-17 February 2016, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, (pp. 159-167). New York, NY, USA: ACM:
Marshall, M.T., Dulake, N., Petrelli, D., & Kockelkorn, H. (2015). From the deposit to the exhibit floor: an exploration on giving museum objects personality and social life. In CHI EA '15. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (pp. 1917-1922). New York, NY, USA: ACM:
Kubitza, T., Schmidt, A., Pohl, N., Petrelli, D., Dingler, T., & Dulake, N. (2014). Tools and methods for creating interactive artifacts. In Butz, A., Greenberg, S., Bakker, S., Loke, L., & De Luca, A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, LFE Medieninformatik Hardware Lab, Amalienstr. 17, 80333 Munich, Germany, (pp. 385-388). New York: ACM:
Petrelli, D., Dulake, N., Marshall, M., Willox, M., Caparrelli, F., & Goldberg, R. (2014). Prototyping tangibles : exploring form and interaction. TEI - Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 41-48.
Ciolfi, L., Petrelli, D., Goldberg, R., Dulake, N., Willox, M., Marshall, M., & Caparrelli, F. (2013). Exploring historical, social and natural heritage: challenges for tangible interaction design at Sheffield General Cemetery. In NODEM 2013 : Beyond control - the collaborative museum and its challenges, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013 - 2013.
Petrelli, D., Bowen, S., Dulake, N., & Light, A. (2012). Digital Christmas : an exploration of festive technology. In DIS '12 : Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference, (pp. 348-357). New York, N.Y: ACM:
Book chapters
Dulake, N., & Gwilt, I. (2022). Dataseeds. In Making with Data Physical Design and Craft in a Data- Driven World. A K Peters/CRC Press
Petrelli, D., & Dulake, N. (2022). 7. Exploring Digital-material Hybridity in the Postdigital Museum, Daniela Petrelli and Nick Dulake (Sheffield Hallam University, UK). In Making Data Materializing Digital Information. Bloomsbury Publishing
Petrelli, D., & Dulake, N. (2022). 7. Exploring Digital-material Hybridity in the Postdigital Museum, Daniela Petrelli and Nick Dulake (Sheffield Hallam University, UK). In Making Data Materializing Digital Information. Bloomsbury Publishing
Petrelli, D., & Dulake, N. (2022). EXPLORING DIGITAL-MATERIAL HYBRIDITY IN THE POST-DIGITAL MUSEUM. In Making Data: Materializing Digital Information. (pp. 107-123).
El Kamali, M., Angelini, L., Caon, M., Andreoni, G., Dulake, N., Chamberlain, P., ... Mugellini, E. (2021). Building Trust and Companionship in e-Coaching Through Embodiment. In Research for Development. (pp. 195-204). Springer International Publishing:
Chamberlain, P., Craig, C., & Dulake, N. (2021). Found in translation: innovative methods of co-design in the development of digital systems for promoting healthy aging. In Andreoni, G., & Mambretti, C. (Eds.) Digital Health Technology for Better Aging. A Multidisciplinary Approach. (pp. 29-52). Cham, Switzerland: Springer:
Chamberlain, P., Craig, C., & Dulake, N. (2019). APPENDIX WP7.2 transferability of participants perspectives to technologists. NESTORE.
Chamberlain, P., Craig, C., & Dulake, N. (2018). Transferability of participants perspectives to technologists. NESTORE.
Chamberlain, P., Craig, C., & Dulake, N. (2018). D7.3 Report on End-User Improvements for prototypes. NESTORE.
Chamberlain, P., Craig, C., & Dulake, N. (2018). NESTORE D7.1 Needs, Values and Suggestions to Co-Design. NESTORE.
Dulake, N., & Phelan, I. (2023). PROSTHETIC TRAINING DEVICE. WO2023094836A1.
Dulake, N., & Phelan, I. (2023). PROSTHETIC TRAINING DEVICE. WO2023094836A1.
Dulake, N., & Phelan, I. (2023). PROSTHETIC TRAINING DEVICE. WO2023094836A1.
Jones, A., Dulake, N., & Bailey, S. (2022). A clasp. GB2561381A.
Jones, A., Dulake, N., & Bailey, S. (2018). A clasp. GB2561381 (A) ― 2018-10-17.
Dulake, N., Phillips, M., Willox, M., & Stanton, A. (2012). Method and device for extracting the contents of a sachet. WO2011EP72789 20111214.
Dulake, N., Phillips, M., Willox, M., & Stanton, A. (2012). Water conservation and user experience. WO2011EP72789 20111214, WO2011120860.
Dulake, N. (2012). Dispensing closure for mixing the contents of two vessels. GB20100011157 20100702.
Dulake, N., Evans, R., & Reed, H. (2011). Water soluble sheet dispenser. WO2011EP54472 20110323.
Dulake, N., Jones, A., & Phillips, M. (2010). Door or window security system for mounting at a door or window frame. WO2009GB51265 20090928.
Dulake, N., & Mills, R. (n.d.). Apparatus for providing a heating or cooling effect to a human or animal body part. GB2422109 (A) GB2422109 (B) EP1845914 (A1) EP1845914 (B1) AU2006205692 (A1) US2008188915 (A1) ZA200706509 (A) WO2006075134 (A1) AT442116 (T) CA2594720 (A1).
Dulake, N. (2017). My Roman Pantheon. Chesters Roman Fort and Museum - Hadrian's Wall.
Dulake, N., & Gwilt, I. (2015). Dataseeds - flying data. [artifact / product].
Phillips, M., Dulake, N., Willox, M., Gwilt, I., Craig, C., & Auton, K. (2015). Home health monitoring – EyKos HealthHub (product design concept). [Object].
Dulake, N., Marshall, M., Petrelli, D., & KOCKELKORN, H.U.B. (2014). meSch cases.
Dulake, N. (2011). Lower limb orthoses. [Product].
Dulake, N. (2010). Wearable medical monitoring devices - MovinSense. [Product].
Dulake, N. (2009). Wearable medical monitoring devices - WalkinSense. [product].
Dulake, N. (2008). Help for broken bodies. [Products].
Dulake, N. (n.d.). Help for broken bodies. [Products].
Dulake, N. (n.d.). Museum tangibles with embedded technology.
Chamberlain, P., & Dulake, N. (n.d.). NESTORE tangible coach. [Mixed media _ electronics].
Dulake, N., Marshall, M., Petrelli, D., KOCKELKORN, H., van Rijn, G.-.J., Mcentaggart, P., ... O'Brien, S. (2015). The Hague and the Atlantic Wall. Museon onderwijs.
Dulake, N., Marshall, M., Petrelli, D., KOCKELKORN, H., van Rijn, G.-.J., McEntaggart, P., ... O'Brien, S. (2015). The Hague and the Atlantic Wall. Museon onderwijs.
Dulake, N., Chamberlain, P., Soreny, C., & Vickers, E. (2023). Re-imagining the 100 year life. [Projection, film, photography]. Somerset House, London.
Dulake, N., Chamberlain, P., Soreny, C., & Vickers, E. (2023). Re-imagining the 100 year life. [Projection, film, photography]. Somerset House, London.
Dulake, N., Chamberlain, P., Soreny, C., & Vickers, E. (2023). Re-imagining the 100 year life. [Projection, film, photography]. Somerset House, London.
Dulake, N., Chamberlain, P., Soreny, C., & Vickers, E. (2023). Re-imagining the 100 year life. [Projection, film, photography]. Somerset House, London.
Dulake, N., & Petrelli, D. (2016). Blending the tangible and digital to craft new co-designed interactions for museums. Presented at: MCN 2016 : The Human-Centered Museum, New Orleans, LA, 2016
Dulake, N., Petrelli, D., Stanley-Marbell, P., & Hewson, R. (2018). Continuous Analysis within 3D-Printed Structures Using In-Chamber Sensors. Presented at: Connected Everything Conference 2018, Newcastle University, 2018
Stanley-Marbell, P., Hewson, R., Petrelli, D., & Dulake, N. (2018). Continuous Analysis within 3D-Printed StructuresUsing In-Chamber Sensors. Presented at: Connected Everything Conference 2018, Newcastle University, 2018
Goodwin, V., Dulake, N., & Langley, J. (2017). Vertebral fragility fractures: co-designing solutions to promote independence and quality of life based on the needs of service users. Presented at: Fragility Fracture Network Conference, Malmo, Sweden, 2017
Other activities
Edinburgh Napier University, BDes (Hons) Design and Digital Arts
Postgraduate supervision
The Printed Museum: 3D Printing's impact on the museum environment, practice and audience
Crafting tangible interaction to prompt visitors’ engagement in house museums