Paula Procter

Paula Procter

Emeritus Professor in Nursing Informatics


My professional background is that of nursing. Since 1979 I have been involved with the use of information and communications technology to support healthcare practice (implemented Exeter Nursing System 1979-81), administration (Head of Information, Sheffield and North Trent College of Nursing and Midwifery 1991-1995) and education (Director, England Computer Assisted Learning Project (1988-1991/ Director Computers in Teaching Initiative first Centre for Nursing 1995-2000).

If asked, I would say that I was an 'informatics futurist' my research and publications confirm an innovative approach to my work. In recognition of my local, national and international work I was promoted to Professor in August 2018 and Emeritus Professor in August 2021.


My recent work has centred around digital capabilities workforce development for nurses and midwives. This work has included being the international advisor for the Australian Digital Capabilities Framework for Nurses and Midwives, membership of the 5 Countries Chief Nursing Officer's (CNO) Digital Advisory Group, membership of the Chief Nursing Information Officer (CNIO) NHSx Education Advisory Panel and Co-Chair of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Nursing Informatics Education Working Group.

In collaboration with the Department of Computing (SHU) I helped to prepare the successful proposal to the Office for Students in support of funding an MSc in Healthcare Analytics and Artificial Intelligence which is particularly directed toward developing health and social care workers - past and present - to be front-line leaders as we advance further into the digital world (4th Industrial Revolution) across all care domains.

In 2009 I developed an online course for undergraduate nursing and midwifery students in digital health so as to aid their knowledge and understanding of the data driven workplace in which they would be employed. With regular updates the course continues today and includes all Allied Health Professionals amounting to some 2,500 undergraduate students with 24/7 access to the content.

My research has concentrated upon knowledge development and beneficial use of technology, an example of the former is the award of a project with a local trust to explore workforce digital capabilities at all levels of the organisation through a nursing prism; and, for the latter, the use of robot avatars to enable severely disabled individuals to be part of a workforce. I circulate ideas through my publications, conference presentations and by listening to others. I hold the position of Honorary Fellow of IMIA-NI, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Chartered Fellow of the British Computer Society.


School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Digital use in health and care Advancing technology

MSc Healthcare Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (in collaboration with the Department of Computing) MSc Healthcare Education


Use of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) to develop student knowledge and skills when taking part in difficult conversations Longitudinal Evaluation of an eLearning resource - Measuring student performance from stored metrics within a managed learning environment 2009 to current Student evaluation of an eLearning resource - Individual cohort student evaluation Dementia and Robots - patient and carer driven project exploring the acceptance of mobile robots to support safe exercise regimes within care homes (Sheffield Hallam University Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre - Robotics) eHealth and Interoperability - building a sustainable use case based upon town planning (Sheffield Hallam University, Nursing and University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA), Nursing collaboration) Population health, senior students learning through virtual electives within social media (Sheffield Hallam University, Nursing; University of Auckland, Nursing: University of Texas Health Science Center Houston (USA) and University of Nottingham, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences).


Journal articles

Lokmic-Tomkins, Z., Raghunathan, K., Almond, H., Booth, R.G., McBride, S.G., Tietze, M.F., ... McKenna, L. (2024). Integrating Health Informatics into Pre-Registration Nursing Education: Insights from a Participatory Workshop. Studies in health technology and informatics, 155-159.

Lokmic-Tomkins, Z., Raghunathan, K., Almond, H., Booth, R.G., McBride, S.G., Tietze, M., ... McKenna, L. (2024). Perspectives on the implementation of health informatics curricula frameworks. Contemporary nurse.

Painter, J., Turner, J., & Procter, P. (2021). Understanding and accommodating patient and staff choice when implementing video consultations in mental health services. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing.

Painter, J., Turner, J., & Procter, P. (2021). If There’s Something Strange in Your Neighbourhood, Who You Gonna Call? Perceived Mental Health Service User Suitability for Video Consultations. Healthcare, 9 (5).

Procter, P. (2021). Patient Care, Information, Communication and Social Media Influencing Bias—A Discourse. Informatics, 8 (2), 28.

Procter, P., & Wilson, M.L. (2018). Nursing, professional curiosity and big data cocreating eHealth. Studies in health technology and informatics, 247 (247), 186-190.

Procter, P., Brixey, J.J., Todhunter, F., & Honey, M.L.L. (2017). Social media providing an international virtual elective experience for student nurses. Informatics, 4 (9).

Procter, P., Hayward, R., Heyes, B., & Owen, A. (2013). Encouraging nurses to take the lead on the information agenda. Nursing Management, 19 (9), 26-28.

Procter, P., & Woodburn, I. (2012). Encouraging nurses to develop effective electronic documentation. Nursing Management, 19 (6), 22-24.

Zhao, J., Kan, M.-.Y., Procter, P.M., Zubaidah, S., Yip, W.K., & Li, G.M. (2010). Improving Search for Evidence-based Practice using Information Extraction. AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2010, 937-941.

Bond, C.S., & Procter, P.M. (2009). Prescription for nursing informatics in pre-registration nurse education. Health informatics journal, 15 (1), 55-64.

Ward, K., Procter, P.M., & Woolley, N. (2004). Creating the balance in the nursing curriculum. Nurse Education in Practice, 4 (4), 287-291.

Bacigalupo, R., Bath, P.A., Booth, A., Eaglestone, B.M., Levy, P., & Procter, P. (2003). Studying Health Information from a Distance: The Impact of a Multimedia Case Study. Health Informatics Journal, 9 (1), 5-15.

Procter, P.M. (2002). 4.3 the impact of communications and information technology on organisations. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 65, 407-421.

Bacigalupo, R., Bath, P., Booth, A., Eaglestone, B., & Procter, P. (2001). Studying health informatics from a distance: issues, problems and experiences. Health Informatics Journal, 7 (3-4), 138-145.

Kokol, P., Brumec, V., Habjanic, A., Turk, D.M., Procter, P., & Nicklin, L. (2001). Intelligent systems for nursing education. Studies in health technology and informatics, 84 (Pt 2), 1047-1051.

Kraner, M., Emery, D., Cvetkovic, S.R., Procter, P., & Smythe, C. (1999). Information and communication systems for the assistance of carers based on ACTION. Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine, 24 (4), 233-248.

Kraner, M., Emery, D., Cvetkovic, S.R., Procter, P., & Smythe, C. (1999). Information and communication systems for the assistance of carers based on ACTION. Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, 24 (4), 233-248.

Cvetkovic, S.R., Smythe, C., Walter, D., Emery, D., & Procter, P. (1997). ACTION - Assisting carers using telematic interventions to meet older persons needs. IEE Colloquium (Digest), (29).

Procter, P. (1996). A European perspective? Health Informatics, 2 (4), 177-178.

Procter, P.M., & Hible, G. (1996). CTI Centre for Nursing and Midwifery. Health Informatics, 2 (1), 49-51.

Procter, P.M. (1995). CTI Centre for Nursing and Midwifery. Health Informatics, 1 (4), 204-205.

Procter, P.M. (1991). Using telecommunications to teach information technology. Nursing educators microworld, 5 (5), 34.

Procter, P. (1988). Educating the nurse educators. The Health service journal, 98 (5126), suppl-11.

Conference papers

Mills, E., & Procter, P. (2021). Undergraduate nurses' attitude change to health technology implementation. Stud Health Technol Inform, 191-193.

Cummings, E., Moran, G., Woods, L., Almond, H., Procter, P., Makeham, M., ... Schaper, L. (2021). Methodology for the Development of the Australian National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework. Stud Health Technol Inform, 135-142.

Procter, P.M., Boyd, J., Yap, K., Foster, J., McGillion, A., & Lee, J. (2021). Disruptive Technology, Leadership and the Future of Nursing. Stud Health Technol Inform, 87-89.

Procter, P., Hübner, U., & Yuan, C. (2021). Building Nursing Knowledge to Meet the Needs of Disruptive Technology Healthcare Re-Design. Stud Health Technol Inform, 203-208.

Procter, P. (2021). A systematic approach to supporting faculty knowledge development in nursing and health informatics. Stud Health Technol Inform, 166-168.

Woods, L., Cummings, E., Dobroff, N., Nowlan, S., Almond, H., Procter, P., ... Schaper, L. (2021). Intended Use of the National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework. In Merolli, M., Bain, C., & Schaper, L.K. (Eds.) Australian Health Informatics Conference (HIC 2020) – Healthier Lives, Digitally Enabled, (pp. 106-112). IOS Press:

Procter, P. (2017). Ubiquitous adoption of innovative and supportive information and communications technology across health and social care needs education for clinicians. In Randell, R., Cornet, R., McCowan, C., Peek, N., & Scott, P.J. (Eds.) Informatics for health: connected citizen-led wellness and population health, (pp. 358-362). Amsterdam: IOS Press:

Honey, M., & Procter, P. (2017). The shifting sands of nursing informatics education: from content to connectivity. In Murphy, J., Goossen, W., & Weber, P. (Eds.) Forecasting informatics competencies for nurses in the future of connected health : Proceedings of the Nursing Informatics Post Conference 2016, (pp. 31-40). Online: IOS Press:

Wilson, M.L., & Procter, P.M. (2016). Exploring community planning thinking as a model for use case development. In Sermeus, W., Procter, P.M., & Weber, P. (Eds.) Nursing informatics 2016 : eHealth for all : every level collaboration – from project to realization, (pp. 1020-1021). Amsterdam: IOS Press:

Cooper, C., Procter, P., & Penders, J. (2016). Dementia and robotics: people with advancing dementia and their carers driving an exploration into an engineering solution to maintaining safe exercise regimes. In Sermeus, W., Procter, P., & Webster, P. (Eds.) Nursing informatics 2016, eHealth for all : entry level collaboration - from project to realization, (pp. 545-552). IOS Press:

Honey, M., Procter, P., Wilson, M., Moen, A., & Dal Sasso, G. (2016). Nursing and eHealth: are we preparing our future nurses as automatons or informaticians? In eHealth for all : every level collaboration – from project to realization, (pp. 705-706). IOS Press:

Zhao, J., Kan, M.-.Y., Procter, P.M., Zubaidah, S., Yip, W.K., & Li, G.M. (2010). eEvidence: Information Seeking Support for Evidence-based Practice: An Implementation Case Study. AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2010, 932-936.

Procter, P.M., Kan, M.-.Y., Lee, S.Y., Zubaidah, S., Yip, W.K., Jhao, J., ... Li, G.M. (2009). eEvidence: supplying evidence to the patient interaction. Studies in health technology and informatics, 146, 488-492.

Procter, P.M. (2006). An asset based model for postgraduate education online. Studies in health technology and informatics, 122, 167-171.

Kokol, P., Brumec, V., Habjanič, A., Turk, D.M., Procter, P., & Nicklin, L. (2001). Intelligent systems for nursing education. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 84, 1047-1050.

Kokol, P., Brumec, V., Habjanič, A., Procter, P., Nicklin, L., & Giani, U. (2000). ODIN: On-demand intranet for nurse education - An European nursing informatics and telematics project. Proceedings of the IEEE/EMBS Region 8 International Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB, 329-331.

Burdis, C., Eaglestone, B., & Procter, P. (1999). A unified model to support an information intensive health care environment. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 68, 171-174.

Procter, P.M. (1998). The mixed media tutorial: Practical guide. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 51, 94-97.

Procter, P.M. (1997). The role of nurse education in the integration of information in the health care environment. Studies in health technology and informatics, 46, 195-200.

Procter, P.M. (1997). Integration of information in the health care environment. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 41, 157-163.

Book chapters

Wilson, M., & Procter, P. (2021). Social Determinants of Health, Electronic Health Records, and Health Outcomes. In Saba, V.K., & McCormick, K.A. (Eds.) Essentials of Nursing Informatics, 7th Edition. (7th). (pp. 181-192). McGraw Hill Professional

Hübner, U., Thyea, J., Shaw, T., Elias, B., Egbert, N., Saranto, K., ... Ball, M. (2019). Towards the TIGER International Framework for Recommendations of Core Competencies in Health Informatics 2.0: Extending the Scope and the Roles. In Ohno-Machado, L., & Séroussi, B. (Eds.) MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All. (pp. 1218-1222). IOS Press:

Wilson, M.L., Weaver, C.A., Procter, P., & Beene, M.S. (2017). Big data in healthcare: A wide look at a broad subject. In Delaney, C.W., Weaver, C., Warren, J.J., Clancy, T.R., & Simpson, R.L. (Eds.) Big data-enabled nursing education, research and practice. (pp. 11-32). Cham: Springer:

Honey, M., Skiba, D., Procter, P., Foster, J., Kouri, P., & Nagle, L. (2017). Nursing informatics competencies for entry to practice: the perspective of six countries. In Murphy, J., Goossen, W., & Weber, P. (Eds.) Forecasting informatics competencies for nurses in the future of connected health : Proceedings of the Nursing Informatics Post Conference 2016. (pp. 51-61). Online: IOS Press:

Procter, P.M. (2015). Nursing Education. In Health Informatics. (pp. 415-425). Springer London:


Procter, P., Sermeus, W., & Weber, P. (2016). Preface.


Painter, J., Turner, J., & Procter, P. (2020). Evaluation of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust's Video-Consultation Project. N/A.


Procter, P. (2021). Information Education in the Age of the Masses. Presented at: The Patient and the Practitioner in the Age of Technology: Promoting Healing Relationships, Virtual, 2021


Procter, P., Brixey, J., Honey, M., & Todhunter, F. (2016). Social media and population health virtual exchange for senior nursing students: an international collaboration.

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