Peter Rowlett

Dr Peter James Rowlett CMath, FIMA, SFHEA

Reader in Higher Education Mathematics Teaching and Learning


Peter Rowlett teaches mathematics and related subjects, is a research in higher education mathematics teaching and learning practice, and is an experienced mathematics communicator.


Peter Rowlett teaches mathematics, programming and history of mathematics to mathematics, physics and engineering students. He is a researcher in university mathematics teaching and learning practice.

Peter has held leadership positions with a number of national and international organisations, including Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and The British Society for the History of Mathematics. Prior to arriving at Sheffield Hallam, Peter taught university mathematics at Nottingham Trent University and Keele University, coordinated the HE curriculum activity under the Mathematical Sciences Strand of the National HE STEM Programme, and worked in learning technology for mathematics and statistics at school- and university-level.

Peter is an experienced mathematics communicator, including through podcasting and general interest mathematical articles for Nature, Chalkdust Magazine and The Aperiodical.

Peter is a Chartered Mathematician, a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 


Subject area


BSc (Hons) Mathematics, BSc (Hons) Physics

  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Mathematical Modelling 2
  • Mathematical Technology
  • Programming with Mathematical Applications
  • Game Theory and Recreational Mathematics
  • Explorations in Mathematics (History of Mathematics)
  • Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics


Research group: Mathematics, Statistics and Mathematics Education Research Group (MSME).

Peter is a researcher in higher education mathematics education. He is an editor of MSOR Connections, a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes articles, case studies and opinion pieces relating to innovative learning, teaching, assessment and support practice in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research in HE. 

Peter's research is in teaching, learning and assessment in higher education. His interest is from a practical point of view, seeing this research as an opportunity to improve his practice and that of others. Particular areas of interest are

  • graduate and employability skills in mathematical sciences and STEM subjects
  • learning technology and e-assessment in mathematical sciences and STEM subjects
  • puzzle-based learning, problem-solving and mathematical thinking
  • history of mathematics in maths teaching
  • effective practice in maths outreach and public engagement
  • disability and access technology in mathematical sciences


Journal articles

Rowlett, P. (2024). Generative AI and accuracy in the history of mathematics. British Journal for the History of Mathematics.

Marshall, E., Riach, A., Shaker, A., & Rowlett, P. (2024). Statistics support and anxiety explored. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications.

Rowlett, P. (2024). Seating Groups and ‘What a Coincidence!’: Mathematics in the Making and How It Gets Presented. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 14 (1), 229-238.

Rowlett, P. (2024). All in the family. New Scientist, 261 (3473), 44.

Rowlett, P. (2023). Puzzle #205 Buried shields. New Scientist, 3422, 53.

Rowlett, P. (2023). Puzzle #204 Think of a number. New Scientist, 3421, 53.

Rowlett, P. (2023). Pack it up, pack it in. NEW SCIENTIST, 246 (3442), 44.

Rowlett, P. (2023). Puzzle #211 Cross Purposes. New Scientist, 3428, 53.

Rowlett, P. (2023). Luck of the draw. NEW SCIENTIST, 246 (3452), 44.

Rowlett, P., Graham, C., & Lawson-Perfect, C. (2023). Demonstration of partially-automated assessment approach to create individualised, open-ended modelling worksheet. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

Rowlett, P. (2023). On-Sets: A Vintage Set Theory Game. Math Horizons, 30 (4), 8-11.

Rowlett, P. (2023). David Singmaster. MathsJam Shout, 1.

Rowlett, P. (2022). Quarto in higher dimensions. Chalkdust Magazine, 16, 28-31.

Rowlett, P. (2022). How to win Nim games and code them in LuaLaTeX. LMS Newsletter, 503, 30-34.

Rowlett, P. (2022). Puzzle #186: Neural network. New Scientist, 3405, 53.

Rowlett, P. (2022). Puzzle #178 Hydra. New Scientist, 3397, 53.

Rowlett, P. (2022). Puzzle #173 Knight moves. New Scientist, 3392, 53.

Rowlett, P. (2022). Editorial. Mathematics Today, 58, 70-71.

Kinnear, G., Jones, I., Sangwin, C., Alarfaj, M., Davies, B., Fearn, S., ... Wong, T. (2022). A collaboratively-derived research agenda for e-assessment in undergraduate mathematics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (2022). Mathematical Objects. MathsJam Shout, 1.

Rowlett, P. (2021). Review: How to Prove It: A Structured Approach (3rd Edition). LMS Newsletter, 497, 45-46.

Rowlett, P., & Corner, A. (2021). Flexible, student-centred remote learning for programming skills development. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 53 (3), 619-626.

Rowlett, P., & Corner, A.S. (2021). Topics of interest to the MSOR community: evidence from the first 20 years of MSOR Connections. MSOR Connections, 19 (2), 55-74.

Rowlett, P. (2020). Puzzle: Grocery Swap. MathsJam Shout, October, 1.

Rowlett, P. (2020). Partially-automated individualised assessment of higher education mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

Steckles, K., Rowlett, P., & Ugonna, A. (2020). Pre-university informal engagement with mathematical activities and the decision to study mathematics at university. MSOR Connections, 18 (3), 10-22.

Rowlett, P. (2020). Programming as a mathematical activity. MSOR Connections, 18 (2), 13-17.

Winberg, C., Bramhall, M., Greenfield, D., Johnson, P., Lewis, O., Rowlett, P., ... Wolff, K.E. (2020). Developing employability in engineering education: a systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Engineering Education, 45 (2), 165-180.

Rowlett, P. (2019). MSOR Connections Vol. 18 No. 1. sigma Newsletter, 18, 6.

Rowlett, P. (2019). Counting caterpillars. Chalkdust Magazine, 9, 30-35.

Rowlett, P., Smith, E., Corner, A., O'Sullivan, D., & Waldock, J. (2019). The potential of recreational mathematics to support the development of mathematical learning. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 50 (7), 972-986.

Russell, E., & Rowlett, P. (2019). Professional skills development for mathematics undergraduates. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning.

Rowlett, P., Webster, K., Bradshaw, N.-.A., & Hind, J. (2019). Evaluation of the Maths Arcade initiative at five U.K. universities. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 16 (1).

Rowlett, P., & Capes, A. (2018). Essential Concepts for the First Year of Study for BSc Mathematics. MSOR connections, 16 (2), 16-23.

Rowlett, P. (2017). Game information sheets: a student-produced resource to help you run a Maths Arcade. MSOR Connections, 16 (1), 64-67.

Waldock, J., Rowlett, P., Cornock, C., Robinson, M., & Bartholomew, H. (2017). The role of informal learning spaces in enhancing student engagement with mathematical sciences. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48 (4), 587-602.

Rowlett, P. (2016). Maths Jam Conference 2015. MSOR Connections, 14 (2), 37-38.

Rowlett, P. (2015). Effective Outreach in Mathematics. Mathematics Today, 51, 260.

Rowlett, P. (2015). 'The unplanned impact of mathematics' and its implications for research funding: a discussion-led educational activity. BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, 30 (1), 67-74.

Rowlett, P. (2015). Developing strategic and mathematical thinking via game play: programming to investigate a risky strategy for Quarto. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 12 (1-3), 55-61.

Rowlett, P.J. (2013). Developing a healthy scepticism about technology in mathematics teaching. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 3 (1), 136-149.

Rowlett, P. (2013). Green's mathematical application to electricity, and beyond. Mathematics Today, 49 (4), 162.

Rowlett, P. (2013). A modification of Bradshaw's Method of Group Allocation when you do not know the students. MSOR Connections, 13 (2), 43-50.

Rowlett, P. (2012). Developing graduate mathematicians. Mathematics Today, 48 (5), 213-215.

Croucher, M., Rowlett, P., & Lewis, H. (2012). Smartphone apps for mathematics. Mathematics Teaching, 227, 36-37.

Rowlett, P., Steckles, K., Loch, B., Szetey, K., & Kelly, A. (2012). Maths Jam: playing with maths in pubs, an international movement. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 39 (3), 115-118.

Rowlett, P. (2012). Early careerConnectionswith MSOR. MSOR Connections, 12 (2), 17-19.

Rowlett, P. (2011). Views of HE curriculum from 'Young Researchers in Mathematics'. MSOR Connections, 11 (3), 20-21.

Rowlett, P. (2011). Lecture capture technology - technically possible, but can it be used effectively? MSOR Connections, 11 (3), 39-41.

Feinstein, J., & Rowlett, P. (2011). Media enhanced teaching and learning. MSOR Connections, 11 (3), 37-38.

Rowlett, P., McCartney, M., Mann, T., Hoare, G., Harriss, E., Parrondo, J., ... Linton, C. (2011). The unplanned impact of mathematics. Nature, 475 (7355), 166-169.

Rowlett, P. (2010). The science of chance. iSquared Magazine, 12, 23-27.

Rowlett, P. (2010). Shape of the cosmos. iSquared Magazine, 11, 23-27.

Rowlett, P. (2010). 10 ’rules’ for a successful Careers Fair for mathematicians. Mathematics Today, 46, 19-20.

Rowlett, P. (2010). Workshop report...Visual impairment in maths, stats and operational research (MSOR). MSOR Connections, 10 (2), 45-48.

Rowlett, P. (2010). Ask the audience (yes, all of them). MSOR Connections, 10 (1), 3-5.

Rowlett, P. (2009). Ciphers through the ages. iSquared Magazine, 10, 24-27.

Rowlett, P. (2009). Improving graduate skills through an undergraduate conference. Mathematics Today, 45, 263-264.

Rowlett, P. (2009). Careers resources. Mathematics Today, 45, 108-109.

Rowlett, E.J., & Rowlett, P.J. (2009). Visual impairment in MSOR. MSOR Connections, 9 (4), 43-46.

Rowlett, P.J. (2008). A quick and easy (rough and ready) method for online video. MSOR Connections, 8 (2), 44-45.

Rowlett, P.J. (2008). Some approaches to mathematical blogging. MSOR Connections, 8 (1), 31-33.

Rowlett, P.J. (2007). E-Learning in Mathematical Subjects. Mathematics Today, 43, 85.

Rowlett, P.J. (2007). A simple example of dynamic graphics. MSOR Connections, 7 (1), 35-37.

Rowlett, P.J. (2006). The W3C MathML software list. MSOR Connections, 6 (2), 30.

Wright, E.J., & Rowlett, P.J. (2006). Introducing the Supporting Students with Disabilities Series: disability legislation update. MSOR Connections, 6 (4), 24-26.

Rowlett, P.J. (2006). What is MathML? MSOR Connections, 6 (1), 18-19.

Rowlett, P.J., & Wright, E.J. (2005). Creating accessible web forms. MSOR Connections, 5 (4), 21-24.

Rowlett, P.J. (2005). Mathematics teaching & learning and XML. MSOR Connections, 5 (1), 35-38.

Rowlett, P.J. (2004). Pseudo-randomised CAA by 'preprocessing' MathML. .

Rowlett, P. (2004). MathPlayer and the Design Science Mathematics Accessibility Project. MSOR Connections, 4 (2), 5.

Hibberd, S., Litton, C., Chambers, C., & Rowlett, P. (2004). Embedding CAA support for mathematics in a web-based learning environment. .

Hibberd, S., Litton, C., Chambers, C., & Rowlett, P. (2003). MELEES - e-support or mayhem? MSOR Connections, 3 (3), 29-34.

Rowlett, P., Webster, K., Bradshaw, N.-.A., & Hind, J. (n.d.). Evaluation of the Maths Arcade initiative at five U.K. universities. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 16 (1-3), 451-460.

Rowlett, P. (n.d.). Teaching history of mathematics for first year undergraduate skills development. Mathematical Gazette.

Conference papers

Rowlett, P., & Russell, E. (2016). Realism and employer engagement in a work-related mathematics group project. In CETL-MSOR Conference 2015 : University of Greenwich, 8th-9th September 2015 : conference proceedings, (pp. 89-93). Loughborough, U.K: The sigma Network

Rowlett, P. (2014). Improved two-way feedback to ease transition to mathematics at university. In European First Year Experience Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 9 June 2014 - 11 June 2014 (pp. 95-102). Nottingham, U.K: Nottingham Trent University:

Rowlett, P. (2012). Developing graduate skills and engaging with employers. In CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield, (pp. 53-54). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network

Rowlett, P. (2012). Student-centred approaches to supporting students in their learning. In CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield, (pp. 59-60). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network

Hibberd, S., Litton, C., & Rowlett, P. (2004). MELEES - Managing Mayhem? In The Mathematical Education of Engineers IV, Loughborough University, 2 April 2003 - 3 April 2003. Essex, U.K

Book chapters

Rowlett, P. (2023). Puzzle 30. In Eastaway, R., & Hobbs, B. (Eds.) Headscratchers: The New Scientist Puzzle Book. (pp. 39-145). London, U.K: Allen & Unwin

Walkden, C., Hazel, A., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (2023). Alan Turing Cryptography Competition. In Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. (pp. 1-3). Sheffield, U.K: Sheffield Hallam University:

Sparks, B., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (2023). University of Bath Cryptography Challenge. In Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. (pp. 4-6). Sheffield, U.K: Sheffield Hallam University:

Groves, H., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (2023). UK Mathematics Trust Competitions. In Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. (pp. 13-14). Sheffield, U.K: Sheffield Hallam University:

Parker, M., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (2023). Writing books. In Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. (pp. 28-29). Sheffield, U.K: Sheffield Hallam University:

Parker, M., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (2023). Mathematical YouTube videos for the standupmaths channel. In Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. (pp. 30-31). Sheffield, U.K: Sheffield Hallam University:

Jackson, N., Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (2023). Maths Talks at Science Fiction Conventions. In Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. (pp. 38-39). Sheffield, U.K: Sheffield Hallam University:

Rowlett, P., & Corner, A.S. (2023). Flexible, student-centred remote learning for programming skills development. In Takeaways from Teaching through a Pandemic. (pp. 61-68). Routledge:

Rowlett, P. (2017). Recording small group interaction to encourage reflection on group work. In Rowlett, P., & Waldock, J. (Eds.) Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice. (pp. 42-43). Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University:

Rowlett, P. (2017). Recording small group interaction to encourage reflection on group work. In Rowlett, P., & Waldock, J. (Eds.) Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice. (pp. 42-43). Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University:

Rowlett, P. (2017). Setting open-ended work to develop confidence. In Rowlett, P., & Waldock, J. (Eds.) Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice. (pp. 46-47). Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University:

Rowlett, P. (2017). Setting open-ended work to develop confidence. In Rowlett, P., & Waldock, J. (Eds.) Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice. (pp. 46-47). Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University:

Rowlett, P. (2014). Development and evaluation of a partially-automated approach to the assessment of undergraduate mathematics. In Pope, S. (Ed.) British Congress of Mathematics Education : BCME-8. (pp. 295-302). British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics:

Rowlett, P. (2012). Using Social Media to Engage Students. In Robinson, C. (Ed.) Student-centred Approaches in Mathematics. (pp. 49-54). Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Rowlett, P. (2012). The unplanned impact of mathematics. In Pitici, M. (Ed.) The Best Writing on Mathematics 2012. (pp. 21-29). Princeton, N.J., U.S.A: Princeton University Press

Chadwick, E., Waldock, J., Bradshaw, N.-.A., Orpin, L., McNulty, D., Singh, M., ... Steele, N. (2012). How realistic is work-related learning, and how realistic should it be? In Waldock, J., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Employer engagement in undergraduate mathematics. (pp. 47-51). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Chadwick, E., Waldock, J., Bradshaw, N.-.A., Orpin, L., McNulty, D., Singh, M., ... Steele, N. (2012). How realistic is work-related learning, and how realistic should it be? In Waldock, J., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Employer engagement in undergraduate mathematics. (pp. 47-51). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Feinstein, J., & Rowlett, P. (2012). Recording mathematics lectures at Nottingham. In Rowlett, P. (Ed.) Media enhanced teaching and learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. (pp. 13-14). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Feinstein, J., & Rowlett, P. (2012). Recording mathematics lectures at Nottingham. In Rowlett, P. (Ed.) Media enhanced teaching and learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. (pp. 13-14). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Rowlett, P. (2012). Lecture capture technology - technically possible, but can it be used effectively? In Rowlett, P. (Ed.) Media enhanced teaching and learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. (pp. 32-35). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Rowlett, P. (2012). Lecture capture technology - technically possible, but can it be used effectively? In Rowlett, P. (Ed.) Media enhanced teaching and learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. (pp. 32-35). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Shukie, A., & Rowlett, P. (2012). Learning from video and making lectures interactive. In Rowlett, P. (Ed.) Media enhanced teaching and learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. (pp. 36-39). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Shukie, A., & Rowlett, P. (2012). Learning from video and making lectures interactive. In Rowlett, P. (Ed.) Media enhanced teaching and learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. (pp. 36-39). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Rowlett, P., & Rowlett, E. (2012). Experiences of students with visual impairments. In Cliffe, E., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Good practice on inclusive curricula in the mathematical sciences. (pp. 9-13). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Rowlett, P., & Rowlett, E. (2012). Experiences of students with visual impairments. In Cliffe, E., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.) Good practice on inclusive curricula in the mathematical sciences. (pp. 9-13). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Barton, S., & Rowlett, P. (2011). Using an audience response system - what do the audience DO with the feedback? In Green, D. (Ed.) CETL-MSOR Conference 2010, University of Birmingham, 6th-7th September, Conference proceedings. (pp. 12-22). Birmingham: Maths, Stats and OR Network:

Rowlett, P. (2011). Using art gallery problems to develop mathematical and employability skills in a higher education group project. In Waldock, J. (Ed.) Developing graduate skills in HE mathematics programmes - case studies of successful practice. (pp. 30-31). Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network:


Steckles, K., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.). (2023). Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. Sheffield, U.K: Sheffield Hallam University.

Rowlett, P., & Waldock, J. (Eds.). (2017). Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Rowlett, P., & Waldock, J. (Eds.). (2017). Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Rowlett, P. (Ed.). (2012). Summary of work in mathematical sciences HE curriculum innovation. Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Rowlett, P. (Ed.). (2012). Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Rowlett, P. (Ed.). (2012). Further Work Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes. Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Cliffe, E., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.). (2012). Good Practice on Inclusive Curricula in the Mathematical Sciences. Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Rowlett, P., & Waller, D. (Eds.). (2012). Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield, 12th-13th July. Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Waldock, J., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.). (2012). Employer engagement in undergraduate mathematics. Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Bradshaw, N.-.A., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.). (2012). Maths Arcade: stretching and supporting mathematical thinking. Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Waldock, J., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.). (2012). Employer engagement in undergraduate mathematics. Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Bradshaw, N.-.A., & Rowlett, P. (Eds.). (2012). Maths Arcade: stretching and supporting mathematical thinking. Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Rowlett, P. (Ed.). (2011). HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit. Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Rowlett, P. (Ed.). (2011). HE mathematics curriculum summit : a report on the summit held at the University of Birmingham 12 January 2011. Birmingham, U.K: Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Theses / Dissertations

Rowlett, P.J. (2013). A Partially-automated Approach to the Assessment of Mathematics in Higher Education. (Doctoral thesis).


Rowlett, P. (2023). Partially-automated individualized assessment: evaluation and implementation. Presented at: Manchester Maths Education Seminar, University of Manchester

Rowlett, P. (2023). Effective practice in mathematical outreach. Presented at: UCL/KCL Maths/Stats Education Seminar, King's College London

Rowlett, P. (2023). The maths of simple two-player games. Presented at: Gathering 4 Gardner Celebration of Mind Virtual Events

Rowlett, P. (2023). Am I related to Henry VIII's Master of the Mint? Are you? Presented at: MathsJam Conference 2023

Rowlett, P. (2023). What could a modern, numerate e-assessment system do for SHU? Presented at: Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference 2023

Rowlett, P. (2023). Teaching modelling for sustainability. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2023, Cardiff University

Rowlett, P. (2023). e-assessment scoping project. Presented at: Teaching & Learning and Research & Innovation In Partnership, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P. (2023). Student-centred assessment design. Presented at: 'Assessment in Mathematics and its Effect on Student Wellbeing' workshop, University of Greenwich

Rowlett, P., Graham, C., & Lawson-Perfect, C. (2023). Creating an individualised, open-ended modelling worksheet through partially-automated assessment. Presented at: E-Assessment in Mathematical Sciences 2023

Rowlett, P., Hughes, J., Alexander, H., Best, A., Hodge, D., Joy, L., ... Webb, C. (2023). Creating accessible online mathematics and statistics notes.

Rowlett, P. (2023). Open-ended, messy student projects: developing skills and confidence. Presented at: 'Project-based and Synoptic Modules' workshop, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P. (2023). The maths of simple two-player games. Presented at: Physics lunchtime lecture series

Rowlett, P. (2022). On-Sets: a vintage game of set theory. Presented at: MathsJam Conference 2022

Rowlett, P., & Corner, A. (2022). Games that you don't realise that you're not playing. Presented at: 24 Hour Maths Game Show

Rowlett, P. (2022). There are 40,320 ways to give this talk. Presented at: IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

Rowlett, P. (2022). Uses of e-assessment and a partially-automated approach. Presented at: Maths Teaching and Learning Seminar

Rowlett, P., & Corner, A.S. (2021). What is our community talking about? Evidence from the first 20 years of MSOR Connections. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2021, Coventry University

Rowlett, P., & Steckles, K. (2021). Maths Engagement Case Studies. Presented at: Talking Maths in Public Conference 2021

Steckles, K., Durbin, S., Ugonna, A., Shepherd, P., Rowlett, P., Carr, S., ... Eves, A. (2021). 'Celebrating the M in STEM' workshop. Presented at: BIG Event 2021

Rowlett, P., & Corner, A. (2021). Teaching and assessing unseen problem-solving when exams are taken online at home. Presented at: Planning ahead with a bag of new tricks, what does this mean for your mathematics teaching?

Rowlett, P. (2020). nimsticks: making games with LaTeX and Lua. Presented at: Maths Jam Conference 2020

Rowlett, P., & Steckles, K. (2020). Mathematical Objects Roadshow. Presented at: Maths Jam Conference 2020

Rowlett, P. (2020). Teaching introductory programming for mathematics undergraduates online. Presented at: Teaching and Learning of Mathematical and Statistical Computing Online

Rowlett, P. (2020). The potential of recreational mathematics to support the development of mathematical learning. Presented at: Sheffield Hallam University Recreational Maths Research Cluster

Rowlett, P. (2020). There are 362,880 ways to give this talk. Presented at: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications East Midlands Branch, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P. (2019). #tmwyk - mathematical play in education. Presented at: Maths Jam Conference 2019

Rowlett, P., Smith, E., Corner, A., O'Sullivan, D., & Waldock, J. (2019). The potential of recreational mathematics to support the development of mathematical learning. Presented at: The 12th Southern Hemisphere Delta Conference on the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics, Fremantle, Australia

Rowlett, P., Sherkat, N., & Smith, E. (2019). Review of project-based learning practices in university-level engineering. Presented at: Faculty of STA Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference 2019, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P., Corner, A., O'Sullivan, D., Smith, E., & Waldock, J. (2019). Game Theory & Recreational Mathematics: A module to develop problem-solving skills. Presented at: Faculty of STA Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference 2019, Sheffield Hallam University

Corner, A., Rowlett, P., Smith, E., O'Sullivan, D., & Waldock, J. (2019). Game Theory and Recreational Mathematics: A module to develop problem-solving skills. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2019, Dublin City University

Rowlett, P. (2019). Programming as a mathematical activity. Presented at: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Higher Education Teaching and Learning workshop 'Programming in the Undergraduate Mathematics Curriculum', Middlesex University

Rowlett, P. (2019). Diversity in the Teaching of Communication and Basic Research Skills. Presented at: 'Diversifying the Curriculum' workshop, University of Oxford

Rowlett, P. (2019). Developing students' mathematical thinking and problem solving abilities. Presented at: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Higher Education Teaching and Learning workshop 'Developing an undergraduate mathematics curriculum which is fit for purpose - challenges and opportunities', University of Liverpool

Rowlett, P. (2019). The delivery of an interdisciplinary project between mathematics and engineering. Presented at: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Higher Education Teaching and Learning workshop 'Moving beyond the examination - alternative approaches to assessment in the Mathematical Sciences and Engineering', Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P. (2019). Developing skilled mathematicians. Presented at: British Mathematical Colloquium 2019, Lancaster University

Rowlett, P., Cornock, C., & Porter, R. (2018). Student-led employability audit leading to undergraduate curriculum change. Presented at: Faculty of STA Teaching and Learning Conference 2018, Sheffield Hallam University

Crombie, A., & Rowlett, P. (2018). The contribution of interdisciplinary learning to employability development in maths and engineering. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2018, University of Glasgow

Rowlett, P., & Smith, E. (2018). Games and recreational mathematics and their use in education. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2018, University of Glasgow

Rowlett, P. (2018). New module ideas. Presented at: Ideas Exchange 2018, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P. (2018). Interdisciplinary group projects involving maths and engineering undergraduates. Presented at: Education Day 2018: Curriculum for the 21st Century, London

Rowlett, P. (2018). Skills development through group projects in mathematics. Presented at: Sigma Network workshop 'Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics', Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P. (2018). Our students' attitudes to programming. Presented at: Maths HE Seminar, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P. (2017). Fermi problems for teaching mathematical modelling. Presented at: Maths Jam Conference 2017

Bowers, D., Patel, C., Fairclough, R., Hodds, M., Cliffe, E., Zaczek, K., ... Wilson, R. (2017). The sigma Network: Promoting Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support within Higher Education. Presented at: Mathematics Education Beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions, University of Birmingham

Rowlett, P., & Waldock, J. (2017). Student-led employability audit of undergraduate learning, teaching and assessment practice. Presented at: Learning & Teaching Conference, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P., & Bartholomew, H. (2017). Moving beyond techniques to applying maths in novel modelling scenarios. Presented at: Broadening students' experience of mathematics in practice workshop, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P., & Cornock, C. (2016). Maths Arcade: informal student support that develops logical thinking. Presented at: Faculty of ACES Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference 2016, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P. (2016). The role of partially-automated assessment in assessing individual contribution to group projects. Presented at: E-Assessment in Mathematical Sciences International Conference, Newcastle University

Rowlett, P. (2016). Encouraging HE teacher-practitioner research in a maths department. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2016, Loughborough University

Rowlett, P., Bartholomew, H., Cornock, C., Robinson, M., & Waldock, J. (2016). Student use of an open learning space in mathematics. Presented at: Learning and Teaching Conference 2016, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P. (2016). Interdisciplinary problem-solving group activities. Presented at: Ideas Exchange 2016, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P. (2016). Peer assessment of contribution: what are we assessing? Presented at: Maths HE Seminar, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P., & Russell, E. (2015). Developing professional skills in mathematics undergraduates: three years of practice. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2015, University of Greenwich

Rowlett, P. (2015). George Green: A Miller's Tale.

Rowlett, P. (2014). George Green's Mathematical Influences.

Rowlett, P. (2014). Games used at the Maths Arcade. Presented at: Maths Jam Conference 2014

Webster, K., Rowlett, P., Bradshaw, N.-.A., & Hind, J. (2014). National Evaluation of the Maths Arcade. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2014, Cardiff University

Rowlett, P. (2014). Individualised formative worksheets to encourage small group discussion of method. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2014, Cardiff University

Rowlett, P. (2014). From Durer to sudoku: 500 years of recreational maths. Presented at: British Science Festival 2014, University of Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2014). Individualised formative assessment to encourage discussion of method rather than copying. Presented at: College of Arts and Science 3rd Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University

Rowlett, P., Lawrence, S., Rix, C., Jensen, O., Pont, M., & Sparrow, G. (2014). What has Mathematics done for us? Presented at: Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, University of Manchester

Rowlett, P. (2014). Using puzzles to develop problem-solving skills in undergraduate maths and outreach. Presented at: Sigma Network workshop 'Using puzzles and games in the teaching of mathematics', King's College, London

Rowlett, P. (2014). Using social media to engage undergraduate students. Presented at: Sigma Network workshop 'Creating and maintaining a social media presence', Liverpool John Moores University

Rowlett, P., & Bradshaw, N.-.A. (2014). Maths Arcade and the first year experience. Presented at: European First Year Experience Conference 2014, Nottingham Trent University

Rowlett, P. (2014). Improved two-way feedback to ease transition to mathematics at university. Presented at: European First Year Experience Conference 2014, Nottingham Trent University

Rowlett, P. (2014). The unplanned impact of mathematics and how research is funded: a discussion-led activity. Presented at: 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P. (2014). Development and evaluation of a partially-automated approach to the assessment of undergraduate mathematics. Presented at: 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P. (2014). Formative e-assessment and screen annotation evaluated via undergraduate projects. Presented at: Departmental seminar, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich

Rowlett, P. (2014). Engaging mathematics students via e-assessment & screen annotation. Presented at: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014, Nottingham Trent University

Rowlett, P. (2013). Design and delivery of a new graduate skills module. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2013, Coventry University

Rowlett, P. (2013). A PhD project on e-assessment in mathematics: finding my approach. Presented at: Technology Enhanced Learning & Teaching Research Seminar Series, School of Education, Nottingham Trent University

Rowlett, P. (2013). A partially-automated approach to assessment of individual work alongside a group project in mathematics. Presented at: Higher Education Academy STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013, University of Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2013). The unplanned impact of mathematics: surprising examples of unexpected applications. Presented at: British Mathematical Colloquium 2013, University of Sheffield

Rowlett, P. (2013). Assessing individual work alongside a group project - a partially-automated approach. Presented at: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013, Nottingham Trent University

Rowlett, P. (2013). Advantages and disadvantages of e-assessment and a partially-automated approach. Presented at: College of Arts and Science 2nd Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University

Rowlett, P. (2012). The Unplanned Impact of Mathematics. Presented at: British Society for the History of Mathematics Christmas meeting, Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2012). Preliminary analysis of a large data set. Presented at: Maths Jam Conference 2012

Rowlett, P., Chadwick, E., Mann, T., Bradshaw, N.-.A., Parrott, K., & Ramesh, N. (2012). Better prepared mathematics graduates: learning from employers and professional bodies. Presented at: HE STEM Conference 2012, University of Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2012). Good practice and resources to address community priorities for mathematics curriculum development. Presented at: HE STEM Conference 2012, University of Birmingham

Bradshaw, N.-.A., Mann, T., & Rowlett, P. (2012). Maths Arcade: developing mathematical thinking. Presented at: HE STEM Conference 2012, University of Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2012). An electronic hybrid approach to assessment. Presented at: Ideas Exchange 2012, University of Sheffield

Rowlett, P. (2012). Students setting their own history of mathematics essay titles. Presented at: Ideas Exchange 2012, University of Sheffield

Rowlett, P. (2012). Good practice and resources to address community priorities for mathematics curriculum development. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield

Rowlett, P. (2012). Making lectures more interactive. Presented at: Mechanical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Away Day, Oxford Brookes University

Bradshaw, N.-.A., & Rowlett, P. (2012). Undergraduates speak out: organising an undergraduate conference. Presented at: Inspiring Teachers: learning and leading in academic practice, University of Greenwich

Rowlett, P. (2012). Mathematics Enrichment: Maths in the News. Presented at: Mathematics in Education & Industry Conference, Keele University

Rowlett, P. (2012). Work on HE Curriculum Innovation in Mathematical Sciences.

Rowlett, P. (2012). Work on HE Curriculum Innovation in Mathematical Sciences.

Rowlett, P. (2012). Work on HE Curriculum Innovation in Mathematical Sciences. Presented at: London Metropolitan University

Rowlett, P. (2012). Work on HE Curriculum Innovation in Mathematical Sciences.

Rowlett, P. (2012). Recording lectures and learning from recordings. Presented at: Department of Mathematical Sciences seminar, University of Greenwich

Rowlett, P. (2012). Graduate Skills Development. Presented at: School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics seminar, University of Hertfordshire

Rowlett, P. (2012). Graduate skills and interactive lectures. Presented at: School of Mathematical Sciences seminar, Queen Mary, University of London

Feinstein, J., & Rowlett, P. (2012). The METAL Project - What have we learned and where next? Presented at: Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning - Dissemination Meeting, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P. (2012). Introduction to using social media to engage students in mathematical sciences. Presented at: Using social media to engage students workshop, University of Birmingham

Singh, M., Lewis, H., Rowlett, P., & Waller, D. (2012). Outputs and Outcomes from the Maths Strand Team of the National HE STEM Programme. Presented at: Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences (HoDoMS) Conference, University of Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2012). Mathematics lecturers' views of e-assessment. Presented at: School of Maths and Stats seminar, Newcastle University

Pope, S., Badger, M., & Rowlett, P. (2012). Problem-Solving in Undergraduate Mathematics. Presented at: British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Conference March 2012, University of Manchester

Rowlett, P. (2012). Solving it like a mathematician: A stall at the East Midlands Big Bang 2011. Presented at: Notts STEMNET Teacher/Ambassador Network Meeting, British Geological Survey, Keyworth

Rowlett, P. (2012). Alternatives to lectures. Presented at: Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning (METAL) Workshop, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P. (2011). Unplanned impact of mathematics. Presented at: Maths Jam Conference 2011

Rowlett, P., Croft, T., Mann, T., & Hawkes, T. (2011). Acting on recommendations from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2011, Coventry University

Rowlett, P. (2011). Encouraging innovation in HE mathematics teaching and learning. Presented at: 14th IMA Early Career Mathematicians Conference, University of Leicester

Rowlett, P. (2011). Maths Puzzles. Presented at: Specialist Schools and Academies Trust Annual Maths Conference 2011, University of Warwick

Rowlett, P. (2011). Discovering and teaching mathematics. Presented at: Ideas Exchange, University of Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2011). Further uses of screencasting - but are they effective? Presented at: Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning (METAL) Workshop, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P. (2011). Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems. Presented at: 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, University of Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2011). Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems. Presented at: 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, University of Greenwich

Rowlett, P. (2011). Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems. Presented at: 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, University of Bath

Rowlett, P. (2011). Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit. Presented at: University of Bath

Rowlett, P. (2011). Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems. Presented at: 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, Manchester Metropolitan University

Rowlett, P. (2011). Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit. Presented at: Manchester Metropolitan University

Rowlett, P. (2011). A Maths History Tour of Nottingham. Presented at: British Mathematical Colloquium 2011, University of Leicester

Rowlett, P. (2011). Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit.

Rowlett, P. (2011). Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems. Presented at: 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, University of York

Rowlett, P. (2011). Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit.

Rowlett, P. (2011). Technology in mathematics HE teaching & learning. Presented at: Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference 2011, University of Warwick

Rowlett, P. (2011). Innovation in mathematics HE teaching & learning. Presented at: Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference 2011, University of Warwick

Grove, M., Petrie, M., Rowlett, P., Kendrick, H., & Singh, M. (2011). Maths Strand of the National HE STEM Programme. Presented at: Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences (HoDoMS) Conference, Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2011). Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit.

Rowlett, P. (2011). Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit.

Rowlett, P. (2011). Mathematics lecturers' views of the advantages and disadvantages of electronic and traditional assessment. Presented at: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2011, Nottingham Trent University

Rowlett, P. (2010). Using Art Gallery Problems to Develop Mathematical and Employability Skills in a Higher Education Group Project. Presented at: Embedding Graduate Skills Workshop, Sheffield Hallam University

Rowlett, P., & Hansen, S. (2010). Mathematical Podcasting. Presented at: 13th IMA Early Career Mathematicians Conference, London

Rowlett, P. (2010). Integrating software into your lectures. Presented at: Using IT when teaching mathematics classes workshop, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P., & Barton, S. (2010). Ask the audience - influencing student behaviour. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2010, University of Birmingham

Waldock, J., & Rowlett, P. (2010). Developing graduates skills in HE mathematics programmes through case studies of successful practice. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2010, University of Birmingham

Rowlett, P., & Barton, S. (2010). Using an audience response system - what do the audience DO with the feedback? Presented at: British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Conference June 2010, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P. (2010). Podcasting. Presented at: How to Talk Maths in Public Conference, University of Manchester

Rowlett, P. (2010). Podcasting History. Presented at: The History of Mathematics in the Undergraduate Curriculum, University of Greenwich

Rowlett, P. (2010). Guarding Art Galleries: Design and evaluation of an undergraduate research based group project in mathematics. Presented at: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2010, Nottingham Trent University

Rowlett, P., Rowlett, E., Cliffe, E., Whapples, M., Pfluegel, E., & Edwards, A. (2009). Visual impairment in Maths, Stats and OR (MSOR).

Rowlett, P. (2009). Using Art Gallery Problems to teach mathematical and employability skills in a higher education group project. Presented at: BSRLM Autumn Conference 2009, Loughborough University

Rowlett, P. (2009). Update from IMA University Liaison Officer. Presented at: 11th Younger Mathematicians Conference, Birmingham

Rowlett, P. (2009). Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2009, Open University

Rowlett, P., Rowlett, E., Tyrrell, S., & Pfluegel, E. (2009). Accessing MSOR: Visual impairment hands-on workshop. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2009, Open University

Rowlett, P. (2009). Experience of Questionmark Perception at Nottingham; Is Maple TA the answer? Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2009, Open University

Rowlett, P. (2009). Electronic Voting Systems or Response Systems. Presented at: Education seminar, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham

Rowlett, P., & Parker, M. (2009). Podcasting. Presented at: "Using New Technologies" Day, London Mathematical Society

Rowlett, P. (2009). Update from IMA University Liaison Officer. Presented at: 10th Younger Mathematicians Conference, Oxford University

Rowlett, P. (2009). Maths careers and the work of the IMA University Liaison Officer. Presented at: Scottish Branch Talk, Napier University

Rowlett, P. (2008). Chalk & Talk and Interactive whiteboards. Presented at: E-Learning in Mathematical Subjects (ELMS), Nottingham Trent University

Bradshaw, N.-.A., & Rowlett, P. (2008). The perils and pleasures of recording podcasts on history of maths for a modern day generation. Presented at: Maths in View, University of Greenwich

Rowlett, E., & Rowlett, P. (2008). Experiences of mathematics students with visual impairments in higher education. Presented at: Higher Education Mathematics Education Conference (HEMEC) 2008, Loughborough University

Rowlett, E., & Rowlett, P. (2008). Visual Impairment in MSOR. Presented at: CETL-MSOR Conference 2008, Lancaster University

Other publications

Rowlett, P. (2023). A363166.

Other activities

  • The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
  • Steering Committee Member, MathsJam international recreational mathematics network
  • Vice President (Communications), Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
  • Editor, MSOR Connections
  • Associate Editor, Teaching Mathematics & its Applications
  • Editorial board member, Mathematics Today
  • Assessor, Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarship scheme
  • Committee member, London Mathematical Society Education Public Engagement Sub-Committee

Postgraduate supervision

  • Supervisor for Jenny Stacey, 'Adults (19+) studying GCSE mathematics in Further Education colleges: Self efficacy, anxiety and performance'.
  • Director of Studies for Ellen Marshall, 'Statistics anxiety: effectiveness of strategies in reducing the impact on student achievement'.
  • Supervisor for Siavosh Haghighi Movahed, 'An innovative approach in teaching laboratory activities within a computer networking curriculum'.
  • Director of Studies for Alex Crombie, 'The contribution of multi-disciplinary problem-solving interventions to undergraduate employability skills development'.

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