Professor Peter Schofield

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  4. Professor Peter Schofield

Prof Peter Schofield BSc (Hons), MA, PhD, MCILT

Professor of Tourism and Services Management


My research interests include consumer decision making and behaviour, destination marketing and services management. Within these areas, my main focus is on the consumer psychology of leisure and tourism with particular reference to service quality, service failure recovery and compulsive purchase behaviour including 'overshopping' and disordered gambling. I'm a founder member of the International Academy of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research and have supervised 22 PhD candidates through to completion. The findings from my research have informed government, DMO and hotel management decision making in relation to tourism development, destination marketing and customer services.


My research and consultancy interests include consumer decision making and behaviour, destination and events marketing, and services management. Within these areas, my main focus is on the consumer psychology of leisure and tourism with particular reference to market segmentation and profiling, destination image, brand personality, service quality, service failure recovery, compulsive purchase behaviour and psychological need satisfaction through gambling. I have also examined political voting behaviour and voter loyalty in recent UK general elections. I was educated at Manchester and New York universities and worked in airport operations management at San Diego and Manchester before entering academia in 1987. I'm a founder member of the International Academy of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research and have published extensively in, and review for, a range of international journals including Tourism Management, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing and the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. I have supervised 22 PhD candidates through to completion in a range of topic areas and my research and consultancy have generated over £750,000 to date, including research council, government and private sector funding. The findings have informed government, DMO and hotel management decision making in relation to tourism development, destination marketing and customer services.

Senior Academic


Department of Service Sector Management

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Subject Area

Tourism and Hospitality


- BSc Tourism Management;
- BSc Events Management with Tourism
- MSc Tourism, Hospitality, Events, Food


- Tourism Destination Marketing (Level 6)
- Research Methods (Level 7)


  • Decision heuristics in product and service choice behaviour
  • Compulsive purchase behaviour among young adults
  • COVID-19, self-discrepancy and maladaptive consumption
  • Psychological need satisfaction through online gambling
  • Political voting behaviour in UK general elections
  • Attitudes to low carbon lifestyle behavioural change
  • Sustainable aviation and the climate emergency
  • Service failure type and severity on recovery strategy effectiveness

Collaborators and Sponsors

Ongoing collaboration with research partners in:

- Salford University
- University of Aberdeen
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- Leeds Beckett University
- University of Girona
- La Rochelle University
- Lethbridge University
- University of Adelaide
- Sophro Ltd

Ongoing sponsorship from:

- Kindred plc


Maccarrone‐Eaglen, A., & Schofield, P. (2022). The influence of social media addiction on compulsive buying behaviour: a comparative analysis of LGBT + and heterosexual consumers. Journal of Consumer Behaviour.

Abson, E., & Schofield, P. (2022). Exploring the antecedents of shared leadership in event organisations. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 52, 439-451.

Schofield, P., Coromina, L., Camprubi, R., & Kim, S. (2020). An Analysis of First Time and Repeat-Visitor Destination Images through the Prism of the Three Factor Theory of Consumer Satisfaction. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 17, 100463.

Doran, A., Schofield, P., & Low, T. (2020). Women's mountaineering: accessing participation benefits through constraint negotiation strategies. Leisure Studies.

Maccaronne-Eaglen, A., & Schofield, P. (2019). Compulsive buying among young adults: a behavioural segmentation. Young Consumers.

Morris, C., Schofield, P., & Hirst, C. (2019). Exploration of the factors influencing attitudes to breastfeeding in public. Journal of Human Lactation.

Paulino, I., Prats, L., & Schofield, P. (2019). Tourist hub consumption systems: convenient flexibility versus administrative constraint. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 41, 69-79.

Parke, J., Williams, R.J., & Schofield, P. (2019). Exploring psychological need satisfaction from gambling participation and the moderating influence of game preferences. International Gambling Studies, 1-24.

Oriade, A., & Schofield, P. (2019). An examination of the role of service quality and perceived value in visitor attraction experience. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 11, 1-9.

Schofield, P., Crowther, P., Jago, L., & Taylor, S. (2018). Collaborative innovation: Catalyst for a destination’s event success. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

Westwood, C., Schofield, P., & Berridge, G.C. (2018). Agricultural shows: visitor motivation, experience and behavioural intention. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 9 (2), 147-165.

Strafford, D., Crowther, P., & Schofield, P. (2018). Enlivenment and the Gruffalo; the unfolding story of events in destination shopping centres. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 9 (2).

Doran, A., Schofield, P., & Low, T. (2018). Women's mountaineering tourism: an empirical investigation of its theoretical constraint dimensions. Leisure Studies, 37 (4), 396-410.

Maccarrone-Eaglen, A., & Schofield, P. (2017). A Cross-Cultural and Cross-Gender Analysis of Compulsive Buying Behaviour's Core Dimensions. International journal of consumer studies, 42 (1), 173-185.

Maccarrone‐Eaglen, A., & Schofield, P. (2017). Compulsive buying behavior: Re‐evaluating its dimensions and screening. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 16 (5), 463-473.

Schofield, P., & Reeves, P. (2015). Does the factor theory of satisfaction explain political voting behaviour? European Journal of Marketing, 49 (5/6), 968-992.

Schofield, P., & Fallon, P. (2012). Assessing the viability of university alumni as a repeat visitor market. Tourism Management, 33 (6), 1373-1384.

Schofield, P. (2011). The Quays in Salford: an analysis of visitor perceptions, satisfaction and behavioural intention. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14 (1).

Craggs, R., & Schofield, P. (2011). The quays in salford: an analysis of visitor perceptions, satisfaction and behavioural intention. International Journal of Tourism Research, 13 (6), 583-599.

Ene, D., & Schofield, P. (2011). An Integrated Approach to Consumer Decision Making for Budget City Breaks: the Role of Emotion. International Journal of Tourism Research, 13 (4), 368-383.

Schofield, P. (2011). City resident attitudes to proposed tourism development and its impacts on the community. International Journal of Tourism Research, 13 (3), 218-233.

Schofield, P. (2009). Soft city, hard sell: Manchester's popular music soundscape. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 2 (1/2), 24.

Schofield, P. (2009). Soft city, hard sell: tourist consumption of Manchester's popular music soundscape. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 2 (01-Feb), 24-36.

Thompson, K., & Schofield, P. (2009). Segmenting and Profiling Visitors to the Ulaanbaatar Naadam Festival by Motivation. Event Management, 13 (1), 1-15.

Craggs, R., & Schofield, P. (2009). Expenditure-Based Segmentation and Visitor Profiling at the Quays in Salford, UK. Tourism Economics, 15 (1), 243-260.

Phillips, L., & Schofield, P. (2007). Pottery, Pride, and Prejudice: Assessing Resident Images for City Branding. Tourism Analysis, 12 (5), 397-407.

Thompson, K., & Schofield, P. (2007). An investigation of the relationship between public transport performance and destination satisfaction. Journal of Transport Geography, 15 (2), 136-144.

Fallon, P., & Schofield, P. (2006). The dynamics of destination attribute importance. Journal of Business Research, 59 (6), 709-713.

SCHOFIELD, P., PHILLIPS, L., & ELIOPOULOS, K. (2005). Positioning Warrington for Day Trip Tourism: Assessing Visitor and Non-Visitor Images. Anatolia, 16 (2), 127-146.

Fallon, P., & Schofield, P. (2003). Just trying to keep the customer satisfied’: a comparison of models used in the measurement of tourist satisfaction. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 4 (03-Apr), 77-96.


Schofield, P. (2000). Developing a Day Trip Expectation/ Satisfaction Construct: A Comparative Analysis of Scale Construction Techniques. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 8 (3), 101-109.

Schofield, P. (1996). Cinematographic images of a city. Tourism Management, 17 (5), 333-340.

Conference papers

Schofield, P. (2016). Destination marketing and major events: integration or separation. ATLAS Annual Conference.

Book chapters

Doran, A., & Schofield, P. (2023). Tourism and the Seasons. In Goulding, P. (Ed.) Tourism: A temporal analysis. Oxford, Goodfellow Publishers:

Schofield, P., Doran, A., & Nolan, R. (2017). Assessing the walkability of urban public space with GIS technology: The hidden dimensions of security and community heritage. In The Routledge international handbook of walking. (pp. 369-378). Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge:

Schofield, P., & Maccarrone-Eaglen, A. (2011). Nation in transformation: Tourism and national identity in the Kyrgyz Republic. In Tourism and National Identities: An International Perspective. (pp. 105-120).

Ene, D., & Schofield, P. (2009). The role of emotions in consumer decision making for budget city breaks. In Fyall, A. (Ed.) Marketing Innovations for Sustainable Destinations. (1st). (pp. 66-79). Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd

Thompson, K., Schofield, P., Foster, N., & Bakieva, G. (2006). Kyrgyzstan’s Manas epos millennium celebrations: post-colonial resurgence of Turkic culture and the marketing of cultural tourism. In PICARD, D., & ROBINSON, M. (Eds.) Festivals, tourism and social change. (pp. 172-190). Clevedon: Channel View:

Schofield, P., & Fallon, P. (2003). A comparison of models used in the measurement of tourist satisfaction. In Williams, J.A., & Uysall, M. (Eds.) Current Issues and Development in Hospitality and Tourism Satisfaction. New York: Haworth Hospitality Press

Schofield, P., & Katics, N. (n.d.). Swedish Hotel Service Quality and Loyalty Dimensions. In Advances in Hospitality and Leisure. (pp. 123-157). Emerald (MCB UP ):


Richards, K., Doran, A., Brett, C., Wingfield, H., & Schofield, P. (2022). The Outjoyment Report: a research report on the well-being and mental health benefits of camping. IMPACT REPORT. The Camping and Caravanning Club.

Richards, K., Doran, A., Brett, C., Wingfield, H., & Schofield, P. (2022). The Outjoyment report: a research report on the well-being and mental health benefits of camping. The Camping and Caravanning Club.

Theses / Dissertations

Lešnik, J. (2020). (Un)healthy lifestyles of Sheffield’s residents: Socio-economic and psychosocial deprivation. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Schofield, P., & Pomfret, G.


Schofield, P. (2022). The Theory, Practice and Politics of Sampling. Presented at: PhD Colloquium, University of Girona, University of Girona

Schofield, P. (2022). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS. Presented at: Health Faculty Research Seminar, Sheffield Hallam University

Schofield, P. (2021). Self-discrepancy and Compulsive Consumption: ‘Overshopping’ and Disordered Gambling as Coping Strategies. Presented at: Research seminar, University of Wolverhampton

Schofield, P. (2019). Getting Published in Academic Journals. Presented at: ATHE Conference, Sheffield Hallam University

Benson, M., Hirst, C., & Schofield, P. (2018). Value for whom? A critical Analysis of Category Management Relationships in the UK Grocery Sector.

Benson, M. (2017). Value Creation in Category Management Relationships: A Comparative Analysis. Presented at: BAM 2017 Annual Conference - 'Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social sciences', Newcastle University

Oriade, A., & Schofield, P. (2016). Assessing attraction visitors’ behavioural intentions through perceived service quality, value and visitor satisfaction.

Schofield, P. (2016). Successful publishing in academic journals: preparation, politics and persistence.

Ismail, N., & Schofield, P. (2015). Customer loyalty in 5* Malaysian hotels: the role of quality, value and technology.

Schofield, P. (2015). A comparative analysis of hotel service recovery actions.

Schofield, P. (2013). Successful publishing in tourism: preparation, processes and politics.

Schofield, P. (2012). The impact of university alumni as repeat visitors.

Maccarrone-Eaglen, A., & Schofield, P. (2009). Compulsive buying behaviour: exploring the tourism product market.

Ene, D., & Schofield, P. (2009). Exploring the consumer decision making process for city breaks.

Schofield, P., & Fallon, P. (2007). Destination Marketing Organisation Networking: The Potential of University Alumni as a Short Break Market Segment.

Schofield, P., & Fallon, P. (2007). Segmenting and Profiling the Alumni Market for UK Cities Using Motivations and Constraints.

Schofield, P., & Fallon, P. (2007). Designing inclusive and sustainable urban infrastructure with GIS-P (Geographic Information Systems for Participation) applications: Engaging ‘hard-to-reach’ communities in the planning process.

Schofield, P., & Fallon, P. (2006). University Alumni as a Short-Break Market: the case of Greater Manchester.

Schofield, P., & Fallon, P. (2005). Exploring the When? How? and Why? of Assessing Destination Attribute Importance.

Fallon, P., & Schofield, P. (2004). “Just Trying to Keep the Customer Satisfied”.

Fallon, P., & Schofield, P. (2001). Measuring the importance of critical factors in restaurant service quality performance evaluation: a triadic perspective.

Schofield, P., & Fallon, P. (2000). Measuring the importance of critical factors in restaurant service quality performance evaluation: a triadic perspective.

Schofield, P., & Fallon, P. (2000). Measuring restaurant service quality performance through stakeholder evaluation: a triadic perspective.

Fallon, P., & Schofield, P. (2000). Service Quality Measurement and Triadic Interaction.

Hirst, C., & Schofield, P. (n.d.). Value Creation or Destruction: The Role of Private label in UK Grocery Category Management Decisions.

Other activities

Regular reviewer for a wide range of tourism, hospitality and business journals.

Postgraduate supervision

To date, I have supervised 22 PhD/DBA students through to completion. Subject areas supervised:

  • The role of tourism in urban regeneration
  • The impact of transportation on tourist behaviour
  • Compulsive purchase behaviour
  • Service failure and recovery in hotels and aviation
  • Customer service and loyalty in luxury Malaysian hotels
  • Thanatourism visitor motivation and behaviour
  • The impact of consumer cynicism on ethical consumption
  • Consumer decision making and vacation choice behaviour
  • Slow tourism experience and behaviour
  • Tourism governance in post-war Kosova
  • Empowerment and women's adventure tourism
  • The value of category management relationships in retailing
  • Shared leadership for events in experiential agencies
  • Urban lifestyle and deprivation

Ongoing supervision:

  • 'The food buying behaviour and decision making processes of vegan consumers'
  • 'The role of tacit knowledge in event management: the case of music festivals'
  • 'Service failure in higher education: An analysis of undergraduate BAME students' experience, performance and attainment'
  • 'Mitigating the effects of service failure in the home sharing market through effective response innovation and customer reconciliation'
  • 'Re-evaluating tourist decision making through the lens of dual system theory'
  • 'The impact of COVID-19 on compulsive buying behaviour and its psychological and economic consequences'

Completed supervisions

  • PhD Supervised to Completion (15 students)

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