Peter Thomas

Dr Peter Thomas BA, MA, PhD

Senior Lecturer


Peter Thomas recently arrived at Sheffield Hallam University (January 2014) having previously been a Teaching Fellow in comparative politics and quantitative research methods at University of Birmingham, a visiting Lecturer in political economy at Goldsmiths and a Lecturer in Sociology at University of East London.


Senior Lecturer


Sheffield Institute of Social Sciences

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Peter enjoys teaching across a broad spectrum of political and sociological areas, including political economy, comparative politics, welfare theory, social policy, research methods and work-based learning. He teaches across the sociology degree route and the politics degree route. Current teaching includes the following

Education, Schooling and Society
Politics of Everyday Life
Experiences of Health, Illness and Disability
Health and Society
Researching Society
Research Methods
Advanced Research Methods
Survey Methods 1
Survey Methods 2
Politics of the City (from 2014/15)
Comparing Social Issues and Policy in a Global Context (from 2014/15)


Peter's research interests are broadly concentrated in the area of European political economy, predominantly employing quantitative research methods. He has particular interests in examining wage and income inequality, post-industrialisation and British and European welfare states and labour markets.


Journal articles

Jeffery, B., Etherington, D., Ledger-Jessop, B., Thomas, P., & Jones, M. (2024). Exposure to harm as a function of bargaining position: The class composition of hospitality workers in Sheffield. Capital & Class.

Etherington, D., Jeffery, B., Thomas, P., Jones, M., & Ledger‐Jessop, B. (2023). Trade union strategies to tackle labour market insecurity: Geography and the role of Sheffield TUC. Industrial Relations Journal.

Jeffery, B., Thomas, P., & Devine, D. (2019). Classificatory struggles in the midst of austerity: policing or politics? The Sociological Review.

Jeffery, R., Devine, D., & Thomas, P. (2018). "There's nothing”: unemployment, attitudes to work and punitive welfare reform in post-crash Salford. Sociological research online, 23 (4), 795-811.


Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Final report. Sheffield Hallam University.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Key findings. Sheffield Hallam University.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Promoting tenancy sustainment in social housing: a guide for social landlords. Sheffield Hallam University.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Final report - additional information about the research methods used by the study team. Sheffield Hallam University.

Jeffery, R., Beresford, R., Thomas, P., Etherington, D., & Jones, M. (2024). Challenging Sexual Harassment in Low Paid & Precarious Hospitality Work. Sheffield Hallam University.

Thomas, P., Hickman, P., & Reeve, K. (2024). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: tenant survey findings.

Thomas, P., Etherington, D., Jeffery, R., Beresford, R., Beel, D., & Jones, M. (2020). Tackling Labour Market Injustice and Organising Workers: The View from a Northern Heartland. Sheffield TUC.

Thomas, P., Jay, T., Willis, B., Taylor, R., Merchant, G., Moore, N., ... Stevens, A. (2019). Dialogic Teaching: Addendum Report. Education Endowment Foundation.

Thomas, P., Jay, T., Willis, B., Taylor, R., Merchant, G., Moore, N., ... Stevens, A. (2019). Dialogic Teaching: Addendum Report. London, UK: Education Endowment Foundation.

Etherington, D., Jeffery, R., Thomas, P., Brooks, J., Beel, D., & Jones, M. (2018). Forging an inclusive labour market - empowering workers and communities : an interim report on low pay and precarious work in Sheffield. Sheffield: Sheffield Trades Union Council.

Jay, T., Willis, B., Thomas, P., Taylor, R., Moore, N., Burnett, C., ... Stevens, A. (2017). Dialogic Teaching : Evaluation Report and Executive Summary. London, UK: Education Endowment Foundation.

Internet Publications

Jeffery, R., & Thomas, P. (2019). Class, Collective Bargaining and Labour Rights.

Other activities

Member of Political Studies Association

Member of Social Policy Association

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