Dr Sally Billau EdD, Ba
Senior Lecturer in Interior Design
Sally Billau trained as an Interior Designer at Nottingham Trent University and has proven industry experience through working for a large architectural practice on a wide range of design projects. With an understanding of spatial settings and how an environment can positively impact upon the people that use and move through these spaces, Sally has interests around the personalisation of space. Sally moved into academia in 2009 and has a continuing interest in the pedagogy of design education, having explored students' lived experience of 'employability’ within BA (Bachelor of Arts) Interior Architecture and Design (IAD) programmes, as part of her doctoral programme of study. She is committed to pedagogic excellence in teaching through the application of innovative learning and teaching theories and methods.
MY SPACE: Co-creating personalised space within UK healthcare environments explores how a positive environment can encourage active participation in the recovery process for people with dementia in a healthcare setting. It explores links between surroundings, behaviors and beliefs, alongside the opportunity to personalise the healthcare space people inhabit, and the positive role this can play in their recovery process.
Building on her industry experience, Sally is interested in providing students with opportunities for the transfer of learning from the University environment into the workplace setting. She has developed a series of projects designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop as reflective practitioners and experience a range of different professional contexts in which they may work, and therefore enhance their ability to contribute to them.
Specialist areas of interest
Personalisation of Space
Transfer of Learning from University environment to workplace setting
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Subject area
Interior Architecture and Design
Courses taught
Interior Architecture and Design
Modules taught
Interior Context, Interior Practice, Future Now: Collaboration in Action
Conference papers
Billau, S., & Stirling, E. (2017). CoLAB – Collaborative exhibition as a method to open interior design. In Kung, C., Lam, E., & Lee, Y. (Eds.) Open design for E-very thing, (pp. 56-60). Aalto, Finland: Hong Kong Design Institute and Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media: https://www.cumulusassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Cumulus-Hong-Kong-Proceeding2016.pdf
Book chapters
Stirling, E., Billau, S., Batty, S., & Vallance, R. (2019). Textural interface: A design fiction. In Brooker, G., Harriss, H., & Walker, K. (Eds.) Interior Futures. Napa Valley, California: Crucible Press: https://www.cruciblepress.com/interiorfutures
Theses / Dissertations
Billau, S. (2024). The lived experience of employability for undergraduateInterior Architecture & Design students. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Mccaig, C. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00646
Billau, S., & Stirling, E. (2016). CoLAB : Collaborative exhibition as a method to open interior design. Presented at: Open Design for E-very-thing, Hong Kong Design Institute, 2016