Sandar Win

Dr Sandar Win PhD, MSc, BA, BBA

Division Head


Sandar is currently the Head of Division for Finance and Economics at Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University. She initially joined the University as the Deputy Head of Department for the Department of Finance, Accounting and Business Systems in December 2022. Previously, she worked as a Curriculum Lead (Associate Professor in Accounting) in School of Economics, Finance and Accounting at Coventry University and Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance at University of Bedfordshire.


Sandar received her PhD in Accounting and Finance from University of Bedfordshire in 2013. She is an experienced academic who has demonstrated abilities to lead and develop teaching professionals to enhance student experience in higher education. This is evident through being awared with the Chartered Manager designation and recognised as a Member by the Chartered Management Insitute (CMI). She is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and a Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE). She always promotes and shares innovation and best practices in teaching and learning with institutions in the Higher Education sector through acting as an external examiner and external panel member across the UK and overseas institutions.

She has been working towards connecting research and practice for societal impacts. She has engaged in a number of international and national research projects which are related to her principal research interest, banking and finance. They are studied from different perspectives of poverty reduction and entrepreneurship. She has worked with international development organisations such as Adam Smith International and Cherie Blair Foundation for Women. She is currently the secretary of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies (AFEE) special interest group of the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA). She has supervised PhD students to completion as well. 

Her experience in academia, having worked and lived in different countries, both in Asia and Europe, allowed Sandar to gain extensive knowledge in recognising differences across borders and developing links with external industrial contacts.



Sheffield Business School

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Subject Area:

  • Accounting, Finance and Economics


1. The role of digital technologies in enabling financial inclusions among disadvantaged communities in developing countries.

2. Entrepreneurship in conflict-affected regions/fragile states


Journal articles

Win, S., Chhatbar, M., Parajuli, M.A., & Clement, S. (2024). Accounting professionals’ legitimacy maintenance of modern slavery inspired extreme work practices in an emerging economy. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Dimitraki, O., & Win, S. (2021). Military Expenditure Economic Growth Nexus in Jordan: An Application of ARDL Bound Test Analysis in the Presence of Breaks. Defence and Peace Economics, 32 (7), 864-881.

Win, S., & Kofinas, A. (2021). A historical institutionalist perspective on the persistence of state controls during financial sector reforms: the insightful case of Myanmar. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 11 (1), 94-121.

Rasel, M.A., & Win, S. (2020). Microfinance governance: a systematic review and future research directions. Journal of Economic Studies, 47 (7), 1811-1847.

Win, S., & Kofinas, A.K. (2019). Reflecting and integrating the contextual influences of ambiguities and institutional power in organisational research design: A Case of Myanmar. Management and Organization Review, 15 (02), 341-370.

Win, S. (2018). What are the possible future research directions for bank’s credit risk assessment research? A systematic review of literature. International Economics and Economic Policy, 15 (4), 743-759.

Ramanathan, U., Win, S., & Wien, A. (2018). A SERVQUAL approach to identifying the influences of service quality on leasing market segment in the German financial sector. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25 (6), 1935-1955.

Win, S. (2018). Banks’ lending behaviour under repressed financial regulatory environment: In the context of Myanmar. Pacific Accounting Review, 30 (1), 20-34.

Hussain, A., Kofinas, A., & Win, S. (2017). Intention to Purchase Counterfeit Luxury Products: A Comparative Study Between Pakistani and the UK Consumers. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 29 (5), 331-346.

Other publications

Thornley, G., Newsham, Z., Win, S., & Revill, J. (2024). Embracing and overcoming AI implementation in the UK Higher Education setting. Chartered Association of Business Schools:

Other activities

08/2021 Lead External Examiner for Accounting and Finance Programmes, Northumbria University

02/2018 External Academic Panel Member on Institutional Review of a partnership with an Overseas Academic Institution, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, UK

01/2017 – 12/2020 Examiner, University of Bradford, UK (Accounting and Finance modules)

10/2016 – 09/2021 Examiner, University of Roehampton (Entrepreneurship / Project Management)

06/2017 External Academic Panel Member, Regent’s University London, UK

05/2017 External Academic Panel Member, University of Northampton, UK

Postgraduate supervision

1. Dr. Ammar Hussain (Second Supervisor)

Topic: ‘Effects of Store Environment and Website Characteristics on Impulse Buying Behaviour of University Students.’

2. Dr. Seyefar Clement (Director of Studies)

Topic: ‘Entrepreneurship as a key driver of growth and development in Nigeria: An exploratory study on business financing barriers in Nigeria.’

3. Dr. Abubakar M. Zayyana (Director of Studies)

Topic: ‘Beyond the Surface: Board of Directors’ Effectiveness Regarding Tasks and Corporate Social Responsibility Activities in Nigeria.’

4. Dr. Nashat Almasari (Director of Studies)

Topic: ‘The Relationship between Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms and the Quality of External Audit Service": Empirical Evidence from Jordan’

5. Dr. Chansa Chiwele (Director of Studies)

Topic: ‘Achieving Consistency in Black-Scholes by Analytical Models and Calibration.’

6. Dr. Gregory Asante (Director of Studies)

Topic: ‘Assessing the feasibility of using system dynamics in the evaluation of shared service centres’

7. Mr. Md. Ali Rasel (Director of Studies)

Topic: ‘Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on the Dual Missions of Microfinance Institutions in South Asia’

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