Senior Lecturer Sarah Smith MSc, BSc
Course Leader for MSc Radiotherapy & Oncology in Practice (Pre- Registration), Senior Lecturer
Sarah leads courses and modules on a range of apprentice, undergraduate and post graduate level study. Delivering learning on a wide range of topics her main areas of specialism are Head & Neck cancer, Late-Effects and Paediatric cancer. She has also undertaken specialist roles to develop Interprofessional Education, and International Courses in Radiotherapy for Practitioners, Medical Physicists and Doctors.
A registered Therapeutic Radiographer (HCPC), Sarah trained at the University of Liverpool and The Northern Centre for Cancer Treatment in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and worked for a number of years in clinical practice at the Yorkshire Centre for Clinical Oncology in Leeds. After undertaking a Masters Degree and teaching qualification Sarah joined the University in 2003.
Sarah is a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Tribunal Service (TS) Fitness to Practise (FTP) Registrant Panel Member assessing a range of cases of practitioners referred for breaches of standards of practice, review evidence, hold hearings, and as part of a panel, make fair and reasoned decisions on the fitness to practise of HCPC registrants in Radiography.
She is a supervisor for students undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate research projects, and is a reviewer of submissions for publication to the Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice.
Sarah leads courses and modules on a range of apprentice, undergraduate and post graduate level study. Delivering learning on a wide range of topics her main areas of specialism are Head & Neck cancer, Late-Effects and Paediatric cancer. She has also undertaken specialist roles to develop Interprofessional Education, and International Courses in Radiotherapy for Practitioners, Medical Physicists and Doctors.
A registered Therapeutic Radiographer (HCPC), Sarah trained at the University of Liverpool and The Northern Centre for Cancer Treatment in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and worked for a number of years in clinical practice at the Yorkshire Centre for Clinical Oncology in Leeds. After undertaking a Masters Degree and teaching qualification Sarah joined the University in 2003.
Sarah is a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Tribunal Service (TS) Fitness to Practise (FTP) Registrant Panel Member assessing a range of cases of practitioners referred for breaches of standards of practice, review evidence, hold hearings, and as part of a panel, make fair and reasoned decisions on the fitness to practise of HCPC registrants in Radiography.
She is a supervisor for students undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate research projects, and is a reviewer of submissions for publication to the Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice.
Sarah has experience of course design and approval, has external examining positions in Radiography in the UK, has previously acted as an Assessor for the Approvals and Accreditation Board of the College of Radiographers, in the review and approval of education courses in the UK on behalf of the professional body.
Sarah has a particular interest in developing engaging and innovative learning opportunities for students, and embedding service user involvement in healthcare education. She has undertaken projects to evaluate the effectiveness of Learning, Teaching and Assessment strategies including distance learning, interprofessional learning, the support and retention of students and bespoke design for the development of Radiotherapy practitioners overseas.
She is currently undertaking Doctorate (PhD) study investigating effective strategies to improve patient support and management after Head & Neck cancer.
Specialist areas of interest
Sarah's main areas of interest or specialism include head and neck cancer, service user involvement and quality of life studies. As well as research and development of education, such as retention of students, student support, effectiveness of learning and teaching and assessment strategies
Her research interests include treatment related side effects and quality of life for patients, the development of inter-professional learning and working, head and neck oncology and treatment, undergraduate student support, recruitment and retention.
College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
PhD study (2024 - ongoing) to Evaluate the efficacy of creative therapy in the support of patients with Head & Neck Cancer late effects.
Qualitative Evaluation of the Experience of International students on a mixed programme of study I English and Radiation Therapy Physics.
Awarded funding & completed Centre for Interprofessional e-Learning secondment (CIPeL) Design, implementation & evaluation of e-learning resources to support undergraduate interprofessional education & staff skills.
Subject Area
Radiotherapy, Oncology, Cancer
Pre registration: MSc Radiotherapy & Oncology in Practice, BSc Radiotherapy & Oncology, Degree Apprenticeship Therapeutic Radiography.
Post- Registration: MSc Enhanced Radiotherapy & Oncology in Practice
Doctorate PhD study 2024 - ongoing, to Evaluate the efficacy of creative therapy in the support of patients with Head & Neck Cancer late effects.
Ruth Meddows-Taylor, Sarah Smith,(2024) A critical review of microbial influence upon the severity of radiation-induced oral mucositis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and its potential impact on future management. Radiography, 30: Supplement 3, P S2, ISSN 1078-8174,
Poster Presentation: Developing Radiotherapy Services in Iraq. UK Radiation Oncology Conference (UKRO), Nottingham 21st - 23rd October 2013 & UK Radiation Oncology Conference (UKRO), Nottingham 21st - 23rd October 2013
Poster Presentation: Can e-learning achieve international re-usability in the context of interprofessional learning? All Together Better Health VI, Interprofessional Education & e-Learning. Karolinska Institute Stockholm, Sweden. 2-5th June 2008
Poster Presentation: The Development of the Simple Learning Object Tool. Centre for Interprofessional e-Learning annual conference, Coventry University. 24th April 2008
Journal articles
Meddows-Taylor, R., & Smith, S. (2024). A critical review of microbial influence upon the severity of radiation-induced oral mucositis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and its potential impact on future management [abstract only]. Radiography, 30 (supp3), S2.
Rosbottom, K., Smith, S., & Collins, M. (2013). Developing Radiotherapy services in Iraq. Presented at: United Kingdom Radiation Oncology Conference, Nottingham, UK, 2013
Other activities
Registrant Panel Member: Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Tribunal Service (TS) Fitness to Practise (FTP).
Reviewer of submissions for publication to the Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice.
Postgraduate supervision
A range of topic areas in Oncology, Radiotherapy, Quality of Life, Service User Involvement & Education.