Professor Shona Kelly PhD
Professor of Interdisciplinary Health Research
I am passionate about translational research. In particular, I'm interested in interdisciplinary research that provides unique solutions by combining knowledge and skills from disciplines that often need skilled support to work together. I have an unusual breadth of experience and education having begun in the laboratory sciences, worked in public health and epidemiology and completed a doctorate in Interdisciplinary Studies which included anthropology, sociology and qualitative research techniques.
My work is truly interdisciplinary and translates across usually incompatible disciplinary boundaries and also involves communicating complex science for the general public. But it is my skill in understanding how others view the world (their conceptual framework) and the limitations posed by that framework that have made me a successful collaborator. There are also distinct differences in expectations between academia, industry, government officials and the third sector. In practice this means that many interdisciplinary projects, both within and outside of academia, founder because the participants do not understand there is another perspective, use similar jargon to describe very different phenomena and generally fail to understand each other's needs and expectations from the project. True interdisciplinary research is neither group-think, nor superficial. A truly interdisciplinary team understands the perspective of the others, recognise what benefits each discipline bring to the project, and appreciates the other perspectives even if they aren’t willing to adopt these perspectives themselves. Interdisciplinary projects broaden horizons, generate new solutions, and put a fresh eye on old problems.
I have an extensive track record of health research but also work more broadly with psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, developmental biologists, statisticians, climate scientists, geographers, educators, government bureaucrats, and economists. Without me these non-health collaborations may not have occurred at all or would be limited in both scope and application. Simply put, without my collaboration this work would not have incorporated other disciplinary practices/ideas. At its most complex, my participation pushed the boundaries of the research into new areas and generated new areas of knowledge.
Public Health, Occupational Health, Environmental Health, Health Inequalities, Stress
Department of Social Work and Social Care and Community Studies
College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
MSc Public Health
Public Health Research 24-7009-01S-A
Foundations Of Epidemiology B 77-703435
- Estimating the level, and type, of unmet need in palliative care services in Sheffield. Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group, 2019
- A Contemporary Assessment of Occupational Therapy Research in the UK. Royal College of Occupational Therapy, 2019.
- Research Internship Programme Progression Evaluation. Health Education England, 2018.
- An evaluation of the Hospital Liaison Project. Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH), 2016.
- An evaluation of the education and training for support workers in residential care home. Doncaster Borough Council, 2016
- An evaluation of the advanced training practice scheme for practice nurses in South Yorkshire. Yorkshire and Humber Health Education, 2015
- An Evaluation of the Sheffield Enhanced Primary Care Programme. Primary Care Sheffield. 2015.
- Knowledge transfer partnership with Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) 2014.
- An Evaluation of the West Alcohol Screening Programme. Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group. 2014.
- Evaluation of the Rotherham Health Checks Programme. Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, 2014.
- Understanding Society. Research University of Essex, 2013
- Consultant with other CHSCR staff. Knowledge transfer partnership with B. Braun Medical Ltd, 2013
- A literature review on Leadership Compact and Talent Management. NHS Leadership Academy, 2013.
- Development of Clinical Information Network Database for Pandemic Influenza. Department of Health, 2009.
Journal articles
Kelly, S., Gellion, A., Bone, T., Collingwod, N., Tennyson, R., Saywell, E., ... Yuen, K. (2023). A scoping review of the outcome measures that can be utilised when studying the effects of physical activity for the elderly in care homes. .
Ibrahim, A.K., Fouad, I., Kelly, S., El Fawal, B., & Ahmed, G.K. (2022). Prevalence and determinants of Internet Addiction among medical students and its association with depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 314, 94-102.
Fowler Davis, S., Choppin, S., & Kelly, S. (2022). Towards an Understanding of Population Health Data in a Single NHS Trust during COVID-19. Healthcare, 10 (3).
Piercy, H., Kelly, S., Wills, M., & Croston, M. (2022). Psychological impact of caring during the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV nurses. British Journal of Nursing, 31 (1), S10-S15.
Kelly, S. (2021). Individual socioeconomic status is important but hard to measure. The BMJ, 372, n174.
Nightingale, J., Fowler-Davis, S., Grafton, K., Kelly, S., Langham, C., Lewis, R., ... Harrop, D. (2020). The role of Allied Health Professions and Nursing Research Internships in developing a research culture: a mixed-methods exploration of stakeholder perspectives. Health Research Policy and Systems, 18 (1), 122.
Woolliscroft, T., Kelly, S., Ramirez, P., Harris, J., Heller, T., & Redgrave, P. (2020). Covid-19: Better contact tracing could help save lives and the economy. The BMJ Opinion.
Lewis, R., Ibbotson, R., & Kelly, S. (2019). Student nurses' career intentions following placements in general practice through the advanced training practices scheme (ATPS): findings from an online survey. BMC Medical Education, 19 (1), 448.
Brown, P., Consortium, R.E.L.I.S.H., & Zhou, Y. (2019). Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search. Database, 2019, 1-67.
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2018). GP/GPN partner* perspectives on clinical placements for student nurses in general practice: can a community of practice help to change the prevailing culture within general practice? BMC Family Practice, 19 (156).
Kelly, S., Piercy, H., Ibbotson, R., & Fowler-Davis, S. (2018). Who attends out-of-hours general practice appointments? Analysis of a patient cohort accessing new out-of-hours units. BMJ Open, 8 (6), e020308.
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2018). Changing hearts and minds: examining student nurses' experiences and perceptions of a general practice placement through a 'community of practice' lens. BMC medical education, 18 (1), 67.
Fowler-Davis, S., Piercy, H., Pearson, S., Thomas, B., & Kelly, S. (2018). Factors affecting decisions to extend access to primary care- results of a qualitative evaluation of general practitioners views. BMJ Open, 8 (3).
Mcclimens, A., Kelly, S., Ismail, M., & Breckon, J. (2017). Evaluation of a new mental health liaison team in a general hospital. Part 2: exploring the themes and their effect on practice. Emergency Nurse, 25 (8), 23-26.
Mcclimens, A., Kelly, S., Ismail, M., & Breckon, J. (2017). Evaluation of a new mental health liaison team in a general hospital. Part 1: background and literature review. Emergency Nurse, 25 (7), 31-34.
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2017). Would ‘growing our own’ practice nurses solve the workforce crisis? Practice Nursing, 28 (4), 174-176.
Nield, L., & Kelly, S. (2016). Outcomes of a community-based weight management programme for morbidly obese populations. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 29 (6), 669-676.
Kelly, S., & Ismail, M. (2015). Stress and type 2 diabetes: a review of how stress contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Annual Review of Public Health, 36, 441-462.
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2015). Education for healthcare clinical support workers. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 30 (15), 38-41.
Ismail, H., & Kelly, S. (2015). Lessons learned from England's Health Checks Programme : Using qualitative research to identify and share best practice. BMC Family Practice, 16, 144.
Kelly, S., & Ismail, M. (2014). Is exposure to chronic stressors a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes? The European Journal of Public Health, 24 (supl 2), 137.
Daniel, M., Paquet, C., Kelly, S.J., Zang, G., Rowley, K.G., McDermott, R., & O'Dea, K. (2013). Hypertriglyceridemic waist and newly-diagnosed diabetes among remote-dwelling Indigenous Australians. Annals of human biology, 40 (6), 496-504.
Ibrahim, A.K., Ibrahim, A.K., Kelly, S.J., & Glazebrook, C. (2013). Socioeconomic status and the risk of depression among U.K. higher education students. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 48 (9), 1491-1501.
Ibrahim, A.K., Kelly, S.J., Adams, C.E., & Glazebrook, C. (2013). A systematic review of studies of depression prevalence in university students. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47 (3), 391-400.
Ibrahim, A.K., Kelly, S.J., & Glazebrook, C. (2012). Reliability of a shortened version of the Zagazig Depression Scale (ZDS) and prevalence of depression in an Egyptian University student sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 53 (5), 638-647.
Ibrahim, A.K., Kelly, S., & Glazebrook, C. (2012). Further validation of Zagazig depression scale shortened form (ZDS-SF) and depression diagnosis in a United Kingdom (UK) student population. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 2 (11), 221-227.
Kelly, S., Burns, N.R., Bradman, G., Wittert, G., & Daniel, M. (2012). Does IQ vary systematically with all measures of socioeconomic status in a cohort of middle-aged, and older, men? Sociology Mind, 2 (4), 394-400.
Daniell, M., Zang, G., Rowley, K.G., McDermott, R., Kelly, S.J., & O'Dea, K. (2012). Non-linear modelling of fasting plasma glucose Concentration and peak 2-hour insulin response to a glucose challenge in Australian Aboriginal People. Journal of Diabetes Research and Clinical Metabolism, 1 (1), 1-8.
Ibrahim, A.K., Kelly, S.J., & Glazebrook, C. (2012). Analysis of an Egyptian study on the socioeconomic distribution of depressive symptoms among undergraduates. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epdiemiology, 47 (6), 927-937.
Ibrahim, A.K., Ibrahim, A.K., Kelly, S.J., & Glazebrook, C. (2012). Analysis of an Egyptian study on the socioeconomic distribution of depressive symptoms among undergraduates. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 47 (6), 927-937.
Sweeting, H., West, P., Young, R., & Kelly, S.J. (2011). Dimensions of adolescent subjective social status within the school community: description and correlates. Journal of Adolescence, 34 (3), 493-504.
Kelly, S., Daniell, M., Dal Grande, E., & Taylor, A. (2011). Mental ill-health across the continuum of body mass index. BMC Public Health, 11, 765.
Atsu-Dodor, E., & Kelly, S.J. (2010). Manifestations of TB stigma within the healthcare system : The case of Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan district in Ghana. Health Policy, 98 (2-3), 195-202.
West, P., Sweeting, H., Young, R., & Kelly, S.J. (2010). The relative importance of family socioeconomic status and school-based peer hierarchies for morning cortisol in youth : an exploratory study. Social Science and Medicine, 70 (8), 1246-1253.
Kelly, S.J., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Lilley, J. (2010). Associations of morbidity in the underweight. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64 (5), 475-482.
Khair, A.M., Kelly, S.J., Challoner, E.C., & Glazebrook, C. (2010). Establishing the reliability and validity of the Zagazig Depression Scale in a UK student population : an online pilot study. BMC Psychiatry, 10, 107.
Hashim, A.B., McKeever, T., Kelly, S.J., & Nguyen-Van Tam, J.S. (2010). Evaluation of inter-pandemic influenza vaccine effectiveness during eight consecutive winter seasons in England and Wales in patients with cardiovascular risk factors. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 3 (4), 159-165.
Atsu-Dodor, E., Kelly, S.J., & Neal, K. (2009). Health professionals as stigmatisers of tuberculosis : insights from community members and TB patients in an urban district in Ghana. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 14 (3), 301-10.
Atsu-Dodor, E., & Kelly, S.J. (2009). ‘We are afraid of them’: attitudes and behaviours of community members towards tuberculosis in Ghana and implications for TB control efforts. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 14 (2), 170-179.
Large, D.J., Kelly, S.J., Spiro, B., Tian, L., Shao, L., Finkelman, R., ... Zhou, Y. (2009). Silica-volatile interaction and the geological cause of the Xuan Wei lung cancer epidemic. Environmental Science & Technology (including News & Research Notes), 43 (23), 9016-9021.
Kelly, S.J., & Dennick, R. (2009). Evidence of gender bias in True-False-Abstain medical examinations. BMC Medical Education, 9, 32.
West, P., Sweeting, H., Young, R., & Kelly, S. (2009). Social hierarchies in youth: school-based peer hierarchies are more important than family socioeconomic status for stress (cortisol). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 63 (Supp 2), A14-A15.
Atsu-Dodor, E., Neal, K., & Kelly, S. (2008). An exploration of the causes of tuberculosis stigma in an urban district in Ghana. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 12 (9), 1048-1054.
Kelly, S.J., Young, R., Sweeting, H., Fischer, J., & West, P. (2008). Levels and confounders of morning cortisol levels collected from adolescents in a naturalistic (school) setting. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33 (9), 1257-1268.
Kelly, S.J., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Lilley, J. (2008). Are the underweight more ill than those of acceptable weight or overweight? Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 67 (OCE8), E365.
Li, L., Power, C., Kelly, S., Kirschbaum, C., & Hertzman, C. (2007). Life-time socio-economic position and cortisol patterns in mid-life. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 32 (7), 824-833.
Orpana, H.M., Lemyre, L., & Kelly, S. (2007). Do stressors explain the association between income and declines in self-rated health? A longitudinal analysis of the National Population Health Survey. International journal of behavioral medicine, 14 (1), 40-47.
Bennett, C.M., McKendry, I.G., Kelly, S., Denike, K., & Koch, T. (2006). Impact of the 1998 Gobi dust event on hospital admissions in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia. The Science of the total environment, 366 (2-3), 918-925.
Kelly, S.J., & Ratner, P.A. (2005). Compared to whom? An investigation of the relative health comparisons of well people. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 96 (6), 462-466.
Pickett, K.E., Kelly, S., Brunner, E., Lobstein, T., & Wilkinson, R.G. (2005). Wider income gaps, wider waistbands? An ecological study of obesity and income inequality. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 59 (8), 670-674.
Kelly, S.J., Stedman, J., & Leonardi-Bee, J. (2005). Is hemoglobin A1c level associated with measures of socio-economic status in non-diabetics after controlling for known explanatory factors? Stress and Health, 21 (3), 185-192.
Kelly, S. (2005). Why have pesticides become the archetype of all that is wrong with modern society? Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 96 (2), 85-88.
Ostry, A.S., Kelly, S., Demers, P.A., Mustard, C., & Hertzman, C. (2003). A comparison between the effort-reward imbalance and demand control models. BMC public health, 3, 10.
Rolfe, I.E., Pearson, S.A., Sanson-Fisher, R.W., Ringland, C., Bayley, S., Hart, A., & Kelly, S. (2002). Which common clinical conditions should medical students be able to manage by graduation? A perspective from Australian interns. Medical teacher, 24 (1), 16-22.
Ostry, A.S., Marion, S.A., Demers, P.A., Hershler, R., Kelly, S., Teschke, K., & Hertzman, C. (2001). Measuring psychosocial job strain with the job content questionnaire using experienced job evaluators. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 39 (4), 397-401.
Ostry, A.S., Marion, S.A., Demers, P.A., Hershler, R., Kelly, S., Teschke, K., & Hertzman, C. (2001). Measuring psychosocial job strain with the job content questionnaire using experienced job evaluators. American journal of industrial medicine, 39 (4), 397-401.
Ostry, A.S., Marion, S.A., Demers, P.A., Hershler, R., Kelly, S., Teschke, K., ... Hertzman, C. (2001). Comparison of expert-rater methods for assessing psychosocial job strain. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 27 (1), 70-75.
Ostry, A.S., Hershler, R., Kelly, S., Demers, P., Teschke, K., & Hertzman, C. (2001). Effects of de-industrialization on unemployment, re-employment, and work conditions in a manufacturing workforce. BMC public health, 1, 15.
Kelly, S.J., & Hertzman, C. (2001). Finding a stress measure in the literature and taking it into the field. Advances in psychosomatic medicine, 22, 7-16.
Ostry, A., Marion, S., Green, L.W., Demers, P., Teschke, K., Hershler, R., ... Hertzman, C. (2000). Downsizing and industrial restructuring in related to changes in psychosocial conditions of work in British Columbia sawmills. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 26 (3), 273-278.
Heacock, H., Hertzman, C., Demers, P.A., Gallagher, R., Hogg, R.S., Teschke, K., ... Kelly, S. (2000). Childhood cancer in the offspring of male sawmill workers occupationally exposed to chlorophenate fungicides. Environmental health perspectives, 108 (6), 499-503.
Ostry, A., Marion, S., Green, L., Teshke, K., Hershler, R., Kelly, S., & Hertzman, C. (2000). The relationship between unemployment, technological change and psychosocial work conditions in British Columbia sawmills. Critical Public Health, 10 (2), 179-192.
Kelly, S.J. (2000). Re: Raphael D, Bryant T. Putting the population into population health. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 91 (3), 234.
Daniel, M., O'Dea, K., Rowley, K.G., McDermott, R., & Kelly, S. (1999). Glycated hemoglobin as an indicator of social environmental stress among indigenous versus westernized populations. Preventive medicine, 29 (5), 405-413.
Prescott, E., Osler, M., Hein, H.O., Borch-Johnsen, K., Lange, P., Schnohr, P., & Vestbo, J. (1998). Gender and smoking-related risk of lung cancer. The Copenhagen Center for Prospective Population Studies. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 9 (1), 79-83.
Kelly, S. (1997). Topics in environmental epidemiology. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE SANTE PUBLIQUE, 88 (6), 426-427.
Hertzman, C., Teschke, K., Ostry, A., Hershler, R., Dimich-Ward, H., Kelly, S., ... Marion, S.A. (1997). Mortality and cancer incidence among sawmill workers exposed to chlorophenate wood preservatives. American journal of public health, 87 (1), 71-79.
Kelly, S., Hertzman, C., & Daniels, M. (1997). Searching for the biological pathways between stress and health. Annual review of public health, 18, 437-462.
Teschke, K., Marion, S.A., Ostry, A., Hertzman, C., Hershler, R., Dimich-Ward, H., & Kelly, S. (1996). Reliability of retrospective chlorophenol exposure estimates over five decades. American journal of industrial medicine, 30 (5), 616-622.<616::aid-ajim10>;2-6
Dimich-Ward, H., Hertzman, C., Teschke, K., Hershler, R., Marion, S.A., Ostry, A., & Kelly, S. (1996). Reproductive effects of paternal exposure to chlorophenate wood preservatives in the sawmill industry. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 22 (4), 267-273.
Kelly, S.J., Hertzman, C., & Wiens, M. (1994). Trace element analysis of soils collected near a lead/zinc smelter. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 85 (3), 156-157.
Hertzman, C., Wiens, M., Snow, B., Kelly, S., & Calne, D. (1994). A case-control study of Parkinson's disease in a horticultural region of British Columbia. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society, 9 (1), 69-75.
Teschke, K., Kelly, S.J., Wiens, M., Hertzman, C., Ward, H.D., Ward, J.E., & Van Oostdam, J.C. (1993). Background levels of PCBs in residents of British Columbia, Canada. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 50 (6), 842-851.
Teschke, K., Kelly, S.J., Wiens, M., Hertzman, C., Dimich-Ward, H., Ward, J.E., & Van Oostdam, J.C. (1993). Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in the adipose tissue of British Columbia residents. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 84 (3), 192-196.
Teschke, K., Kelly, S.J., Wiens, M., Hertzman, C., Dimich-Ward, H., Ward, J.E.H., & Van Oostdam, J.C. (1992). Dioxins and furans in residents of a forest industry region of Canada. Chemosphere, 25 (12), 1741-1751.
Teschke, K., Hertzman, C., Wiens, M., Dimich-Ward, H., Hershler, R., Ostry, A., & Kelly, S.J. (1992). Recognizing acute health effects of substitute fungicides: are first-aid reports effective? American journal of industrial medicine, 21 (3), 375-382.
Teschke, K., Hertzman, C., Hershler, R., Wiens, M., Ostry, A., & Kelly, S. (1992). Reproducibility of self-reports of chronic disease. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 83 (1), 71-72.
Hertzman, C., Ward, H., Ames, N., Kelly, S., & Yates, C. (1991). Childhood lead exposure in Trail revisited. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 82 (6), 385-391.
Rottluff, W., Teschke, K., Hertzman, C., Kelly, S., & Bert, J. (1990). Sources of dioxins and furans in British Columbia. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 81 (2), 94-100.
Kelly, S.J., & Guidotti, T.L. (1989). Phenoxyacetic acid herbicides and chlorophenols and the etiology of lymphoma and soft-tissue neoplasms. Public health reviews, 17 (1), 1-37.
Conference papers
Kelly, S., Ibbotson, R., Piercy, H., & Davis, S.F. (2019). Is there some degree of unmet need in primary care?: analysis of a patient cohort accessing a new out of hours units. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73, A34.
Fowler-Davis, S., Kelly, S., & Piercy, H. (2017). Pragmatism in evidence synthesis and translation; a perspective on the evaluation of systems transformation Conference of Evidence-Based Health Care. (abstract only). In EBHC International Conference 2017, Taomina, Sicily, Italy, 25 October 2017 - 28 October 2017.
Suckley, L., Kelly, S., Legge, D., & Pinder, J. (2014). Connecting workspace and health : a case study. In Imagine Research Cafe, Sheffield Hallam University, 1 February 2014.
Swift, J.A., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Kelly, S. (2007). Weight perceptions, weight control desires and appearance and health-related concerns in British young people: A population based study. ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 51, 335.
Veenstra, G., & Kelly, S. (2007). Comparing objective and subjective status: gender and space (and environmental justice?). Health & place, 13 (1), 57-71.
Ostry, A.S., Barroetavena, M., Hershler, R., Kelly, S., Demers, P.A., Teschke, K., & Hertzman, D. (2002). Effect of de-industrialisation on working conditions and self reported health in a sample of manufacturing workers. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 56 (7), 506-509.
Kelly, S. (2001). Age and sex differences in associations with excellent, very good or good self-reported health. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 153 (11), S250.
Daniel, M., O'Dea, K., Rowley, K.G., McDermott, R., & Kelly, S. (1999). Social environmental stress in indigenous populations: potential biopsychosocial mechanisms. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 896, 420-423.
Book chapters
Kelly, S. (2006). Chapter 72: Pentachlorophenol and Tetrachlorophenol. In CURRENT Occupational & Environmental Medicine: Fourth Edition. (4th). McGraw Hill Professional
Hertzman, C., Kelly, S., & Bobak, M. (Eds.). (1996). East-West Life Expectancy Gap in Europe. Springer Netherlands.
Hertzman, C., Kelly, S., & Bobak, M. (1996). East-West Life Expectancy Gap in Europe Environmental and Non-Environmental Determinants. Springer Science & Business Media.
Pollard, N., Kelly, S., Harrop, D., Flower, E., Dearns, M., Chan, M., ... Woodward, A. (2020). A report on the contemporary assessment of occupational therapy research in the UK. London/Sheffield: RCOT/SHU.
Breckon, J., Kelly, S., Mcclimens, A., Ismail, M., & Burley, K. (2016). Adult Mental Health Hospital Liaison Service Evaluation. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Hallam University.
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2016). An Evaluation of the Yorkshire and Humber Advanced Training Practices Scheme: Report for HEE.
Kelly, S., Davies, L., Harrop, D., Mcclimens, A., Peplow, D., & Pollard, N. (2015). Reviewing art therapy research : a constructive critique. Sheffield Hallam University.
Lewis, R., Kelly, S., Whitfield, M., McKenzie-Smith, M., & Strachan, A. (2013). An evaluation of a simulation-based educational programme to equip HCAs with the necessary non-technical skills to undertake their role safely and effectively, specifically in relation to the measurement of vital signs. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Health and Social Care Research.
Theses / Dissertations
Gbolahan, A.T. (2019). Review of factors that influence non-elective hospital admission(s). (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Kelly, S., Slack, F., & Harrop, D.
Tasosa, W.D. (2018). Ethno-epidemiology of alcohol use among Zimbabwean migrants living in the UK. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Kelly, S.
Other publications
Kelly, S., Tasosa, W., & Tasosa, J. (2023). A Novel framework for classifying alcohol intake and impact tools.
Tasosa, W., & Kelly, S. (2023). A Novel framework for classifying alcohol intake and impact tools. Unpublished:
Kelly, S. (2013). Deprivation indices and childhood BMI: a re-evaluation (pediatric editorial). Nature Publishing Group:
Cronin De Chavez, A., Childs, C., Kelly, S., Tod, A., & Burke, D. (2013). Hypothermia and the assessment of sick children. BMJ Publishing Group:
Other activities
Steering Group Member. Centre for Big Data in Sheffield (C-BiDiS), Sheffield, UK
Postgraduate supervision
I am happy to supervise a wide array of students undertaking qualitative or quantitative research. I prefer multidisciplinary projects or projects where I can work with collaborators to introduce new research designs into a discipline or improve the rigour of existing research practice. Current supervised dissertations include:
- Skill decay of a rarely used skill in anaesthetists.
- Alcohol use among Zimbabwean migrants living in the UK
- Exploring the small group learning experience of black and minority ethnic (BME) social work students: A cross national study
- An examination of support workers` experiences of supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities and complex needs discharged into supported living schemes and residential settings in the Lothian.
- Technology-assisted learning to facilitate group processes for critical consciousness in autism
Professor Shona Kelly main interests are in health inequalities, health care reorganisation, and designing studies to evaluate healthcare treatments. Her research has included looking at stress and health inequalities, finding who delays in calling for help when they have heart attack symptoms and the reasons why some people don’t attend hospital outpatient appointments. She has particular expertise in designing cohort studies and studies that include both physical and questionnaire measures.