Professor Sital Dhillon OBE
Head , Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice and Director Helena Kennedy Centre
- Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice
- Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice
- Social and Economic Research Institute
Sital Dhillon is Head of the Institute for Law and Justice and founder Director of the Helena Kennedy Centre at Sheffield Hallam University. He is a Barrister with twenty five years of specialist experience in Human Rights practice; and International Development management.
Sital has worked in over 35 countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Russia and the Baltics; and in the Middle East. His practice experience includes working for former President Nelson Mandela; and as British Council Director Afghanistan. He has established networks in government, professional, academic, and third sectors. His institutional contacts include UNICEF, UNESCO, Ford Foundation, Australian Aid, Home Office, UKTI, UK Foreign Office, UK DfiD, British Council, Action Aid, World Bank, and across the UK and international higher education institutions.
Teaching interests
Governance and Politics
Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Combating Violence against Women & Girls; Access to Justice; Criminal Justice Reform ; Alternatives to Incarceration; Ant-Trafficking; Human Rights Education; Combating Torture; Victim Support ; Judicial and Constitutional Reforms; Strategic Planning; Young Lawyer's Schemes; Prison and Police Reform; Inter-disciplinary approaches to Human Rights;
Subject area
- Human Rights Practice
Collaborators or sponsors
- Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office
- UK Bar Council
- Law Society
- Association of Human Rights Universities
- British Council
- World Bank
- Norwegian Aid
Journal articles
Dhillon, S., & Mama-Rudd, A. (n.d.). Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism. Research Process, International Journal of Social Research Foundation, 4 (2), 1-13.
Other activities
- Bar Council
- Law Society
- Association of Law, Culture and the Humanities[USA]