Stephen Magowan

Dr Stephen Magowan BEng, PGCert, MBA, PhD, FHEA

Deputy Head of School


After a number of years in industry as a metallurgist, I joined the university and have actively been working towards drawing industry and the university closer together. My research interests are centred around solving real world problems with welding, joining and metallurgy themes.


Following completion of an undergraduate degree in Materials Engineering, I then went on to undertake an MBA and following that successfully completing a PhD on the effects of CMT welding on ferritic stainless steels all studied part time.  

I have held a number of roles within the  during my time here including, course leader for the foundation year programme, collaborative course leader for programmes delivered at Derby College and North Lindsey College. 
I have also undertaken the student recruitment lead role and I am currently the deputy head of school for the School of Engineering and Built Environment. 


School of Engineering and Built Environment

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

  • BEng/MEng Materials Engineering
  • BEng Forensic Engineering
  • BEng/MEng Aerospace Engineering
  • BEng/MEng Automotive Engineering
  • BEng/MEng Mechanical Engineering
  • Foundation Year

  • Physical Metallurgy
  • Health and Safety
  • Materials and Manufacturing
  • Failure Investigation
  • Manufacturing Processes
  • Engineering, Environment and Society
  • NDT
  • Investigative Project


I have for a number of years been engaged in a variety of industry focussed projects addressing issues experienced by particular organisations based around metallurgy, welding and joining.  Some of the completed projects include working with a local SME to identify optimised joint configurations for a particular bonding requirement.  Another SME, that manufacture a unique product required the characterisation of their product, which was undertaken using mechanical testing and microstructural assessments.  I have also been a part of a team on a successful Enhanced Mentored Internship, where I supported and guided a mentee based within a local SME operating undertaking a metallurgist/quality engineer role, at the end of which the mentee was employed by the organisation.


Conference papers

Magowan, S., Bramhall, M., & Lewis, O. (2015). Portfolio assessment of laboratory practicals integrating learning across modules. In 9th International Conference on New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education, Skiathos Palace Hotel, Skiathos, Greece, 27 August 2015 - 28 August 2015.

Luo, Q., Kitchen, M., Patel, V., & Magowan, S. (2012). Carbon partitioning and structure evolution in the hardening treatments of high strength steel. In 20th Congress of International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Beijing, China, 23 October 2012 - 25 October 2012.

Luo, Q., Yang, S., Cooke, K.E., & Magowan, S. (2012). Structure and tribological properties of TiN coatings grown by hybrid JIPIMS and CFUBMS deposition. In 20th Congress of International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Beijing, China, 23 October 2012 - 25 October 2012.

Theses / Dissertations

Khalid, R. (2023). Optimization of Cold Metal Transfer Welding Parameters for a New Hard-facing Material. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Magowan, S., Luo, Q., & Smith, A.

Puckrin, E.L. (2022). Stationary shoulder friction stir welding of military aircraft sheet alloys. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Magowan, S.

Wefers, S. (2021). Transnational child sex offending: understanding threat to disrupt and target. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Whitfield, K.

Magowan, S. (2017). Effects of cold metal transfer welding on properties of ferritic stainless steel. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Smith, A.

Other activities

External Examiner at University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Postgraduate supervision

  • Helen Elkington (PhD) Laser Direct Energy Deposition - The Effect of Process Parameters on Inconel 718
  • George Brooks (PhD) Investigation into the Friction Stir Welding of Thick Section Aluminium Alloys
  • Emma Puckrin (PhD) Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding of Military Aircraft Sheet Alloys
  • Rizwan Khalid (PhD) Optimisation of Cold Metal Transfer Welding Parameters for a New Hardfacing Material
  • Joshua Barras (MPhil) Investigation of Induction-assisted Laser Metal Deposition of Crack Susceptible Coatings
  • David Satterlee currently looking into the interface between EHLA deposits and the substrate
  • Amanda Allison currently looking in the impact of defects on fatigue performance of additively manufactured components

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