Dr Stuart Bevins PhD, MSc, BA (Hons), FHEA, LCGI
Senior Research Fellow
Main duties include designing and managing research and knowledge exchange projects inc Coordinator for a large scale EC funded research and knowledge transfer project; Supervise SIoE Doctoral and Masters students; Contribute to SIoE and Faculty development; Review submitted journal articles for IJSE, EAR, Teacher Development and Cambridge Journal of Education; Review research project ethics submissions within the SIoE.
Stuart is currently the Coordinator for Chain Reaction which is a large scale research and knowledge Exchange project funded by the European Commission. The project has 11 partners across Europe and North Africa and promotes the use of guided inquiry through science learning and teaching. Stuart is Director of studies and supervisor for a number of doctoral students and has designed and led both small and large scale research and knowledge exchange projects. Between 2005-2009 student was the Regional Director for the Nuffield Bursaries programme and BA Crest awards. Stuart is currently Lead for research in science education and is a member of the SIoE research leadership group. He is also on the review panels of the International Journal of Science Education, Education Action Research, Teacher Development and Cambridge Journal of Education.
Learning and teaching science through inquiry; social learning theories and science teacher development. Action Research.
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Chain Reaction (Coordinator) – Collaboration with 11 partner institutions across Europe funded by the European Commission
White Rose Consortium – Co-supervision of PhD student with supervisor at University of Leeds
RA3 Family Learning (Lead) – Collaborative project funded by Yorkshire Forward in partnership with five Yorkshire and Humber institutions and 16 schools
Engineering a Better World (Project Manager) Collaborative project with 12 Yorkshire schools funded by UK Research Councils
Science Academy Feasibility Study (Lead) collaborative study with University of Bristol funded by Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society
Science Education
Masters and Doctoral supervision
Reflecting on Development
Chain Reaction; Make the Link; Philippines Science Curriculum
Bevins, S.C., Walton, R.J., Brodie, M., Fuller, N., and Smith, P. (2009) RA3: A Framework for Parental Engagement with Schools.
Sykes, K., Bevins, S.C., Harrison, W. (2002) Science Academy Feasibility Study. The Royal Society.
Bevins, S.C., Walke, P. & Carpenter, J. (2001) Web design and content: focus group interviews with sixth form students. The Royal Society. March.
White Rose Consortium; The Royal Society; Wellcome Trust; European Commission; UK Research Councils; Yorkshire Forward; Nuffield Foundation; British Association of Science; Physical Sciences Department, Naples University Federico II; Faculty of Natural Sciences, Matej Bel University Banska Bystrica; Education Department, TED Universitesi, Ankara; Department of Physics, Plovdiv University; Centre International de Formation Pédagogique; University Ljubljana; University of Education, Heidelberg; Department of Chemistry, University of Crete; Department of Education and Professional Studies, University of Limerick; Jordan Society Of Scientific Research, Amman; Ilia State University, Tbilisi
Journal articles
Price, G., & Bevins, S. (2021). 3D Science – theoretical model or potential classroom reality? School Science Review, 102 (380), 75-81. https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/school-science-review/issue-380/3d-science-%E2%80%93-theoretical-model-or-potential-classroom
Price, G., & Bevins, S. (2021). 3D Science – theoretical model or potential classroom reality? School Science Review, 102 (380), 75-81. https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/school-science-review/issue-380/3d-science-%E2%80%93-theoretical-model-or-potential-classroom
Bevins, S., Price, G., & Booth, J. (2019). The I files, the truth is out there: science teachers’ constructs of inquiry. International journal of science education, 41 (4), 533-545. http://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2019.1568605
Perry, E., & Bevins, S. (2018). Building capacity for professional development: the development of teachers as facilitators in Ghana. Professional development in education, 1-15. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2018.1474489
Bevins, S., & Price, G. (2016). Reconceptualising inquiry in science education. International Journal of Science Education, 38 (1), 17-29. http://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2015.1124300
Bevins, S., & Price, G. (2014). Collaboration between academics and teachers : a complex relationship. Educational Action Research, 22 (2), 270-284. http://doi.org/10.1080/09650792.2013.869181
Bevins, S., Byrne, E., Brodie, M., & Price, G. (2011). English Secondary school students' perceptions of school science and science and engineering. Science Education International, 22 (4), 255-265. http://www.icaseonline.net/
Bevins, S., Jordan, J., & Perry, E. (2011). Reflecting on professional development. Educational Action Research, 19 (3), 399-411. http://doi.org/10.1080/09650792.2011.600643
Bevins, S., Brodie, M., & Brodie, E. (2010). The views of five participating undergraduate students of the Student Associates Scheme in England. Teacher development, 14 (1), 29-44. http://doi.org/10.1080/13664531003696550
Jones, L., Reid, D., & Bevins, S. (1997). Teachers' Perceptions of Mentoring in a Collaborative Model of Initial Teacher Training. Journal of Education for Teaching, 23 (3), 253-262. http://doi.org/10.1080/02607479719990
Price, G., & Bevins, S. (n.d.). 3D science – theoretical model or potential classroom reality? ASE International, 13, 41-51. https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/ase-international-journal/issue-13/3d-science-%E2%80%93-theoretical-model-or-potential-classroom
Conference papers
Bevins, S., Thompson, M., & Williams, C. (2007). A climate for change. In Researching Children conference, Hermann Gmeiner Academy, Innsbruck, 2007 - 2007.
Bevins, S., Brodie, M., & Brodie, E. (2005). A study of UK secondary school students' perceptions of science and engineering. In European Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Dublin, 7 September 2005 - 10 September 2005.
Book chapters
Bevins, S., & Price, G. (2022). Challenging the curriculum. In Hoath, L., & Livesey, M. (Eds.) Science Teaching in Secondary Schools. (pp. 195-209). Sage: https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/science-teaching-in-secondary-schools/book277192
Bevins, S., & Price, G. (2022). Challenging the curriculum. In Hoath, L., & Livesey, M. (Eds.) Science Teaching in Secondary Schools. (pp. 195-209). Sage: https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/science-teaching-in-secondary-schools/book277192
Bevins, S. (2019). Chain reaction: The English context. In Bevins, S., Lehane, L., & Booth, J. (Eds.) Comparative perspectives on inquiry-based science education. (pp. 34-46). USA: IGI Global: http://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-5439-4.ch003
Bevins, S. (2019). Chain reaction: The English context. In Bevins, S., Lehane, L., & Booth, J. (Eds.) Comparative perspectives on inquiry-based science education. (pp. 34-46). USA: IGI Global: http://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-5439-4.ch003
Bevins, S., Lehane, L., & Booth, J. (2019). Reflections on inquiry. In Bevins, S., Lahane, L., & Booth, J. (Eds.) Comparative perspectives on inquiry-based science education. (pp. 197-210). IGI Global: http://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-5439-4.ch012
Bevins, S.C., Brodie, E., & Thompson, M. (2008). Current perceptions of the impact of SES on science participation and attainment: a focus group investigation of pupils, teachers and parents. In Exploring the relationship between socioeconomic status and participation and attainment in science education. SES and Science Education report. (pp. 30-41). London: The Royal Society: http://royalsociety.org/
Hoath, L., & Livesey, M. (2022). Science Teaching in Secondary Schools. Sage Publications Limited.
Price, G., Bevins, S., Zhu, H., & Brodie, E. (2022). Young people and STEM Young people’s perspectives on the STEM Ambassador scheme and STEM more widely. STEM Learning.
Maxwell, B., Booth, J., Bevins, S., Halliday, J., Hotham, E., Nelson, J., ... Andrade, J. (2022). Supporting science teachers to engage with and carry out research. Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/sheffield-institute-education-research/projects/research-into-supporting-teachers-of-science
Hovassapian, A., Moore, N., Price, G., Bevins, S., & Wrigglesworth, J. (2021). Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Framework for Teachers in State Schools in Armenia – Policy Paper. British Council, Armenia. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/2023-04/CPD_Framework_Ts_State_School_Armenia.pdf
Bevins, S., Moore, N., Stiell, B., Wolstenholme, C., & Price, G. (2020). STEM and EMI Report: Scoping Study Gujarat Region. British Council.
Bevins, S., Moore, N., Stiell, B., Wolstenholme, C., & Price, G. (2020). STEM and EMI Report: Scoping Study Telangana. British Council.
Bevins, S., Moore, N., Stiell, B., Wolstenholme, C., & Price, G. (2020). STEM and EMI Scoping Study: North East Region. British Council.
Bevins, S., Moore, N., Stiell, B., Wolstenholme, C., & Price, G. (2020). STEM and EMI Scoping Study: Madhya Pradesh. British Council.
Bevins, S., Moore, N., Stiell, B., Wolstenholme, C., & Price, G. (2020). STEM and EMI Report: Karnataka. British Council.
Bevins, S., & Price, G. (2019). Reading for Inference Project Evaluation. Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Institute of Education.
Byrne, E., Booth, J., Bevins, S., & Bullough, A. (2017). Chain reaction final report. SCIENTEX.
Bevins, S., Daniels, T., Forster, G., Perry, E., Price, G., & Windale, M. (2016). Engineering Thailand : design of an engineeringcurriculum and 12 STEM modules for the Thai BasicEducation (OBEC). British Council.
Bevins, S., Daniels, T., Forster, G., Perry, E., Price, G., & Windale, M. (2016). Design of an engineering curriculum and 12 STEM modules for the Thai Basic Education Ministry (OBEC). Sheffield Hallam University.
Bevins, S., & Price, G. (2015). The Introduction of the New Curriculum and Senior HighSchool System in the Philippines : report of the consultation exercise undertaken in November 2015. Sheffield Hallam University for the British Council.
Bevins, S., & Walton, R. (2010). RA3: raising attitudes achievements and aspirations. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.
Theses / Dissertations
Price, G. (2018). Exploring secondary school science teachers’ understandingof creativity in their lessons. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Bevins, S. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00115
Brodie, M.M. (2011). Undergraduates' personal constructs : Classroom teaching and the role of the teacher. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Walton, R., & Bevins, S.
Internet Publications
Perry, E., & Bevins, S. (2017). How to get the best from practical work. https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/sioe/2017/02/10/how-to-get-the-best-from-practical-work/
Perry, E., Booth, J., Rutgers, D., Boylan, M., Stiell, B., & Bevins, S. (2023). Making change happen in teacher professional development: Leadership, the school environment and the implementation of professional development. Presented at: British Educational Research Association Conference 2023, Birmingham, UK
Perry, E., Booth, J., Bevins, S., Pountney, R., & Halliday, J. (2022). Supporting Teacher Leadership Development: Roles, Growth and Research. Presented at: NARST
Other activities
Independent Chair for Viva Voce; Collaborative Action Research Network member; SIoE Research Leadership Group member.
Postgraduate supervision