Professor (emerita) Susanne Tietze PhD
Susanne Tietze, PhD, is Professor (emerita) of Multilingual Management and Organisation. She remains actively involved in mentoring colleagues, as an researcher and author, as a spiritual accompanier (within SHU Multifaith Centre) and as a consultant to a variety of funded research projects.
Susanne Tietze, PhD, MA, MBA, efmd diploma (teaching) is (Emerita) Professor of Multilingual Management at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
She has published over 100 articles and is currently working at three books, all aiming to advance the teaching and application of Research Methods in international, cross-language contexts. She has made significant contribution to the integration of language-sensitive methodological approaches to business and management research, not least through her interdisciplinary work with leading scholars from translation studies. She has been Principal Investigator of both ESRC and AHRC grants about language/translation matters and continues to be invited regularly to speak at international conferences and consult on all matters relating to cross-language aspects of international work.
She holds a Certificate Degree in Theology and Mission (awarded by the Urban Theology Centre, Sheffield) and is also a trained Spiritual Accompanier. She offers these services through the SHU Multifaith Centre.
Senior Lecturer
Sheffield Business School
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
Research Methods for Social Sciences
Research Methods
Relevant Projects
- A variety of book projects, focusing on cross-language aspects of international research.
Key Publications
Tietze, S., & Piekkari, R. (2014). The Gift of Tongues: Translation Work in Multilingual Organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1), 13605.
Journal articles
Westney, D.E., Piekkari, R., Koskinen, K., & Tietze, S. (2022). Crossing borders and boundaries: translation ecosystems in international business. International Business Review, 31 (5).
Maitland, S., Tietze, S., & Heath, D. (2022). Multinational Corporations as Cultural Translators: Interpreting Difference in Diversity and Inclusion. Journal of Translation and Language Studies, 3 (2), 16-36.
Tietze, S. (2021). Cross-cultural management revisited: a qualitative approach [Book review]. Journal of International Business Studies, 52 (9), 1896-1899.
Wilmot, N., & Tietze, S. (2020). Englishization and the Politics of Translation. Critical Perspectives on International Business.
Piekkari, R., Tietze, S., Angouri, J., Meyers, R., & Vaara, E. (2020). Can you speak Covid-19? Languages and social inequality in management studies. Journal of Management Studies.
Piekkari, R., Tietze, S., & Koskinen, K. (2019). Metaphorical and interlingual translation in moving organizational practices across languages. Organization Studies.
Tietze, S. (2018). Multilingual research, monolingual publications: management scholarship in English only? European J. of International Management, 12 (1/2), 28.
Koslowski, N.C., Linehan, C., & Tietze, S. (2017). When is a bed not a bed? Exploring the interplay of the material and virtual in negotiating home-work boundaries. Culture and Organization, 25 (3), 159-177.
Tietze, S., Tansley, C., & Helienek, E. (2017). The translator as agent in management knowledge transfer. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 17 (1), 151-169.
Aboagye-Nimo, E., Raiden, A., King, A., & Tietze, S. (2015). Using tacit knowledge in training and accident prevention. Proceedings of the ICE - Management, Procurement and Law, 168 (5), 232-240.
Aboagye-Nimo, E., Raiden, A., King, A., & Tietze, S. (2015). Using tacit knowledge in training and accident prevention. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law, 168 (5), 232-240.
Brannen, M.Y., Piekkari, R., & Tietze, S. (2014). The multifaceted role of language in international business: Unpacking the forms, functions and features of a critical challenge to MNC theory and performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 45 (5), 495-507.
Tietze, S. (2013). A Response to Talent Management and the Relevance of Context - Commentary Article (by invitation). Human Research Management Review, 23, 337-340.
Tietze, S. (2013). Book Review - Does Science need a Global Language? English and the Future of Research, S. Montgomery. M@n@gement.
Tansley, C., Kirk, S., & Tietze, S. (2013). The currency of talent management—A reply to “talent management and the relevance of context: Towards a pluralistic approach”. Human Resource Management Review, 23 (4), 337-340.
Tansley, C., & Tietze, S. (2013). Rites of passage through talent management progression stages: an identity work perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24 (9), 1799-1815.
Tietze, S., & Dick, P. (2013). The victorious English language: hegemonic practices in the management academy. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22 (1), 122-134.
Maruyama, T., & Tietze, S. (2012). From anxiety to assurance : concerns and oucomes of telework. Personnel Review, 41 (4), 450-469.
Tietze, S. (2012). From Fear to Reassurance: A Comparative Study of Homeworking. Personnel Review, 40 (2).
Tietze, S. (2011). Homeworking and the Psychological Contract. Human Resource Management Journal(UK), 21 (3), 318-334.
Piekkari, R., & Tietze, S. (2011). A world of languages: Implications for international management research and practice. Journal of World Business, 46 (3), 267-269.
Tietze, S., & Nadin, S. (2011). The psychological contract and the transition from office-based to home-based work. Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ), 21 (3), 318-334.
Tietze, S. (2010). International managers as translators. European Journal of International Management, 4 (1/2), 184-199.
Tietze, S., & Musson, G. (2010). Identity, identity work and the experience of working from home. Journal of Management Development, 29 (2), 148-156.
Tietze, S., Musson, G., & Scurry, T. (2009). Homebased work: a review of research into themes, directions and implications. Personnel Review, 38 (6), 585-604.
Tietze, S., & Dick, P. (2009). Hegemonic practices and knowledge production in the management academy: An English language perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 25 (1), 119-123.
Musson, G., & Tietze, S. (2009). International Perspectives on Flexibility: Overview and Introduction. British Journal of Management, 20 (s1).
Tietze, S. (2008). The work of management academics: An English language perspective. English for Specific Purposes, 27 (4), 371-386.
Tietze, S. (2007). Pedagogy and the Linguistic Turn: Developing Understanding through Semiotics. Management Learning, 38, 24-44.
Musson, G., Cohen, L., & Tietze, S. (2007). Pedagogy and the ‘Linguistic Turn’. Management Learning, 38 (1), 45-60.
Tietze, S. (2006). Balancing Work and Life. International Journal of Professional Management, 1 (4).
Cohen, L., Musson, G., & Tietze, S. (2005). Teaching Communication to Business and Management Students. Management Communication Quarterly, 19 (2), 279-287.
Tietze, S., & Musson, G. (2005). Recasting the Home-Work Relationship: A Case of Mutual Adjustment? Organization Studies, 26 (9), 1331-1352.
Tietze, S. (2005). Discourse as strategic coping resource: managing the interface between “home” and “work”. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 18 (1), 48-62.
Musson, G., & Tietze, S. (2004). Places and Spaces: The Role of Metonymy in Organizational Talk. Journal of Management Studies, 41 (8), 1301-1323.
Tietze, S. (2004). Spreading the Management Gospel – in English. Language and Intercultural Communication, 4 (3), 175-189.
(2003). Journal of Business Ethics, 43 (4), 395.
Tietze, S., & Musson, G. (2003). The times and temporalities of home‐based telework. Personnel Review, 32 (4), 438-455.
Tietze, S. (2002). Journal of Business Ethics, 41 (4), 385-396.
Tietze, S., & Musson, G. (2002). When ‘Work’ Meets ‘Home’. Time & Society, 11 (2-3), 315-334.
Tietze, S. (2000). Managing across borders. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 37 (2), 312-315.
Fowler, G., & Tietze, S. (1996). A competence approach to the assessment of student placements. Education + Training, 38 (1), 30-36.
Conference papers
Aboagye-Nimo, E., Raiden, A., King, A., & Tietze, S. (2014). A safety culture shaped by common sense. In Smith, S.D., & Ahiaga-Dagbui, D.D. (Eds.) Proceedings 29th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2013, (pp. 323-333). Association of Researchers in Construction Management
Aboagye-Nimo, E., Raiden, A., Tietze, S., & King, A. (2012). The use of experience and situated knowledge in ensuring safety among workers of small construction firms. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2012 - Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference, 1, 413-422.
Book chapters
Tietze, S., Koskinen, K., & Piekkari, R. (2022). Translation Approaches within Organization Studies. In Marais, K. (Ed.) Translation Beyond Translation Studies. (pp. 119-142). London: Bloomsbury Academic:
Tietze, S., Back, H., & Piekkari, R. (2021). Turning tables: translation approaches in organization studies. In Handbook of Alternative Transaltion. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Rebecca, P., & Tietze, S. (2021). International Business and Translation. In Gambier, Y., & Doorslae, L.V. (Eds.) Handbook of Translation Studies. (pp. 122-127). John Benjamins Publishing Company:
Rebecca, P., & Tietze, S. (2021). International Business and Translation. In Gambier, Y., & Doorslae, L.V. (Eds.) Handbook of Translation Studies. (pp. 122-127). John Benjamins Publishing Company:
Piekkari, R., & Tietze, S. (2021). International Business and Transaltion. In Handbook of Translation Studies Volume 5. John Benjamins Publishing
Tietze, S., Black, H., & Piekkari, R. (2021). Managing communications in multilingual workplaces. In Cooren, F., & Stucheli-Herlach, P. (Eds.) Handbook of Management Communication. (pp. 373-388). Boston: De Gruyter Mouton:
Tietze, S., Back, H., & Piekkari, R. (2021). Managing communication in multilingual workplaces. In Handbook of Management Communication. (pp. 378-388).
Tietze, S. (2020). New Perspectives and Approaches to Language-based Research. In Horn, S., Lecomte, P., & Tietze, S. (Eds.) Managing Multilingual Workplaces Methodological, Empirical and Pedagogic Perspectives. Routledge:
Tietze, S., & Piekkari, R. (2020). Languages and Cross-Cultural Management. In Szudlarek, B., Romani, L., Caprar, D., & Osland, J. (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management. (pp. 181-195). London: Sage:
Tietze, S. (2019). Exploring 'Bundles' of Employment Practices: Culture, Language and Translation Perspectives. In Koch, K., & Manzella, P. (Eds.) International Comparative Employment Relations: The Role of Culture and Language. (pp. 184-194). Edward Elgar Publishing:
Tietze, S. (2019). Exploring ‘Bundles’ of Employment Practices: Culture, Language and Translation Perspectives. In International Comparative Employee Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing:
(2016). The Palgrave Handbook of Economics and Language. Palgrave Macmillan UK:
Tietze, S. (2016). Language Use in Multinational Corporations: Towards a Topography of Languages, Special Languages and Corporate Sociolects. In Ginsburgh, V. (Ed.) Handbook of Economics and Language. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Tietze, S. (2016). Languages and MNCs. In Becker-Ritterspach, F., Blazejewski, S., Dorrenbacher, G., & Geppert, M. (Eds.) Micropolitics in the MNC. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Piekkari, R., & Tietze, S. (2016). Doing research on power and politics in multinational corporations (MNCs): a methodological perspective. In Micropolitics in the Multinational Corporation. (pp. 208-240). Cambridge University Press:
Holden, N., Michailova, S., & Tietze, S. (2015). Editorial introduction: Philosophy, aims and composition. In The Routledge Companion to Cross-Cultural Management. (pp. xlv-xlix). Routledge
Tietze, S. (2014). The Gift on Tongues: Translation as Institutional Work. In Tulder Van, R., & Verbeke, A. (Eds.) Progress in International Business. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd
Tietze, S. (2014). Languages between Standardisation and Localisation. In Wood, G., Collins, D., & Scullion, H. (Eds.) Routlege Companion to International HRM. Abingdon: Routledge
Piekkari, R., & Tietze, S. (2012). Language and International Human Resource Management. In Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management, Second Edition. Edward Elgar Publishing:
Tietze, S. (2006). Improving Services. Balancing Lives? A Multiple Stakeholder Perspective on the Work-Life Balance Discourse. In Blyton, P., Blunsdon, B., Reed, K., & Dastmalchian, A. (Eds.) Work Life Integration: International Perspectives on the Balancing of Multiple Roles. (pp. 180-195). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK
(2003). Metaphors of the mother: Susanne Tietze. In Interpreting the Maternal Organization. (pp. 86-101). Routledge:
Tietze, S. (1998). Women in the European Labour Market. In Kahal, S.E. (Ed.) Business in Europe. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill
Horn, S., Lecomte, P., & Tietze, S. (Eds.). (2020). Managing Multilingual Workplaces: Methodological, Empirical and Pedagogic Perspectives. Routledge.
Horn, S., Lecomte, P., & Tietze, S. (Eds.). (2020). Managing Multilingual Workplaces: Methodological, Empirical and Pedagogic Perspectives. Routledge.
Tietze, S. (2008). International Management and Language. (First). Routledge.
Tietze, S., Cohen, L., & Musson, G. (2003). Understanding Organizations Through Language. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Tietze, S. (1997). Wirtschaftsdeutsch – Neue Strategien, Neue Herausforderungen. Sheffield Hallam University.
Holden, N., Michailova, S., & Tietze, S. (n.d.). The Routledge Companion to Cross-Cultural Management. Routledge.
Tietze, S. (n.d.). Language, Translation and Management Knowledge. Routledge.
Theses / Dissertations
Taylor, C. (2018). Evolving identities, social media and the employment relationship: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ridley-Duff, R., Prowse, P., & Tietze, S.
Tietze, S. (2015). The Translator as Institutional Agent. Presented at: Language in Global Management and Business (GEM&L) Conference
Tietze, S. (2014). Do Management Studies Need a Global Language: Reflections on English, Languages, Discourses and Translation.
Tietze, S. (2014). The Gift on Tongues: Translation in Multilingual Work Organizations.
Piekkari, R., & Tietze, S. (2014). Micropolitical Behavior in the Multinational Enterprise: A Language Perspective.
Tietze, S. (2012). Talent Management, Liminality and Identity.
Aboagye-Nimo, E., Raiden, A., & Tietze, S. (2011). Investigating good health and safety practices in small construction firms in the United Kingdom.
Tietze, S. (2009). Identities of Employee Representatives of non-unionised organisations.
Tietze, S., & Snook, J. (2009). Identity work’ – ‘institutional work’: the identity struggles of non-union employee representatives.
Tietze, S. (2006). The invisible aspects of homebased telework.
Tietze, S. (2006). Managing across boundaries: the nature and conditions of trust in a teleworking context.
Tietze, S. (2005). The hidden work in flexible and virtual organisational contexts.
Tietze, S. (2005). Flexibility and Inflexibility in WLB Initiatives.
Tietze, S. (2004). Improving Services. Balancing Lives? A Multiple Stakeholder Analysis on Homeworking, Work/Times Life/Times.
Tietze, S. (2004). Towards a Language for Time and Space.
Other publications
Tietze, S. (2014). Journal Editorial Board - Associate Editor of Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung (Journal for HRM Research; German/English language journal) 2012 - 2014'. Zeitschrift fuer Personalforshchung, Germany.
Postgraduate supervision
Completed supervisions
- PhD Supervised to Completion (4 students)