Dr Tonderai Maswera MSc, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Dr Maswera is a Senior Lecturer in Business Computing.
Key Topics:
- ecommerce in the tourism industry
- web usability issues
- knowledge management
Journal articles
Ogunleye, B., Maswera, T., Hirsch, L., Gaudoin, J., & Brunsdon, T. (2023). Comparison of topic modelling approaches in the banking context. Applied Sciences, 13 (2), 797. http://doi.org/10.3390/app13020797
Conference papers
Roast, C., Uruchurtu, E., & Maswera, T. (2019). Towards knowledge exchange for effective innovation support. IADIS International Conference e-Society 2019. http://www.iadisportal.org/digital-library/towards-knowledge-exchange-for-effective-innovation-support
Uruchurtu, E., Roast, C., & Maswera, T. (2018). Menage a trois! Innovation, digital and knowledge transfer. In 13th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE 2018, Aveiro; Portugal, 20 September 2018 - 21 September 2018 (pp. 823-830). Academic Conferences and Publishing International: https://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/ecie/ecie-future-and-past/
Theses / Dissertations
Ogunleye, B.O. (2022). Statistical learning approaches to sentiment analysis in the Nigerian banking context. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Gaudoin, J., Brunsdon, T., Maswera, T., & Hirsch, L. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00471