Victoria Scholfield

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  4. Victoria Scholfield

Victoria Scholfield BSc Psychology, BSc Midwifery, PG Cert

Midwifery Lecturer


I am midwifery lecturer and module lead on both the BSc in Midwifery and the MSc in Midwifery. I am a Link Lecturer in Doncaster and Bassetlaw where I support students on placement. I am academic adviser to student midwives across the three years of the programme and on the Masters course.


I have been at Sheffield Hallam University since 2019. I am passionate about perinatal mental health studying the topic at Masters level. I am currently studying on the PG Diploma course in Higher Education. Applying knowledge to the way in which I facilitate my sessions is something I am passionate about.

I have conducted research surrounding ethnic identity and student experience which is something that I aim to expand on further. I am an academic advisor to three groups of student and therefore student experience is at the heart of what I do.




Department of Nursing and Midwifery

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences


Module lead - Assessing and Addressing Complexity (ICC)(BSc)

Module lead - Towards Autonomous Midwifery Practice (MSc)


BSc Midwifery

MSc Midwifery

Module lead - Assessing and Addressing Complexity (ICC)(BSc)

Module lead - Towards Autonomous Midwifery Practice (MSc)


Student experience in relation to their ethnic identity.


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