Toni Schwarz

Professor Toni Schwarz RN, RSCN, RHV, RNT, BA(Hons), MSc, PhD

Executive Dean for the College of Health Wellbeing and Life Sciences


Professor Toni Schwarz is Dean of the College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences, and responsible for the programme of educational and research work that is undertaken across the college and for the wellbeing of our staff and students.


Toni’s background is as a nurse and educator, and she has worked across a range of clinical environments across the NHS and private sector. As a clinical leader, Toni has set up a number of new services, particularly across the community health care setting. She also has regional and national connections to professional organisations who regulate many of our courses. 


Her move into Higher Education began as a lecturer practitioner and was prompted by her work supporting students in clinical practice and her desire to ensure that maximising student opportunities for learning was kept at the forefront of their educational experience.

Toni remains closely linked to clinical practice to ensure that research projects and educational programmes running out of the college remain relevant to the real world and work towards improving people’s overall health outcomes.


All of my teaching is focused on three areas:

  • Public Health
  • Children and Young People
  • Leadership & Management


Journal articles

Edwards, J., Waite-Jones, J., Schwarz, T., & Swallow, V. (2021). Digital technologies for children and parents sharing self-management in childhood chronic or long-term conditions: a scoping review. Children, 8 (12).


Clarkson, M., Cutts, K., Morley, A., Schwarz, T., & Taylor, A. (2018). Exploration of resilience in year 1 pre-registration students in the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing. Presented at: Learning Teaching and Academic conference, Sheffield, 2018

Postgraduate supervision

I am currently supervising two doctoral students:

Title: How do Children's nurses navigate the geography of single cubicle ward areas (draft)

Title:  Evaluation of an online intervention to support family communication in vascular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (draft)


I have undertaken a number of media presentations in print, radio and TV. The subject area is around the health care practitioner and what we have to offer at Sheffield Hallam University and how we can support our local, regional and national workforce challenges as well as being part of the solution to providing health research for the region.  Being one of the largest providers of health care practitioners across 14 different professions and including health care scientists we are a valuable contributor to the policy discussion.

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