Complete your DLHE survey

  1. Alumni
  2. Class of 2016
  3. Complete your DLHE survey

Complete your DLHE survey

Every year all UK universities take part in a national survey to track the destinations of recent graduates. This survey is called the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE). It is the most comprehensive picture of what people finishing university qualifications do six months after they have graduated.

All graduates (UK, EU and International) are invited to participate in this survey which asks you about work or further study you've gone onto do after University.

Please complete the survey carefully and accurately as this data is used in national league tables.

You can access the survey here and it only takes a few minutes to complete.

The information you provide is very important as it enables us to tell current and prospective students about their options after graduation. It also allows us to celebrate the achievements of our graduates.

We’ll contact you by telephone in the next few weeks if you don’t fill it in. The survey closes on 23 June 2017. Please contact with any queries you have regarding the survey.

Results from last year's survey can be found here. Simply select a Department and Course, and results will appear showing last year's respondents' employment circumstances, the percentage of graduates in work or further study, the average salary, a selection of graduate level job titles and employer names and the UK location of these graduates.

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Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
