NEPG Conference, Newcastle University

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22 October 2015

NEPG Conference, Newcastle University

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Four PhD students attended the North-East Postgraduate Conference (NEPG) which is the UK's largest annual postgraduate conference for medical biosciences.

Hasan Aldewachi, Amal Arhoma and Ranwa Elrayess each presented posters that showcase their research at Sheffield Hallam University to colleagues and experts from all over the UK.

Mootaz Salman had been invited to be part of the organising committee, a first in the last ten years for a committee member to come from outside Newcastle University, and he chaired the neuroscience session and participated in judging oral and poster presentations.

As early career researchers, attending this conference significantly broadened the students' horizons by meeting with leading researchers, having scientific discussions, exchanging ideas and gathering feedback. It was an extremely encouraging conference that gave everyone more confidence in the work they are doing.