Chartered Town Planner Webinar

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Chartered Town Planner Webinar

Date: Wednesday 25 May 2022
Time: 03.30 PM to 04.15 PM
Venue: Online

Register now for this free event


Join us on 25 May to find out more about our Chartered Town Planner Degree Apprenticeship programme. 

Delivered by industry and academic experts, this Higher Degree Apprenticeship programme offers a part-time study route for new and existing employees to develop their skills as a planning professional, leading to an MSc Urban Planning degree and then to achieve Chartered Town Planner status. 

The programme enables participants to develop an innovative approach to planning, specialise in an area of interest and gain the knowledge and skills required to advance their career through working in a related job role. We have undergraduate and postgraduate entry points.

Participants working towards a recognised professional award such as this brings positive benefits for organisations too, by providing an opportunity to develop employees, attract new talent into the organisation, diversify workforce skills and adapt to new challenges, and engage with new and creative thinking.

Book your place to learn more about this generously funded Apprenticeship from the course leaders, Catherine Hammond and Kaeren van Vliet and discover how this programme can make a positive impact on your business.  


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