Student funding

Three students in a corporate office setting looking at a piece of academic written work

Student funding


Here you will find information on the scholarships and bursaries we offer, as well as support and advice on managing your money and what to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties.

A student sat working from a laptop at their bedroom desk

Joyce Spurr Art Travel Fund 

The Joyce Spurr Art Travel Fund offers grants to help fine art students travel to and attend exhibitions or arts events in the UK. It has been made possible by generous donations from Sheffield-based artist, Joyce Spurr, and her supporters.

Applications are open now.

Speak to an adviser

Appointments are available to discuss:

  • complex funding issues, and
  • to help you with your money skills.

For us to support you in the most appropriate way, please contact Hallam Help before booking an appointment to let us know about your situation.

There are certain things we are unable to help with in a student funding appointment: