Industry links

Industry links

We have strong links with a wide range of professional bodies and employers, and we collaborate with local, national and international organisations.

On all our undergraduate courses, you have the opportunity to spend a year working on a paid placement in industry. We have a dedicated team to help you find placements - and we have links with over 2,000 employers.

Our maths graduates have built careers with organisations such as Experian and Parexel and they practice in diverse areas such as finance, business and technology. The BSc (Hons) Mathematics course is approved by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.

We work in partnership with a number of leading engineering organisations including Rolls-Royce, Tata Steel, Kimberly Clark, JCB and Network Rail.

We offer a range of part-time courses in mechanical, materials, electrical and electronic engineering, upskilling the current workforce for a variety of employers. We also create bespoke courses to meet specific employer needs, such as our FdEng/BEng Railway Engineering for Network Rail.

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