Study options

Study options

All of our courses are designed to provide high quality education that leads to employment. They are all full time and contain work place placements: You might consider applying to join our one-off social work courses, (we offer BA Hons Social Work and the Masters in Social Work). Social work can be a difficult but immensely rewarding profession. Completion of these courses will provide you with the skills and knowledge that will help you to understand the complexities of becoming a professional social worker. They also provide you with the qualification to register as a Social Worker with the Health and Social Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Our Foundation Degree in Working with Children Young People and Families provides a great opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills that will help you work in this diverse and exciting sector. Often students complete this two year course and go on to join the second year of profession-specific courses like teaching or social work. Other students complete a third year and leave with a BA (Hons) in Working with Children Young people and families. 

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