Aimee Ambrose

Professor Aimee Ambrose FRSA, BA (Hons), MSc, PhD

Professor of Energy Policy


I am a Professor of Energy Policy in CRESR. I have a background in a mixture of social science and the built environment and my research is concerned with how energy and climate related policy (particularly relating to domestic carbon reduction) impacts lived experience in often unanticipated ways and I use non-traditional qualitative methods to explore this. I am well known in my field and work internationally and currently collaborate with, amongst others, academics in Sweden, Romania, Finland and Australia. I also aim to use my research to effect positive changes to relevant areas of policy and practice. I have led more than 30 research projects and have authored over 30 peer reviewed articles in my area of expertise. I currently lead four main programmes of work, relating to: social and cultural responses to heating change, high consumption, decarbonising off grid homes and I am also working on a book entitled ‘Was the Past More Sustainable?’


My research seeks to understand the (un)intended impacts of energy policies on everyday life and how they vary between different social groups, places and between different household members. I use these insights to promote more just and inclusive energy and climate policy that is responsive to diverse lived experiences.

To this end, I use ethnographic methods such as oral history and walking methods to enable deeper understanding of the social and cultural challenges associated with domestic energy transitions and carbon reduction.

I work internationally and collaborate with partners in Sweden, Finland, Romania, Australia and New Zealand. I also work with policy makers and policy influencers to embed the new knowledge I create. Reflecting my commitment to knowledge exchange and academic citizenship, I co-founded the Fuel Poverty Research Network (FPRN), an international research funding and knowledge exchange charity in 2016 and from 2017, helped establish the Technology Collaboration Programme on hard to reach energy users by the International Energy Agency. I now co-lead the Fuel Poverty Evidence project which seeks to fast-track academic evidence on fuel poverty and allied topics into policy decision making.

I am currently leading four main programmes of work:

  • Justheat: A social and cultural history of home heating (funded by the Collaboration of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe -CHANSE)
  • High consumers: understanding factors that drive and perpetuate over consumption (various funders including the South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre).
  • Decarbonising off grid communities: Finding viable solutions to decarbonise off grid homes that are also acceptable to occupants (funded by the Energy Innovation Centre).
  • Was the Past More Sustainable? An exploration of what the past can teach us about how to achieve an environmentally sustainable and fairer future (funded by the South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre).

Research interests

  • lived experience of energy and climate policy
  • domestic energy efficiency
  • citizen engagement with energy policy
  • lived experiences of fuel poverty and policy responses
  • non-traditional qualitative research methods
  • energy inefficiency in private rented sector housing.


  • Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research

2023-2024 Was the Past More Sustainable? South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre. Role: Member of research team.

2023-2024 Decarbonisation solutions for off grid communities, Northern Gas Network, Northern Powergrid, Energy Innovation Centre.Role: Project Director.

2022-2026 South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre, Research England. Role: Member of research team.

2022-2026 UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE 2), ESRC, (with University of Glasgow and others).Role: Co-Investigator.

2022-2025 Looking back to move forward: a social and cultural history of heating (JUSTHEAT), The Collaboration of the Humanities and Social Science in Europe (CHANSE)/ The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Role: Project Director.

2022-2023 Fuel Poverty Evidence. Sheffield Hallam University / University of Leeds. Role: Project Director.

2020-2021 Affordability support: a cross sector review. Consumer Council for Water. Role: Project Director.

2020-2021 Understanding and engaging with high consuming households: energy, transport, food. Sheffield Hallam University. Role: Project Director.

2020 Research into the early construction messages emerging from the Innovative Housing Programme. Welsh Government. Role: Project Director.

2019-2021 Walking with energy: using participative research methods to overcome energy invisibility in Sweden and the UK. The Swedish Energy Agency. Project Director.

Key clients

  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC)
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM)
  • Welsh Assembly Government


Journal articles

Ambrose, A., Palm, J., Parkes, S., & Speake, B. (2024). Oral histories of domestic heating transitions in England and Sweden: lessons on how heating transitions play out across place and time. International Journal of Housing Policy, 1-20.

González-Pijuan, I., Ambrose, A., Middlemiss, L., Tirado-Herrero, S., & Tatham, C. (2023). Empowering whose future? A European policy analysis of children in energy poverty. Energy Research & Social Science, 106.

Middlemiss, L., Simcock, N., Ambrose, A., Stockton, H., Cave, T., Francis, S., ... Sharma, N. (2023). Tackling fuel poverty - learning from winter research. Fuel Poverty Evidence (project website).

Middlemiss, L., Simcock, N., Ambrose, A., Stockton, H., Cave, T., Francis, S., ... Sharma, N. (2023). Tackling fuel poverty - learning from winter research. Fuel Poverty Evidence (project website).

Ambrose, A., & Palm, J. (2023). Exploring energy citizenship in the urban heating system with the ‘Walking with Energy’ methodology. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 13.

Raslan, R., & Ambrose, A. (2022). Solving the Difficult Problem of Hard to Decarbonise Homes. Nature Energy, 7, 675-677.

Ambrose, A., Sherriff, G., Baker, W., & Chambers, J. (2021). Cold comfort: Covid-19, lockdown and the coping strategies of fuel poor households. Energy Reports.

Castano Garcia, A., Ambrose, A., Hawkins, A., & Parkes, S. (2021). High consumption, an unsustainable habit that needs more attention. Energy Research and Social Science, 80.

Palm, J., Reindl, K., & Ambrose, A. (2020). Understanding tenants’ responses to energy efficiency renovations in public housing in Sweden: From the resigned to the demanding. Energy Reports, 6, 2619-2626.

Ambrose, A., Baker, W., Batty, E., & MacNair Hawkins, A. (2020). "I have a panic attack when I pick up the phone": experiences of energy advice amongst 'hard to reach' energy users. People Place and Policy Online, 14 (1), 58-64.

Baker, W., Ambrose, A., Brierley, J., Butler, D., Marchand, R., & Sherriff, G. (2020). Stuck at home in a cold home: the implications of Covid-19 for the fuel poor. People, place and policy online, 1-4.

Ambrose, A. (2020). Walking with Energy: challenging energy invisibility and connecting citizens with energy futures through participatory research. Futures, 117, 102528.

Sherriff, G., Moore, T., Berry, S., Ambrose, A., Goodchild, B., & Maye-Banbury, A. (2019). Coping with extremes, creating comfort: user experiences of ‘low-energy’ homes in Australia. Energy Research and Social Science, 51, 44-54.

Goodchild, B., Ambrose, A., Berry, S., Maye-Banbury, A., Moore, T., & Sherriff, G. (2019). Modernity, Materiality and Domestic Technology: A Case Study of Cooling and Heating from South Australia. Housing, Theory and Society, 1-21.

Ambrose, A., & Mccarthy, L. (2019). Taming the 'masculine pioneers'? Changing attitudes towards energy efficiency amongst private landlords and tenants in New Zealand: A case study of Dunedin. Energy Policy, 126, 165-176.

Ambrose, A., & Marchland, R. (2017). The contemporary landscape of fuel poverty research. Indoor and Built Environment, 26 (7), 875-878.

Ambrose, A., Goodchild, B., & O'Flaherty, F. (2017). Understanding the user in low energy housing: a comparison of positivist and phenomenological approaches. Energy Research & Social Science, 34, 163-171.

Goodchild, B., Ambrose, A., & Maye-Banbury, A. (2017). Storytelling as oral history: revealing the changing experience of home heating in England. Energy Research & Social Science, 31, 137-144.

Ambrose, A., Eadson, W., & Pinder, J. (2016). Corrigendum to “The role of actor-networks in the early stage mobilisation of low carbon heat networks” [Energy Policy 96 (2016) 144–152]. Energy Policy, 99, 110.

Ambrose, A., Eadson, W., & Pinder, J. (2016). The role of actor-networks in the early stage mobilisation of low carbon heat networks. Energy Policy, 96, 144-152.

Ambrose, A., Eadson, W., & Gilbertson, J. (2016). Editorial: PPP special issue – International Perspectives on Fuel Poverty. People, Place and Policy, 10 (1), 1-4.

Ambrose, A. (2015). Improving energy efficiency in private rented housing : what makes landlords act? Indoor and Built Environment, 24 (7), 913-924.

Goodchild, B., O'Flaherty, F., & Ambrose, A. (2014). Inside the eco-home: using video to understand the implications of innovative housing. Housing, Theory and Society, 31 (3), 334-352.

Robinson, D., & Walshaw, A. (2014). Security of tenure in social housing in England. Social Policy and Society, 13 (01), 1-12.

Ambrose, A. (2013). User and organisational responses to biomass district heating. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 167 (1), 35-41.

Walsham, A. (2012). Briefing : Understanding the impact of housing modernisation from the bottom up. Journal of Urban Design and Planning, 165 (1), 7-10.

Goodchild, B., & Walshaw, A. (2011). Towards zero carbon homes in England? From inception to partial implementation. Housing Studies, 26 (6), 933-949.

Walshaw, A. (2011). From house to home : residents’ perceptions of housing modernisation. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 4 (3), 269-278.,6,20;linkingpublicationresults,1:120775,1

Conference papers

Hawkins, A., Ambrose, A., Parkes, S., Arbell, Y., Garcia, A.C., & Rafalowicz-Campbell, M. (2022). High consumers of energy and resources and the work of being wealthy: towards a research agenda. In ECEEE Summer Study 2022, Hyeres, France, 6 June 2022 - 11 June 2022. ECEEE:

Rotmann, S., Ambrose, A., Chambers, J., Mundaca, L., Karlin, B., Forster, H., ... Clark, I.H. (2021). To what extent has Covid-19 impacted hard-to-reach energy audiences? Eceee Summer Study Proceedings, 355-364.

Ashby, K., Rotmann, S., Smith, J., Mundaca, L., Ambrose, A., Borelli, S., & Talwar, M. (2020). Who are Hard-to-Reach energy users? Segments, barriers and approaches to engage them. Proceedings ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.

Ambrose, A. (2019). Walking with energy: Increasing energy visibility through research participation. Eceee Summer Study Proceedings, 2019-J, 83-92.

Book chapters

Ambrose, A., Castano Garcia, A., Hawkins, A., Parkes, S., & Arbell, Y. (2024). Uneven consumption and the work of being a high consumer. In Horne, R., Ambrose, A., Walker, G., & Nelson, A. (Eds.) Post Carbon Inclusion: transitions built on justice. (pp. 174-188). Bristol: Bristol University Press:

Ambrose, A., Castano Garcia, A., & Arbell, Y. (2024). Alternatives to justice for a thriving transition. In Horne, R., Ambrose, A., Walker, G., & Nelson, A. (Eds.) Post Carbon Inclusion: transitions built on justice. (pp. 70-83). Bristol: Bristol University Press:

Ambrose, A., Palm, J., Parkes, S., & Speake, B. (2024). Histories of heating: looking back, moving forwards. In Horne, R., Ambrose, A., Walker, G., & Nelson, A. (Eds.) Post Carbon Inclusion: transitions built on justice. (pp. 36-52). Bristol: Bristol University Press:

Ambrose, A., Castano Garcia, A., Hawkins, A., Parkes, S., & Arbell, Y. (2024). Uneven consumption and the work of being a high consumer. In Horne, R., Ambrose, A., Walker, G., & Nelson, A. (Eds.) Post Carbon Inclusion: transitions built on justice. (pp. 174-188). Bristol: Bristol University Press:


Horne, R., Ambrose, A., Walker, G., & Nelson, A. (2024). Post-Carbon Inclusion: Transitions Built on Justice. Bristol University Press.

Rotmann, S. (Ed.). (2020). Hard to Reach Energy Users: a literature review. Users TCP.


Mccarthy, L., Arbell, Y., Ambrose, A., Ashworth, T., Lannon, S., Raslan, R., & Schaefer, E. (2024). Decarbonising Off Grid Homes: A Rapid Evidence Review. Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Davies, K., Shaw, B., Shahzad, S., Jiglau, G., Vornicu, A., ... Aho, H. (2023). Interim report of the JUSTHEAT project: a social and cultural history of home heating. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Ambrose, A., Davies, K., Shaw, B., Shahzad, S., Jiglau, G., Vornicu, A., ... Aho, H. (2023). Interim report of the JUSTHEAT project: a social and cultural history of home heating. Sheffield Hallam University.

Mccarthy, L., Ambrose, A., Davies, K., Jiglau, G., Kilpeläinen, S., Palm, J., ... Vornicu, A. (2023). Domestic heating transitions: a literature review. Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Rafalowicz-Campbell, M., Castano Garcia, A., Hawkins, A., & Parkes, S. (2023). High consumption in the UK: an exploration of secondary data. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Ambrose, A., Castano Garcia, A., Hawkins, A., Parkes, S., Rafalowicz-Campbell, M., & Smith, M. (2022). It’s high time to talk about the climate impacts of high consumers. Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Parkes, S., Eadson, W., Bull, R., Thidell, Å., Kojonsaari, A.-.R., ... Smith, M. (2021). Walking with energy: overcoming energy invisibility through research participation. Energimyndigheten.

Ambrose, A., Gilbertson, J., Speake, B., Bimpson, E., Mccarthy, L., & Ramsden, S. (2021). Cross-sector review of affordability support: an evidence review for the Consumer Council for Water. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Ambrose, A., Archer, T., & Bimpson, E. (2020). Research to identify early lessons emerging from the Innovative Housing Programme. Welsh Government.

Ambrose, A., Archer, T., & Bimpson, E. (2020). Research to identify early lessons emerging from the Innovative Housing Programme: Summary. Welsh Government.

Ashby, K., Smith, J., Rotmann, S., Mundaca, L., & Ambrose, A. (2020). HTR characterisation: hard-to-reach energy users annex. Hard-to-Reach Energy Users.

Ambrose, A., Baker, W., Batty, E., & Hawkins, A. (2019). Reaching the 'Hardest to Reach' with energy advice: final report - Executive Summary. Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Baker, W., Batty, E., & Hawkins, A. (2019). Reaching the 'Hardest to Reach' with energy advice: final report. Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Bashir, N., Foden, M., Gilbertson, J., Green, G., & Stafford, B. (2018). Better housing, better health in London Lambeth : the Lambeth Housing standard health impact assessment and cost benefit analysis. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Mccarthy, L., & Pinder, J. (2017). Energy (in) efficiency: what tenants expect and endure in private rented housing - Research Summary. Kendal: Eaga.

Ambrose, A., Mccarthy, L., & Pinder, J. (2016). Energy (in)efficiency: what tenants expect and endure in private rented housing. A final report to the Eaga Charitable Trust. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Damm, C., Foden, M., Gilbertson, J., & Pinder, J. (2016). Delivering Affordability Assistance to water customers: cross sector lessons. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Mccarthy, L., Ambrose, A., & Pinder, J. (2016). Energy (In)Efficiency: Exploring what tenants expect and endure in the private rented sector in England. Making the case for more research into the tenant's perspective. An evidence review. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Batty, E., Eadson, W., Hickman, P., & Quinn, G. (2016). Assessment of the need for furniture provision for new NIHE tenants. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Eadson, W., Hickman, P., & Mccarthy, L. (2015). Tenancy sustainment amongst those aged under 35 : final report. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Ambrose, A., Eadson, W., Hickman, P., & Mccarthy, L. (2015). Tenancy sustainment amongst those aged under 35: executive summary. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Hickman, P., Dayson, C., Ambrose, A., Batty, E., Bennett, E., Flint, J., ... Muir, J. (2015). Summary of key findings. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Dayson, C., Hickman, P., Ambrose, A., Batty, E., Bennett, E., & Muir, J. (2015). Understanding the economic contribution of the social economy at a neighbourhood level: Final Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Ambrose, A., Eadson, W., Pinder, J., Gilbertson, J., & O'Flaherty, F. (2015). Low Carbon Pioneer Cities Heat Networks Project: a process evaluation. Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Hickman, P., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Flint, J., Foden, M., Muir, J., ... Green, S. (2015). 'Getting By', Coping and Resilience in Difficult Times: Final Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Ambrose, A., Eadson, W., & Pinder, J. (2015). Evaluation of the Big Energy Savings Network: Final report. London: Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Eadson, W., Robinson, D., Reeve, K., Platts-Fowler, D., Green, S., Walshaw, A., ... Pearce, S. (2013). An Evaluation of Getting on Together: The Community Cohesion Strategy for Wales. Welsh Government.

Eadson, W., Gilbertson, J., & Walshaw, A. (2013). Attitudes and Perceptions of the Green Deal amongst private sector landlords in Rotherham: Summary. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Eadson, W., Gilbertson, J., & Walshaw, A. (2013). Attitudes and Perceptions of the Green Deal amongst private sector landlords in Rotherham. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Dayson, C., Gilbertson, J., Morgan, G., & Walshaw, A. (2012). EDF Energy Trust Research Project. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Wells, P., Hickman, P., Dayson, C., Walshaw, A., Batty, E., Gore, T., ... O'Toole, C. (2012). Village SOS Project Evaluation. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Eadson, W., Platts-Fowler, D., Robinson, D., & Walshaw, A. (2011). Community mapping and tension monitoring. Welsh Government.

Robinson, D., & Ambrose, A. (2011). New Migration, Neighbourhood Effects and Community Change. Connected Communities.

Dayson, C., Wells, P., Eadson, W., Gilbertson, J., Pearson, S., Walshaw, A., ... Trinnaman, J. (2011). Sustaining the benefits of capital funding: Final report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Hickman, P., Walshaw, A., Gore, A., Ferrari, E., & Wilson, I. (2011). “The Houses all Look Posh Now” - Evaluating the Impact of a Housing Improvement Programme: the Case of Portobello and Belle Vue - Key Findings and Policy Messages. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Hickman, P., Walshaw, A., Gore, T., Ferrari, E., & Wilson, I. (2011). “The Houses all Look Posh Now” - Evaluating the Impact of a Housing Improvement Programme: The Case of Portobello and Belle Vue. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Robinson, D., Walshaw, A., Uwimana, M., Bahati, B., Reeve, K., & Bashir, N. (2010). Evaluation of the Trans-national Resettlement Project: UK and Ireland. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Wells, P., Coule, T., Dayson, C., Morgan, G., Ambrose, A., Batty, E., ... Patmore, B. (2010). Futurebuilders Evaluation: Final Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Wells, P., Coule, T., Dayson, C., Morgan, G., Ambrose, A., Batty, E., ... Patmore, B. (2010). Futurebuilders Evaluation: Final Report Executive Summary. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

McCarthy, L., Ambrose, A., & Pinder, J. (n.d.). Energy (In)Efficiency: Exploring what tenants expect and endure in the private rented sector in England. Sheffield Hallam University.

Theses / Dissertations

García, Á.C. (2024). Reconfiguring just transitions:a multi-dimensional approach. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ambrose, A., & Eadson, W.

Ambrose, A. (n.d.). Using qualitative methods to understand non-technological aspects of domestic energy efficiency. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Hickman, P., Goodchild, B., & Macaskill, A.

Other publications

Ambrose, A. (2023). Our changing heating systems: getting to the hearth of the matter. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence:

Postgraduate supervision

I currently supervise four post graduate students:

  • Alvaro Castano-Garcia: Re-configuring just transitions (White Rose DTP funded).
  • Kaeren Harrison: Green infrastructure and the planning process.
  • Irene Gonzalez-Pijuan: Growing up in energy poverty in Europe.
  • Amy Grace: High consumption and the work of being wealthy (funded by South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre).


Aimee is a researcher in Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR). She is experienced in media engagement and happy to talk to media sources about how energy and climate policies affect households, how carbon reduction interventions are received by the different social groups and about multiple aspects of fuel poverty including how it is experienced and should be tackled.

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