Amy Musgrove MSc, PGCert, BA (Hons), SFHEA
Principal Lecturer
- Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice
- Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice
- Social and Economic Research Institute
Amy is a Principal Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, based in the Department of Law and Criminology but currently working, on secondment, in the University's Academic Strategy Team.
Her responsibilities include leading and supporting strategic delivery programmes, organisational change and continuous improvement across the university.
Amy completed a BA (Hons) degree in Criminology at Sheffield Hallam and an MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Loughborough University. She also has a teaching qualification and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Amy is currently undertaking doctoral research focusing on strengths-based working and co-production of activities in a prison setting. She is also a member of the British Society of Criminology and is an institutional member of UK Advising and Tutoring association.
Amy has over 15 years experience in higher education having worked in secure mental health services before this and volunteered in the youth justice field. She has extensive leadership experience in Department, is a learning and teaching specialist and an active prison researcher.
Amy is now working, on secondment, in the University Academic Strategy Team. She reports directly to the Dean of Academic Strategy and her responsibilities include leading and supporting strategic delivery programmes, organisational change and continuous improvement. She provides leadership and support across professional services and the academic community, focusing on consistency, simplification and efficiency within the University’s taught portfolio. Amy has held a variety of leadership posts at higher education institutions but her current focus is on resource and infrastructure planning across the university, supporting the development of a set curriculum structures and working with a team to create clear delivery models for an improved student learning experience.
Principal Lecturer
Criminological Foundations
Criminal Justice
Experiencing Practice
Race, Ethnicity, Crime and Criminal Justice
Mentally Disorder Offenders
Criminal Law
Human Rights
Supervision of dissertation
Assessment, Learning and Teaching practices
Domestic Violence
Mental Health and the Law
Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice
College of Social Sciences and Arts
I teach within the Criminology subject group, Department Of Law and Criminology, College of Social Sciences and Arts.
I teach on a variety of modules on the Criminology programme which includes content on:
- skills modules for students transitioning from FE to HE
- research methods
- social justice and human rights
- criminal justice system
- simulation modules for employability
- desistance and recovery
- victims
I also supervise undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations
Department of Law and Criminology.
Courses taught:
BA (Hons) Criminology, BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology, BSc (Hons) Criminology and Psychology, LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology, MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice Practice.
Amy has two areas of research interest, firstly, the co-production and strengths-based working activities within the prison environment and secondly, the learning and teaching area of assessment and feedback.
Her work in prisons across the North-West of England involves using an asset-based community development (ABCD) approach to support the growth of capital for the prisoners (personal and social capital and rehabilitative readiness) and the enhance the cultural of the prison (community capital and rehabilitative culture). This work involves developing a model of working in a secure environment using the ABCD framework.
Amy also researches within the field of Learning and Teaching as she is keen to enhance the student experience with cutting edge approaches.
Darwent, D. and Musgrove, A. (forthcoming) Academic feedback and performance of students in institutions of higher education: Who is in control and how does our feedback impact students? Practitioner Research in Higher Education
Best, D., Bartels, L., Beck, G. Musgrove, A. (2021) Avoiding ‘starburst’: The need to identify common metrics of evaluating strengths-based programmes in prison. Prison Service Journal, 254, 11-16.
Best, D and Musgrove, A. (2019) Responsive and Inclusive Health Governance through the Lens of Recovery Capital: A Case Study Based on Gambling Treatment (Chapter 12) in Burford, G, Braithwaite, J and Braithwaite, V. (2019) Restorative and Responsive Human Services. London. Routledge.
Hall, L, Best D, and Musgrove A. (2019) Recovery and communities: The role of structure in stable addiction recovery and desistance (Chapter 11) in Farrall, S International Series on Desistance and Rehabilitation: The Architecture of Desistance. London Routledge.
Best, D, Musgrove, A and Hall, L. (2018) The bridge between social identity and community capital on the path to recovery and desistance Probation Journal, 65 (4) 394-406.
Musgrove, A and Groves, N (2007) ‘The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004: Relevant or 'Removed' Legislation?’ Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, vol 29, numbers 3-4, pg 233 – 244.
Musgrove, A and Thirlaway, V (2012) ‘Are we using technology for technology's sake? An evaluation of a simulated employment exercise at undergraduate level’ The Law Teacher, vol 46, issue 1
Conference Papers:
Jacobi, M. and Musgrove, A. (2020) ‘Implementing Academic Advising Across an Institution – The Hallam Way’ presented at the UKAT conference.
Musgrove, A. and Darwent, D. (2019) ‘Academic Feedback and Performance of students in HE institutions: Who is in control?; and, How does out feedback impact on students?’ presented at Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) conference.
Darwent D. and Musgrove A. (2018) ‘Feedback and Student Performance: A pilot study’ presented at the Assessment in Higher Education (AHE) Conference.
Musgrove, A and Thirlaway, V (2013) ‘Are we using technology for technology's sake? An evaluation of a simulated employability project’ presented at Association of Law Teachers conference
Journal articles
Darwent, D., & Musgrove, A. (2023). Academic feedback and performance of students in institutions of higher education: Who is in control and how does our feedback impact students? Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 15 (1), 61-71.
Darwent, D., & Musgrove, A. (2023). Academic feedback and performance of students in institutions of higher education: Who is in control and how does our feedback impact students? Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 15 (1), 61-71.
Best, D., Bartels, L., Beck, G., & Musgrove, A. (2021). Avoiding ‘starburst’: The need to identify common metrics of evaluating strengths-based programmes in prison. Prison Service Journal, 254, 11-16.
Best, D., Hall, L., & Musgrove, A. (2018). The bridge between social identity and community capital on the path to recovery and desistance. Probation Journal, 65 (4), 394-406.
Musgrove, A., & Thirlaway, V. (2012). Are we using technology for technology's sake? An evaluation of a simulated employment exercise at undergraduate level. The Law Teacher, 46 (1), 65-74.
Musgrove, A., & Groves, N. (2008). The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004: Relevant or ‘Removed’ Legislation? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 29 (3-4), 233-244.
Musgrove, A., & Best, D. (n.d.). Building communities by mapping the assets and strengths that lie within and beyond: An Asset-Based Community Development model in HMP Kirkham and HMP Wymott. Prison Service Journal.
Book chapters
Hall, L., Best, D., & Musgrove, A. (2019). Recovery and communities: The role of structure in stable addiction recovery and desistance. In Farrall, S. (Ed.) The Architecture of Desistance. Routledge:
Best, D., & Musgrove, A. (2019). Responsive and Inclusive Health Governance through the Lens of Recovery Capital: A Case Study Based on Gambling Treatment. In Burford, G., Braithwaite, J., & Braithwaite, V. (Eds.) Restorative and Responsive Human Services. Routledge:
Other activities
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Member of the British Society of Criminology
Institutional member of the UKAT (United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring association)
Reviewer for the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP)
Reviewer for the Practitioner Research in Higher Education Journal (PRHE)
External Examiner