Prof Antonio Feteira
- Department of Engineering and Mathematics
- Materials and Engineering Research Institute
- Materials and Engineering Research Institute
- Industry and Innovation Research Institute
Professor Feteira's primary area of research is in advanced functional oxides for electronic, energy and biomedical applications. He has authored around 100 articles in those areas, which accrued more than 3500 citations and he also holds an h-index of 34.
2015-2017 Science Without Borders Senior Visiting Fellow in the Department of Materials at The State University of Ponta Grossa (Brazil) and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS (Brazil).
2013 Academic Lead for the Science Without Borders Programme at Sheffield Hallam University.
2012/15 Senior Lecturer in Materials Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University.
2010/14 Director of Christian Doppler Laboratory for Multiferroics. (Research consortium between U. of Birmingham/Sheffield Hallam University, TUGraz and TUWien in collaboration with TDK Corporation).
2010/13 Advanced Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Engineering at the Uni. of Sheffield.
2009/14 Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick.
2009/11 Senior Research Fellow/Lecturer in the School of Chemistry at the University of Birmingham.
2008/09 Materials Development Engineer in the Corporate Materials and Research Development Department TDK/EPCOS and Senior Post Doc (secondment from TDK) at TUGraz.
2008/09 Visiting Lecturer in Advanced Ceramics in the Dep. of Eng. Materials at the U. of Sheffield.
2004/07 Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Dep. of Engineering Materials at the U. of Sheffield.
2007 Marie Curie Visiting Fellow, in the Dep. of Chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid.
2006 Visiting Research Scholar, in the Materials Research Institute at Penn State University (USA).
2004 Visiting Research Associate, in the Materials Research Institute at Penn State University (USA).
2003 Microscospist, at Health and Safety Laboratory (UK), 4th December-15th January 2003.
2002 Marie Curie Training Fellow, at The Max Planck Institute (Germany), 1st Sept- 30th November.
2002 Adjunct Research Assistant, in the Materials Research Institute at Penn State University (USA), February. Characterisation of Frequency Agile Materials for Electronics (FAME). February-March.
Specialist areas of interest
Prof. Feteira's research focuses simultaneously on the establishment of composition-structure-property relationships in new advanced functional oxides, and on the fabrication of prototype devices via 3D integration of these materials. His work in this area has developed through a series of pure and applied projects, several of which have involved direct collaboration with industrial groups (TDK EPC, AVX Ltd, Morgan Electroceramics, Powerwave Ltd, Straumann). His latest research has focused on bandgap engineering of ferroelectrics for solar energy harvesting and environmentally friendly Pb-free piezoelectric actuators and energy storage devices. In the area of biomaterials he works on glass-ceramics for dental applications.
Department of Engineering and Mathematics
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
MSc Advanced Engineering Materials
MSc Advanced Engineering Materials
Module Leader for
Materials Processing and Manufacture, Level 6
Microstructural Engineering of Materials, Level 6
Advanced Investigatory Techniques, Level 7
Teaching on
Advanced Metallic Materials, Level 7
- Materials and Engineering Research Institute
- Materials and Engineering Research Institute , Industry and Innovation Research Institute
2014-2017 Energy conversion using nano- and meso-crystalline perovskites: a theoretical and experimental approach. Funded by CNPq (Brazil) Grant number 401431/2014-2 Team: Prof. Feteira (SHU), Dr. Pianaro (State University of Ponta Grossa), Drs. Cava and Moreira (Federal University of Pelotas)
The geographical location of Brazil combined with its large Niobium and Iron reserves are the two main motivations for this project. First, Brazil is a country located mostly in the intertropical region. Values of global solar radiation incidence on any region of Brazil (4200-6700 kWh.m-2) are higher than in most European Union countries such as Germany (900-1250 kWh.m-2), France (900 -1650 kWh.m-2) and Spain (1200-1850 kWh.m-2), where projects focused on solar energy harvesting, some relying on strong government incentives, are widely disseminated. Hence, solar energy is one of the most promising sources of renewable, clean energy to replace the current dependence on fossil fuels. Nevertheless, to make solar energy viable, it is necessary to find inexpensive and non-toxic photovoltaic materials that can efficiently convert solar radiation into electricity. Crystalline silicon has long been the most widely employed photovoltaic material, with cells now achieving 25% efficiency. However, these cells are expensive to produce and operate - the unit cost of energy produced from a Si solar cell is nearly 4 times that of energy produced from fossil fuels. Conventional solid-state photovoltaics also suffer a limitation in that their maximal photovoltages are set by the relevant semiconductor electronic band gaps. These photovoltages, which are established at semi-conductor junctions, are used to separate the electron-hole pairs generated when light is first absorbed by the photovoltaic material. Optical band gaps of ferroelectrics can be tailored into the visible region while preserving their intrinsically high spontaneous polarisation, which then will enable their use in the fabrication of non-expensive, clean and efficient solar cells. Hence, the overall aim of this project is the establishment of the underlying mechanisms that control the band gap in KNbO3 ferroelectrics with robust polarisation. The proposed research is also guided by sustainability criteria in terms of the choice of non-toxic and non-expensive raw materials available in Brazil, and it combines ideas from defect chemistry in ferroelectrics, local distortions to the average crystal structure and their impact in orbital overlapping, size effects and domain wall dynamics. In summary, it is focused on the understanding of different parameters that may be employed in band gap engineering of ferroelectrics.
2015-2016 Photoferroelectric devices based on Potassium Niobate. Funded by CNPq (Brazil). PhD student Carolina Elicker.
Best student work by the American Chemical Society at Brazil MRS meeting 2017.
Best poster at MERI symposium
October 2014-October 2015 “Mechanical properties of glass ceramics for dental applications” Funded by CNPq (Brazil) PDRA: Dr. L. Lauro Lima
Every year millions of people seek dental treatment in order to either repair damaged, unaesthetic and dysfunctional teeth or to replace missing natural teeth. This treatment is driven by the simultaneous pursuit of rehabilitation of the oral functions and improvement of the oral aesthetics. Several dental materials have been developed to meet the stringent requirements in terms of mechanical properties (strength, fracture toughness and wear resistance), aesthetics (colour, translucency) and chemical durability in the oral environment. In addition, commercial prosthetic dental materials are also required to be compatible with computer aided design–computer aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology. Indeed, CAD/CAM technology is used in the fabrication of several dental prosthetic restorations such as inlays, onlays, veneers, crowns, fixed partial dentures and implant abutments. Such fabrication can take place either at the dentist’s chairside or away in a dental laboratory.
In this project the mechanical properties of lithium aluminodissilicate glass-ceramics will be evaluated and dental crowns will be manufactured.
Output: Successful manufacture of crowns suitable for application. Work presented the 7th World Congress on Biomechanics. 2 publication under preparation. A new PhD student join the group to further investigate LAS glasses.
2010-2014 International module of the Christian Doppler Lab on Advanced Ferroic oxides. Funded by Christian Doppler Research Association (Austria). PhD students: Giorgio Schileo and Luke Luisman
Outputs: 9 research articles, 6 conference talks
September 2010-August 2011 “Environmentally friendly Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics for current electronic applications and future energy harvesting technologies” Funded by The Royal Society.
Piezoelectric devices are mainly fabricated from ceramics based on Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, because this compound exhibits unrivalled large field-induced strains with little temperature dependence. Recent European legislation regulating the use of hazardous materials in electronic equipment has call for the substitution of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3-based devices by environmental friendly alternatives, as soon they become scientifically and technically practicable. Hence, Pb-free piezoceramics will replace Pb(Zr,Ti)O3-based ceramics, in applications such as pressure sensors, actuators, ultrasonic transducers. In collaboration with the Graz University of Technology, we reported a large field-induced strain in (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-SrTiO3 based ceramics, which drops suddenly at 160°C due to depolarisation. Origins of this large strain and depolarisation are not understood yet; however they can be clarified by the characterisation of the intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to the strain.
REF 2014 Output: D Schütz, M Deluca, W Krauss, A Feteira, T Jackson, K Reichmann “Lone‐Pair‐Induced Covalency as the Cause of Temperature‐and Field‐Induced Instabilities in Bismuth Sodium Titanate”
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (11), 2285-2294 (2012)Collaborators
Professor Reaney and Professor Sinclair, University of Sheffield
Dr Tim Jackson and Dr Joe Hriljac, University of Birmingham
Professor Michael Lanagan, Penn State University
Dr Klaus Reichmann, TUGRAZ
Dr Changrong Zhou, Guilin University
Institute of Materials of Madrid
Professor Liliana Mitoseriu, A I Cuza University
Dr Sergio Cava, University of Pelotas
Professor Roberto Moreira, Federal University of Minas Gerais
CNPq (Brazil)
Straumann AG
Christian Doppler Research Association
Royal Society
The Royal Academy of Engineering
Journal articles
Fan, Y., Wang, X., Li, H., Feteira, A., Wang, D., Wang, G., ... Reaney, I.M. (2023). Pb, Bi, and rare earth free X6R barium titanate–sodium niobate ceramics for high voltage capacitor applications. Applied Physics Letters, 122 (14).
Wang, X., Fan, Y., Zhang, B., Mostaed, A., Li, L., Feteira, A., ... Reaney, I.M. (2022). High discharge energy density in novel K1/2Bi1/2TiO3-BiFeO3 based relaxor ferroelectrics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 42 (15), 7381-7387.
Pascual‐Gonzalez, C., Elicker, C., Moreira, M.L., Cava, S., Sterianou, I., Wang, D., & Feteira, A. (2022). Crystal structure, dielectric properties, and optical bandgap control in KNbO 3 –BiMnO 3 ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
Kong, J., Nayak, S.K., Co, K., Nayak, S., Wu, J., Feteira, A., ... Pramanick, A. (2021). Point defect induced incommensurate dipole moments in the KCa2Nb3O10 Dion-Jacobson layered perovskite. Physical Review B, 104 (22).
Lu, Z., Wang, G., Li, L., Huang, Y., Feteira, A., Bao, W., ... Reaney, I.M. (2021). In situ poling X-ray diffraction studies of lead-free BiFeO3–SrTiO3 ceramics. Materials Today Physics, 19.
Wang, G., Lu, Z., Li, Y., Li, L., Ji, H., Feteira, A., ... Reaney, I.M. (2021). Electroceramics for High-Energy Density Capacitors: Current Status and Future Perspectives. Chemical Reviews, 121 (10), 6124-6172.
Ji, H., Wang, D., Bao, W., Lu, Z., Wang, G., Yang, H., ... Reaney, I. (2021). Ultrahigh energy density in short-range tilted NBT-based lead-free multilayer ceramic capacitors by nanodomain percolation. Energy Storage Materials.
Lu, Z., Bao, W., Wang, G., Sun, S.-.K., Li, L., Li, J., ... Reaney, I.M. (2021). Mechanism of enhanced energy storage density in AgNbO3-based lead-free antiferroelectrics. Nano Energy, 79, 105423.
Liu, B., Li, L., Song, K.X., Mao, M.M., Lu, Z., Wang, G., ... Reaney, I.M. (2020). Enhancement of densification and microwave dielectric properties in LiF ceramics via a cold sintering and post-annealing process. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
Wang, D., Fan, Z., Rao, G., Wang, G., Liu, Y., Yuan, C., ... Zhang, S. (2020). Ultrahigh piezoelectricity in lead-free piezoceramics by synergistic design. Nano Energy, 76, 104944.
Yang, H.-.J., Lu, Z., Li, L., Bao, W., Ji, H., Li, J., ... Reaney, I.M. (2020). Novel BaTiO3-based, Ag/Pd compatible lead-free relaxors with superior energy storage performance. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
Lu, Z., Wang, G., Bao, W., Li, J., Li, L., Mostaed, A., ... Reaney, I.M. (2020). Superior energy density through tailored dopant strategies in multilayer ceramic capacitors. Energy and Environmental Science.
Lu, Z., Wang, G., Bao, W., Li, J., Li, L., Mostaed, A., ... Reaney, I.M. (2020). Superior energy density through tailored dopant strategies in multilayer ceramic capacitors. Energy & Environmental Science.
Veerapandiyan, V.K., Saman Khosravi, H., Canu, G., Feteira, A., Buscaglia, V., Reichmann, K., & Deluca, M. (2020). B-site vacancy induced Raman scattering in BaTiO3-based ferroelectric ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40 (13), 4684-4688.
Khesro, A., Wang, D., Hussain, F., Muhammad, R., Wang, G., Feteira, A., & Reaney, I.M. (2020). Temperature Dependent Piezoelectric Properties of Lead-Free (1- x )K 0.6 Na 0.4 NbO 3 – x BiFeO 3 Ceramics. Frontiers in Materials, 7, 140.
Wang, G., Lu, Z., Yang, H., Ji, H., Mostaed, A., li, L., ... Reaney, I.M. (2020). Fatigue resistant lead-free multilayer ceramic capacitors with ultrahigh energy density. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
Wang, D., Wang, G., Lu, Z., Al-Jlaihawi, Z., & Feteira, A. (2020). Crystal structure, phase transitions and photoferroelectric properties of KNbO3-based lead-free ferroelectric ceramics: a brief review. Frontiers in Materials, 7, 91.
Djani, H., McCabe, E.E., Zhang, W., Halasyamani, P.S., Feteira, A., Bieder, J., ... Ghosez, P. (2020). Bi2W2O9: A potentially antiferroelectric Aurivillius phase. Physical Review B, 101 (13), 134113.
Wang, G., Lu, Z., Li, J., Ji, H., Yang, H., Li, L., ... Reaney, I.M. (2019). Lead-free (Ba,Sr)TiO3 – BiFeO3 based multilayer ceramic capacitors with high energy density. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40 (4), 1779-1783.
Wang, G., Lu, Z., Zhang, Z., Feteira, A., Tang, C.C., & Hall, D.A. (2019). Electric field‐induced irreversible relaxor to ferroelectric phase transformations in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3‐NaNbO3 ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102 (12), 7746-7754.
Al-Aaraji, M.N., Feteira, A., Thompson, S.P., Murray, C.A., & Hall, D.A. (2019). Effects of quenching on phase transformations and ferroelectric properties of 0.35BCZT-0.65KBT ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39 (14), 4070-4084.
Wang, G., Fan, Z., Murakami, S., Lu, Z., Hall, D.A., Sinclair, D.C., ... Reaney, I.M. (2019). Origin of the large electrostrain in BiFeO>3-BaTiO3 based lead-free ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7 (37), 21254-21263.
Aziz, A.A., Mercone, S., Lobo, R.P.S.M., Dias, A., Moreira, R.L., Bell, A., ... Feteira, A. (2019). Synthesis and characterisation of the vibrational and electrical properties of antiferromagnetic 6L-Ba2CoTeO6 ceramics. Dalton Transactions, 48 (29), 11112-11121.
Wang, D., Zhou, D., Song, K., Feteira, A., Randall, C.A., & Reaney, I.M. (2019). Cold‐Sintered C0G Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors. Advanced Electronic Materials, 5 (7).
Wang, D., Zhang, S., Zhou, D., Song, K., Feteira, A., Vardaxoglou, Y., ... Reaney, I.M. (2019). Temperature Stable Cold Sintered (Bi0.95Li0.05)(V0.9Mo0.1)O4-Na2Mo2O7 Microwave Dielectric Composites. Materials, 12 (9).
Lu, D.-.Y., Gao, X.-.L., Yuan, Y., & Feteira, A. (2019). High-permittivity and fine-grained (Ba1–Pr )(Ti1––/4Ce )O3 ceramics with diffuse phase transition. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 228, 131-139.
McLaughlin, K., Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Wang, D., & Feteira, A. (2019). Site occupancy and electric-field induced strain response of Er-doped (Bi0.4Na0.4Sr0.2)TiO3 ceramics. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 779, 7-14.
Wally, Z., Haque, A., Feteira, A., Claeyssens, F., Goodall, R., & Reilly, G. (2019). Selective Laser Melting processed Ti6Al4V lattices with graded porosities for dental applications. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 90, 20-29.
Wang, G., Li, J., Zhang, X., Fan, Z., Yang, F., Feteira, A., ... Reaney, I.M. (2019). Ultrahigh energy storage density lead-free multilayers by controlled electrical homogeneity. Energy & environmental science, 12 (2), 582-588.
Wang, D., Wang, G., Murakami, S., Fan, Z., Feteira, A., Zhou, D., ... Reaney, I.M. (2018). BiFeO3-BaTiO3: A new generation of lead-free electroceramics. Journal of advanced dielectrics, 1830004.
Murakami, S., Wang, D., Mostaed, A., Khesro, A., Feteira, A., Sinclair, D., ... Reaney, I. (2018). High strain (0.4%) Bi(Mg2/3Nb1/3)O3-BaTiO3-BiFeO3lead-free piezoelectric ceramics and multilayers. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101 (12), 5428-5442.
Wang, D., Fan, Z., Li, W., Zhou, D., Feteira, A., Wang, G., ... Reaney, I. (2018). High energy storage density and large strain in Bi(Zn2/3Nb1/3)O3-Doped BiFeO3-BaTiO3 ceramics. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1 (8), 4403-4412.
Rashad, Z., & Feteira, A. (2018). Temperature stable electric field-induced strain in Er-doped BNT-BT-BKT ceramics. Materials Letters, 222, 180-182.
Elicker, C., Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Gularte, L., Moreira, M., Cava, S., & Feteira, A. (2018). Photoresponse of KNbO3–AFeO3 (A = Bi3+ or La3+) ceramics and its relationship with bandgap narrowing. Materials Letters, 221, 326-329.
Murakami, S., Ahmed, N., Wang, D., Feteira, A., Sinclair, D., & Reaney, I. (2018). Optimising dopants and properties in BiMeO3 (Me = Al, Ga, Sc, Y, Mg2/3Nb1/3, Zn2/3Nb1/3, Zn1/2Ti1/2) lead-free BaTiO3-BiFeO3 based ceramics for actuator applications. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
Deluca, M., JLaihawi, Z., Reichmann, K., Bell, A., & Feteira, A. (2018). Remarkable impact of low BiYbO3 doping levels on the localstructure and phase transitions of BaTiO3. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (13), 5443-5451.
Wang, D., Fan, Z., Zhou, D., Khesro, A., Murakami, S., Feteira, A., ... Reaney, I. (2018). Bismuth ferrite-based lead free ceramics and multilayers with high recoverable energy density. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (9), 4133-4144.
Zhou, C., & Feteira, A. (2017). Observation of multiple dielectric relaxations in BaTiO3-Bi(Li1/3Ti2/3)O3 ceramics. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 123 (11).
Zhou, C., & Feteira, A. (2017). Observation of multiple dielectric relaxations in BaTiO3-Bi(Li1/3Ti2/3)O3 ceramics. Applied Physics A, 123 (11).
Schileo, G., Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Alguero, M., Reaney, I., Postolache, P., Mitoseriu, L., ... Feteira, A. (2017). Multiferroic and magnetoelectric properties of Pb0.99[Zr0.45Ti0.47(Ni1/3Sb2/3)0.08]O3–CoFe2O4 multilayer composites fabricated by tape casting. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38 (4), 1473-1478.
Obilor, U., Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Murakami, S., Reaney, I., & Feteira, A. (2017). Study of the temperature dependence of the giant electric field-induced strain in Nb-doped BNT-BT-BKT piezoceramics. Materials Research Bulletin, 97, 385-392.
Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Schileo, G., Murakami, S., Khesro, A., Wang, D., Reaney, I., & Feteira, A. (2017). Continuously controllable optical band gap in orthorhombic ferroelectric KNbO3-BiFeO3 ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 110 (17).
Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Schileo, G., Khesro, A., Sterianou, I., Wang, D., Reaney, I., & Feteira, A. (2017). Band gap evolution and piezoelectric-to-electrostrictivecrossover in (1-x)KNbO3-x(Ba0.5Bi0.5)(Nb0.5Zn0.5)O3 ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5 (8), 1990-1996.
Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Schileo, G., Khesro, A., Sterianou, I., Wang, D., Reaney, I., & Feteira, A. (2017). Band gap evolution and piezoelectric-to-electrostrictivecrossover in (1-x)KNbO3-x(Ba0.5Bi0.5)(Nb0.5Zn0.5)O3 ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5 (8), 1990-1996.
Wang, D., Hussain, F., Khesro, A., Feteira, A., Tian, Y., Zhao, Q., ... Zhang, S. (2017). Composition and Temperature Dependence of Structure and Piezoelectricity in (1−x)(K1−yNay)NbO3-x(Bi1/2Na1/2)ZrO3Lead-Free Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 100 (2), 627-637.
Wang, D., Khesro, A., Murakami, S., Feteira, A., Zhao, Q., & Reaney, I.M. (2016). Temperature dependent, large electromechanical strain in Nd-doped BiFeO3-BaTiO3 lead-free ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
Khesro, A., Wang, D., Hussain, F., Sinclair, D., Feteira, A., & Reaney, I. (2016). Temperature Stable and Fatigue Resistant lead-free ceramics for actuators. Applied Physics Letters, 109 (14), 142907.
Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Schileo, G., & Feteira, A. (2016). Band gap narrowing in ferroelectric KNbO3-Bi(Yb,Me)O3 (Me=Fe or Mn) ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 109 (13).
Borges, P.H.R., Nunes, V.A., Panzera, T.H., Schileo, G., & Feteira, A. (2016). The influence of rice husk ash addition on the properties of metakaolin-based geopolymers. The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 10 (S.3:M4), 406-417.
Schileo, G., Gonzalez, C.P., Alguero, M., Reaney, I.M., Postolache, P., Mitoseriu, L., ... Feteira, A. (2016). Yttrium Iron Garnet/Barium Titanate Multiferroic Composites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99 (5), 1609-1614.
Reichmann, K., Feteira, A., & Li, M. (2015). Bismuth Sodium Titanate Based Materials for Piezoelectric Actuators. Materials, 8 (12), 8467-8495.
Schileo, G., Feteira, A., Reaney, I.M., Postolache, P., Mitoseriu, L., & Reichmann, K. (2014). Characterization of Yttrium Iron Garnet/Barium Titanate Multiferroic Composites Prepared by Sol-Gel and Coprecipitation Methods. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 11 (3), 457-467.
Schileo, G., Luisman, L., Feteira, A., Deluca, M., & Reichmann, K. (2013). Structure-property relationships in BaTiO3-BiFeO3-BiYbO3 ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 33 (8), 1457-1468.
Schileo, G., Dias, A., Moreira, R.L., Jackson, T.J., Smith, P.A., Chung, K.T.S., & Feteira, A. (2013). Structure and microwave dielectric properties of low firingBi2Te2W3O16 ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97 (4), 1096-1102.
Tan, C., Feteira, A., & Sinclair, D. (2012). Ba2Bi1.4Nb0.6O6: a nonferroelectric, high permittivity oxide. Chemistry of Materials, 24 (12), 2247-2249.
Vasta, G., Feteira, A., Woodward, D.I., Walker, D., Thomas, P.A., & Jackson, T.J. (2012). Thin film LaYbO3 capacitor structures grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition. Thin Solid Films, 527, 81-86.
Zhou, C., Feteira, A., Shan, X., Yang, H., Zhou, Q., Cheng, J., ... Wang, H. (2012). Remarkably high-temperature stable piezoelectric properties of Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 modified BiFeO3-BaTiO3 ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 101 (3), 032901.
Schuetz, D., Deluca, M., Krauss, W., Feteira, A., Jackson, T., & Reichmann, K. (2012). Lone-pair-induced covalency as the cause of temperature- and field-induced instabilities in bismuth sodium titanate. Advanced Functional Materials, 22 (11), 2285-2294.
Luisman, L., Feteira, A., & Reichmann, K. (2011). Weak-relaxor behaviour in Bi/Yb-doped KNbO3 ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 99 (19), 192901.
Strathdee, T., Luisman, L., Feteira, A., & Reichmann, K. (2011). Ferroelectric-to-relaxor Crossover in (1-x) BaTiO3-xBiYbO3 (0≤ x≤ 0.08) ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94 (8), 2292-2295.
Feteira, A., Iddles, D., Price, T., Muir, D., & Reaney, I.M. (2010). High-permittivity and low-loss microwave dielectric ceramics based on (x)RE(Zn1/2Ti1/2)O3-(1−x)CaTiO3 (RE=La and Nd). Journal of the American Ceramics Society, 94 (3), 817-821.
Krauss, W., Schütz, D., Mautner, F.A., Feteira, A., & Reichmann, K. (2010). Piezoelectric properties and phase transition temperatures of the solid solution of (1−x)(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3–xSrTiO3. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 30 (8), 1827-1832.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & Lanagan, M.T. (2010). Effects of average and local structure on the dielectric behavior of (1−x)BaTiO[sub 3]–xLaYO[sub 3] (0≤x≤0.40) ceramics. Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (1), 014112.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & Kreisel, J. (2010). Average and Local Structure of (1−x)BaTiO3−xLaYO3 (0≤x≤0.50) Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93 (12), 4174-4181.
Li, M., Feteira, A., Mirsaneh, M., Lee, S., Lanagan, M.T., Randall, C.A., & Sinclair, D.C. (2010). Influence of nonstoichiometry on extrinsic electrical conduction and microwave dielectric loss of BaCo1/3Nb2/3O3 ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93 (12), 4087-4095.
Varghese, J., Joseph, T., Sebastian, M.T., Reeves-McLaren, N., & Feteira, A. (2010). Crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties of LaLuO3 ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93 (10), 2960-2963.
Feteira, A., & Reichmann, K. (2010). NTC Ceramics: Past, Present and Future. Advances in Science and Technology, 67, 124-133.
Feteira, A. (2009). Negative Temperature Coefficient Resistance (NTCR) Ceramic Thermistors : an industrial perspective. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 (5), 967-983.
Feteira, A., & Sinclair, D.C. (2009). The influence of nanometric phase separation on the dielectric and magnetic properties of (1 − x)BaTiO3–xLaYbO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.60) ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19 (3), 356-359.
Li, M., Shen, Z., Nygren, M., Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & West, A.R. (2009). Origin(s) of the apparent high permittivity in CaCu[sub 3]Ti[sub 4]O[sub 12] ceramics: clarification on the contributions from internal barrier layer capacitor and sample-electrode contact effects. Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (10), 104106.
Li, M., Feteira, A., & Sinclair, D.C. (2009). Relaxor ferroelectric-like high effective permittivity in leaky dielectrics/oxide semiconductors induced by electrode effects: A case study of CuO ceramics. Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (11), 114109.
Rawal, R., McQueen, A.J., Gillie, L.J., Hyatt, N.C., McCabe, E.E., Samara, K., ... Sinclair, D.C. (2009). Influence of octahedral tilting on the microwave dielectric properties of A[sub 3]LaNb[sub 3]O[sub 12] hexagonal perovskites (A=Ba, Sr). Applied Physics Letters, 94 (19), 192904.
Miranda, L., Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., Boulahya, K., Hernando, M., Ramírez, J., ... Parras, M. (2009). Composition−structure−property relationships of 6H- and 12R-Type Hexagonal Ba(Mn,Ti)O3−δPerovskites. Chemistry of Materials, 21 (8), 1731-1742.
Feteira, A., & Sinclair, D.C. (2008). Microwave dielectric properties of low firing temperature Bi2W2O9 ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 (4), 1338-1341.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., Rajab, K.Z., & Lanagan, M.T. (2008). Crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties of Alkaline-Earth Hafnates, AHfO3(A=Ba, Sr, Ca). Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 (3), 893-901.
Miranda, L., Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., Hernández, M.G., Boulahya, K., Hernando, M., ... Parras, M. (2008). Study of the structural, magnetic, and electrical properties of the 5H Hexagonal-Type Perovskite BaMn0.2Co0.8O2.80. Chemistry of Materials, 20 (8), 2818-2828.
Zhang, L., Ben, L., Thakur, O.P., Feteira, A., Mould, A.G., Sinclair, D.C., & West, A.R. (2008). Ferroelectric aging and recoverable electrostrain in BaTi0.98Ca0.02O2.98 ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 (9), 3101-3104.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & Lanagan, M.T. (2007). Structural and electrical characterization of CeAlO[sub 3] ceramics. Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (6), 064110.
Thakur, O.P., Feteira, A., Kundys, B., & Sinclair, D.C. (2007). Influence of attrition milling on the electrical properties of undoped-BaTiO3. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27 (7), 2577-2589.
Li, M., Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & West, A.R. (2007). Incipient ferroelectricity and microwave dielectric resonance properties of CaCu[sub 2.85]Mn[sub 0.15]Ti[sub 4]O[sub 12] ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 91 (13), 132911.
Miranda, L., Boulahya, K., Varela, A., González-Calbet, J.M., Parras, M., Hernando, M., ... Sinclair, D.C. (2007). Structure−property relationships of the 10H Hexagonal-Type Perovskite BaMn0.4Fe0.6O2.73. Chemistry of Materials, 19 (14), 3425-3432.
Feteira, A., Gillie, L.J., Elsebrock, R., & Sinclair, D.C. (2007). Crystal structure and dielectric properties of LaYbO3. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90 (5), 1475-1482.
Pasha, U.M., Zheng, H., Thakur, O.P., Feteira, A., Whittle, K.R., Sinclair, D.C., & Reaney, I.M. (2007). In situ Raman spectroscopy of A-site doped barium titanate. Applied Physics Letters, 91 (6), 062908.
Zhang, L., Thakur, O.P., Feteira, A., Keith, G.M., Mould, A.G., Sinclair, D.C., & West, A.R. (2007). Comment on the use of calcium as a dopant in X8R BaTiO[sub 3]-based ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 90 (14), 142914.
Punn, R., Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & Greaves, C. (2006). Enhanced oxide ion conductivity in stabilized δ-Bi2O3. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128 (48), 15386-15387.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & Reaney, I.M. (2006). Synthesis and characterization of BaTi1-xGaxO3-delta (0x0.15) ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89 (7), 2105-2113.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & Lanagan, M.T. (2006). Structure and microwave dielectric properties of Ca1?xYxTi1?xAlxO3 (CYTA) ceramics? [J. Mater. Res. 20, 2391 (2005)]. Journal of Materials Research, 21 (9), 2429.
Rawal, R., Feteira, A., Flores, A.A., Hyatt, N.C., West, A.R., Sinclair, D.C., ... Alford, N.M. (2006). Dielectric properties of the "Twinned" 8H-Hexagonal Perovskite Ba8Nb4Ti3O24. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89 (1), 336-339.
Rawal, R., Feteira, A., Hyatt, N.C., Sinclair, D.C., Sarma, K., & Alford, N.M. (2006). Microwave dielectric properties of hexagonal 12R-Ba3LaNb3O12 ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89 (1), 332-335.
Li, M., Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & West, A.R. (2006). Influence of Mn doping on the semiconducting properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 88 (23), 232903.
Ferrarelli, M.C., Adams, T.B., Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & West, A.R. (2006). High intrinsic permittivity in Na[sub 1∕2] Bi[sub 1∕2] Cu[sub 3] Ti[sub 4] O[sub 12]. Applied Physics Letters, 89 (21), 212904.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & Lanagan, M.T. (2005). Structure and microwave dielectric properties of Ca1− xY xTi1− xAl xO3 (CYTA) ceramics. Journal of Materials Research, 20 (09), 2391-2399.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., Reaney, I.M., & Lanagan, M.T. (2005). Structure-property relationships of BaTi1-2yGayNbyO3 (0<=y<=0.35) ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 88 (11), 3055-3062.
Reaney, I.M., Iqbal, Y., Zheng, H., Feteira, A., Hughes, H., Iddles, D., ... Price, T. (2005). Order-disorder behaviour in 0.9Ba([Zn0.60Co0.40](1/3)Nb-2/3)O-3-0.1Ba(Ga0.5Ta0.5)O-3 microwave dielectric resonators. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 25 (7), 1183-1189.
Li, M., Feteira, A., & Sinclair, D.C. (2005). Origin of the high permittivity in (La0.4Ba0.4Ca0.2)(Mn0.4Ti0.6)O-3 ceramics. Journal of Applied Physics, 98 (8), 084101.
Moreira, R.L., Feteira, A., & Dias, A. (2005). Raman and infrared spectroscopic investigations on the crystal structure and phonon modes of LaYbO3 ceramics. Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 17 (17), 2775-2781.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., Reaney, I.M., Somiya, Y., & Lanagan, M.T. (2004). BaTiO3-Based ceramics for tunable microwave applications. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 87 (6), 1082-1087.
Feteira, A., Sarma, K., Alford, N.M., Reaney, I.M., & Sinclair, D.C. (2003). Microwave dielectric properties of Gallium-Doped Hexagonal Barium Titanate ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 86 (3), 511-513.
Conference papers
Forster, R., Feteira, A., Soulioti, D., Grammatikos, S., & Kordatos, E. (2023). In-line monitoring of the fused filament fabrication additive manufacturing process. Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, Civil Infrastructure, and Transportation XVII, 12487.
Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Sterianou, I., & Feteira, A. (2017). Evolution of piezoelectric response in (1-x)KNbO3-x(Ba0.5Bi0.5)(Nb0.5Zn0.5)O3 ceramics. In George, T., Dutta, A.K., & Islam, M.S. (Eds.) Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IX 2017, Anaheim; United States, (pp. 1019430). SPIE Publications:
Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Sterianou, I., & Feteira, A. (2017). Evolution of piezoelectric response in (1-x)KNbO3-x(Ba0.5Bi0.5)(Nb0.5Zn0.5)O3 ceramics. In George, T., Dutta, A.K., & Islam, M.S. (Eds.) Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IX 2017, Anaheim; United States, (pp. 1019430). SPIE Publications:
Kordatos, E., Abdulkadhim, Z., & Feteira, A. (2017). Non-destructive thermo-mechanical behavior assessment of glass-ceramics for dental applications. In Bison, P., & Burleigh, D. (Eds.) Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXIX 2017, Anaheim United States, 10 April 2017 - 13 April 2017 (pp. 102140P). SPIE Publications:
Kordatos, E., Abdulkadhim, Z., & Feteira, A. (2017). Non-destructive thermo-mechanical behavior assessment of glass-ceramics for dental applications. In Bison, P., & Burleigh, D. (Eds.) Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXIX 2017, Anaheim United States, 10 April 2017 - 13 April 2017 (pp. 102140P). SPIE Publications:
Schileo, G., Feteira, A., Postolache, P., Liliana, M., & Reichmann, K. (2013). Synthesis and characterization of novel multiferroic composites based on Y3Fe5O12@BaTiO3 and Y3Fe5O12@Pb(Zr,Ti)O3. In Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (CICMT 2013), Orlando, USA, 23 April 2013 - 26 April 2013.
Reichmann, K., Krauss, W., Schuetz, D., Naderer, M., Deluca, M., Supancic, P., ... Kainz, T. (2013). Bismuth-Alkali-Titanate based ceramics for piezoelectric actuator applications. In Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (CICMT 2013, Orlando, USA, 23 April 2013 - 26 April 2013.
Schutz, D., Deluca, M., Krauss, W., Feteira, A., & Reichmann, K. (2012). Lone pair-induced covalency as the cause of temperature and field induced instabilities in Bismuth sodium titanate. In Nature materials conference: Frontiers in Electronic materials: correlation effects and memristive phenomena, Aachen, 17 June 2012 - 20 June 2012.
Feteira, A., Sinclair, D.C., & Lanagan, M.T. (2006). Microstructural and electrical characterisation of LaxBa1-xTi1-xYxO3 (0 <= x <= 0.50) ceramics. In Ohji, T., Sekino, T., & Niihara, K. (Eds.) Science of Engineering Ceramics III : proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, (pp. 873-876). Trans Tech Pubn
Feteira, A., Elsebrock, R., Dias, A., Moreira, R.L., Lanagan, M.T., & Sinclair, D.C. (2006). Synthesis and characterisation of La0.4Ba0.6Ti0.6RE0.4O3 (where RE=Y, Yb) ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26 (10-11), 1947-1951.
Feteira, A., Keith, G.M., Rampling, M.J., Kirk, C.A., Reaney, I.M., Sarma, K., ... Sinclair, D.C. (2002). Synthesis and characterisation of Ga-doped hexagonal BaTiO3. Crystal Engineering, 5 (3-4), 439-448.
Book chapters
Pascual-Gonzalez, C., Schileo, G., & Feteira, A. (2018). Single-phase, composite and laminate multiferroics. In Korotcenkov, G., & Stojanovic, B. (Eds.) Magnetic, Ferroelectric, and Multiferroic Metal Oxides. (pp. 457-484). Amsterdam: Elsevier:
Feteira, A., & Reichmann, K. (2012). Nanoscale oxide thermoelectrics. In Aparicio, M., Jitianu, A., & Klein, L.C. (Eds.) Sol-Gel Processing for Conventional and Alternative Energy. (pp. 315-340). New York: Springer Science + Bussiness Media:
Theses / Dissertations
Pascual-Gonzalez, C. (2017). Processing-composition-structure effects on the optical band gap of KNbO3-based ceramics. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Feteira, A., & Sterianou, I.
Schileo, G., Feteira, A., Shimizu, T., & Reichmann, K. (2013). Synthesis and characterization of multiferroic ceramic composites based on Y3Fe5O12/BaTiO3 and Y3Fe5O12/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3. Presented at: Materials Science and Technology 2013, Montreal, Canada, 2013
Deluca, M., Schuetz, D., Aksel, E., Picht, G., Foronda, H., Feteira, A., ... Jones, J. (2013). Raman spectroscopy of Sodium Bismuth Titanate ceramics. Presented at: International Ultrasonics Symposium International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics Joint International Frequency Control Symposium European Frequency and Time Forum, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013
Schileo, G., Feteira, A., & Reichmann, K. (2013). Synthesis and Characterization of Core-Shell Multiferroic Nanocomposites Based on Y3Fe5O12 and BaTiO3/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3. Presented at: Ferroelectrics UK 2013, Sheffield, 2013
Reichmann, K., Schutz, D., Deluca, M., & Feteira, A. (2012). Lone-pair effect in Bismuth Sodium Titanate based ceramics investigated by temperature dependent Raman spectrometry. Presented at: International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics, Schloss Edesheim, Germany, 2012
Other activities
Since 2016 Member of the EPSRC Associate Peer Review College
Editorial Positions
Associate Editor: Journal of The American Ceramic Society (John Wiley & Sons, Inc)
Editorial Board: Recent Patents in Material Science, Journal of Ceramics (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
Guest Editor: 2014 Topical Section: Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies in the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, vol. 11, issue 3, p.413-501 (2014), (John Wiley & Sons, Inc)
Ad Hoc Reviewer: Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Materials Letters, Materials Science and Engineering B, Journal of Materials Science, Journal of Electronic Materials, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Materials Research, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Crystal Growth and Design, Journal of Applied Physics, Solid State Communications, Applied Physics Letters, Bulletin of Materials Research, Advanced Functional Materials
Reviewer of Grant for External Organisations
COSTAction, European Commission, Reviewer and Rapporteur
Analysis of technical and scientific merit of project submitted to the INCT (Brazil)
Leverhulme Trust- Research Project Grants
Reviewer for Romanian National Council for Scientific Research
Joint Research Projects-ROFR-2015
Projects for Young Research Teams - RUTE 2014
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA 2013
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA-2011
Postdoctoral Research Projects - PD-2011
Exploratory Research Projects - PCE-2011
Academic and Technical Committees
2015 - Technical Programme Committee, International Conference on Ceramic Science and Technology (CST 2015) in Shanghai, China
2014 - Technical Committee for the 2014 MERI Symposium, Sheffield Hallam University
2013 - Technical Session Co-Chair for International Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Conference, Orlando, USA
2012 - Technical Session Co-Chair for International Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Conference, Erfurt, Germany
2008 - Technical Session Co-Chair for International Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Conference, Munich, Germany
2006 - Sorby Center for Microscopy and Microanalysis at the University of Sheffield
2005 - Local Organizing committee member of the European Solid State Chemistry Meeting (ECSSX), Sheffield, UKPostgraduate supervision
[5] Zaid Abdulkhadim, Mechanical properties of glass-ceramics for dental applications, (submission 2019)
[4] Anees Aziz, Structure-property relationships in hexagonal and cubic perovskites. (submission 2018)
PhD supervision
[3] Carolina Elicker, Photoferroelectric devices based on Potassium Niobate, joint PhD supervision with Drs. Cava and Moreira from UFPel in Brazil (2017)
[2] Cristina Pascual-Gonzalez “Processing-composition-structure effects on the optical band gap of KNbO3-based ceramics (PhD, 2017)
[1] Giorgio Schileo, “Synthesis and Characterisation of Composite Multiferroic Ceramics” (PhD, 2014)
MSc Student Supervision
[13] F. Amadi, Processing and Characterisation of Lithium Aluminosilicate (LAS) glass-ceramics (2018)
[12] M. Al-dhaher, Impact of Erbium (Er) on the Electro-mechanical Properties of BNT-BKT-BT Ceramics (2018)
[11] WC Sung, Impact of Erbium on the Electromechanical Properties of BNT-BKT-BT Ceramics. (2017)
[10] S. Aal-Kaeb Effect of Stoichiometry on the Electromechanical Properties of Nb-doped BNT-BKT-BT Ceramics (2017).
[9] Z. Rashad, Effect of 2 mol% Erbium doping (A and B site) on the Electromechanical Properties of BNT-BKT-BT ceramics. (2017)
[8] S. Obilor, Fabrication and Characterisation of Pure and Doped BNT-BKT-BT Piezoeceramics (2017)
[7] J. Ayabina, LAS glass-ceramics. (2017)
[6] U. Amin, Thermal Processing and Characterisation of Lithium Aluminosilicate Glass-ceramics. (2017)
[5] B. Khairye, Processing and Characterisation of Trialaxial Porcelains. (2016)
[4] X. Gao, BaTiO3 Ferroelectrics.(2013)
[3] C. Niu, Mechanical Properties of Glass-Ceramics (2013)
[2] C. Garapon, Mechanical and Optical Characterization of a Glass-ceramic for Dental Implants. (2013)
[1] T. Strathdee, Synthesis and Characterisation of BaTiO3-BiYbO3 Ferroelectrics. (2011)