Carlos Da Silva

Dr Carlos Da Silva SFHEA, MPhil, BSc, MPhil

Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering


I am actively involved and interested in R&D in the area of Software Engineering and its interplay with Information Security.

As the leader of the Applied Software Engineering Research Group (ASERG) I have been involved in a number of consultancy and projects supporting the design of digital solutions for smart applications, exploring topics like Autonomic and Self-adaptive Software Systems, Service-orientation, Micro-services and Business Process, Secure by design, Digital Identity Management and Access Control. These have been applied in projects related to Smart Cities and information security while exploring Cloud Computing as supporting platform for the development of Internet of Things Applications.


I am currently a senior lecturer in software engineering with the Department of Computing of Sheffield Hallam University (UK), where I lead the Applied Software Engineering Research Group (ASERG).

I am actively involved in R&D in the area of Software Engineering and its interplay with Information Security, exploring topics like Self-adaptive Software Systems, Service-orientation and Business Process, Secure by design, Digital Identity Management and Access Control. I have been involved in a number of projects related to Smart Cities and information security, where I applied the above mentioned topics to the areas of Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and DevOps. More recently I have been working on the topics of Information Security and Self-adaptive Systems for the detection of insider threats; and the development of a data management platform for the Landscape Laboratory innitiative.

ASERG aims to conduct R&D activities on software engineering with an interdisciplinary view of its application for the development of digital solutions. ASERG lead the delivery of consultancy for SMEs of the Sheffield City Region by the Department of Computing as part of the Digital Inovation for Growth (DIfG) programme.

I received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK (2011), a MSc in Systems and Computing (2007), and a BSc in Computer Science (2005), from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

I was senior lecturer/reader (2012 - 2019) at the Metropole Digital Institute (IMD) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil, where I was the Head (Sep 2017 to Sep 2019, and Aug 2015 to Jan 2016) and deputy Head (Sep 2013 to Aug 2015) of the Post-graduate Program in Software Engineering (PPgSW) of IMD, now Post-graduate Program in Information Technology (PPgTI).

I was one of the leaders (2012-2015) of the cloud computing for science (CNC) work group of the Brazilian National Research and Education Network (RNP), which deployed a large scale openstack cloud storage platform throughout Brazil and resulted in a spin-off company.


School of Computing and Digital Technologies

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Applied Software Engineering Research Group (ASERG)

A research group in the Department of Computing dedicated to the development of digital solutions in different domains.

SHU Dev Process

A reference software development process to support software construction projects that can be tailored to different levels of study.

Subject Area

Computer Science and Software engineering.


MEng and BSc Software Engineering

BSc Computer Science

BSc Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence

MSc Big Data Analytics



Software Architecture and Design

Secure Software Engineering

Undergraduate and Post-graduate Final year project supervision

Professional Software Projects


Applied Software Engineering Research Group (ASERG)

A research group in the Department of Computing dedicated to the development of digital solutions in different domains.


SHU Dev Process

A reference software development process to support software construction projects that can be tailored to different levels of study.


Landscape Laboratory Data Management Infrastructure

This project aims to research, design and develop a smart data management infrastructure to support the mission of the Landscape Laboratory. "A 15-year catchment management infrastructure focused on a discrete landscape with an extraordinary opportunity for applied interdisciplinary research, knowledge exchange and impact with the potential for transformative outcomes in and across a range of academic disciplines."

Featured Projects

Applied Software Engineering Research Group (ASERG) -


SHU Dev Process -


de Mello, E.R., Wangham, M.S., Loli, S.B., Da Silva, C., da Silva, G.C., de Chaves, S.A., & Loli, B.B. (2020). Multi-Factor Authentication for Shibboleth Identity Providers. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 11 (1), 8.

Da Silva, C.D.S., Diniz, T., Cacho, N., & Lemos, R.D. (2018). Self-adaptive authorisation in OpenStack cloud platform. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 9 (19).

da Costa Júnior, E.P., da Silva, C.E., Pinheiro, M., & Sampaio, S. (2018). A new approach to deploy a self-adaptive distributed firewall. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 9 (12).

Da Silva, C.E., & De Lemos, R. (2011). A Framework for automatic generation of processes for self-adaptive software systems. Informatica (Ljubljana), 35 (1), 3-13.

Conference papers

Da Silva, C.E., & Carey, J. (2023). A module-agnostic reference software development process for different levels of higher-education study. The United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research (UKICER) conference, 11 (11).

Da Silva, C.E., Medeiros, L., Justino, Y., & Gomes, E.L. (2022). A box analogy technique (BoAT) for agile-based modelling of business processes. 2022 IEEE 30th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE).

Da Silva, C., & Young, A. (2022). An architecture for data integrity in untrustworthy social networks. In The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, 25 April 2022 - 29 April 2022 (pp. 1732-1739). New York: ACM:

Da Silva, C., Medeiros, W., & Sampaio, S. (2019). PEP4Django - A Policy Enforcement Point for Python Web Applications. In IX Workshop de Gestão de Identidades Digitais (WGID), São Paulo, 3 September 2019 - 4 September 2019.

Silva, G.C.D., Silva, C.E.D., Mello, E.R.D., Wangham, M.S., & Loli, S.B. (2018). Transposição da Autenticação Federada para uma Solução de Controle de Acesso Físico no contexto da Internet das Coisas. Salão de Ferramentas do XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg2018), 73-80.

de Mello, E., Wangham, M., Loli, S., Da Silva, C., & da Silva, G. (2018). Autenticação multi-fator em provedores de identidade Shibboleth. In XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, Natal, Brazil, (pp. 85-98). SBC:

Wangham, M., Marins, A., Ferraz, C., Da Silva, C., Saade, D., Silva, E., ... Oliveira, L. (2018). O Futuro da Gestão de Identidades Digitais. In VIII Workshop de Gestão de Identidades Digitais, (pp. 146-166). SBC:

de Pontes, E.S.R., Kulesza, U., Da Silva, C., Adachi, E., & Cirilo, E. (2018). Extracting and evolving a software product line from existing web-based systems: an experience report. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 259-268.

De Lima Justino, Y., & Da Silva, C. (2018). Poster: Reengineering legacy systems for supporting SOA: A case study on the brazilian's secretary of state for taxation. 2018 IEEE/ACM 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion), 125-126.

da Silva, G., & Da Silva, C. (2018). Uma Proposta de Arquitetura para Autorização Federada com Internet das Coisas. In XI Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e de Graduação (WTICG) do Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg), (pp. 757-766). SBC:

Medeiros, W., Saraiva, J.D., & Da Silva, C. (2017). Supporting the Self-adaptation of Authorization Infrastructures. In VII Workshop de Gestâo de Identidades Digitais, Brasilia, 2017 (pp. 603-614). Sociedade Brasileira de Computação:

Dantas, L.C.C., & Silva, C.E.D. (2017). FIoT-Client: Using FIWARE IoT and context services easily. X Escola Potiguar de Computação e suas Aplicações (EPOCA 2017), 113-116.

Justino, Y.D.L., & Silva, C.E.D. (2017). Reengenharia de Sistemas Legados para Suportar SOA: Um Estudo de Caso Aplicado na Secretaria de Estado da Tributação do Rio Grande do Norte (SET/RN). X Escola Potiguar de Computação e suas Aplicações, 127-136.

Silva, G.C.D., Pinheiro, I.G.C., & Silva, C.E.D. (2017). Proposta de interface gráfica Web para gerenciamento de usuários na plataforma Fiware. X Escola Potiguar de Computação e suas Aplicações (EPOCA2017), 155-158.

Silva, G.C.D., & Silva, C.E.D. (2017). Desenvolvendo Aplicações de Cidades Inteligentes com Autenticação e Autorização baseada na Plataforma FIWARE. XI Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e de Graduação (WTICG) do Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg), 777-786.

Da Silva, C., Da Silva, J.D.S., Paterson, C., & Calinescu, R. (2017). Self-Adaptive Role-Based Access Control for Business Processes. Proceedings - 2017 IEEE/ACM 12th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, SEAMS 2017, 193-203.

Junior, E.P.D.C., Medeiros, S.T., Silva, C.E.D., & Pinheiro, M.C.M.A. (2016). An Architecture for Self-adaptive Distributed Firewall. XVI Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security.

Diniz, T., De Felippe, A.C., Medeiros, T., Da Silva, C., & Araujo, R. (2015). Managing Access to Service Providers in Federated Identity Environments: A Case Study in a Cloud Storage Service. Proceedings - 33rd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, SBRC 2015, 199-207.

Araujo, R., Silva, C.E.D., Diniz, T., Medeiros, T., Marins, A., & Stanton, M. (2014). SE-CNC-A Brazilian Experimental Cloud Storage Service. 7th Annual Conference of the UbuntuNet Alliance (UbuntuNet Connect 2014).

Cantanhede, R.F., & Silva, C.E.D. (2014). Uma Proposta de Sistema de IoT para Monitoramento de Ambiente Hospitalar. Anais da VII Escola de Computação e suas Aplicações, 122-131.

Neto, B.G.D.L., Trindade, C., Laires, G., Lopes, F., Silva, C.E.D., & Cacho, N. (2014). Implementação de uma Aplicação Ubíqua no Context Toolkit: Problemas e Uma Proposta de Extensão. VII Escola POtiguar de Computação e suas Aplicações, 159-168.

Diniz, T.F.S., Silva, C.E.D., & Araujo, R. (2013). Integrando o Openstack Keystone com uma Federação de Identidades. III Workshop de Gestão de Identidades (WGID) no Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg).

Macedo, H.A.M.D., Silva, C.E.D., & Ferreira, L. (2013). A Comparative Analysis of Multicriteria Approaches for Cloud Services Selection. XLV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional.

Medeiros, J.A.D., Lopes, A.B., & Silva, C.E.D. (2013). Towards Open Self-Adaptation in a Distributed Multimedia Middleware Platform. III Workshop em Sistemas Distribuídos Autônomo (WoSiDA), 31-34.

Silva, C.E.D., & Lemos, R.D. (2013). Dynamic Management of Integration Testing for Self-Adaptive Systems. Proceedings of the I Workshop on Dependability in Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (WDAS), 3-10.

Silva, L.M., Silva, F.L.D., Aguiar, D., Diniz, T., Silva, C.E.D., & Araújo, R. (2013). Estudo de Caso: Integração de Clientes da Nuvem OpenStack Swift Com Uma Federação de Identidade. III Workshop de Gestão de Identidades.

Soares, F.H.L., Lopes, A.B., & Silva, C.E.D. (2013). Instanciação de um Framework de Geração Dinâmica de Processos para Reconfiguração Arquitetural em Ambiente OSGi. III Workshop em Sistemas Distribuídos Autônomo (WoSiDA), 17-20.

Silva, D.C.D., Lopes, A.B., Pinto, F.A.P., & Leite, J.C. (2012). Selecting Architecture Configurations in Self-Adaptive Systems Using QoS Criteria. Proceedings of VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software (SBCARS 2012), 3, 71-80.

Silva, D.C.D., Lopes, A.B., Leite, J.C., Pinto, F.A.P., & Silva, C.E.D. (2011). Definition of a Component Selection Process Based on QoS Criteria and Its Application to Self-adaptive Software Systems. 2011 Fifth Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse, 28, 90-99.

da Silva, C.E., & de Lemos, R. (2011). Dynamic plans for integration testing of self-adaptive software systems. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems.

Suleiman, B., Eduardo da Silva, C., & Sakr, S. (2011). One Size Does Not Fit All: A Group-Based Service Selection for Web-Based Business Processes. 2011 IEEE Workshops of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 4, 253-260.

da Silva, C.E., & de Lemos, R. (2009). Towards the use of dynamic workflows for coordinating self-adaptation of software systems. 2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering - Companion Volume, 383-386.

da Silva, A.G.P., Lopes, A.B., Pinto, F.A.P., & da Silva, C.E. (2009). A Model for the Transmission of Multimedia Data Flow Based on the Use of Shared Memory Mechanism. 2009 International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2, 84-89.

da Silva, C.E., & de Lemos, R. (2009). Using dynamic workflows for coordinating self-adaptation of software systems. 2009 ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, 1789, 86-95.

Silva, M., Júnior, I.V., Brandão, R., Silva, C.E.D., & Lopes, A.B. (2007). Ferramenta visual para especificação de aplicações em um Middleware para Sistemas de Televisão Interativa. Workshop on Tools & Applications - XIII Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, 160-162.

Silva, A.G.P.D., Silva, C.E.D., Lopes, A.B., & Elias, G. (2007). Um Modelo para Transmissão de Fluxos de Informação Multimídia Baseado no Uso do Mecanismo de Memória Compartilhada. XIII Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web.

Silva, C., Lopes, A.B., Elias, G., Lemos, G., & Magalhaes, M.F. (2006). A component interconnection model for interactive digital television systems. 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED INFORMATION NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS, VOL 1, PROCEEDINGS, 263-+.

Lopes, A., Silva, C., Elias, G., & Magalhães, M.F. (2006). A meta-component model for dynamic adaptation support in a middleware system for interactive tv. Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the web, 2, 193-202.

Silva, C.E.D., Lopes, A.B., Oliveira, D.F.D., Elias, G., Jr, F.S.A., Lopes, F.A.S., & Filho, G.L.D.S. (2005). Especificação e Gerenciamento de QoS em um Middleware para Sistemas de Televisão Digital Interativa. XI Simpósios Brasileiros de Sistemas Multimídia e Web, 77-86.

Silva, C.E.D., Oliveira, D.F.D., Lopes, A.B., Lopes, F.A.S., Jr, F.S.A., Filho, G.L.D.S., & Elias, G. (2005). Um Modelo de Interconexão de Componentes e sua Implementação em um Middleware para Sistemas de Televisão Digital Interativa. XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações.

Lopes, A.B., Silva, C.E.D., Oliveira, D.F.D., Boreli, F., Elias, G., Lemos, G., & Wanderley, R. (2004). Uma Arquitetura de Interconexão de Componentes em Ambientes Multimídia Distribuído. IV Workshop de Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes, 69-74.

Book chapters

Pontes, E.S.R.D., Kulesza, U., Silva, C.E.D., Adachi, E., & Cirilo, E. (2023). Extraction and Evolution of a Software Product Line from Existing Web-Based Systems. In Handbook of Re-Engineering Software Intensive Systems into Software Product Lines. (pp. 251-273). Springer International Publishing:

de Mello, E.R., de Chaves, S.A., Da Silva, C., Wangham, M.S., Brito, A., & Henriques, M.A.A.H. (2022). Autenticação e Autorização: antigas demandas, no-vos desafios e tecnologias emergentes. In dos Santos, C.R.P., Priesnitz Filho, W., da Silva Gonçalves, P.A., & Henke, M. (Eds.) Minicursos do XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais. (pp. 1-50). Sociedade Brasileira de Computação:

Theses / Dissertations

Da Silva, C. (2011). Dynamic generation of adaptation plans for self-adaptive software systems. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by de Lemos, R.


Da Silva, C. (2021). The SHU Development Process - Guiding the construction of software in Computing degrees. Presented at: Transforming Learning Conference 2021, Sheffield, 2021

Other publications

(2022). Welcome Message. IEEE:

(2022). Preface. IEEE:

Other activities

- I am a member of the Identity Management Technical Committee of RNP (Brazilian National Research and Education Network)

- I am a member of the Special Interest Group on Information and Computational Systems security of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).

- I was the general chair of the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security - SBSeg 2018

I am reviewer of journals and member of the Technical Program Committee of a number of conferences.

- Journals: Springer Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA), Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software, Spring Computing, T&F Applied Artificial Intelligence, MDPI Information

- Conferences: Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg), Workshop on Digital Identity Management (WGID), Workshop Brasileiro de Cidades Inteligentes - WBCI (Brazilian Workshop on Smart Cities).

Postgraduate supervision

I'm interested in all aspects of applying software engineering methodologies for the development of digital solutions in different domains.

Examples of topics for projects include:

- Development and application of Internet of Things platforrm (e.g., Fiware) in different domains, such as Smart Cities, wildlife monitoring, water flow management, etc.

- Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Software Adaptation, Service-Oriented Architecture and micro-services, Business Process Management 

- Information Security, Digital Identity Management, Access Control, Secure software engineering

- Application of AI planning and scheduling (optimisation) in different domain (e.g., computer-aided drug discovery)


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