Danielle Miles

Dr Danielle Miles MChem, PhD

Innovation Manager - Industry and Innovation Research Institute


As the Innovation Manager for the Industry and Innovation Research Institute (I2RI) I am embedded within the RI structure as part of the management team but also link centrally with the other innovation managers in the innovation services side of Research and Innovation Services.
I provide leadership and direction for innovation and knowledge exchange activity across the research institute. This involves working to directly support securing high-quality, high-impact KE activity; leading and driving collaborative partnerships and consortiums; and supporting the development and interest of academic colleagues to grow income and impact as part of the leading applied ambitions of the University.


• Provide leadership for innovation and knowledge exchange activity across the Research Institute, working closely with other senior leaders and senior academics to seize new external funding opportunities and generate income growth, delivering the aspirations of the Creating Knowledge Implementation Plan. .
• Drive a pipeline of commercial and long-term strategic partnerships to increase income, impact and reputation
• Pro-actively provide foresight of future funding calls and strategic opportunities through leading the Institute’s activity in growing relationships with key funding contacts
• Lead collaborations across the Research Institutes with other Research Institute Innovation Managers and Specialist Innovation Managers to maximise R&I opportunities
• Act as a Project Director in establishing and leading multi-disciplinary, multi-partner project teams across the Research Institutes and Centres to bid for strategic research and innovation funding opportunities.
• Provide leadership for responses to external research and innovation partnership enquiries, ensuring a joined-up approach to client engagement and management, working with other University functions to maximise the full potential of business relationships.
• Promote the intellectual property portfolio and technology transfer prospects of the Research Institutes and work with the IP and Commercialisation Manager to maximise value through successful licensing of University IP
Prior to this role I was a Technology Innovation Manager and programme lead based at the University of Leeds working on multi-institutional knowledge exchange and medtech innovation programmes - Translate Medtech and Grow Medtech


College of Business, Technology and Engineering


I support innovation and knowledge exchange activity involving academic staff and postgraduate research students across:
- Two Creating Knowledge Strategic Research Centres (the Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research (Centric) and the National Centre of Excellence for Food Engineering (NCEFE))
- Two Research Centres with long and distinguished track records of excellence (the Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre (BMRC) and the Materials and Engineering Research Institute (MERI))
- Departmental Research (Biosciences & Chemistry, Engineering & Mathematics and Computing)

Industry and Innovation Research Institute | Sheffield Hallam University (shu.ac.uk)



Journal articles

Warren, J.P., Culbert, M.P., Miles, D., Maude, S., Wilcox, R.K., & Beales, P.A. (2023). Controlling the self-assembly and material properties of β-sheet peptide hydrogels by modulating intermolecular interactions. Gels, 9 (6). http://doi.org/10.3390/gels9060441

Warren, J.P., Miles, D.E., Kapur, N., Wilcox, R.K., & Beales, P.A. (2021). Hydrodynamic Mixing Tunes the Stiffness of Proteoglycan-Mimicking Physical Hydrogels. Advanced healthcare materials, 10 (11), e2001998. http://doi.org/10.1002/adhm.202001998

Sikora, S.N., Miles, D.E., Tarsuslugil, S., Mengoni, M., & Wilcox, R.K. (2018). Examination of an in vitro methodology to evaluate the biomechanical performance of nucleus augmentation in axial compression. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine, 232 (3), 230-240. http://doi.org/10.1177/0954411917752027

Miles, D.E., Mitchell, E.A., Kapur, N., Beales, P.A., & Wilcox, R.K. (2016). Peptide:glycosaminoglycan hybrid hydrogels as an injectable intervention for spinal disc degeneration. Journal of materials chemistry. B, 4 (19), 3225-3231. http://doi.org/10.1039/c6tb00121a

Maude, S., Miles, D.E., Felton, S.H., Ingram, J., Carrick, L.M., Wilcox, R.K., ... Aggeli, A. (2011). De novo designed positively charged tape-forming peptides: self-assembly and gelation in physiological solutions and their evaluation as 3D matrices for cell growth. Soft Matter, 7 (18), 8085. http://doi.org/10.1039/c0sm00974a


Ingham, E., Wilcox, R.K., Aggeli, A., & Miles, D. (2016). COMPOSITION COMPRISING SELF-ASSEMBLING PEPTIDES AND A CHARGED POLYSACCHARIDE. EP2983689A1. https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/048483542/publication/EP2983689A1?q=pn%3DEP2983689A1

Ingham, E., Wilcox, R.K., Aggeli, A., & Miles, D. (2016). COMPOSITION COMPRISING SELF-ASSEMBLING PEPTIDES AND A CHARGED POLYSACCHARIDE. EP2983689A1. https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/048483542/publication/EP2983689A1?q=pn%3DEP2983689A1

Ingham, E., Wilcox, R.K., Aggeli, A., & Miles, D.E. (2016). NOVEL PEPTIDE COMPLEXES. US US2016058871A1. https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/048483542/publication/US2016058871A1?q=pn%3DUS2016058871A1

Ingham, E., Wilcox, R.K., Aggeli, A., & Miles, D.E. (2016). NOVEL PEPTIDE COMPLEXES. US US2016058871A1. https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/048483542/publication/US2016058871A1?q=pn%3DUS2016058871A1

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