Eleanor Formby

Professor Eleanor Formby BA, MA, PhD

Professor of Sociology and Youth Studies


Eleanor Formby joined Sheffield Hallam University as a researcher in February 2003. She has over 20 years' experience in (predominantly qualitative) social research and evaluation. Her areas of expertise sit at the intersection of education, sociology, and LGBT studies. Specific research interests relate to the life experiences of young LGBT+ people.


Eleanor Formby joined Sheffield Hallam University as a researcher in February 2003. She has over 20 years' experience in (predominantly qualitative) social research and evaluation. Her areas of expertise sit at the intersection of education, sociology, and LGBT studies. Specific research interests relate to the life experiences of young LGBT+ people, with particular reference to school and youth work environments, and with a specific focus on the interlinking areas of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and LGBT-inclusive sex and relationships education. This encapsulates broader interests in:

- young people’s formal and informal learning about sex and sexualities, sexual practices, and sexual health;
- the in/exclusion of ‘sex’ and sexuality in formal school curricula, and the practice and policy implications for teachers and other professionals;
- LGBT+ people’s conceptualisations and experiences of ‘community’.

Emanating from various research funding, Eleanor is the author of two books and numerous articles on LGBT+ people’s experiences of bullying, community, higher education, schooling, sex and relationships education, sexual health, and youth services.

Before joining the University, Eleanor had been a researcher for a research consultancy company, and prior to that for a Member of Parliament.


College of Social Sciences and Arts

Eleanor is involved in a variety of PhD supervision in the College of Social Sciences and Arts. 


Eleanor is involved in PhD supervision and guest lecturing in the Faculty of Development and Society.


Eleanor has received research funding from/conducted research for: the Arts and Humanities Research Council, BA/Leverhulme, Barnardo's, Bradford Metropolitan District Council, the Department for Education, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Government Equalities Office, the International LGBTQ Youth and Student Organisation (IGLYO), Leicester City Council, the National Institute for Health Research, NHS Sheffield, NHS Stockport, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, the Sex Education Forum, Sheffield City Council.


Journal articles

Matthews, P., Barnett, C., Lambert, P., Gregory, L., & Formby, E. (2024). Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals Asset-based Welfare and Housing in Great Britain. Social Policy and Society, 1-15. http://doi.org/10.1017/s1474746424000186

Purdy, N., Robson, J., Formby, E., & Webster, D. (2022). “Reflections on 40 years of pastoral care in education”. Pastoral Care in Education, 40 (3), 257-260. http://doi.org/10.1080/02643944.2022.2101778

Formby, E. (2020). LGBT ‘Communities’ and the (Self-)regulation and Shaping of Intimacy. Sociological Research Online, 1360780420974031. http://doi.org/10.1177/1360780420974031

Scott, R.H., Smith, C., Formby, E., Hadley, A., Hallgarten, L., Hoyle, A., ... Tourountsis, D. (2020). What and how: doing good research with young people, digital intimacies, and relationships and sex education. Sex Education: sexuality, society and learning. http://doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2020.1732337

Formby, E., & Donovan, C. (2020). Sex and relationships education for LGBT+ young people: Lessons from UK youth work. Sexualities. http://doi.org/10.1177/1363460719888432

Formby, E. (2017). How should we ‘care’ for LGBT+ students within higher education? Pastoral care in education: an international journal of personal, social and emotional development, 35 (3), 203-220. http://doi.org/10.1080/02643944.2017.1363811

Formby, E. (2015). Limitations of focussing on homophobic, biphobic and transphobic ‘bullying’ to understand and address LGBT young people’s experiences within and beyond school. Sex Education: sexuality, society and learning, 15 (6), 626-640. http://doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2015.1054024

Formby, E. (2013). Understanding and responding to homophobia and bullying: contrasting staff and young people’s views within community settings in England. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 10 (4), 302-316. http://doi.org/10.1007/s13178-013-0135-4

Formby, E., & Wolstenholme, C. (2012). If there’s going to be a subject that you don’t have to do …’ Findings from a mapping study of PSHE education in English secondary schools. Pastoral care in education: an international journal of personal, social and emotional development, 30 (1), 5-18. http://doi.org/10.1080/02643944.2011.651227

Formby, E. (2011). Sex and relationships education, sexual health, and lesbian, gay and bisexual sexual cultures: Views from young people. Sex Education: sexuality, society and learning, 11 (3), 255-266. http://doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2011.590078

Formby, E. (2011). Lesbian and bisexual women's human rights, sexual rights and sexual citizenship: negotiating sexual health in England. Culture, health and sexuality, 13 (10), 1165-79. http://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2011.610902

Formby, E. (2011). ‘It’s better to learn about your health and things that are going to happen to you than learning things that you just do at school’: findings from a mapping study of PSHE education in primary schools in England. Pastoral Care in Education, 29 (3), 161-173. http://doi.org/10.1080/02643944.2011.599857

Formby, E., Hirst, J., Owen, J., Hayter, M., & Stapleton, H. (2010). 'Selling it as a holistic health provision and not just about condoms ?' Sexual health services in school settings: current models and their relationship with sex and relationships education policy and provision. Sex education, 10 (4), 423-435. http://doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2010.515099

Owen, J., Carroll, C., Cooke, J., Formby, E., Hayter, M., Hirst, J., ... Sutton, A. (2010). School-linked sexual health services for young people (SSHYP): a survey and systematic review concerning current models, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and research opportunities. Health technology assessment, 14 (30). http://doi.org/10.3310/hta14300

Conference papers



Book chapters

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2023). School-based LGBT groups and pastoral care. In Trotman, D., Jones, P., Purdy, N., & Tucker, S. (Eds.) Pastoral Care in Education: New Directions for New Times. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-3246-5/#:~:text=This%20book%20is%20both%20a,pastoral%20issues%20of%20our%20time

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2023). School-based LGBT groups and pastoral care. In Trotman, D., Jones, P., Purdy, N., & Tucker, S. (Eds.) Pastoral Care in Education: New Directions for New Times. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-3246-5/#:~:text=This%20book%20is%20both%20a,pastoral%20issues%20of%20our%20time

Woodiwiss, J., & Formby, E. (2023). Telling different stories: contemporary narratives available to young people making sense of their gendered and sexual lives in England and Sweden. In Langarita, J.A., Santos, A.C., Montenegro, M., & Urek, M. (Eds.) Child-Friendly Perspectives on Gender and Sexual Diversity. Beyond adultcentrism. (pp. 100-117). London: Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003294719

Formby, E. (2015). Sexuality education with LGBT young people. In Ponzetti, J.J.J. (Ed.) Evidence-based approaches to sexuality education: a global perspective. (pp. 249-260). New York: Routledge

Formby, E. (2014). The emotional health and wellbeing of young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans. In Tod, A., & Hirst, J. (Eds.) Health and inequality: applying public health research to policy and practice. (pp. 62-71). Abingdon: Routledge

Formby, E. (2014). Sex and relationships education, sexual health, and lesbian, gay and bisexual sexual cultures: views from young people. In Attwood, F., & Smith, C. (Eds.) Investigating young people’s sexual cultures. Abingdon: Routledge

Formby, E., Piercy, H., & Allmark, P. (2010). Sexuality. In Allmark, P., Salway, S., & Piercy, H. (Eds.) Life and health: an evidence review and synthesis for the Equality and Human Rights Commission's triennial review. Sheffield: Equality and Human Rights Commission: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/uploaded_files/triennial_review/triennial_review_life_health_omnibus.pdf

Formby, E., Hirst, J., & Owen, J. (2010). Pathways to adulthood: reflections from three generations of young mothers and fathers. In Duncan, S., Edwards, R., & Alexander, C. (Eds.) Teenage parenthood: what’s the problem?. (pp. 85-111). London: Tufnell Press: http://www.tufnellpress.co.uk/

Formby, E., Piercy, H., & Allmark, P. (2010). Gender identity (Trans). In Allmark, P., Salway, S., & Piercy, H. (Eds.) Life and health: an evidence review and synthesis for the Equality and Human Rights Commission's triennial review. Sheffield: Equality and Human Rights Commission: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/uploaded_files/triennial_review/triennial_review_life_health_omnibus.pdf


Formby, E. (2022). Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and LGBT inclusion in English schools. Emerald.

Formby, E. (2017). Exploring LGBT spaces and communities : contrasting identities, belongings and wellbeing. Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Exploring-LGBT-Spaces-and-Communities-Contrasting-Identities-Belongings/Formby/p/book/9781138814004


Formby, E., Wolstenholme, C., Culliney, M., & Demack, S. (2022). The evaluation of the government’s anti-homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in schools programme. Government Equalities Office.

Formby, E., Reeve, K., Mccarthy, L., Parr, S., & Batty, E. (2022). LGBT people’s experiences of homelessness. Government Equalities Office.

Culliney, M., Willis, B., Formby, E., Demack, S., & Clark, L. (2022). DARE 25 evaluation report. Youth Endowment Fund. https://youthendowmentfund.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/DARE25-YEF-Efficacy-RCT-Sep-22-1.pdf

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2021). Evaluation of the yOUTh service 2021. Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2020). Evaluation of the yOUTh service 2020. Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2019). LGBT needs research and evaluation of the yOUTh project. Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E. (2018). Promoting positive support and information for LGBT+ youth in South Yorkshire. SHU.

Formby, E., Culliney, M., Demack, S., & Wolstenholme, C. (2018). The evaluation of the government’s anti-homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in schools programme: Baseline report.

Formby, E., & Donovan, C. (2016). Selfies evaluation : final report. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., Willis, B., & Stevens, A. (2016). Inspiring equality in education grant evaluation : final report. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., & Clague, L. (2016). SEF addressing HBT bullying through SRE grant evaluation: Final report.

Formby, E. (2015). #FreshersToFinals : From freshers’ week to finals: Understanding LGBT+ perspectives on, and experiences of, higher education. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Universty. http://www.shu.ac.uk/research/ceir/fresherstofinals-freshers%E2%80%99-week-finals-understanding-lgbt-perspectives-and-experiences-higher-educat

Formby, E. (2014). (Trans)gender identity awareness and support in Rotherham. Sheffiled: Centre for Education and Inclusion Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E. (2013). The impact of homophobic and transphobic bullying on education and employment : a European survey 2013. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Pearson, S., Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Sanderson, E., Wilson, I., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2013). myplace Impact Evaluation Report. Big Lottery Fund.

Bashir, N., Dayson, C., Batty, E., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wilson, I., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2013). myplace evaluation: Final report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/evaluation-of-myplace

Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wilson, I., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2013). myplace evaluation: Summary report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/myplace-summary-report

Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wilson, I., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2013). Evaluation of myplace: Technical report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/myplace-technical-report

Bashir, N., Batty, E., Clague, L., Formby, E., Pearson, S., & Wolstenholme, C. (2013). myplace case study report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/myplace-case-study

Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Pearson, S., Platts-Fowler, D., Sanderson, E., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2012). myplace Impact Evaluation Interim Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/myplace-impact-evaluation-interim-report

Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Pearson, S., Platts-Fowler, D., Sanderson, E., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2012). myplace impact evaluation interim report: executive summary. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/myplace-impact-evaluation-interim-report-executive-summary

Formby, E. (2012). Connected lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities? A scoping study to explore understandings and experiences of ‘community’ among LGBT people. Swindon: Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Formby, E. (2012). Solidarity but not similarity? LGBT communities in the twenty-first century. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., Coldwell, M., Stiell, B., Demack, S., Stevens, A., Shipton, L., ... Willis, B. (2011). Personal, social, healthand economic (PSHE)education: A mappingstudy of the prevalentmodels of delivery andtheir effectiveness. London: Department for Education.

Formby, E., & Willis, B. (2011). Tackling homophobia and transphobia in settings supporting young people: What are the barriers and facilitators?Findings from a South Yorkshirestudy. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., Hirst, J., & Clague, L. (2010). Leicester city sex and relationships education audit and strategy development.

Formby, E., Burgess-Allen, J., & Hirst, J. (2010). A qualitative exploration of the role of baby clinics in supporting infant feeding in Stockport.

Formby, E., Hirst, J., & Cripps, C. (2010). Evaluation of Time 2 Test pilot.

Allmark, P., Salway, S., Piercy, H., Barley, R., Faulkner, M., Formby, E., ... Mcclimens, A. (2010). Life and Health: An evidence review and synthesis for the Equality and Human Rights Commission's triennial review. Sheffield: Equality and Human Rights Commission. http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/uploaded_files/triennial_review/triennial_review_life_health_omnibus.pdf

Formby, E., Hirst, J., & Willis, B. (2009). Socialising and sexual health: an evaluation of the needs of gay, bisexual men and men who have sex with men (MSM) in Sheffield. Sheffield: Centre for HIV and Sexual Health. http://www.sexualhealthsheffield.nhs.uk/publications/index.php

Formby, E., Hirst, J., & Clague, L. (2009). Leicester city sex and relationships education post 16 review and gap analysis.

Formby, E. (2009). Lesbian, bisexual women and women who have sex with women: An evaluation of sexual health needs and experiences in Sheffield.

Formby, E., & Hirst, J. (2009). Scoping the needs of ‘hard to reach’ groups in Sheffield in relation to HIV and social care. Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., & Hirst, J. (2007). An evaluation of the Forge Centre and Shield: Support services for people in South Yorkshire infected and affected by HIV / AIDS and/or Hepatitis C. Sheffield Hallam University.

Hirst, J., Formby, E., Parr, S., Nixon, J., Hunter, C., & Flint, J.F. (2007). An evaluation of two initiatives to reward young people. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. http://www.jrf.org.uk/publications/rewarding-young-people-pro-social-behaviour

Formby, E. (2006). Sexual health interventions and health promotion with men who have sex with men (MSM): A review of the literature. Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E. (2006). Lesbian and bisexual women’s sexual health: A review of the literature. Sheffield Hallam University.

Hirst, J., Formby, E., & Owen, J. (2006). Pathways into parenthood: reflections from three generations of teenage mothers and fathers. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University. http://www.shu.ac.uk/research/ceir/outputs.html#2006

Formby, E., Parr, S., & Hirst, J. (2005). Promoting Young People’s Positive Contribution to Their Communities: Evaluating a Rewards Scheme - Interim Evaluation Report. Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., & Yeandle, S. (2005). Action for Carers and Employment (ACE National): An Evaluation. Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., & Yeandle, S. (2005). Women into the Built Environment: Final Project Evaluation. Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., Tang, N., & Yeandle, S. (2004). Supporting Work-Life Balance Using Non-Standard Hours Childcare. Sheffield Hallam University.

Formby, E., & Crowther, C. (2004). An Evaluation of the Costs of Responding to and Preventing Anti-Social Behaviour in Rotherham. Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.

Formby, E., Booth, C., & Escott, K. (2004). Toolkit on Gender and Governance: A Guide to Capacity Building Workshops. Regional Action West Midlands.

Formby, E., Booth, C., & Escott, K. (2004). Gender and Governance Capacity Building Workshops Evaluation. Regional Action West Midlands.

Formby, E., Hirst, J., & Burns, D. (2003). Evaluation of Sheffield Sure Start Plus 2002-2003. Sheffield Hallam University.


Formby, E. (2018). Why the phrase ‘LGBT community’ is problematic. [Blog].

Formby, E. (2017). Why you should think twice before you talk about ‘the LGBT community’. [The Conversation blog].

Formby, E. (2013). Homophobic and transphobic bullying. [Article in professional magazine British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Children and Young People].

Formby, E. (2008). This LGBT history month let’s remember the diversity of LGBT people. [Blog post].


Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2021). Framing young LGBT+ people’s futures: Contrasting perspectives from England and Sweden. Presented at: British Sociological Association annual conference

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2021). Whose story? Beyond public narratives in England and Sweden: LGBT+ young people resisting dominant narratives. Presented at: What’s the story? Narrative in youth work and youth studies: 4th Maynooth international youth studies conference

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2021). LGBT+ life in ‘lockdown’: Young people’s experiences in England. Presented at: European Sociological Association biennial conference

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2019). Supporting young LGBT+ people’s sense of belonging and wellbeing: Contrasting experiences from England and Sweden. Presented at: European Sociological Association biennial conference

Formby, E. (2019). Engaging with LGBT 'communities': Contrasting identities and belonging. Presented at: Engaging with ‘community’: Issues about identity, research and access Sheffield Institute for Policy Studies event

Formby, E. (2018). What do Pride events mean to LGBT+ people in the UK? Presented at: SHU Allies event

Formby, E. (2018). Exploring LGBT spaces and communities: LGBT people’s perceptions and experiences of gains and losses in the UK. Presented at: SHU SIGNAL LGBT history month public lecture

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2018). Supporting LGBT+ youth cultures and wellbeing: Contrasting examples from the UK and Sweden. Presented at: XVII Annual Conference of Youth Studies, Helsinki, Finland

Formby, E. (2018). Exploring ‘queer’ spaces in the UK; adopting an intersectional perspective. Presented at: Critically queer conference, University of Bristol

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2018). Beyond labels: Exploring narratives about ‘queer’ youth in the UK and Sweden. Presented at: Critically queer conference, University of Bristol

Formby, E. (2018). LGBT ‘communities’ and the regulation and shaping of intimacy. Presented at: Intersections of intimacies and inequalities event, University College London

Formby, E. (2018). Working with(in) LGBT ‘communities’? Implications from UK research. Presented at: Social work and sexualities international conference, University of Montreal, Canada

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2018). Approaches to supporting LGBT+ young people: Engaging with narratives of vulnerability and damage. Presented at: Social work and sexualities international conference, University of Montreal, Canada

Formby, E. (2018). Exploring LGBT spaces and communities: Contrasting identities, belongings and wellbeing. Presented at: Public book launch, Sheffield Hallam University

Formby, E. (2018). Approaches to supporting (LGBT+) young people: Exploring differences between school and youth work, and between the UK and Sweden. Presented at: Sheffield Institute of Education seminar series

Formby, E. (2018). What can a study of LGBT people tell us about imagined communities, relationships and a sense of belonging? Presented at: British Sociological Association annual conference

Formby, E. (2017). Acceptance, belonging and commonality? Questioning the ABC of constructions of ‘LGBT community’ in the UK. Presented at: SHU Genders Network seminar series

Formby, E. (2017). The Allies network: Implications from research. Presented at: SHU Allies event

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2017). Approaches to supporting LGBT+ young people. Presented at: Economic and Social Research Council Festival of Social Science event, Huddersfield

Formby, E., & Woodiwiss, J. (2017). Approaches to supporting LGBT+ young people. Presented at: Economic and Social Research Council Festival of Social Science event, Sheffield

Formby, E. (2017). The pleasures and pains of scene spaces in the UK. Presented at: IV European Geographies of Sexualities conference, Barcelona, Spain

Formby, E. (2017). What do Pride events mean to LGBT people in the UK? Presented at: European Sociological Association biennial conference, Athens, Greece

Formby, E. (2017). Exploring approaches to address homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying within the UK. Presented at: World Anti-Bullying Forum, Stockholm, Sweden

Formby, E., & Donovan, C. (2016). The Selfies evaluation. Presented at: Economic and Social Research Council Festival of Social Science event, Sunderland

Formby, E. (2016). Supporting young lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people. Presented at: Economic and Social Research Council Festival of Social Science event, Huddersfield

Formby, E. (2016). Acceptance, belonging and commonality? Questioning the ABC of constructions of LGBT communities in the UK. Presented at: Sexuality Studies Association annual conference, Calgary, Canada

Formby, E. (2015). The limitations of an anti-bullying perspective to understanding young LGBT people’s experiences within and beyond school. Presented at: British Educational Research Association annual conference, Belfast

Formby, E. (2015). Inspiring Equality In Education evaluation: Early findings. Presented at: Educational Action Challenging Homophobia Inspiring Equality in Education showcase event, Bristol

Formby, E. (2015). “The gays tend to gather...” Exploring (mis)understandings and experiences of LGBT communities in the UK. Presented at: European Sociological Association biennial conference, Prague, Czech Republic

Formby, E. (2015). Exploring LGBT+ people’s perceptions and experiences of university. Presented at: Supporting LGBTQ students at university conference, Sheffield Hallam University

Formby, E. (2015). Understanding LGBTQ students’ experiences of university. Presented at: Understanding LGBTQ students’ experiences of university seminar, Lesbian and Gay Foundation, Manchester

Formby, E. (2015). The limitations of an anti-bullying perspective to understanding young LGBT people’s experiences within and beyond school. Presented at: Sheffield Hallam University SexGen seminar

Formby, E., & Rise, E. (2015). The impact of homophobic and transphobic bullying on education and employment opportunities. Presented at: LGBTQI empowering realities, challenging homophobia and transphobia conference, Turin, Italy

Formby, E. (2014). Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and prejudice. Presented at: Economic and Social Research Council Festival of Social Science event, Sheffield

Formby, E. (2014). The limitations of an anti-bullying approach to homophobia and transphobia in youth settings. Presented at: British Sociological Association annual conference

Formby, E. (2014). A critique of ‘at risk’ LGBT youth and related anti-bullying approaches to homophobia and transphobia in schools. Presented at: Gender and Education Association Educating young people about sex international conference, Brno, Czech Republic

Formby, E. (2013). “I want to be able to walk down the street holding my partner’s hand without feeling this is a brave act or something that marks me out as ‘different’”: Use of public space among lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the UK. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society annual international conference

Formby, E. (2013). “For all the therapy and anti-depressants in the world, nothing will cheer you up more than having more gay friends...” The importance of ‘community’ for LGBT people in the UK. Presented at: British Sociological Association annual conference

Formby, E. (2012). “For all the therapy and anti-depressants in the world, nothing will cheer you up more than having more gay friends...” The importance of ‘community’ for UK LGBT wellbeing. Presented at: LGBT communities in the twenty-first century conference, Sheffield

Formby, E. (2012). “I think it’s a mixed blessing...” Positive and problematic understandings of ‘community’ among lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people in the UK. Presented at: LGBT communities in the twenty-first century conference

Formby, E. (2012). Managing identities, ‘outness’ and homophobia in schools and youth work settings: Experiences of staff and young people. Presented at: Reconsidering coming and being ‘out’? LGBT research in the 21st century conference, London South Bank University

Formby, E. (2012). What happens when (homo)sexuality meets the classroom or youth club? Identity management and the limits of an anti-bullying approach. Presented at: Sheffield Hallam University Education seminar series

Formby, E. (2012). Managing identities, coming/being ‘out’ and homophobia in schools and youth work settings: Experiences of staff and young people. Presented at: Sheffield Hallam University Sociology, Politics and Policy seminar series

Formby, E., & Burgess-Allen, J. (2011). Factors which influence infant feeding decisions and experiences: Some insights from Stockport. Presented at: Breast or bottle? An exploration of factors which influence infant feeding conference, Sheffield Hallam University Public Health Hub

Formby, E. (2011). The ‘last bastion of homophobia’? Findings from a study of school and youth work settings. Presented at: British Educational Research Association Sexualities, youth work and informal education conference

Formby, E. (2011). Lesbian and bisexual women’s human rights, sexual rights and sexual citizenship: Negotiating sexual health in England. Presented at: European Sociological Association biennial conference, Geneva, Switzerland

Formby, E. (2011). Barriers to the delivery of school-linked sexual health services in the UK: The influence of societal and school views on young people’s sexual health. Presented at: 20th World congress for sexual health, Glasgow

Formby, E. (2011). LGBT communities and health and wellbeing: Changing experiences over time. Presented at: Community Connectivities/Temporal Belongings AHRC-funded residential workshop, University of Manchester

Formby, E. (2009). Sex and relationships education and sexual health: Views from lesbian, gay and bisexual young people. Presented at: Annual national LGBT health summit, Newcastle

Formby, E., Owen, J., & Hirst, J. (2009). Expanding sexual health services for young people in school in the UK: Current service models, links with sex and relationships education, and evidence about effectiveness. Presented at: IVth Biennial international sex and relationships education conference, Birmingham

Formby, E. (2009). Sex and relationships education and sexual health: Views from lesbian, gay and bisexual young people. Presented at: IVth Biennial international sex and relationships education conference, Birmingham

Formby, E. (2009). Sexual health: Evidence based practice and lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) research. Presented at: European Sociological Association biennial conference, Lisbon, Portugal

Formby, E. (2009). Socialising and sexual health: Scoping the needs of gay and bisexual men and men who have sex with men in Sheffield - Reflections from a social marketing initiative. Presented at: Sheffield Hallam University Public Health Hub seminar series

Formby, E. (2009). Sexual health: Evidence based practice and lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) research. Presented at: International Sociological Association health and society conference, Nicosia, Cyprus

Owen, J., Stapleton, H., Lloyd-Jones, M., & Formby, E. (2009). School-linked sexual health services for young people: Emerging models. Presented at: University of Sheffield School of Health and Related Research seminar series

Formby, E. (2008). Evidence based practice? Researching the sexual health needs of gay and bisexual men and men who have sex with men. Presented at: Becoming or unbecoming? LGBT research in the 21st century conference, Northumbria University

Formby, E., & Hirst, J. (2007). Unequal citizenship? Reflections from three generations of young mothers and fathers. Presented at: European Sociological Association biennial conference, Glasgow

Formby, E. (2007). The invisibility of lesbians in current UK Government sexual health policy and practice. Presented at: Lesbian Lives annual international conference, Dublin, Ireland

Formby, E. (2007). ‘Young’ mothers’ narratives: Three generations’ experiences of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Presented at: Birth: The cultural politics of reproduction - An interdisciplinary conference, Lancaster University

Formby, E., & Hirst, J. (2006). Pathways into parenthood: A three generation study of young parenting. Presented at: Sharing evidence, policy and practice on teen sexuality, pregnancy and parenting

Formby, E., & Owen, J. (2006). From ‘young person’ to ‘young parent’: Inclusion, exclusion, choices? Some insights from parents’ own accounts of their biographies. Presented at: Childhood and youth: Choice and participation, University of Sheffield

Formby, E. (2006). Perspectives from participants - Pathways into parenthood: Reflections from three generations of teenage mothers and fathers. Presented at: Together in innovation: Developing research collaboration Sheffield Health and Social Research Consortium conference

Other activities

Eleanor serves on the editorial boards for Pastoral Care in Education and Sex Education, and is a board member of the European Sociological Association's Sexuality Research Network.

Postgraduate supervision

Eleanor welcomes potential students interested in studying all aspects of young LGBT+ people's lives. Other areas of interest include:
- young people’s formal and informal learning about gender and gender identity, sex and sexualities, sexual practices, and sexual health.
- the in/exclusion of ‘sex’ and sexuality in formal school curricula, and the practice and policy implications for teachers and other school/youth professionals.
- LGBT+ people’s conceptualisations and experiences of ‘community’



Eleanor has written for a variety of public blogs and has been interviewed by BBC Radio Manchester and BBC Radio Sheffield. Her research has featured in a variety of media outlets, including Attitude, Children and Young People Now, Gay Times, Huffington Post, Pink News and Times Higher Education.

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