Dr Kassim Mwitondi PhD, MSc
Senior Lecturer
I am a Senior Lecturer in Data Science, and I have been a full-time member of staff of the College of Business, Technology and Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) since January 2004. I obtained PhD in Statistical Data Mining from the School of Mathematics of the University of Leeds, in December 2003, where I worked with Professors Charles C. Taylor and John T. Kent. My research work focuses on applications of Machine Learning (ML) techniques in interdisciplinary modelling of the non–orthogonal Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
My teaching experience spans across continents, where I have taught data–analytics related courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and I have delivered short courses to data practitioners in different fields. Since joining SHU, I have developed and delivered a wide range of data science related courses, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels–applied statistics, data mining, business intelligence, data analytics in sports science, project management and reflective skills. I have taken several internal module leadership roles and I am a collaborative course leader on a couple of computing programs between SHU and external partners. I have a long working experience with apprentices and industrial partners, which has profoundly helped in aligning my teaching to my research work.
My research interests are in interdisciplinary application of Machine Learning (ML) techniques in Big Data Modelling of Sustainable Development Goals (BDMSDG) via the widely cited Sample Measure Assess (SMA) algorithm. Over the years, I have established an interdisciplinary network of researchers seeking to unlock the non–orthogonal triggers of SDG targets related to agri–food, human health, environment, education, security, business, knowledge transfer and innovation. I have supervised many interdisciplinary undergraduate and postgraduate projects; I am a regular presenter at a number of international conferences on data science and related fields across the world and I have published extensively in those areas. I sit on editorial and advisory boards of several international bodies.
School of Computing and Digital Technologies
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
Subject area:
- Digital Analytics
Courses taught:
- Statistical Pattern Recognition
- Data Science
- Data Mining
- Business Intelligence
Modules taught:
- Work based Project
- Reflective Skills
- Data Analytics
Clays and Clay Minerals in Africa: Geneses and Paleoenvironmental Considerations, Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Applications (UNESCO/IUGS/IGCP - 545) (2007-2011).
OCTOPUS – Mining Space and Terrestrial Weather Data, CODATA (2012-2014).
SRSB - A sequential data mining approach to matching space and terrestrial phenomena (2013-2014). A bilateral project funded by the Scientific Research of the State of Bahrain.
NPRP 7-897-1-165: An integrated data mining tool for modelling and tracking the interactions among the key pollutants of air, water and soil – QNRF.
Commonwealth Professional Fellowship Hosting Award (TZCP-2014-180): Jan-Apr 2015 - Managing data intensive anthropogenic activities in forestry and their influence on human livelihood–capacity building for inter-disciplinary operations in the big data era.
Two Commonwealth Professional Fellowship Hosting Awards (TZCP-2015-150 and 151): £31K Sept-Dec 2015 - Modelling Forest Systems for Sustainable Development.
Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa (DIRISA) - https://www.dirisa.ac.za/
Joint Support - Centre for Data Science Research (ROIS-DS) - https://ds.rois.ac.jp/article/dsws_2023
Journal articles
Isiaka, F., Abdulkarim, S.A., Mwitondi, K., & Adamu, Z. (2022). Emotion detection on webpages using biosensors integrated to a window-based dynamic control system. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 15 (2), 277-301. http://doi.org/10.1108/ijicc-05-2021-0080
Mwitondi, K.S., & Said, R.A. (2021). A Framework for Data-Driven Solutions with COVID-19 Illustrations. Data Science Journal, 20. http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2021-036
Mwitondi, K.S., & Said, R.A. (2021). Dealing with Randomness and Concept Drift in Large Datasets. Data, 6 (7). http://doi.org/10.3390/data6070077
Said, R.A., & Mwitondi, K.S. (2021). An Integrated Clustering Method for Pedagogical Performance. Array, 100064. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.array.2021.100064
Mwitondi, K.S., Munyakazi, I., & Gatsheni, B.N. (2020). A robust machine learning approach to SDG data segmentation. Journal of Big Data, 7 (1), 97. http://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-020-00373-y
Mwitondi, K., Said, R.A., & Zargari, S. (2019). A robust domain partitioning intrusion detection method. Journal of information security and applications, 48. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jisa.2019.102360
Mwitondi, K., & Zargari, S. (2018). An iterative multiple sampling method for intrusion detection. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 27 (4), 230-239. http://doi.org/10.1080/19393555.2018.1539790
Mwitondi, K.S., Al-Kuwari, F.A., Saeed, R.A., & Zargari, S. (2018). A statistical downscaling framework for environmental mapping. Journal of Supercomputing. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018-2624-y
Mwitondi, K., Al Sadig, I., Hassona, R., Taylor, C., & Yousef, A. (2018). Statistical Estimate of Radon Concentration from Passive and Active Detectors in Doha. DATA, 3 (3), 22. http://doi.org/10.3390/data3030022
Taylor, C.C., Yousif, A.E., & Mwitondi, K. (2018). Statistical analysis of particulate matter data in Doha, Qatar. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 230, 107-118. http://doi.org/10.2495/air180101
Mwitondi, K., & Khorsheed, E. (2016). A parameter leveraging method for unsupervised big data modelling. Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability, 5 (2), 203-211. http://doi.org/10.18576/jsap/050201
Isiaka, F., Mwitondi, K., & Ibrahim, A.M. (2016). Detection of natural structures and classification of HCI-HPR data using robust forward search algorithm. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 9 (1), 23-41. http://doi.org/10.1108/IJICC-08-2015-0029
Ekosse, G.E., & Mwitondi, K. (2015). Principal component analysis to evaluate the spatial variation of major elements in kaolin deposit. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 29 (1), 41-51. http://doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v29i1.4
Bugrien, J., Mwitondi, K., & Shuweihdi, F. (2014). A Kernel Density Smoothing Method For Determining An Optimal Number Of Clusters In Continuous Data. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 165-178. http://doi.org/10.2495/RISK140151
Mwitondi, K., Moustafa, R.E., & Hadi, A.S. (2013). A Data-Driven Method for Selecting Optimal Models Based on Graphical Visualisation of Differences in Sequentially Fitted ROC Model Parameters. Data Science Journal, 12 (0), WDS247-WDS253. http://doi.org/10.2481/dsj.WDS-045
Mwitondi, K., & Said, R.A.T. (2013). A data-based method for harmonising heterogeneous data modelling techniques across data mining applications. Journal of statistics applications and probability, 2 (3), 157-162.
Mwitondi, K., Bugrien, J., & Wang, K. (2013). Using optimized distributional parameters as inputs in a sequential unsupervised and supervised modelling of sunspots data. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 06 (07), 34-41. http://doi.org/10.4236/jsea.2013.67B007
Mwitondi, K.S., & Said, R.A.T. (2013). A Data-based Method for Harmonising Heterogeneous Data Modelling Techniques Across Data Mining Applications. Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability, 2 (3), 293-305. http://doi.org/10.12785/jsap/020312
Mwitondi, K.S. (2013). Statistical computing in C++ and R. Journal of Applied Statistics, 40 (4), 916. http://doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2012.749033
Mwitondi, K., & Bugrien, J. (2012). Harnessing data flow and modelling potentials for sustainable development. CODATA Data Science Journal, 11, 140-152. http://doi.org/10.2481/dsj.009-027
Mwitondi, K.S. (2012). Statistical data mining using SAS applications. Journal of Applied Statistics, 39 (10), 2302. http://doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2012.682451
Ekosse, G.I.E., Mwitondi, K., & Seabi, F.T. (2011). Graphical visualisation and domain partitioning ofminerals in clay fraction of soils from CapricornDistrict, South Africa. Africal Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (2), 467-475.
Mwitondi, K.S. (2011). Interpreting Economic and Social Data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 38 (12), 2994-2995. http://doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2011.583726
Mwitondi, K.S. (2011). BOOK REVIEW. Journal of Applied Statistics, 38 (2), 435. http://doi.org/10.1080/02664760903075580
Mwitondi, K., & Maunda, K. (2010). A consensual approach to domain-partitioning of a cancer data sample space : lessons from Tanzania. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2 (2), 51-80. http://www.ajstid.com/
Mwitondi, K. (2010). Science, technology and innovation for development: A proposed framework for implementing integrated knowledge transfer and research and development partnerships. Proceedings of the Second Science with Africa Conference - Addis Ababa, 2010.
Mwitondi, K. (2010). An adaptation of a prototype recursive model for evaluating and predicting micro-macro economic data in Botswana. Botswana journal of economics (BOJEA), 7 (11), 49-64. http://www.ajol.info/index.php/boje/article/viewFile/64203/51998
Ekosse, G.I.E., & Mwitondi, K. (2009). Self-organising feature map (SOFM) algorithms applied to manganese mineralisation in soils close to an abandoned manganese oxide mine. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18 (11A), 2234-2242.
Ekosse, G.I.E., & Mwitondi, K.S. (2009). Self-Organising Feature Map (SOFM) algorithms applied to manganese mineralisation in soils close to an abandoned manganese oxide mine. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18 (11 A), 2234-2242.
Ekosse, G.I.E., & Mwitondi, K. (2009). Multiple data clustering algorithms applied in search of patterns of clay minerals in soils close to an abandoned manganese oxide mine. Applied Clay Science, 46 (1), 1-6. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2009.06.018
Mwitondi, K. (1998). The scope of optimization models in investment decision-making: is the underdeveloped world skipping the opportunities? African journal of finance and management, 6 (2).
Ekosse, G., & Mwitondi, K. (n.d.). Using Validated Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to elicit on the variations in major elements concentrations in kaolins. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. http://www.psp-parlar.de/feb_auswahl.asp
Isiaka, F., & Ibrahim, A. (n.d.). Spontaneous Extrapolation and Detection of Stress Level Based on Human Computer Interaction and Physiological Response. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology. http://doi.org/10.5013/ijssst.a.17.32.01
Conference papers
Mwitondi, K., Basaveni, C., & Saeed, R. (2021). Practical Illustrations of Data-Driven Solutions for Societal Challenges. In Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) National Conference 2021 Cloud Technologies for Cyber-Infrastructure Service Provisioning: New Opportunities in Unprecedented Times, Online, Pretoria, South Africa, 2021 - 2021. https://chpcconf.co.za/
Mwitondi, K., & Storrar, R. (2020). Automated Detection of Eskers in Hillshaded Digital Elevation Models Using Convolutional Neural Networks. In Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) National Conference 2020 Machine Learning and its Applications in High Performance Computing, Virtual, 30 November 2020 - 2020.
Mwitondi, K. (2020). Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals Amidst COVID-19 Through Big Data, Deep Learning and Interdisciplinarity. NA. https://ds.rois.ac.jp/article/dsws_2020/
Mwitondi, K. (2020). Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals Amidst COVID-19 Through Big Data, Deep Learning and Interdisciplinarity. Proceedings: https://ds.rois.ac.jp/article/dsws_2020/, 81-84. https://ds.rois.ac.jp/article/dsws_2020/
Mwitondi, K., Gatsheni,, B., & Munyakazi, I. (2020). Mwitondi, K., Gatsheni, B. and Munyakazi, I. (2019). A Consilient Approach to Expounding Triggers of SDG Indicators. In National Research Data Workshop; The Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa (DIRISA), CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa.
Mwitondi, K., Gatsheni, B., & Munyakazi, I. (2018). Amenability of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to Big Data Modelling. In Mwitondi, K., Gatsheni, B. and Munyakazi, I. (2018). Amenability of the United Nations SustInternational Workshop on Data Science-Present & Future of Open Data & Open Science; 12–15 Nov. 2018, Mishima Citizens Cultural Hall & Joint Support-Centre for Data Science Research, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan.
Gatsheni, B.N., & Mwitondi, K.S. (2018). A Framework for Subscribing to Open Data by Organisations Within the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). 2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), 44, 1117-1122. http://doi.org/10.1109/csci46756.2018.00216
Mwitondi, K., Gatsheni, B., & Munyakazi, I. (2018). An Interdisciplinary Data-Driven Framework for Development Science. In Mwitondi, K., Gatsheni, B. and Munyakazi, I. (2018). An InterDIRISA National Research Data Workshop, CSIR ICC, 19-21 June 2018, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.
Mwitondi, K., Al Sadiq, I., Hassona, R., Taylor, C., & Yousif, A. (2018). Modelling Radon Variability in Qatar: Challenges and Opportunities. In The 14th International Conference on Data Science, 30th July to 02nd August 2018, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Mwitondi, K., Al Kuwari, F., Saeed, R., & Zargari, S. (2018). A Statistical Downscaling Framework for Environmental Mapping. In Mwitondi, K., Al-Kuwari, F., Said, R. and Zargari, S. (2018). A Statistical DownscalISAR-5 – The Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research; From Data to Knowledge, January 15-18, Tokyo, Japan.
Mwitondi, K., Said, R., & Zargari, S. (2017). An Ensemble Method for Intrusion Detection with Conformity to Data Variability. The Annual International Conference on ICT: Big Data, Cloud and Security (ICT-BDCS 2017). http://www.bigdataclouds.org/
Mwitondi, K., & Zargari, S. (2017). A Repeated Sampling and Clustering Method for Intrusion Detection. International Conference in Data Mining (DMIN'17), 91-96. http://csce.ucmss.com/cr/books/2017/LFS/CSREA2017/DMI3482.pdf
Mwitondi, K. (2017). The role of computational intelligence in developing countries: data access, manipulation and interpretation - natural drivers for socio-economic transformation. In Computational Intelligence for Societal Development in Developing Countries (CISDIDC), Sheffield Hallam University, 17 February 2017.
Isiaka, F., Mwitondi, K., & Ibrahim, A. (2015). Window based model for simulation of integrative human physiological response to webpages. 2015 International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication (IEMCON), 10, 1-8. http://doi.org/10.1109/iemcon.2015.7344472
Isiaka, F., Mwitondi, K., & Ibrahim, A. (2015). Automatic Prediction and Detection of Affect State Based on Invariant Human Computer Interaction and Human Physiological Response. 2015 Seventh International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation (CIMSim), 6, 19-25. http://doi.org/10.1109/cimsim.2015.27
Mwitondi, K., Wang, K., Dawo, M., Zimming, Z., Said, R., Yu, T., ... Al-Rashdi, M. (2014). Mining space and terrestrial data for natural phenomena predictions and improved human livelihood. In International Conference on Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability, New Delhi, India, 2 November 2014 - 5 November 2014. http://www.scidatacon2014.org/
Mwitondi, K., & Khorsheed, E. (2014). A parameter leveraging method for unsupervised big data modelling. In IEEE International conference on Systems and Informatics, Shanghai, China, 15 November 2014 - 17 November 2014.
Mwitondi, K., Wang, K., Yu, T., El-Gamri, T., Hassona, R., & Khamis, M. (2014). An inter-disciplinary framework for modelling space-terrestrial phenomena in the big data era. In International Conference on Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability (SciDataCon2014), New Delhi, India, 2 November 2014 - 5 November 2014. http://www.scidatacon2014.org/
Said, R., Mwitondi, K., & Al-Rashdi, M. (2014). A spatio-temporal framework for modelling crimes across regions And cultures in the big data era. In International Conference on Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability (SciDataCon2014), New Delhi, India, 2 November 2014 - 5 November 2014. http://www.scidatacon2014.org/
Bugrien, K., Mwitondi, K., & Shuweihdi, F. (2013). A Kernel Density Smoothing Method for Determining an Optimal Number of Clusters in Continuous Data. In International Conference on Computer Methods and Experimental measurements, A Coruna, Spain. http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/cmem-2013.html
Mwitondi, K.S., Said, R.T., & Yousif, A.E. (2012). A sequential data mining method for modelling solar magnetic cycles. In Huang, T., Zeng, Z., Li, C., & Leung, C.S. (Eds.) Neural information processing : 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part I, (pp. 296-304). Springer: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34475-6_36
Mwitondi, K., Said, R., Yousif, A., Moustafa, R., Wang, K., Zimin, K., & Mmasi, R. (2012). A robust and adaptive approach to modelling physical phenomena. In International Conference on Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet, Taipei, Taiwan, 28 October 2012 - 2012.
Salem, M., & Mwitondi, K. (2011). Predicting breast cancer using combined K-fold cross-validated decision tree models - e-mailed with. In 22nd International CODATA Conference on Scientific Data and Sustainable Development, Stellenbosch, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 24 October 2010 - 27 October 2010. http://www.codata2010.com/
Mwitondi, K., & Said, R. (2011). A step-wise method for labelling continuous data with a focus on striking a balance between predictive accuracy and model reliability. In International Conference on the Challenges in Statistics and Operations Research, Kuwait City, 8 March 2011 - 10 March 2011. http://conf.stat.kuniv.edu/
Mwitondi, K., & Bugrien, J. (2010). Harnessing data flow potentials for sustainable applications of Science, Technology and Innovation for African Development. In International CODATA Conference on Scientific Data and Sustainable Development, Cape Town, South Africa, 24 October 2010 - 27 October 2010.
Salem, M., Mwitondi, K., & Ezepue, P. (2010). Using an optimal model derived from a set of K-fold cross-validated decision tree models to predict breast cancer among Libyan women. In Third Academic Symposium of Libyan students - Universities of the UK, Sheffield, 12 June 2010.
Mwitondi, K. (2010). The role of the Diaspora in forging development promoting synergies. In The Second Tanzanian Diaspora Conference, London, 26 March 2010 - 27 March 2010.
Mwitondi, K. (2010). Science, technology and innovation for development: A proposed framework for implementing integrated knowledge transfer and research and development partnerships. Proceedings of the Science with Africa Conference.
Mwitondi, K., & Jiwani, R. (2008). Harnessing the Potentials of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) through Higher Education for Economic and Social Development. In First Consultative Forum for the Establishment of Nyerere University of Science, Technology and Innovation (NUSTI), Musoma, Tanzania, 2008.
Mwitondi, K., & Ezepue, P. (2008). How to appropriately manage mathematical model parameters for accuracy and reliability: A case of monitoring levels of particulate emissions in ecological systems. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Global Challenging Problems in the 21st Century; pp 24-36, ISBN 978-8141-11-0; National Mathematical Centre and Commission for Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (NMC & COMSATS) 26th-30th, Nov. 2008, Abuja, Nigeria.
Mwitondi, K., & Ezepue, P. (2008). How to appropriately manage mathematical model parameters for accuracy and reliability: A case of monitoring levels of particulate emissions in ecological systems. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Global Challenging Problems in the 21st Century; pp 24-36, ISBN 978-8141-11-0; National Mathematical Centre and Commission for Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (NMC & COMSATS) 26th-30th, Nov. 2008, Abuja, Nigeria.
Ezepue, P., & Mwitondi, K. (2006). Functional Education in Statistics and Related Disciplines: Innovative and Reflexive Learning, Teaching and Assessment of Business Intelligence. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields; January 16-18, 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, 16 January 2014 - 18 January 2014. http://www.afrihero.org.uk/pub/2006hawaiiconfwfesinnovativereflexiveltabi.pdf
Ezepue, P., Chigbu, P., & Mwitondi, K. (2006). Workshop on functional education in statistics, mathematics and related fields with emphasis on developing economies. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields; January 16-18, 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, 16 January 2006 - 18 January 2006.
Mwitondi, K., & Ezepue, P. (2006). Searching for Clusters in Data - Implications for Teaching Business Intelligence. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields; January 16-18, 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, 16 January 2014 - 18 January 2014.
Mwitondi, K. (2002). Using boosting in classification. In Proceedings from the 25th annual Research Students Conference in Probability and Statistics, Warwick, 18 March 2002 - 21 March 2002.
Mwitondi, K., Taylor, C., & Kent, J. (2002). Using Boosting in Classification. Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research (LASR) Conference; July 2002, 125-128.
Mwitondi, K. (2002). Using boosting in classification. In The 25th annual Research Students Conference in Probability and Statistics, Warwick, 18-21 March 2002, 18 March 2002 - 21 March 2002. MWITONDI, Kassim Proceedings from the 25th annual Research Students Conference in Probability and Statistics, Warwick, 18-21 March 2002
Taylor, C., & Mwitondi, K. (2001). Robust methods and Data Mining–in Spatial Statistics? In Mardia, K., & Kent, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research (LASR) Conference: July 2001, 23 July 2001 - 25 July 2001 (pp. 67-70). Leeds University Press, Leeds, United Kingdom
Taylor, C., & Mwitondi, K. (2001). Robust methods and Data Mining–in Spatial Statistics? In Mardia, K., & Kent, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research (LASR) Conference: July 2001, 23 July 2001 - 25 July 2001 (pp. 67-70). Leeds University Press, Leeds, United Kingdom
Book chapters
Shibuya, Y., Mwitondi, K., & Zargari, S. (2020). Experimental Analyses in Search of Effective Mitigation for Login Cross-Site Request Forgery. In Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. (pp. 233-266). Springer International Publishing: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35746-7_12
Shibuya, Y., Mwitondi, K., & Zargari, S. (2020). Experimental Analyses in Search of Effective Mitigation for Login Cross-Site Request Forgery. In Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. (pp. 233-266). Springer International Publishing: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35746-7_12
Bugrien, J., Mwitondi, K., & Shuweihdi, F. (2014). A kernel density smoothing method for determining an optimal number of clusters in continuous data. In Risk Analysis IX. (pp. 165-178). Wessex Institute of Technology: http://doi.org/10.2495/RISK140151
Mwitondi, K., & Maunda, K. (2012). A Consensual Approach to Domain-partitioning of a Cancer Data Sample Space: Lessons from Tanzania. In Muchie, M., & Angathevar, B. (Eds.) Creating Systems of Innovations in Africa – Country Case Studies. Pretoria, South Africa: Africa Institute of South Africa : Institute for Economic Research on Innovation
Mwitondi, K. (2009). Tracking the potential, development, and impact of informationand communication technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. In Muhongo, S.M., Gudyanga, F.P., Enow, A.A., & Nyanganyura, D. (Eds.) Science, technology and innovation for socio-economic development : success stories from Africa. (pp. 69-86). Pretoria, South Africa: ICSU Regional Office for Africa
Mwitondi, K., & Exepue, P. (2009). How to appropriately manage mathematical model parameters for accuracy and reliability: A case of monitoring levels of particulate emissions in ecological systems. In Ale, S.O., Onumanyi, P., & Oyelami, O.B. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Global Challenging Problems in the 21st Century. (pp. 24-36). Abuja, Nigeria: National Mathematical Centre: http://www.academia.edu/2537770/A_model_for_classifying_incidence_rate_of_filariasis_in_a_habitat
Exepue, P., & Mwitondi, K. (2009). Addressing National and Regional Economic Development Goals through Effective Pedagogy of the Mathematical Sciences - Part I (An Example) and Part II (Discussions). In Ale, S.O., Onumanyi, P., & Oyelami, O.B. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Global Challenging Problems in the 21st Century. Abuja, Nigeria: National Mathematical Centre: http://www.glosstra.co.uk/docs/nmc_abuja_conference_-_addressing_economic_development_part_i_301008.pdf
Mwitondi, K. (2009). Tracking the potential, development, and impact of information and communication technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. In In: Science, Technology, and Innovation for Socio-economic Development: Success Stories from Africa. International Council for Science (ICSU)
Mwitondi, K., Taylor, C., & Kent, J. (2002). Using Boosting in Classification. In Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research (LASR) Conference. (pp. 125-128). Leeds: Leeds University Press
Taylor, C.C., & Mwitondi, K. (2001). Robust methods and data mining: in spatial statistics? In Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research Conference. (pp. 67-70). Leeds: Leeds University Press
Isiaka, F., Mwitondi, K., & Ibrahim, A.M. (n.d.). A Control System for Detecting Emotions on Visual Interphase Stimulus. In Human-Robot Interaction - Theory and Application. InTech: http://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.75873
Theses / Dissertations
Isiaka, F. (2017). Physiological Correlates to Online Behaviour. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Mwitondi, K.
Isiaka, F. (2017). Modelling stress levels based on physiological responses to web contents. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Mwitondi, K.
Brain, A.L. (2014). Strategic customer relationship marketing andre-intermediation models in the insurance industry. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ezepue, P., Mwitondi, K., & Slack, F.
Abdull, M.A.S. (2011). Data mining techniques and breast cancer prediction : A case study of Libya. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ezepue, P., Mwitondi, K., & Slack, F.
Mwitondi, K. (2003). Robust methods in data mining. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Taylor, C., & Kent, J.
Internet Publications
Gatsheni, B., & Mwitondi, K. (2020). A framework for subscribing to open data by organisations within theSouthern Africa Development Community (SADC). http://doi.org/10.1109/CSCI46756.2018.00216
Mwitondi, K., Ramamurthy, A., & Gumber, A. (2022). A Graphical Data Visualisation Approach to Assessing Associations and Variations of the Impact of COVID-19. Presented at: National Research Data Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa/Online, 2022
Mwitondi, K. (2008). On the role of regulatory and innovative drivers in harnessing available technology for development. Presented at: Invest and Skills Forum, London, 2008
Mwitondi, K., & Ezepue, P. (2005). Images of a perceptive applied computing graduate. Presented at: Proceedings of the LTA conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 2005
Other activities
Kassim has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and presented papers at numerous international conferences on topics related to KDMD applications for global sustainability.
Postgraduate supervision
Isiaka, Fatima: Physiological Correlates to Online Behaviour (2015-2018)
Salem, Mohamed: Data Mining Techniques and Breast Cancer Prediction: A Case Study of Libya (2007-2012)
Omar, TaibMahmoud: Stochastic Modelling in Financial Markets: Case Study of the Nigerian Stock Market–(2007- 2012)
Brain, Alun: Strategic Customer Relationship Marketing and Re-Intermediation Models in the Insurance Industry–(2008-2014)