Nichola Cadet MSc, BA (Hons), SFHEA
Senior Lecturer
I am a former practitioner, with experience of working across the Criminal Justice System, including in prison and probation settings. As a senior lecturer, I teach on a number of undergraduate and post-graduate modules including Punishment and Practice in Context, Contemporary International Issues in Criminal Justice and Penology, Contemporary Criminological Foundations and Contemporary Criminological Practice. I am also an academic advisor to students across all levels of the programme. I am also responsible for outreach and recruitment activities for criminology.
My research interests are focused on offender health settings, and ageing in the criminal justice system.
I have worked at Sheffield Hallam University since 2003 when I was first appointed as an Associate Lecturer. I have been a full-time lecturer since December 2010.
I have developed a number of modules as part of the re-validated Criminology programme, particularly in relation to employability, through simulation and placements, enhancing the ability of graduates to secure appropriate employment in related sectors. I am also interested in pedagogical approaches to embedding employability.
I am particularly interested in Criminal Justice System organisations, functions, structures and the development of partnerships to support aims and objectives. I have experience of working in and with a variety of voluntary and statutory organisation in the Criminal Justice System, such as Probation, the Prison Service and Drug Treatment services. This means that I am well placed to relate to students the realities and constraints of the CJS in addition to helping to challenge and shape future delivery.
My recent research interests include ageing in the criminal justice system. This has included the experiences of first time older prisoners, the needs of older people on probation, and staff perspectives of supervising older people on probation. I have extensive experience of completing health needs assessments for prisons and sexual assault referral centres, on behalf of NHS England.
Specialist Areas of Interest:
- Prisons
- Probation
- Employability
- Offender health and wellbeing
Senior Lecturer
Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Subject area:
- Criminology
Courses taught:
- BA Criminology
- BA Sociology
- BSc Criminology & Psychology
- LLB Law with Criminology
- MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice Practice
Modules taught:
- Contemporary Criminological Foundations
- Contemporary Criminological Practice
- Real World Practice
- Punishment and Practice in Context
- Contemporary International Issues in Criminal Justice and Penology
I am currently working on a project to identify the wellbeing needs of staff working in custodial settings. My previous projects have included working to understand the needs of older people in the criminal justice system, and staff experiences of working with older people on probation.
Journal articles
Cadet, N., & Griffiths, T.-.L. (2023). Embedding employability in the social sciences curriculum: reflections from an applied university. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 11 (2), 121-134.
Cadet, N. (2021). An ageing client base: How can probation deliver support for older service users? British Journal of Community Justice, 17 (2), 119-133.
Cadet, N. (2020). Institutional thoughtlessness and the needs of older probation clients. Probation Journal.
Cadet, N. (2019). “They haven't done the course in becoming a prisoner yet”: exploring the induction experiences of neo-phyte older prisoners. Prison Service Journal.
Conference papers
Cadet, N., Albertson, K., & Miles-Berry, T. (2019). Simulated learning: Assessing student perceptions of skill development and employability in a criminology course. In European Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Bilbao, 13 June 2019 - 14 June 2019 (pp. 56-63). Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua
Cadet, N., Albertson, K., & Miles-Berry, T. (2019). Simulated learning: Assessing student perceptions of skill development and employability in a criminology course. In European Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Bilbao, 13 June 2019 - 14 June 2019 (pp. 56-63). Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua
Book chapters
Cadet, N. (2023). Those who can (and do) teach: Developing Simulations to Bring Practitioners and Students Together(1st). In Dickinson, J., & Griffiths, T.-.L. (Eds.) Professional Development for Practitioners in Academia Pracademia. Springer Nature:
Miles-Berry, T., Cadet, N., & Albertson, K. (n.d.). Evaluating the realities of criminal justice through simulation. In Evaluating the realities of criminal justice through simulation. LTA
Cadet, N., & Rippon, D. (2023). The health and wellbeing of health and justice staff: what do we currently know? Prison and Offender Research in Social Care and Health (PORSCH) Network.
Cadet, N. (2022). Older people on probation. HM Inspectorate of Probation.
Banks, J., Addis, N., Cadet, N., & De Hoog, F. (2020). Evaluation of the Early Intervention Funded Tri Borough Child Criminal Exploitation Intervention Project. Sheffield Hallam University.
Meadows, L., Clamp, K., Culshaw, A., Cadet, N., Wilkinson, K., & Davidson, J. (2010). Evaluation of Sheffield City Council's Community Justice Panels Project. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.
Hamilton, P., Wilkinson, K., Meadows, L., & Cadet, N. (2008). The answers are within me. An evaluation of a person centred counselling service for men at HMP Doncaster who have had experience of domestic violence 2005-2007. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.
Other activities
I am an external examiner at the University of Sunderland for their undergraduate and postgraduate provision.