Dr Sadie Parr PhD
Senior Research Fellow and Post-Graduate Research Tutor
I have a longstanding interest in the lives and experiences of multiply disadvantaged adults, children and families including the analysis of policies and support services designed to meet their needs.
My research interests are wide-ranging but broadly concerned with the ways in which those who are socially and multiply disadvantaged are governed. I have a particular research interest in 'troubled' and 'troublesome' families and people experiencing homelessness. Through this work, I have developed a sustained interest in engaging with social theory to critically understand governing practices, policy implementation processes, professional identities and the role of the state in the lives of vulnerable groups. My research brings together empirical research, theory and policy, and has been funded by a range of statutory and third-sector clients including the Big Lottery, local authorities, Public Health England and MHCLG. Methodologically my interests are focused around qualitative methods including in-depth interviewing and discourse analysis. I have authored numerous research reports as well as articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and edited books. I am also the post-graduate research lead for CRESR and a PhD supervisor.
Research interests
Sadie has wide ranging research interests including
- Multiply disadvantaged individuals and families
- Interventions for those with multiple needs
- The role of new social care professions and inter-professional working
- Governing practices and processes in social policy
- Homelessness
College of Social Sciences and Arts
- Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research
- Social and Economic Research Institute
2023-2025 A qualitative study of lived experience support work with multiply disadvantaged adults, British Academy and Leverhulme Trust.
2022-2023 Home and Families Change Project, Research in Practice.
2021-2022 Evaluation for the Rough Sleeping Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant: Year 1 Evaluation, OHID.
2019 Exploring Homelessness among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People: Evidence Review and Qualitative Study, GEO.
2018-2019 Motherhood and homelessness – Intersectional challenges of parenting, health and identity, Sheffield Hallam University.
2019-2021 Fulfilling Lives Lambeth Southwark Lewisham: Evaluation and Learning Partner, New Philanthropy Capital.
2018-2019 Rough Sleeping Complex Needs Process Evaluation, MHCLG.
2018-2019 Complex Needs Process Evaluation, MHCLG.
Journal articles
Archer, T., & Parr, S. (2024). Much to do about (almost) everything: The new Labour government and the unfolding housing crisis. People, Place and Policy, 18 (2), 104-114. http://doi.org/10.3351/ppp.2024.3574665336
Parr, S. (2024). Hauntology: The emotional costs of social policy for mothers experiencing homelessness. Housing, Theory and Society. http://doi.org/10.1080/14036096.2024.2311428
Mccarthy, L., & Parr, S. (2022). Is LGBT homelessness different? Reviewing the relationship between LGBT identity and homelessness. Housing Studies. http://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2022.2104819
Parr, S. (2022). ‘Navigating’ the value of lived experience in support work with multiply disadvantaged adults. Journal of Social Policy, 1-18. http://doi.org/10.1017/S0047279421000921
Parr, S., Hawkins, A., & Dayson, C. (2021). The Ethical Dilemmas of Food Banking: an Analysis of the More Than Food Programme. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 29 (3), 259-277. http://doi.org/10.1332/175982721X16246224734827
Bimpson, E., Parr, S., & Reeve, K. (2020). Governing homeless mothers: the unmaking of home and family. Housing Studies. http://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2020.1853069
Parr, S., & Churchill, H. (2019). The Troubled Families Programme: Learning about policy impact through realist case study research. Social Policy and Administration. http://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12529
Parr, S., & Hayden, C. (2019). Multiple needs, 'troubled families' and social work. People, place and policy, 13 (1), 29-41. http://doi.org/10.3351/ppp.2019.8432625383
Parr, S. (2019). The changing shape of provision for rough sleepers: from conditionality to care. Housing studies. http://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2018.1543796
Parr, S. (2016). Explaining and understanding state intervention into the lives of ‘troubled’ families. Social Policy and Society, 16 (4), 577-592. http://doi.org/10.1017/S147474641600035X
Parr, S. (2015). Integrating critical realist and feminist methodologies: ethical and analytical dilemmas. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18 (2), 193-207. http://doi.org/10.1080/13645579.2013.868572
Parr, S. (2015). Conceptualising 'the relationship' in intensive key worker support as a therapeutic medium. Journal of Social Work Practice, 30 (1), 25-42. http://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2015.1073146
Parr, S. (2011). Family policy and the governance of anti-social behaviour in the UK : women's experiences of intensive family support. Journal of Social Policy, 40 (04), 717-737. http://doi.org/10.1017/S0047279410000735
Parr, S. (2011). Intensive family casework with 'problem families': past and present. Family science, 2 (4), 240-249. http://doi.org/10.1080/19424620.2012.698994
Hunter, C., Nixon, J., & Parr, S. (2010). Mother abuse : a matter of youth justice, child welfare or domestic violence? Journal of Law and Society, 37 (2), 264-284. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6478.2010.00504.x
Parr, S. (2010). The role of social housing in the ‘care’ and ‘control’ of tenants with mental health problems. Social Policy and Society, 9 (01), 111. http://doi.org/10.1017/S1474746409990248
Parr, S. (2009). Confronting the reality of anti-social behaviour. Theoretical Criminology, 13 (3), 363-381. http://doi.org/10.1177/1362480609336501
Parr, S. (2009). Family Intervention Projects : a site of social work practice. British Journal of Social Work, 39 (7), 1256-1273. http://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcn057
Nixon, J., Hodge, N.S., Parr, S., Willis, B., & Hunter, C. (2008). Anti social behaviour and disability in the UK. People, place & policy online, 2 (1), 37-47. http://doi.org/10.3351/ppp.0002.0001.0005
Hunter, C., Hodge, N., Nixon, J., & Parr, S. (2007). Anti social behaviour and disability: the response of social landlords. People, place and policy online, 1 (3), 37-47. http://doi.org/10.3351/ppp.0001.0003.0005
Book chapters
Parr, S. (2020). Integrating critical realist and feminist methodologies. In Critical Realism, Feminism, and Gender: A Reader. (pp. 262-277). Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781315112138-11
Parr, S. (2015). The Troubled Families Workforce and occupational identity. In Davies, K. (Ed.) Social work with troubled families : a critical introduction. (pp. 53-73). Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Parr, S., & Nixon, J. (2009). Family intervention projects: sites of subversion and resilience. (pp. 101-118). Bristol University Press: http://doi.org/10.46692/9781847422095.007
Nixon, J., & Parr, S. (2008). Family intervention projects and efficacy of parenting interventions. In Prevention and youth crime: is early intervention working?. Bristol: Policy Press: http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?K=9781847422637&sf1=keyword&st1=prevention+and+youth+crime&m=1&dc=9
Nixon, J., & Parr, S. (2006). Anti-social behaviour: voices from the front line. In FLINT, J. (Ed.) Housing, urban governance and anti-social behaviour : perspectives, policy and practice. (pp. 79-98). Bristol: Policy Press: http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?K=9781861346841&sf1=keyword&st1=housing+urban+governance&m=2&dc=25
Formby, E., Reeve, K., Mccarthy, L., Parr, S., & Batty, E. (2022). LGBT people’s experiences of homelessness. Government Equalities Office.
Mccarthy, L., Parr, S., Green, S., & Reeve, K. (2020). Understanding Models of Support for People Facing Multiple Disadvantage: A Literature Review. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2020.1497611276
Crisp, R., Fletcher, D., Parr, S., & Wilson, I. (2020). West-Yorkshire Finding Independence (WY-FI): Effectiveness, outcomes and impact - Final evaluation report 2020. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/west-yorkshire-finding-independence-wy-fi-effectiveness-outcomes-and-impact---final-evaluation
Bimpson, E., Reeve, K., & Parr, S. (2020). Homeless mothers: Key research findings. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE). https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/homeless-mothers-key-research-findings
Reeve, K., Mccarthy, L., Pattison, B., Parr, S., Batty, E., Maye-Banbury, A., ... Dayson, C. (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-mental-health-needs-of-nottinghams-homeless-population-an-exploratory-research-study
Reeve, K., Mccarthy, L., Pattison, B., Parr, S., Batty, E., Maye-Banbury, A., ... Dayson, C. (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study - executive summary. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-mental-health-needs-of-nottinghams-homeless-population--executive-summary
Crisp, R., Mccarthy, L., Parr, S., Pearson, S., & Berry, N. (2016). Community-led approaches to reducing poverty in neighbourhoods: a review of evidence and practice. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/community-led-approaches-to-reducing-poverty-in-neighbourhoods-a-review-of-evidence-and-practice
Powell, R., Bashir, N., Crisp, R., & Parr, S. (2015). Talent Match Case Study Theme Report: Mental health and well-being. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/talent-match-case-study-theme-report-mental-health-and-well-being
Bashir, N., Parr, S., Platts-Fowler, D., & Robinson, D. (2012). Mainstreaming community cohesion: Guidance for local authorities in Wales. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/mainstreaming-community-cohesion-guidance-for-local-authorities-in-wales
Bennington, J., Parr, S., Powell, R., & Reeve, K. (2012). Scoping study on violence against women : report for the BIG Lottery Fund. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/scoping-study-on-violence-against-women
Wells, P., Dayson, C., Batty, E., Crisp, R., & Parr, S. (2011). Social Investment and its Impact: The Evaluation of Charity Bank in the North. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/social-investment-and-its-impact-the-evaluation-of-charity-bank-in-the-north
Wells, P., Dayson, C., Batty, E., Crisp, R., & Parr, S. (2011). Social investment and its impact: the evaluation of charity bank in the north: executive summary. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/social-investment-and-its-impact-the-evaluation-of-charity-bank-in-the-north-exec-summary
Flint, J., Jones, A., & Parr, S. (2011). An evaluation of the sanction of Housing Benefit. Department for Work and Pensions. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/an-evaluation-of-the-sanction-of-housing-benefit-research-report-no-728
Batty, E., Flint, J., Parr, S., & Casey, R. (2011). Evaluation of Rochdale families project: summary of key findings and messages. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. http://www.shu.ac.uk/research/cresr/sites/shu.ac.uk/files/rochdale-summary-key-findings-messages.pdf
Parr, S., Bashir, N., & Robinson, D. (2010). An evaluation of the deaf third-country nationals integration project: a report to the United Kingdom Border Agency. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/an-evaluation-of-the-deaf-third-country-nationals-integration-project
Flint, J., Crawford, J., Parr, S., & Powell, R. (2009). A Process Evaluation of Celtic Against Drugs and Rangers Positive Choices. Scottish Government Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/a-process-evaluation-of-celtic-against-drugs-and-rangers-positive-choices
Hirst, J., Formby, E., Parr, S., Nixon, J., Hunter, C., & Flint, J.F. (2007). An evaluation of two initiatives to reward young people. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. http://www.jrf.org.uk/publications/rewarding-young-people-pro-social-behaviour
Flint, J.F., Green, S., Hunter, C., Nixon, J., Parr, S., Manning, J., ... Sanderson, D. (2007). The impact of local antisocial behaviour strategies at the neighbourhood level. Scottish Government Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-impact-of-local-antisocial-behaviour-strategies-at-the-neighbourhood-level
Formby, E., Parr, S., & Hirst, J. (2005). Promoting Young People’s Positive Contribution to Their Communities: Evaluating a Rewards Scheme - Interim Evaluation Report. Sheffield Hallam University.
McCarthy, L., Parr, S., Green, S., & Reeve, K. (n.d.). Understanding Models of Support for People Facing Multiple Disadvantage: A Literature Review. Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2020.1497611276
Theses / Dissertations
Stevens, M. (2015). Property, propriety and affect : a study of class (dis)entitlement in neighbourhood spaces. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Reeve, K., Nixon, J., Parr, S., & Powell, R.
Other publications
Parr, S., & Nixon, J. (2008). Rationalising family intervention projects. Bristol: Policy Press: http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?K=9781847420275&sf1=keyword&st1=asbo+nation&m=2&dc=2
Hunter, C., Hodge, N.S., Nixon, J., Parr, S., & Willis, B. (2007). Disabled people’s experiences of anti-social behaviour and harassment in social housing: a critical review. London: Disability Rights Commission
Other activities
- Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board for Housing Studies
Postgraduate supervision
Sadie would welcome discussion on supervising students in all areas related to her research interests. She is currently supervising:
- Molly Turrell, Investigating Reproductive Experiences and Decision-making among Homeless Women in England and Australia (Current)
- Alex Norton, Understanding Trauma Through the Experience of Homelessness: Analysing Life Histories of the Rough Sleeping Homeless (Current)
- Kaeren Van Vliet, Public Spaces: Green Infrastructure in Speculative Housing in the North of England (Current)
- Jess Scott, How do young adults living in long-term residential care settings make sense of and understand their home environment? (Current)