Zoe Rodgers

Zoe Rodgers BA, MSc, AFHEA

Associate Lecturer


I am an Associate Lecturer within the Department of Law and Criminology who has taught at various levels across the undergraduate and postgraduate provision: my teaching and research specialisms concern policing, the use of behaviour orders and notices, social research methods, anti-social behaviour, violence against women and girls, and serious and organised crime. I am also an Academic Advisor, postgraduate dissertation supervisor and mentor for several doctoral students across the university.


I am an alum of Sheffield Hallam University, completing my undergraduate degree in BA Criminology in 2016-2019, following which I pursued an MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice Practice during 2019-2020. I began teaching on the undergraduate and postgraduate provision in 2020, supporting the delivery of the level 7 Social Research Methods module, level 5 Deconstructing Research and Real World Cutting Edge Research Methods modules and the level 4 Criminal Justice module. I then secured funding for my doctoral research in 2021, for which I also secured additional funding from the annual FindAPhD international scholarship competition, which only one individual wins every year.
During my time at Sheffield Hallam, I have researched various topics, including student engagement with extra-curricular activities, student experiences and outcomes following the completion of our probation courses offered within the department and the use of green spaces in the local area. Furthermore, I have been directly involved in researching recipients', practitioners' and victims' experiences of the Community Protection Notice in addressing anti-social behaviour. I have been involved in research projects supporting student continuation through creating a Social Study Space and involvement in college outreach to explore the barriers college students face when considering a career in the probation service. On an international scale, I have contributed to research examining the causes and drivers of serious and organised crime in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
The previous undertaken while completing my doctoral research on the policing practices associated with civil preventive orders and notices for sub-criminal (anti-social behaviour) and criminal behaviour (violence against women and girls). This project supports the work of several Home Office working groups. The research utilises a mixed methods approach to examine frontline policing practice, drawing on ethnographic methods.
I am currently involved in the following projects:
• Understanding the policing practices associated with civil preventive orders and notices
• Barriers to a career in the probation service
• Learning and Student Experience Enhancement
• An evaluation of the Harm Reduction Enforcement Pathway (independent research)
I am a reviewer for Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. I am a member of the BSC and ESC Policing Working Groups. I am also a member of the N8PRP New Researchers in Policing Network, Research Ethics Association and Socio-Legal Studies Association. I have also been asked recently to sit on a scrutiny panel concerning my expertise around police use of behaviour orders and notices and to undertake an evaluation of the Harm Reduction Enforcement Pathway.

Associate Lecturer


Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice

College of Social Sciences and Arts


BA Criminology
BA Criminology and Sociology
BSc Criminology and Psychology
MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice Practice

Criminological Landscapes
Graduate Research and Development 1
Graduate Research and Development 2
Criminal Justice
Deconstructing Research
Real World Cutting Edge Research Methods
Social Research Methods


I am currently involved in the following projects:
• Understanding the policing practices associated with civil preventive orders and notices
• Barriers to a career in the probation service
• Learning and Student Experience Enhancement
• An evaluation of the Harm Reduction Enforcement Pathway (independent research)
Rodgers, Z. (2023). Understanding the policing practices associated with Civil Preventive Orders and Notices in England and Wales to regulate the conduct of societies' perceived deviant others: A Systematic Review. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, (OnlineFirst), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paad033.
Rodgers, Z. (2022). Examining victims' experiences of community protection notices in managing anti-social behaviour. International Review of Victimology, (OnlineFirst), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1177/02697580221081860.
Rodgers, Z. (2022, August 1). Victims' Experiences of Community Protection Notices: The Need for an Underpinning Restorative Approach to Protecting Victims of Anti-Social Behaviour. Howard League Early Career Bulletin. https://howardleague.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ECAN-summer-2022-FINAL.pdf.
Rodgers, Z. (2022, June 1). Our Previous Scholarship Winners – Where Are They Now?. FindAPhD: PhD Blog about Scholarships. https://www.findaphd.com/blog/8001/our-previous-scholarship-winners-where-are-they-now.
FindAPhD. (2022, May 25). Zoe Rodgers: How I won my PhD Scholarship | Tips, Tricks, and My Experience [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2YkEWHy594.
Heap, V., Black, A., & Rodgers, Z. (2023). Procedural justice and process-based models: Understanding how practitioners utilise Community Protection Notices to regulate anti-social behaviour. Criminology & Criminal Justice, (OnlineFirst), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1177/17488958221151113.
Heap, V., Black, A., & Rodgers, Z. (2022). Preventive justice: Exploring the coercive power of community protection notices to tackle anti-social behaviour. Punishment & Society, 24(3), 305-323. https://doi.org/10.1177/1462474521989801.


Heap, V., Black, A., & Rodgers, Z. (2021). Preventive justice: exploring the coercive power of community protection notices to tackle anti-social behaviour. Punishment and Society: the international journal of penology. http://doi.org/10.1177/1462474521989801


Heap, V., Black, A., & Rodgers, Z. (2021). What is it like to be issued with a Community Protection Notice? Sheffield Hallam University. http://manifestoclub.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/SHUManifestoClubReport_FOIs_DimaHeap1.pdf

Internet Publications

Rodgers, Z. (2022). Victims’ experiences of Community Protection Notices: The need for an underpinning restorative approach to protecting victims of anti-social behaviour. https://howardleague.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ECAN-summer-2022-FINAL.pdf

Rodgers, Z. (2022). Our Previous Scholarship Winners – Where Are They Now? [Blog]. https://www.findaphd.com/blog/8001/our-previous-scholarship-winners-where-are-they-now


Rodgers, Z. (2022). Zoe Rodgers: How I won my PhD Scholarship | Tips, Tricks, and My Experience.


Rodgers, Z. (2023). Understanding the policing practices associated with civil preventive orders and notices for sub-criminal and criminal behaviour. Presented at: Guest Lecture, Derby, 2023

Rodgers, Z. (2023). Understanding the policing practices associated with civil preventive orders and notices. Presented at: New Researchers in Policing Network, Merseyside Police Headquarters, 2023

Rodgers, Z. (2023). Comparing policing practices associated with Civil Preventive Orders and Notices used in England and Wales. Presented at: EUROCRIM2023, Florence

Rodgers, Z. (2023). Examining the policing practices associated with civil preventive orders and notices for sub-criminal and criminal behaviour. Presented at: ASB Symposium, Niagara Conference & Leisure Centre

Rodgers, Z. (2023). An investigation into the policing practices associated with civil preventive orders and notices for sub-criminal and criminal behaviour. Presented at: Sustaining Futures: Remaking Criminology in an age of Global Injustice, University of Central Lancashire

Rodgers, Z. (2023). A systematic review of the policing practices associated with civil preventive orders and notices in England and Wales for society's perceived deviant 'others'. Presented at: British Society of Criminology, Central Lancashire

Rodgers, Z. (2022). Understanding the policing practices of 'preventive street-level bureaucrats' concerning civil preventive orders and notices. Presented at: EUROCRIM22, Malaga

Rodgers, Z. (2022). Investigating the policing practices associated with Civil Preventive Orders and Notices and the 'Preventive Street-Level Bureaucrat'. Presented at: Crime, Justice and the Human Condition: Beyond the cris(es) – reframing and reimagining justice, University of Oxford

Rodgers, Z. (2022). Understanding the policing practices associated with civil preventive orders and notices. Presented at: Ancillary Orders Working Group, Virtual

Rodgers, Z. (2022). Examining victims' experiences of Community Protection Notices (CPNs). Presented at: ASB Symposium, Niagara Conference & Leisure Centre

Rodgers, Z. (2022). Exploring the policing practices associated with Civil Preventive Orders and Notices. Presented at: Reimagining Criminological Futures: New Criminologies in a Changing World, Surrey

Rodgers, Z., Heap, V., & Black, A. (2021). Undertaking preventive regulation: How practitioners use Community Protection Notices. Presented at: Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, Online

Heap, V., Black, A., & Rodgers, Z. (2021). Preventive regulation in action: investigating recipients’ experiences of Community Protection Notices. Presented at: Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, Online

Black, A., Rodgers, Z., & Heap, V. (2021). Community Protection Notices as preventive justice: conceptualising the impact of hybrid socio-legal tools for state regulation. Presented at: Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, Online

Other publications

Rodgers, Z. (2021). Engaging with my institution for developing employability skills. Oxford University Press

Other activities

Awards and Achievements
FindAPhD Annual Scholarship Prize (2021)
Head of Department Prize (Law and Criminology) (2020)
Inspirational Student of the Year Award (Workplace) (2020)
Student of the Year Award (Criminology) (2019)
Routledge Research Award (2019)
CSI Training and Events Limited Prize (2019)
Blackwell's Supported Project Prize (2019)
Gold Hallam Award (2019)

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