Sheffield Hallam hosts Bank of England Annual Economic Update

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04 July 2023

Sheffield Hallam hosts Bank of England Annual Economic Update

Rising interest rates and bringing inflation under control will be the key topics discussed during the latest Bank of England Annual Economic Update hosted by Sheffield Hallam University this week

Press contact: Joseph Barker |

The Sheffield Business School

Alex Golledge from the Bank of England will cover current economic conditions, the Bank’s central forecast for the UK economy and some of the key drivers affecting the policy and the outlook. 

The event, on Tuesday 4 July, will also cover some of the key points and challenges Alex is hearing from business across Yorkshire

Hosted by Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University, the annual update comes at a time when the Bank of England has increased interest rates are at the highest level for over a decade at 5%, and the UK has seen record inflation.

It is the latest in a series of talks from high profile industry leaders hosted by Sheffield Business School’s Department of Finance Accounting and Business Systems

Alex Golledge was appointed Agent for Yorkshire and Humber in November 2020, having joined the Bank’s Agency network in 2010 as Deputy Agent for the Southeast and East Anglia. Alex started his career at the Bank in 1998 and has worked in a number of analytical areas prior to joining the network, including roles in Monetary Analysis, Markets and Statistics.

Dr Michael Benson, Principal Lecturer in Sheffield Business School, said: For the third successive year, the Business School is proud to collaborate with the Bank of England and present the Annual Bank of England Economic Update

Working together with Executives in Residence and members of the Employer Advisory Board at the Bank of England provides us with the latest external thinking that supports students, colleagues, and other partners to help transform and shape lives, preparing students for real-world challenges.”

This is the third year Hallam has hosted the Bank of England Annual Economic Update. In the past the Bank of England have given a state of play update on the current economic climate, and discussed where they see the economy heading in the next five years.

The virtual event runs from 5.30pm-6.30pm, is open to the public and is free to attend. Guests need to register in advance here.


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