Statement following the death of Lord Kerslake

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02 July 2023

Statement following the death of Lord Kerslake

The University is very sad to hear that Lord Kerslake, the Chair of our Board of Governors, died yesterday (Saturday 1 July). Our thoughts and condolences are with his family at this difficult time


Lord Bob Kerslake

Lord Kerslake has led the Board expertly for the past seven years, and all those who have worked for and with him have found this a privilege and a pleasure.


Professor Sir Chris Husbands, Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University, said:

“I am so terribly sad to hear the news of Bob’s death. Bob was an exceptional chair of the University’s Board of Governors. He mastered both strategy and detail, long-term and short-term. He was committed to the University’s mission and success, and he gave generously of his time in support of both. Nothing escaped him, which made him a stimulating chair who met the highest standards. He had been an outstanding Chief Executive of Sheffield City Council before he assumed national roles and knew the city inside out. He knew more about how organisations worked and how they responded to policy than anyone else I have ever met, and he cared passionately about addressing inequality and creating opportunities.


“It was one of the privileges of my life to have the opportunity to work with him: both on higher education and public policy, and on leading a great University to success. He was a chair, but also a mentor and friend. He was a unique voice in national life: his integrity and commitment to public service were unique. The word ‘irreplaceable’ is over-used but given our challenges as a city and a nation, Bob Kerslake was irreplaceable.


Meg Munn, Deputy Chair of the Board of Governors, said:

“On behalf of the Board of Governors, I express our profound sadness.

“Bob was an inspirational Chair, with a clear vision and deep understanding of the challenges the University needs to meet. An inclusive leader, he was careful to listen to the views of staff, students and the people of Sheffield. Consequently, he made a huge contribution to Hallam and we will miss him." 


Baroness Helena Kennedy KC, Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University, said:

”Bob Kerslake was a remarkable man. A brilliant public servant of the highest calibre, full of integrity and humanity. He held many prominent positions locally and nationally and particularly led our country’s Civil Service with great success. He was strategically creative, setting the highest standards, and was an expert on what constituted good governance and decency. We were so lucky to have him as Chair of the Governing Body at Sheffield Hallam. He loved the University and was so proud of all that is achieved here. He loved seeing the success of our students and deeply valued the staff. What a loss to us and to the nation and to his wife and family. And to all who were his friends. May he rest in peace.“




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