Most Blue Skies II

Most Blue Skies II

Most Blue Skies II

Research centre
Art and Design Research Centre


Most Blue Skies II is an art-based enquiry into changing psychological perceptions of the sky space in the context of climate change

Most Blue Skies II is an art-based enquiry into changing psychological perceptions of the sky space in the context of climate change. It was commissioned by the Centre for Advanced Visualization and Interaction (CAVI), The Alexandra Institute and Tekne Production at University of Aarhus for The Copenhagen Climate Summit (COP 15) to develop new climate data visualisation methods based on a neurology-based inquiry into colour perception.

Most Blue Skies II pioneered new methods of colour representation, which used neurological research based on the CIECAM02 colour appearance model. In addition, custom developed hardware allowed for new visualisation methods and sky colour evaluations that incorporated different levels and complexities of human perception, such as ambient lighting and colour adaptation, rather than "objective" colour measurements.

Most Blue Skies II was exhibited at RETHINK CLIMATE (Rethink Kakotopia) at Nikolaj Copenhagen Contemporary Art Centre in 2009. It was nominated Nordic Exhibition 2009-2010. The exhibition toured to: Tensta Kunsthalle, Stockholm, 2010; ‘Data Landscapes’, The Arts Catalyst, London, 2011; and ‘Salons’, Convivialité, écologie et Vie Pratique’, Domaine de Chamarande, Paris, 2012. The exhibitions were reviewed in newspapers, journals, books, websites, and broadcast media.

Keynote presentations were made to ‘Navigating Ecological Times’, Whitechapel Gallery; ‘Surreptitious Networks’, Contemporary Visual Arts Network; National Science Foundation, US; “De-material: Critical Debates in Digital Arts” by University College Falmouth and Arts Council of England; AHRC funded ‘Data Landscapes at Arts Catalyst and Westminster University; The National Art Museum of Denmark, and ‘Planetary Breakdown/Autonomous Infrastructures’ at The Baltic. Lise Autogena represented Denmark at ‘Tipping Point’ at The European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels, a European gathering of climate scientists, key climate change policy makers and culture sector participants hosted by the British Council, the EU and the European Union National Institutes for Culture.

Download a PDF with links to exhibitions, presentations, press and reviews here (PDF, 88.8KB) (PDF 89KB)

Most Blue Skies II was funded by Arts Council of England, The Danish Art Foundation, Arts Council of Denmark, Centre for Advanced Visualization and Interaction at University of Aarhus (CAVI), TEKNE Productions and The Gulbenkian Foundation.

In kind support: The Danish State Workshops, Projection Design, DFDS Seaways, DAF, Alexandra Institute, The Danish Film School, Zentropa, The Met Office, The US National Physical Laboratory (Chris Gueymard) and NASA.

Researchers involved

Lise Autogena - Professor of Cross-Disciplinary Art

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