Nursing (Child) with Foundation Year
Let our expert lecturers, practice partners and users of services transform you into a competent and compassionate children's nurse.
Please note: This course is not currently open for applications. It may become available on A Level results day, 14 August 2025. Please check back then.
Digital Media Production with Foundation Year
Gain a degree in digital media production, with an initial foundation year to prepare for the course.
Computer Science with Foundation Year
Gain a degree in computer science, with an initial foundation year to prepare for the course.
Cyber Security with Foundation Year
Gain a degree in cyber security - with an initial foundation year to prepare for the course.
Midwifery with Foundation Year
Immerse yourself in contemporary midwifery practice and provide essential support during pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond.
Please note: This course is not currently open for applications. It may become available on A Level results day, 14 August 2025. Please check back then.
Nursing (Learning Disability) and Social Work with Foundation Year
Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre
Study for a higher degree by research in our well-respected Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre.
Real Estate
This fast-track course allows graduates with non-property-related degrees to obtain the skills they need to become chartered surveyors.
This course is currently undergoing a redesign, and we expect the course content and learning outcomes to change. Following any changes, updated course information will be published on this page.
Media and Communications
Investigate an approved research topic during a period of supervised study and make an original contribution to knowledge in Media, Communication or Film Studies.
Media and Communications
Investigate an approved research topic during a period of supervised study and make an original contribution to knowledge in Media, Communication or Film Studies.