Kesia Reeve

Dr Kesia Reeve BA, PhD

Principal Research Fellow


Dr Kesia Reeve has been a dedicated housing researcher for over 20 years. During this time she has delivered 50+ research projects funded by: government departments; national charities; local authorities; public sector health bodies; and housing associations. Kesia's research focuses on aspects of housing disadvantage, and marginalised populations who are susceptible to housing deprivation. She has a particular interest in exploring and exposing the gendered nature of housing disadvantage.


Kesia's research interests are broadly focused on population group and geographical housing disadvantage and inequalities. Much of her research activity has, therefore, focused on groups experiencing disadvantage in the housing market. She has a long history of researching the experiences and needs of marginalised groups including hidden homeless populations, rough sleepers, street sex workers, squatters and people with mental ill health. A key strand of Kesia's research and academic portfolio has focused on highlighting gendered aspects of disadvantage - based on projects about homeless women, mothers, and street sex workers amongst others.

She has been researching these issues for over 20 years, generating an extensive body of evidence for a wide range of audiences. Kesia has authored numerous policy orientated reports and articles in professional journals, as well as papers in peer-reviewed academic journals and edited books.

Research interests

Kesia's research interests are broadly focused on population group and geographical housing disadvantage and inequalities. More specifically, her interests include

  • women and housing
  • homelessness
  • the housing needs of marginalised groups and those with 'complex needs'


College of Social Sciences and Arts


2023 Evaluation of the Marylebone Centre’s Sanctuary Project, Church Army.

2022-2024 Understanding Tenancy sustainment in the Social Rented Sector, Nuffield Foundation.

2022-23 Families and Homes Change Project, Research in Practice.

2022 An evaluation of Your Homes Newcastle’s Support and Progression Service, Your Homes Newcastle.


Featured Projects

2019-2020 Motherhood and Homelessness - Intersectional challenges of Parenting, Health and Identity, SHU. Role: Project Director.

2021 Women who have experienced homelessness and violence, Centre for Homelessness Impact.

Collaborators and Sponsors

- Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government
- Government Equalities Office
- Centre for Homelessness Impact
- Crisis
- Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
- Welsh Government


Hickman, P., Kemp, P.A., Reeve, K., & Wilson, I. (2017). The impact of the direct payment of housing benefit: evidence from Great Britain. Housing Studies, 32 (8), 1105-1126.

Reeve, K. (2017). Welfare conditionality, benefit sanctions and homelessness in the UK : ending the 'something for nothing culture' or punishing the poor? Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 25 (1), 65-78.

Reeve, K. (2017). A Review of “Women rough sleepers in Europe: homelessness and victims of domestic abuse”, By Kate Moss and Paramjit Singh. International Journal of Housing Policy, 17 (1), 162-164.

Reeve, K. (2013). The morality of ‘the immoral’: the case of homeless, drug using, street prostitutes. Deviant Behavior, 34 (10), 824-840.

Reeve, K. (2009). The UK Squatters Movement 1968-1980, 1968-1980. .

Casey, R., Goudie, R., & Reeve, K. (2008). Homeless women in public spaces : strategies of resistance. Housing Studies, 23 (6), 899-916.

Reeve, K., & Robinson, D. (2007). Beyond the multi-ethnic metropolis: minority ethnic housing experiences in small town England. Housing studies, 22 (4), 547-571.

Harrison, M., & Reeve, K. (2002). Social welfare movements and collective action : lessons from two UK housing cases. Housing studies, 17 (5), 755-771.

Book chapters

Reeve, K. (2014). Criminalising the poor : squatting, homelessness and social welfare. In Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D., & Hickey, R. (Eds.) Moral rhetoric and the criminalisation of squatting : vulnerable demons. (pp. 133-154). Abingdon: Routledge

Reeve, K. (2012). Squatting. In International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. (pp. 23-27). Elsevier:

Reeve, K. (2011). Squatting: United Kingdom. In International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. (pp. 23-27).

Reeve, K. (2008). New immigration and neighborhood change. In Community cohesion in crisis?: new dimensions of diversity and difference. Policy Press

Reeve, K. (2005). Squatting since 1945: the enduring relevance of material need. In SOMERVILLE, P., & SPRINGINGS, N. (Eds.) Housing and social policy: contemporary themes and critical perspectives. (pp. 197-217). London: Routledge:


Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Final report. Sheffield Hallam University.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Key findings. Sheffield Hallam University.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Promoting tenancy sustainment in social housing: a guide for social landlords. Sheffield Hallam University.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Final report - additional information about the research methods used by the study team. Sheffield Hallam University.

Thomas, P., Hickman, P., & Reeve, K. (2024). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: tenant survey findings.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Bimpson, E., Lamb, M., Manzi, T., & Speake, B. (2023). Engaging with tenants to sustain their tenancies: insights from interviews with case study stakeholders. Nuffield Foundation.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Bimpson, E., Lamb, M., Manzi, T., & Speake, A. (2023). Engaging with tenants to sustain their tenancies: insights from interviews with case study stakeholders - Summary. Nuffield Foundation.

Bimpson, E., Reeve, K., Batty, E., Chambers, J., Goodchild, B., Mccarthy, L., ... Wilson, I. (2022). Local authority enforcement in the private rented sector: headline report.

Bimpson, E., Green, H., & Reeve, K. (2021). Women, homelessness and violence: what works? Centre for Homelessness Impact.

Reeve, K., & Bimpson, E. (2020). Forgotten mothers: the case for a policy focus on the experiences of motherhood and homelessness. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Mccarthy, L., Parr, S., Green, S., & Reeve, K. (2020). Understanding Models of Support for People Facing Multiple Disadvantage: A Literature Review. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Bimpson, E., Reeve, K., & Parr, S. (2020). Homeless mothers: Key research findings. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE).

Crisp, R., Ferrari, E., Gore, T., Green, S., Mccarthy, L., Rae, A., ... Stevens, M. (2018). Tackling transport-related barriers to employment in low-income neighbourhoods. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Reeve, K., Mccarthy, L., Pattison, B., Parr, S., Batty, E., Maye-Banbury, A., ... Dayson, C. (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Reeve, K., Mccarthy, L., Pattison, B., Parr, S., Batty, E., Maye-Banbury, A., ... Dayson, C. (2018). The mental health needs of Nottingham's homeless population: an exploratory research study - executive summary. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Cole, I., Pattison, B., & Reeve, K. (2017). The Voluntary Right to Buy pilot: Additional analysis of completions. Sheffield: National Housing Federation.

Pattison, B., & Reeve, K. (2017). Access to homes for under-35’s : The impact of welfare reform on private renting. Sheffield Hallam University for the Residential Landlords Association.

Cole, I., Green, S., Pattison, B., Reeve, K., & Wilson, I. (2017). Capping aspiration : the millennial housing challenge. Sheffield Hallam University for the Sovereign Housing Association.

Cole, I., Pattison, B., Reeve, K., & While, A. (2017). The Pilot Programme for the Voluntary Right to Buy for Housing Associations : an action-learning approach. Sheffield Hallam University for the National Housing Federation.

Reeve, K., Cole, I., Batty, E., Foden, M., Green, S., & Pattison, B. (2016). Home : no less will do - homeless people's access to the private rented sector. London, UK: Crisis.

Cole, I., Gilbertson, J., & Reeve, K. (2016). Evaluation of the prepaid card live test. Department for Work and Pensions.

Reeve, K., Cole, I., & Gilbertson, J. (2016). Research Summary - Evaluation of the prepaid card live test: Final report. Department for Work and Pensions.

Green, S., Pattison, B., Reeve, K., & Wilson, I. (2016). How affordable is affordable housing? Norwich, UK: Flagship Group.

Cole, I., Pattison, B., & Reeve, K. (2015). The withdrawal of support for housing costs under Universal Credit for young people : more pain for little gain? CRISIS.

Mccarthy, L., Batty, E., Beatty, C., Casey, R., Foden, M., & Reeve, K. (2015). Homeless people’s experiences of welfare conditionality andbenefit sanctions. London: Crisis.

Batty, E., Beatty, C., Casey, R., Foden, M., Mccarthy, L., & Reeve, K. (2015). Homeless people’s experiences of welfare conditionality and benefit sanctions: Executive Summary. Crisis.

Eadson, W., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2015). Houses into Homes: Final evaluation report. Welsh Government Social Research.

Beatty, C., Foden, M., Mccarthy, L., & Reeve, K. (2015). Benefit sanctions and homelessness: a scoping report. Crisis.

Green, S., Mccarthy, L., Reeve, K., Cole, I., & Batty, E. (2015). Evaluation of the sharing solutions programme. London: Crisis UK.

Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Sanderson, E. (2015). Direct payment of housing benefit: are social landlords ready? Sheffield: CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Kemp, P., Wilson, I., Green, S., & Dayson, C. (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 18 month stage reports. Department for Work and Pensions.

Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Hickman, P., & Dayson, C. (2014). Direct payment demonstration projects: Key findings of the 18th months' rent account analysis exercise. London: Department for Work and Pensions.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Kemp, P., Wilson, I., & Green, S. (2014). Direct payment demonstration projects: Key findings of the programme evaluation. Final report. London: Department for Work and Pensions.

Eadson, W., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2014). Houses into Homes - Third interim evaluation report. Welsh Government Social Research.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Green, S., Dayson, C., & Kemp, P. (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 12 month stage reports. Department for Work and Pensions.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., & Green, S. (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 12 months in extended learning report. Department for Work and Pensions.

Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Hickman, P., & Dayson, C. (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: Key findings of the 12-months’ Rent Account Analysis exercise. Department for Work and Pensions.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Green, S., & Kemp, P. (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: Rent underpayment. Department for Work and Pensions.

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Green, S., Dayson, C., & Kemp, P. (2014). DWP Research Summary - Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 12 month stage reports. Department for Work and Pensions.

Batty, E., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2014). Promoting mobility through mutual exchange: Learning lessons from the housing mobility demonstration projects. Department for Communities and Local Government.

Eadson, W., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2013). Houses into Homes: Second interim evaluation report. Welsh Government Social Research.

Hickman, P., & Reeve, K. (2013). Direct Payments Demonstration Projects: Learning the lessons, six months in - Research Summary. Department for Work and Pensions.

Eadson, W., Robinson, D., Reeve, K., Platts-Fowler, D., Green, S., Walshaw, A., ... Pearce, S. (2013). An Evaluation of Getting on Together: The Community Cohesion Strategy for Wales. Welsh Government.

Eadson, W., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2013). Houses into Homes: First interim evaluation report. Welsh Government Social Research.

Bennington, J., Parr, S., Powell, R., & Reeve, K. (2012). Scoping study on violence against women : report for the BIG Lottery Fund. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Reeve, K. (2011). Squatting: a homelessness issue: an evidence review. Crisis.

Reeve, K. (2011). The hidden truth about homelessness: experiences of single homelessness in England - report summary. Crisis.

Reeve, K., & Batty, E. (2011). The hidden truth about homelessness: experiences of single homelessness in England. Crisis.

Bashir, N., Crisp, R., Gore, T., Reeve, K., & Robinson, D. (2011). Families and Work: Revisiting Barriers to Employment. Department for Work and Pensions.

Robinson, D., Walshaw, A., Uwimana, M., Bahati, B., Reeve, K., & Bashir, N. (2010). Evaluation of the Trans-national Resettlement Project: UK and Ireland. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Reeve, K., Robinson, D., Bashir, N., & Eisenstein, E. (2010). The Voluntary Assisted Return and Reintegration Programme (VARRP) 2008: a process and impact assessment. Home Office.

Reeve, K., Batty, E., Casey, R., & Green, S. (2009). The 'homelessness journeys' of homeless people with complex needs in Stoke-on-Trent. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Reeve, K., Casey, R., & Batty, E. (2009). The housing needs and experiences of homeless people with a history of violent or offending behaviour in Stoke-on-Trent. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Reeve, K., Casey, R., Batty, E., & Green, S. (2009). The housing needs and experiences of homeless women involved in street sex work in Stoke-on-Trent. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Reeve, K., Green, S., Batty, E., & Casey, R. (2009). The Housing Needs and Experiences of Homeless Drug and Alcohol Users in Stoke-on-Trent. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Fletcher, D., Gore, T., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., Bashir, N., Goudie, R., & O'Toole, S. (2008). Social housing and worklessness: qualitative research findings. Department for Work and Pensions.

Fletcher, D., Gore, T., Reeve, K., & Robinson, D. (2008). Social housing and worklessness: Key policy messages. Department for Work and Pensions.

Robinson, D., Reeve, K., & Casey, R. (2007). The housing pathways of new immigrants. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Gryszel-Fieldsned, T., & Reeve, K. (2007). The Housing Pathways of Polish New Immigrants in Sheffield. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.

Reeve, K., Goudie, R., & Casey, R. (2007). Homeless women: homelessness careers, homelessness landscapes. Crisis.

Robinson, D., Reeve, K., Casey, R., & Goudie, R. (2007). Promoting equality and sustainability through housing market renewal: A strategy for Bridging NewcastleGateshead HousingMarket Renewal Pathfinder. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Robinson, D., Reeve, K., Casey, R., & Goudie, R. (2007). Minority ethnic residential experiences and requirements in the Bridging NewcastleGateshead area. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Reeve, K., Casey, R., & Goudie, R. (2006). Homeless women: still being failed yet striving to survive. Crisis.

Reeve, K., Casey, R., & Goudie, R. (2006). Homeless women: still being failed yet striving to survive - summary. Crisis.

Robinson, D., & Reeve, K. (2006). Neighbourhood experiences of new immigration: reflections from the evidence base. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Robinson, D., Reeve, K., Coward, S., Bennington, J., & Buckner, L. (2005). Minority ethnic housing experiences in North Lincolnshire. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.

Reeve, K., & Coward, S. (2004). Hidden Homelessness: Life on the Margins. Sheffield Hallam University.

Reeve, K., & Coward, S. (2004). Hidden homelessness: life on the margins - the experiences of homeless people living in squats. Crisis.

McCarthy, L., Parr, S., Green, S., & Reeve, K. (n.d.). Understanding Models of Support for People Facing Multiple Disadvantage: A Literature Review. Sheffield Hallam University.

Theses / Dissertations

Hamer, R.E. (2022). The Scylla state: an alternative understanding of survival sex work and addiction. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Fletcher, D., Reeve, K., & Ferrari, E.

Mccarthy, L.J. (2015). (Re)negotiating the self: homeless women's constructions of home, Homelessness and Identity. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Reeve, K., & Casey, R.

Stevens, M. (2015). Property, propriety and affect : a study of class (dis)entitlement in neighbourhood spaces. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Reeve, K., Nixon, J., Parr, S., & Powell, R.

Postgraduate supervision

Kesia supervises students in the areas of homelessness, and gender analysis


Dr Kesia Reeve has been undertaking research in housing for 20 years, during which time she has delivered and managed more than 30 research projects for a range of organisations including the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the Welsh Government, Crisis and various local authorities.

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