See an adviser

See an adviser

We recommend reading the advice on our website and using our digital tools to improve your confidence or review your skills/applications, before booking an appointment.

We offer appointments throughout the day, Monday - Friday, with our Employability Advisers. The quickest way to book an appointment is by contacting the Careers and Employability team via email or telephone. We'll be able to book you into the most appropriate appointment type.

Appointments are available face to face in our city or collegiate campuses, online, or over the phone.

Appointments for graduates

Specialist advice and support is available for graduates. Find out more, and book an appointment, click here. 

Careers and Employability Advice Appointments 

Employability Advisers can help you with:

  • Researching sectors, organisations, and career paths
  • Finding and applying for jobs and placements
  • Writing a CV, application form or personal statement
  • Using Handshake and LinkedIn to make contacts and build your network
  • Interview techniques and assessment centre preparation
  • Finding and applying for postgraduate study

Further Appointment Support

We offer a wide range of support to our students. In order to book an Extended, Guidance or Practice Interview appointment, you must contact the Careers and Employability Service directly and we will book this for you.

Guidance Appointments

If you are currently exploring your options, not sure what to do or where to start, guidance appointments with our Senior Employability Advisers are here to help. These in-depth appointments give you the opportunity to explore your career options, identify your strengths, work out what career might suit you, and help you to make decisions about your future.

Practice Interviews

We will recreate an interview experience where you will then receive detailed feedback, designed to improve your performance and confidence. If you have a specific interview coming up, please send us the job details, e.g. job description or link to a job advert, at least 48 hours in advance of your Practice Interview. This means we can tailor questions to give you the best, most relevant experience. Take a look at our Interview page to help you fully prepare for your practice interview.