Decolonising knowledge in higher education: Lessons from the colonial experience in Northern Nigeria

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This event was held in-person at Sheffield Hallam University and also on Zoom (the recording is now available).

13 December 2023

Decolonising knowledge in higher education: Lessons from the colonial experience in Northern Nigeria

Time: 3.30-5.00 pm
Speakers: Dr Femi Owolade, Sheffield Hallam University
Venue: Sheffield Hallam University, Cantor Building, Room 9135, City Campus / Zoom

Speaker slides

presentation cover

Femi Owolade

Decolonising knowledge in higher education: Lessons from the colonial experience in Northern Nigeria

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Dr Femi Owolade, Sheffield Hallam University


Prof. Robbie Aitken


Decolonisation in contemporary curriculum reform signifies a necessary shift towards dismantling Eurocentric perspectives, rectifying historical omissions, and fostering more culturally inclusive and socially just educational systems. By decolonising knowledge, educators and HEIs can empower students to critically engage with a wider spectrum of perspectives, fostering greater empathy, understanding, and a more comprehensive view of global issues. This presentation delves into the complex history of British colonisation of Islamic legal education in Northern Nigeria and subsequent efforts to decolonise this educational domain during the post-independence period.

My main argument is that contemporary research on decolonising the curriculum has often overlooked a crucial dimension: the methods employed during the colonial period to shape higher education and the subsequent endeavours of former colonies to reassert their intellectual autonomy. Using Northern Nigeria as a case study, the presentation aims to address this gap, providing practical insights into how Western university curricula can be decolonised. The presentation encourages scholars and researchers to recognise of the global relevance of decolonising higher education.


Femi Owolade is Research Associate in the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR), at Sheffield Hallam University. His research focused on equality and diversity interventions, specifically in the higher education sector. He is currently working across two workstreams of the National Civic Impact Accelerator (NCIA) project, analysing evidence of 'what works' in terms of civic impact, and observing and reflecting on an action learning process involving cohorts of university leaders. Femi’s broader research interests centre on decolonisation, marginalised people, and equity in education. His doctoral research, which he completed at King’s College London, focused on legal pluralism and British colonial rule in Northern Nigeria.

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Joining details

This event was held in-person at Sheffield Hallam University and also on Zoom (the recording is now available).