CRESR research projects

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CRESR research projects

You can search by theme and read about the latest research projects from the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. 

Showing 116 articles, in Inclusive economy

ESRC Collaborative Centre for Community Connectedness (C4)

Client: Economic and Social Research Council | Staff: Peter Wells, Ellie Munro, Chris Dayson, Ian Wilson, Andrea Wigfield. Ellie Lockley, Alessandro Di Nuovo, Jon Dean, Maddy Arden

Yorkshire Policy and Engagement Research Network

Client: Research England | Staff: Peter Wells, Jamie Redman, Elizabeth Sanderson and Rich Crisp

Changing places of work: a place-based approach for re-imagining work in fossil free industrial towns of the future

Client: Formas, Forte and the Swedish Research Council | Staff: Will Eadson, Bregje van Veelen, Stefan Backius

High Streets Research Network

Client: Sheffield Hallam University | Staff: Julian Dobson, Cristina Cerulli, Ben Archer


Client: The Humber Learning Consortium | Nadia Bashir, Elizabeth Sanderson and Ian Wilson

Review of Neighbourhood Regeneration

Client: Local Trust | Staff: Sarah Pearson, Richard Crisp, Ian Wilson, David Leather, Joe McMullan

The Geography of Economic Inactivity

Client: Sheffield Hallam University | Staff: Christina Beatty and Steve Fothergill

Evaluation of Your Work Your Way

Client: Child Poverty Action Group | Staff: CRESR: Sarah Pearson, Christina Beatty, Elizabeth Sanderson, Cathy Harris, Elaine Batty; University of Strathclyde: Colin Lindsay,

Understanding the SEED domains of wellbeing

Client: Carnegie UK | Staff: Richard Crisp, Julian Dobson, Rebecca Hamer, Jamie Redman, Sally Fowler-Davis, Ed Dallas, Agnes Szydlowska, Megan Davies

Humber Industrial Cluster Plan: Societal and cultural challenges study

Client: Humber and East Yorkshire LEP, Hull City Council, CATCH| Staff: Will Eadson and Phil Northall

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