LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning

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Get Started

Activate your account and discover courses and pathways to develop your academic and employability skills.

We are currently experiencing an issue with creating new user accounts on the LinkedIn Learning platform. Our team is actively working to resolve this matter. Please check back in the next few days to complete your sign-up.


Introduction to LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning (Previously is an online learning platform that offers high quality courses with content produced by industry experts so that you get the most out of your learning. 

Courses and learning pathways range from employability skils, specific technical skills and software, wellbeing and stress management techniques and a whole lot more.

Look at our 5 top tips for making the most of LinkedIn Learning here:

Logging into LinkedIn Learning 

To login to LinkedIn Learning after setting up your account please follow the link below: 

To log in, click the following link LinkedIn Learning 

Enter your University Username and Password. 

You will be asked if you would like to connect using your LinkedIn account (see more about LinkedIn). Select either Connect my LinkedIn account if you have one and want to OR select Continue without connecting my LinkedIn account. You must connect your account if you want to display certificates. 

If you have connected your LinkedIn and LinkedIn Learning accounts, you may also be prompted to log in using you personal LinkedIn username and password. 

You may also be asked to confirm your identity for the LinkedIn platform. 

You’re in! 

How to use LinkedIn Learning 

LinkedIn have produced a short PDF guide which demonstrates some of the key features you can use to make the most out of LinkedIn Learning. 

View the support guide here. 
(PDF, 4.2MB)
Here are some key features you should know about:

Certification of completion, accessible content, video content, available on all your devices, created by experts

LinkedIn Learning App

You can also download the LinkedIn Learning App on your Android or Apple devices.

Linkedin Learning Playstore

Connecting your LinkedIn account

When creating a LinkedIn Learning account you can optionally connect your LinkedIn profile, which adds the following features:

  • LinkedIn Learning suggests the most relevant courses for the skills known to be important to a given job function or role based on the data and insights of over 500 million members of
  • You can publish the completed course certificates that you have gained onto your personal LinkedIn account as evidence of your professional development.
  • You can rest assured that only your learning data will be shared with the university. No other data from your LinkedIn profile will be accessible or shared.

Set up a free LinkedIn account to get access to these features.

For more support with your LinkedIn profile you can book an appointment with Careers on UniHub.

Need help?

For technical support for LinkedIn Learning contact IT Help

For support in using LinkedIn Learning contact Library Help