Placement Providers

Placement Providers

Placement Providers

Below you will find links to a number of providers who we work with to offer practice placements. We use placements across the statutory and voluntary sectors for student placements. You are advised to contact your placement provider for further information when you are notified of your placement allocation if you do not see their name listed on this page or on the Placement Education Management System (PEMS).

Finding Placement Provider profiles on Placement Education Management System (PEMS)

Before contacting your placement, please view their profile which can be accessed via your login on PEMS.

Please refer to the Student Quick Guide to PEMS (PDF, 134KB) for information about how to use PEMS.

Providers - If you are using PEMS to share information about placement learning, please ensure that you have read and adhere to GDPR as set out in the PEMS Privacy Notice (PDF, 210.3KB).

Students - You are advised to contact your placement provider directly for further information when you are notified of your placement allocation, if you do not see their name listed on this page or on PEMS













Social Care Organisations


The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services represents all directors of social services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The association brings together expertise on all issues covering managerial policy and professional activities of social services departments.


The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) is the largest association representing social work and social workers in the UK. BASW campaigns on all social work issues and is recognised throughout the UK as the voice of social workers.


The UK Centre for Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE), founded in 1987, is an independent charity dedicated to the promotion and development of interprofessional education.


The Department of Health and Social Care - Providing health and social care policy, guidance and publications for NHS and social care professionals.


The Joint University Council Social Work Education Committee (JucSWEC). The Joint University Council (JUC) was founded in 1918 to promote the interests of the universities in the fields of Public Administration and Social Policy. Social Work Education was added to its remit in the 1970s. The Social Work Education Committee (SWEC) represents higher education and training institutions to government departments and other agencies, and the UK'S schools of social work on the international scene.


The Local Government Association is the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve local government.


The National Organisation for Practice Teaching has a membership of organisations and individuals committed to promoting quality practice learning opportunities in social work settings for learners across a continuum of training and education.


The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) was established by Government in 2001 to improve social care services for adults and children in the United Kingdom. SCIE gathers and publicises knowledge about how to make social care services better. The Workforce Development section includes Social Work Education. Social care online can be accessed via the site.

Skills for Care, is the employer led authority on the training standards and development needs of nearly one million social care staff in England. The site includes sections on CPD, National Occupational Standards, social work and practice learning.

Social Work England (SWE) is the specialist regulator for all child, family and adult social workers in England.  The SWE site provides information and guidance on standards of practice for Social Work in England, as well as for education and training and continuing professional development for the social work profession.