Assessment support 24/25

Assessment support 24/25

On this page

Student examination guidance Exceptional circumstances Retaking exams and assessments Supporting individual circumstances Module information and assessment support  Exceptional third attempts

Assessment support for the 24/25 Academic Year

This page outlines the assessment support available to you in 2024/25.

Student examination guidance

Please see our student examination guidance for information on exam scheduling (including when your exam timetable will be published), library support and academic integrity. You can also find a list of frequently asked questions to help prepare you for the exam.

Once your exam timetable is published on My Timetable this will show the location of your exam, if it is on campus, or state that it is a remote exam.

Exceptional circumstances


You can request a five working day extension to your submission deadline if something unexpected happens and you need some extra time. You are normally permitted extensions on a maximum of four assessment tasks in any one academic year. You do not need to provide any evidence of your circumstances and if you have not exceeded four extensions, the request will be granted automatically. You must submit your extension request within 24 hours of the submission deadline. See the guidance on how to submit a request.

Submitting exceptional circumstances requests

If you are experiencing difficulties that are having a significant impact on your ability to complete your assessments, you can submit an Exceptional Circumstances request (ECs). If your ECs are accepted, you will be given a new opportunity to submit your assessment or given a further attempt at the assessment if you submit and do not pass. 

You can submit ECs on ‘My Student Record’. This is a request to undertake your assessment later, usually during the reassessment period. Your Assessment Statement on My Student Record will be updated to tell you when your submission is due. Before you submit, we suggest you speak to your Student Support Adviser.

You must submit your ECs no later than five working days after your assessment submission deadline or date of exam. Your ECs must include evidence of the circumstances reported.

If you are struggling to obtain evidence, please speak to a student support adviser before submitting your ECs.

If you have submitted your ECs after five working days, you must provide information and evidence to explain why it was submitted late. You cannot submit ECs after your marks have been considered by an Assessment Board and your results have been published on My Student Record.

If you are a Level 6 or a Level 7 student and your ECs are accepted for your first attempt at an assessment task, but you pass the assessment, you can request to retake the assessment and attempt to improve your final degree classification.

If you would like to do this, you must request this within five working days of your result being published. You can find your confirmed results release date via My Student Record at the top of the My Results tab. To request to retake the assessment, please email Your request will be considered against the below criteria:

If you meet all the above criteria you will be given the opportunity to retake your assessment as a first attempt to try and improve your mark, if you do not improve your mark the initial mark will stand.

Retaking exams and assessments

If you are undertaking standard reassessment for the current academic year (and have not had a EC accepted) then your reassessment attempt will be capped at the minimum pass mark.

Supporting individual circumstances

If you have a disability, there is a range of disability and inclusivity support available to help you complete your assessments, this includes enhanced assessment support for students with learning contracts.

If you are a student with caring responsibilities please see our new policy for Assessment Support for Students Carers. This applies to all student carers who are registered as a student carer with the University Inclusive Support Team.

If you cannot get online from home, access specialist software, or other learning resources please contact Hallam Help.

Module information and assessment support

Please visit your module Blackboard sites for specific assessment information relevant to your module. Also, watch out for regular updates from your course team.

Our Adsetts and Collegiate library buildings are open all day, every day: 24 hours a day, seven days a week and you can book a learning space or PC.

Study spaces are available to book for individual quiet study using the resource booker.

Our Academic Skills Support offers support for you to complete your assessment, including 121 appointments and webinars.

Exceptional third attempts

In 2024/5, we are introducing new courses as part of our curriculum revalidation. We wrote to affected students to explain there are changes to how the courses are being redesigned and delivered from September 2024. In some cases, the curriculum changes affect how we would normally offer the retake of a module, as the modules may have changed significantly, or are no longer running in the same way. To make sure relevant students have the best opportunity to pass modules and progress or complete their degree before these changes take effect, we are offering an exceptional third attempt from August 2024.

If your course is eligible, and you do not pass all your modules by the end of the reassessment period, you may be eligible for an exceptional third attempt. This may allow you to complete the required modules and continue or finish your studies without needing to repeat the module next academic year.

If this applies to you, your module leader will contact you with more information following the reassessment boards and publication of your results.  

Hallam Help

If you need any help understanding this page, including navigating these processes or university systems please contact Hallam Help.