University scholarships

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University scholarships

Application deadlines for University PhD scholarships vary and will be specified on the scholarship advertScholarship opportunities will be advertised on our website.

Scholarships may be attached to projects defined by the supervisor (possibly with external collaborators) or available for you to develop your own idea within our research priorities.

We strongly recommend that in all cases you contact a prospective supervisor to discuss your research proposal before submitting your application form. Potential supervisors can be found through the staff lists on the department and research centre websites, or by contacting the relevant area for advice.

University scholarships

Unless specified otherwise, our University scholarships cover

  • tuition fees (at UK levels)
  • a maintenance stipend at the standard Sheffield Hallam PhD bursary rate (this is aligned with the net Real Living Wage and the rate for academic year 2022/23 is £18,178 per annum)

Scholarships are normally offered for three and a half years of full-time study or six years of part-time study (part-time paid at 50%).

We may also offer fees-only scholarships for part-time study, covering part-time tuition fees (at UK levels) only.

Some of our scholarships are Graduate Teaching Assistantships. These programmes are designed to develop the next generation of academics, providing structured opportunities for development and experience in learning, teaching and assessment. As part of their academic development, GTA scholarship holders will receive training in teaching and learning and will undertake up to 180 hours' teaching-related activity per academic year. This activity forms part of the scholarship holder's training and there is no additional payment for it.


General eligibility criteria for University scholarships are below, but these may differ for individual scholarships and you are advised to confirm the eligibility criteria for the specific scholarship you are applying for.

  • All applicants should hold a strong undergraduate degree (2.1 or above) and/or a relevant Masters qualification (or expectation of the same).
  • University scholarships in most disciplines are open to home and international applicants. However, scholarships pay fees at home levels only, and international students will be expected to provide the difference between the home and international fees from another funding source.
  • International students must provide evidence that they meet the minimum IELTS requirements appropriate for their field of study. These will be indicated in the individual scholarship opportunities.
  • Currently enrolled PhD students are not eligible to apply for a scholarship.

Conditions of Award for University PhD studentships June 2024 (DOCX, 64.4KB)
Overview of the Graduate Teaching Assistant scheme for applicants (PDF, 195.8KB)


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